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1,543 posts. Alias of Vuvu.

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Recruitment open. I will note that I do not have a starting time in mind per se. I am still pretty busy for the coming weeks, so if we start it will be a bit of a slow start. However, I thought I would let people start to ponder it.

The Game
This is a, more or less open world game. I am hoping to have a wide array of characters with different strengths and weaknesses. I will be using sections of AP's and modules to continue the adventure of this motly group of heroes that we will assemble, and will let the PC's determine exactly who they are. Perhaps they are adventurers who have come together to right a specific wrong, perhaps they are mercenaries hired for a job, whatever. It will be your choice.

No matter who you are you will be given a chance to shine, and you will be given situation for which you are woefully unprepared. Are you a human cavalier? Well you are going to dominate the skirmish on the planes, but you are going to be at a disadvantage down in the small dungeon filled with traps. However, the rogue will find themselves in the exact opposite situation. Everyone will eventually find themselves out of their element.

Build Rules
See houserules below for lots of info
Alignment: No evil, no a-holes. You will be expected to work as a team
Stats: Choose from the two arrays below and arrange them how you wish

13, 16, 11, 12, 17, 16

13, 14, 12, 14, 15, 14

HP: Max at level 1. Successive levels will be rolled with certain modifiers added or subtracted depending on what has happened.

Gold: 150 gold PLUS your choice of the following
A single item work up to 4500 gold. This represents your inheritance. You may do whatever you wish with it, so long as it is only a single item, and it comes from the books you are allowed to use. Note that upon your death you will be buried with all of your items that are not consumables. Period.

Traits: Two, but again must come from books you are allowed.

Expectations of posting: My schedule fluctuates between working 100 hour weeks and normal weeks. I will make a commitment to posting twice per week, but will strive to do more if things are cooking. I expect the same from others, and we will all understand that botting happens. If a bot needs to happen I, or another player will do something intelligent for you.


They don't hit touch, rather they will have an armor penetration up to the hardness of the bullet
Amount of shots that can be taken by a firearm will be limited. Despite what feats may allow.

Will also get some armor penetration ability based on the size of the crossbow

No archetypes
Upon leveling up if you want to take a level in a different class it will have to be justified by what has happened since your last level. IE. If you are a Barbarian, and you are almost killed, then perhaps you take a level in Oracle with your near death experience. Perhaps you literally meet your god, and become a cleric.

Feats/Spells Etc
Limited to what is in Core AND the book the class comes from.
ie. You are a wizard. All you can get is stuff in Core
Bloodrager? all you get is what is in core and what is in advanced Class guide

These will also be streamlined. Several skills will be combined into a single skill the combinations are as follows below.

Disable Device/Sleight of Hand

*A note on diplomacy and intimidate. There are times that I will simply say "No, you cannot intimidate this person into doing that. Period. I don't care that you rolled 10 Nat 20's in a row" The same applies to Diplomacy

Same as above as to availability
With the exception of something that is found, or your inheritance, there will NOT be stat boosting items readily available. You will not be able to buy these in cities. If you get one, it is because you found it somewhere. This goes for anything that boosts a save, or a mental or physical stat.

None, except if you encounter it in the game. IF you find a scroll of some spell not in your book, you can try to learn it.
That said you will be able to find things here and there as you may well face foes with things from other books and spells that are different than what you get.

I just cannot keep up with all the options out there. I want things to be paired down, and simple, for me. If you are the powergamer type, this probably is not for you. Min-maxing is fun, just not what I am looking for

Final thought
The last thing that I will say is that sometimes I roll on screen, sometimes I roll off screen using a dice app. In general this simply has to do with expediency and whether I am at a computer or on my phone.

There will be occasional maps, but I will only use them if we are in a combat so complicated we need to see the visual, otherwise we will not use it.


The placeholder

Just had a character die and am looking to replace him. Level 15 and I want to use a shotgun. We have access to pump action and double barreled shotgun. I really have very little idea how to make a shotgun user so please help. I'm obviously lookin at gun slinger but need advice on all the rest.



You have been down here for weeks? months? You have no idea anymore. Dozens of slaves have come and died, either punished until dead, or caught doing something wrong when the shipmaster or tunnel master were in a foul mood and fed to the beast in the killing pit.

You are broken. At least you were until you found the dwarf. He has died in a minor cave in, but on him you found map. It seemed to show the whole complex, and a way out! So far you had only been in the tunnels south of the map and out to the bridges mid left just past the killing pit.

Now you are broken, with a spark of hope. That is even worse than being broken you are coming to realize. Today you are working with a small crew the pcs there are 4 goblin task masters with you, when the glow begins.

It comes from across the bridges, it flashes pulses.

Bak to work! the goblins shout as you are supposed to be stacking ore in the corner.

please RP all you like, please refrain from trying to attack the guards or trying to escapeanything like that until everyone is all set, but you can talk with your co-slaves


Those selected can start discussing their bonds here. Ignore the usual bonds and select bonds from below. There should be enough to cover everyone

Bonds to offer more fight-y characters

_____ is like a sibling to me, loyal and strong
_____ is weak and in need of my protection
_____ was kind to me in my moment of deepest despair

Bonds to offer more sneak-y characters
I have learned to hate _____ in this hell hole
I've stolen a crust of bread and ball of string from _____
I owe my life to _____

Bonds to offer more esoteric characters
I have been counseling _____ about the true faith
I have seen visions of _____ bathed in the sun and breathing free air
_____ will make a capable and obedient assistant to me

Bonds to offer pit slaves

_____ took away my pick and made me dig with my hands
_____ ignored my piteous cries when the Task master beat me
_____ has been a friend to me and I will never forget it
_____ is my ticket out of here, I will stay close behind them

So I have come to realize that I had overloaded myself on PF PbP AP's. While I love them, there are just SOOO many details that have to be tracked and I found that all of the games were suffering because of it, so I have decided to let one of them go.

That said I am interested in starting a DungeonWorld game, which for those who know is much less crunchy, and much more RP. It is a decently fast system and I think I can keep it moving.

I plan to start with an introductory "Mod/Seed" called The Slave Pit of Drahzu. Then if folks are happy we can take those characters off into their own world and adventure.

What is DungeonWorld?:

This is completely stolen from DMMooshybooshy
This campaign will be run using Dungeon World rules. If you've never played Dungeon World, I strongly encourage you to check it out. I prefer it over Pathfinder (even though I love PF) because DW is far less crunchy and obsessed with minor details. I want theatrics, I want drama, I want adventure, I don't want to waste time calculating a bunch of obscure modifiers from different sources.

Here's the skinny on how Dungeon World works.

1) The wiki is here. The "Playing the Game" section is very useful to read for beginners.

2) Everything revolves around 2d6. To do anything that requires a roll, you choose which of your stats makes the most sense for what you're trying to do, add that modifier to 2d6, and away you go.

If you roll a 10+, you succeed! You successfully attack and deal your damage, or you avoid an enemy attack, or you trick someone, or you cast a spell - whatever!

If you roll 7-9, partial success. You achieved what you set out to do, mostly, but I as the DM can add a messy complication.

If you roll a 6 or below, you gain an XP, and you fail at what you were trying to do.

Critical successes or failures for rolling double 6s or snake-eyes is also a thing.

3) The DM doesn't roll anything. If I want to do something, I do it, and it's on the players to respond. That being said, it's the DM's role in Dungeon World to be a fan of the players, so it's my job to make the combat and story exciting for you all.

This is where we begin!

You have been enslaved by the evil lich Drazhu and his vicious minions, who have put them to work digging tunnels to expand Drazhu’s underground lair. An enterprising dwarf, now dead, managed to make a detailed sketch of the complex. This is both awesome and crappy. You know exactly where everything is, you know how to get out...in theory. Now you are not only a slave but you are a slave cursed with that terrible thing called hope. In short, life sucks, bad.

Character Creation:

Follow the rules on the SRD. I will only take one of each class. However instead of the bonds listed you will be given new ones later on.

Note that you will start with no gear, but you can select what you had when you were made a slave, maybe it will be somewhere you can find it...maybe not.

For now you can select one of the following

☐ A big stick with some bloody hair stuck to it (yours)
☐ A coil of fraying rope and a chunk of chalk
☐ Some kind of vermin that has befriended you (name it)
☐ A broken holy symbol and a toothache
☐ A dented flute and a bag of human excrement
☐ Some cave mushrooms and a pointy stick

However you will need to answer two of the questions from each of the lists below, your choice as to which two from each list.

List 1
• Until recently you worked for Drazhu, what was your job and why did you end up here?
• What terrible crime did Drazhu commit that made you swear to destroy him?
• What secret were you caught trying to steal from Drazhu, and why did he spare your life?
• Who is Drazhu to you and how will you save him from himself?

List 2
• What permanent mark has the Shipmaster left upon your pale skin?
• What shameful promise have you made with the Tunnel- Keep?
• Why are you unafraid of what lurks in the killing pit?
• What secret do you know about the Whipmaster's private chamber?


I will try to do a post every single day. When we are in combat everyone will have a chance to post, then I will do a long post to explain what happened. Out of combat I will try to respond more often. I expect folks to work together, and help each other with a different system. I expect RP between players, and all in all people to not get bogged down in the details. Remember you are actually creating the world!

I will take up to 8, knowing that some will fade away due to RL or not feeling the system, or my style or whatever! The opening act is not that long, so once it is done we can decide if we want to continue or not.

Which is a better level 3 exploit?

Also can a weasel us wands?

Grand Lodge

I don't usually ask for straight up builds, but I need a tough, smash crap in the face Grippli Barbarian ASAP. The alternative is a Grippli paladin, who also would be focused on smashing in the face.

This is in response to something that happened in a game session and now I need to bring the character to life

Level 8
25 pt stat build
Call it 20,000 ish wealth (+ or minus 2,000 is fine)

I would love a stat block on this. HELP! Thanks all.

So for years now every time I have found myself needing a character for a random npc that shows up unexpectedly he has always wound up named Fritz. And every time an npc expects someone it is always Fritz that they think the PC is at first. So I have decided I finally want to build Fritz.

Here is what we know about Fritz.

He has that Everyman look about him, always being confused as someone
He always owes someone money
He is a survivor and resourceful- after all he has been sighted all over Golarion in all manner of situations
He is worldly-see above
He is at least level 4, maybe higher, after all you don't survive for years in Golarion in the most dangerous places as a commoner
He enjoys gambling and bars
He is a human, or at least appears human

I figure build w a 20 or buy level 4 would work

But I really have no idea what class or classes he is, he'll maybe he is a prestige class...

Also no need to min max this guy


This is where we discuss stuff


Korvosa, the Jewel of Varisia, has long sparkled on Varisia’s southern shore. Established 300 years ago by Cheliax at the height of that empire’s expansion, the city now commands its own destiny. A line of Korvosan kings and queens emerged to rule the city, establishing an infamous seat power—the Crimson Throne. Rulers have sat upon the Crimson Throne for more than a century, and the city has flourished. Yet the monarchy always seems on the brink of disaster. The Crimson Throne is not a prize to be won—it is a curse. No monarch of Korvosa has died of old age, and none have produced an heir while ruling. Even though King Eodred II controls Korvosa more fully than any previous monarch, that control remains tenuous, and many secretly count the days until their latest king falls to what they call the Curse of the Crimson Throne.

Kings and Queens and thrones are all well and good, but you, you have nothing to do with that. You have lived in Korvosa your whole life, or perhaps you have recently arrived as part of a caravan. Whatever your history you have been in town long enough to get yourself mixed up with the notorious criminal Gaedran Lamm. He has wronged you in some terrible way, and you dream of revenge.

It was a rough night, you were in a pub, or on the street or perhaps in a shop. Wherever you wake up, you have a moment of peace as you look around and have a few moments to see an incredible sunrise over the, mercifully silent city. It is at that moment that you notice the Harrow card...where on earth did that come from?


This will be the discussion thread.

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So I have had several games slow down and other died out and I think I have the bandwidth for a moderately paced game. I have a RotRL that has been going for a few years and is in book 3 and a CoT that is close to done with book 2. I have always liked the Curse AP and will run it. All the info you need is below. In general if you are a min-maxer, or a rules lawyer this will not be the game for you. If you are like to argue this is not the game for you.

Want to have some fun, RP amongst your party and be creative then this might be the game for you.

recruitment will be open until I have enough players. I will give an announcement when we are within 48 hours of closing recruitment.

Curse of the Crimson Throne

Korvosa, the Jewel of Varisia, has long sparkled on Varisia’s southern shore. Established 300 years ago by Cheliax at the height of that empire’s expansion, the city now commands its own destiny. A line of Korvosan kings and queens emerged to rule the city, establishing an infamous seat power—the Crimson Throne. Rulers have sat upon the Crimson Throne for more than a century, and the city has flourished. Yet the monarchy always seems on the brink of disaster. The Crimson Throne is not a prize to be won—it is a curse. No monarch of Korvosa has died of old age, and none have produced an heir while ruling. Even though King Eodred II controls Korvosa more fully than any previous monarch, that control remains tenuous, and many secretly count the days until their latest king falls to what they call the Curse of the Crimson Throne.

Kings and Queens and thrones are all well and good, but you, you have nothing to do with that. You have lived in Korvosa your whole life, or perhaps you have recently arrived as part of a caravan. Whatever your history you have been in town long enough to get yourself mixed up with the notorious criminal Gaedran Lamm. He has wronged you in some terrible way, and you dream of revenge.

The build rules

*20 points
*Level 2
*3 traits-1 must be a campaign trait
*Starting Wealth: NONE I will assign gear once characters are chosen
*Classes: Whatever you would like, Paizo only. I reserve the right to veto whenever based on balance.
*Races: Human, Elf, Gnome, Halfling, Dwarf, Orc (yes Orc, not half orc and no half elves.)

House Rules

*This will be an E6 game-In a nutshell you stop advancing levels after level 6. After that you gain a new feat every 8,000 xp. . Feats with level restrictions will be handled on a case by case basis.
*Teamwork feats: I will allow you to select 2 for one
*Magic Items: We all know that stat boosters are the most important items, so I will allow you to add the boosts to other items for no additional cost. (ie if you want a Cloak of the Mountebank that is also a +2 Cloak of Resistance? No problem! Just pay the cost of both.
*Guns and Cossbows: Only the simplest of guns will exist. Guns will attack touch PLUS ¼ of the armor bonus of the target. Guns will only only be allowed to fire up to 3 times per round. Period. Crossbows will ignore 2 Armor AC in the first range increment.
*Some encounters will use google maps, and others will just be done with description based on what I think is needed.

*I expect players to post within a 12 hours of major gameplay posts, but in combat if the party seems to be waiting for you I will bot you.
* I am in California so keep that in mind


*Looking for 4-6 players
*Submit a character background, and crunch.
*Each character must lay claim to one of the magic weapons listed below, and work it into your backstory. This item will advance as you do, free of charge
*Post what time zone you are in.

The Magic Weapons

Sword of Inner Fire

This +1 Longsword has for centuries made its way into the hands of brave warriors, determined to destroy evil. The blade is reputed to have the ability to burst into flames and seek out the most hidden of foes.

Spear of Speed
This +1 shortspear was a legendary relic amongst a now slaughtered tribe. They were known to be amongst the most mobile of all warriors, hitting a running amongst the trees. The champion who wielded this spear was known to have it return to his hands, and could attack with unparalled speed.

Pistol of Great Fortune
Stolen from a great pirate this +1 pistol was known to fire great distances, rarely jam. This pistol went down with its owner in a terrible storm, and has not been seen in decades.

Crossbow of Sniping

For years this +1 Heavy Crossbow was used by the captain of the guard of a now lost city. He alone stood on the walls as it was overwhelemed by hordes of demons and their orcish allies. It is reputed to have, in turn, been particularly effective against hidden foes, and legend has it its bolts would explode in great blasts of electricity.

Greatclub of Rage

This +1 Greaclub was wielded by a wild warrior of legend. He was known to charge in battle roaring, and in the later part of his life it was known to flash with green light as it struck its foes.

Dagger of Secrets

Held by a thieves guild for untold years, it remained there until it was stolen, of course. Wounds from it are reputed to be very hard to close, and it always seems to find its way back to the wielders hand.

Hammer of Crushing Defense

For years this +1 Warhammer has been passed down amongst the holy warriors out of the west. Lost when they traveled north to Mendev to fight in the last crusade it was reputed to alternatively strike with incredible power or strengthen the bearers armor.

So I really like the flavor of the burning hands spell, what is the best way to make it useful for as many levels as possible. Obviously Maximize and empower and enlarge spell.

What else?

So I am interested in making a character that wades into melee and attacks with touch attack spells.

How to make him survivable and effective. I would love basic build advice on class and feats...say level 5

Please help!

Running WotW book two and I want to toss a couple adventuring parties at the evil doers' dungeon, in addition to the ones in the book. So I am looking for some good characters dead set on stopping the PC's from carrying out their evil plot.

The heroes will have to work through a dungeon created by the PC's.

So I am looking for your most min maxed characters for this. Level 8 PC Wealth, 25 point buys.



You both thought that you would never get all the san out of your boots. Why you didnt take a moment to borrow some camels on your way out of Wati you will never know. It was easier than you thought to get past all the undead and now you find yourselves in the Grumpy Camel tavern, with rooms bought and paid for and a meeting on the morrow with some local Pathfinders, courtesy of Rameth's old connections.


we do it here!

Not even really recruitment just a space for us to discuss


Everyone left their meeting with the fat gnome with a different feeling, but you have all made your way to Absalom and to the Pathfinder Lodge for different reasons, and in different ways. You present your letter and are granted admission right away and led to a large sitting room, with a large buffet set across from a fully stocked bar. Everyone is told to mingle and enjoy the libations until the Venture Captain arrives, though he rolls his eyes a little when he says that title.


Welcome! I am excited about this game, in general the feel should be like a comic book, or an 80's action movie. Lots of one liners-I might even give bonuses for good one liners-intraparty banter etc.

Above all this game should be silly and fun. It is not slapstick, that is further than I am looking to go, after all you are doing something important. But the characters are strange by nature of the build rules and we will play with that.

Everyone check out the campaign info, if you haven't already, and let me add one more thing here. THERE WILL BE ABSOLUTELY NO PVP I will rule this to the point that if you are to use a fireball and it would hit a party member as well and it would put them below 75% health it will simply not work and you will lose your action, and spell slot.

We will not be getting deep into the combat and all for at least a few posts so if you want to work together and alter your builds a bit-whether that be skills or classes or gear please do so.

You have done many things in your life. Seen many strange things, been the cause of stranger. But nothing compared to the day a fat gnome with a fatter raccoon appeared in your room in the inn, with a pie and one hand and a scroll in the other. It was hard to figure out what he wanted between his chittering with the raccoon, giving you a "Greeting of the Fuzz", whatever that is. But at long last you gleaned that he was from the Pathfinder Society, wanting to hire you to figure out what happened to a team of theirs. Last you heard was they had discovered something called the Scroll of Kakishon.

You are not sure what promise got you to sign on, the money, the fame, the knowledge, more pie from the strange gnome-it was delicious-or just pure boredom. But now you find yourself in Absalom in a room of other "recruits" waiting to see who you will be paired with and where you will be sent off to...

So I have a hankering to run another game, and as my wont it is a strange one.

Build Rules

Level 9 Characters
----Must have 3 levels in 3 different classes

----All 14's, pre racial mods and pre level bonuses

----3 of your choice

Level 9 Wealth
----If you have a crafting feat it better make sense, and your WBL from levels prior cannot be spent on crafted gear (this will make sense later)
----Note that resistance Cloaks, and stat belts do not exist. For the same price you can assume that you had yourself physcallly altered. This means you spend the same money and gain an enhancement bonus or resistance bonus BUT your cloak and belt or headband slot remains open for the fun toys that no one ever buys.

Alignment: Any
-----Note that I am usually VERY averse to evil characters, and probably will not accept
them, but I am not ruling it out.
----This should tell how your character got to level 9, and explain your three classes. For example you want a Rogue/Magus (Black Blade)/Cleric? He is a thief that stole the blade from somewhere bad ass the. Later in his career was saved by divine intervention of some god. You want him to be able to craft? Well explain how the Magus was taught by his sword the nuances of making wondrous items. In that case your wealth from level 5-9 could benefit from the ability to craft

Who I am looking for
---- Players that will be fun. Want to make a Kobold Paladin? Awesome, a goblin with a heart of gold? Great! A serial killer who wants to make suits out of the scalps of his enemies? Probably not going to take you. I will be looking for the party to do role-play amongst themselves.

Posting rate
----I want this game to be fast, I already run a slow Council of Thieves and a slow Runelords. I want this game to cook, 2-3 posts a day.

----Will close when I see a good group. I have one player already and will be taking 3 more.

----I do tend to allow the rule of cool, though I am the arbiter on that. There will be house rules but that will be explained to those that get in, nothing that will be surprising based on this particular game. I also will not tolerate arguing with myself or each other, that is a good way to get the boot. Of course if you are racist, sexist or just a plain tosser then don't apply.

What would it be? Starting w max wealth and a 25 pt buy, 2 traits.

not asking for builds but that helps set the standard for what is possible

The main thing to keep in mind is that RA is unforgiving. Every level has encounters that will slaughter you. There is nothing fair about it.

So obviously you want a bard to ID critters

Other thing to remember is that RA is made for a party of 6

Thoughts? I'd say everything paizo is fair game.

My thoughts.

Must haves
Paladin (lots of evil. Smite it!)
Bard (gotta if stuff and the buffs are great)
Cleric (channel, good spell progression)

Now that leaves three slots open.

Need to disable traps.
Need some magical blasting
Probably want something to do some serious damage:but what barbarian? Inquisitor? Archer? Another paladin? With a 25 pt buy maybe a monk?
Maybe a summoner? (Summons could be useful underground.)

Things that seem like a terrible idea

Gunslinger (yea lets shoot a gun in a massive dungeon and let everything know we are there, in every single fight)

What do you think?

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So I have DM credit to give me a level 5 PFS character, and I love the idea of the hand crossbow. What is the best way to make it the most effective (knowing that by nature crossbow and especially hand crossbow it is not effective)

Obviously I need Precise, PB, Rapid Reload

Best way to go about it? Fighter? Ranger? Bolt Ace? Rogue or ninja?

PFS, a level 9 rogue (Scout/Swashbuckler)

He has

Mithril Shirt +2
Dex/Con Belt
Feather Step slippers
Ring of Prot +1
Cloak of Res +1
Amulet of NA +1
Agile Rapier
Menacing Dagger

Currently he has just about 12k gold and 48 Fame

I would love any thoughts!


Many weeks later, after the horrors of the Moonscar, VC Vuvu Zuella calls everyone together.

Fellow Venture Captains, I have been away for quite some time, while you were relaxing the Decemverite sent me to meet with Queen Elvanna of Irrisen. As you know...well maybe not...as you do not know she is nearing the end of her Reign and really wants to extend it. She thinks by obtaining the Torc of Koscthkie she can do this. The Decemverite is convinced that she will most likely succeed and this offers us a chance to study it before turning it over, and, of course earning her gratitude. So they have asked me to negotiate with her and me, being me, I have succeeded. We are sending you out to the Veil of Tears to recover the Torc. Now, to be sure, there are other players in this game. This is going to be messy. I would like nothing more than to join you, but sadly I cannot. I am being sent into Opparra on a separate mission...one that requires my more than stellar looks and tongue. But I am sure you will be fine. Questions?


hey guys


first GP post coming soon. Go ahead and Dot


here it is!


You have found yourself in Kenabres to celebrate Armasse. As you wander the city you approve of all the always armed and ready citizens. Just ahead is the city square where the celebrations will begin.

Just make your approach


OOC talk

I was thinking maybe the emerald spire,. But not married to that at all. I am open to any AP as well as I have most of them. Honestly an existing one is probably more attractive to me but I am open.

I would be looking for someone who can post A LOT and probably should be in close to the same time zone.

Build rules

30 pt build
Paizo only
Mythic Tier 1
Max hp per level
Bonus feats at levels 1,4, 8, 12, 16, 20

Post if you would be interested and WHAT you would want to play. I am open to all of it

and yes the desire for this is stolen from some other recruitment a on the boards right now!

We have a fantastic group of active players, but our GM has vanished. Is anyone intereted in joining us?

Here is the link to the Campaign. Feel free to ask any questions!

Sovereign Court

So I have an online group currently doing Moonscar, almost finished. We would love to add another player or two, especially someone who can do some healing, and deal with drain etc.

Keep in mind you must actually have a PFS character that has gotten to level 16-18 to play.


We are probably a couple weeks from starting, but since there are not many who can play I figured i would start recruiting now.

For a halfling undead bloodrager for PFS. level 1 feat was power attack, and he is an undead bloodline scythe wielder.

My initial thought is to take raging vitality...but maybe i can wait till 5

Gets to start at level 2 and has a platypus familiar

Any ideas on how to make him effective? I have never made a wizard before and I know that water is not the best route to go with wizard but I wanted to give it a whirl.

I would appreciate any advice thank you so much


I won't be posting much until my computer issues are solved but you can post you have all been contacted and invited to a meeting at a tavern during the daylight. Each of you can please post how this meeting occurred and what your reason for attending. Your contact will not be there when you arrive just the other pcs and a bartender. Each of you was offered a chance to restore westcrown to its former glory



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Lately I have been really interested in low powered low magic games. Magic items are rare and cannot be bought all over the place.

Is anyone interested in playing either of the two AP's above with the following build rules

Stats 16, 14, 13, 12, 10, 10
Traits 3+1 campaign
Classes (this is where we get crazy) NPC classes. To offset the power difference characters get to start at level 2
Gear: 500 gp
Races: all common races. Ask about others, but things that are unusual will be vetoed
Hp: max at first half+1 thereafter
Alignment: no evil
Posting: 1 per day (note I am on PST)

Now looking at these restrictions I know that players are underpowered. To compensate I will adjust monsters as needed. For example DR will be lowered to make fighting things possible. There will also be teamwork feats granted to the party as we go through. This is not for everyone and might not be for anyone, but that is what I wish to discover.

So I have a character that I can rebuild one last time before I play him as a level 2.

So far I have tried a couple characters, a Whip wielding Street Magician, and a Sword an Board Fighter and a Dumb as a post Disarming fighter

I am looking for something that is just oodles of fun, min-maxing is not needed.

I had in my head maybe trying to do some kind of gnomish First Worlder (summoner) if someone has an idea how to make that not totally blow

Anyhow thoughts?


I played a lot of games when I first started at a store that never reported them, since a new VL has taken over and they have been reported for a long time now. However I would like to officially get credit for all those games that were not reported. Is there any way to do this? Mainly I would like to get credit for the games that I ran.




thoughts on other applicants allowed


Just thread creation please do not post here yet

So my Second Darkness Campaign just ended with a wipe, and since there was not really a good way to bring new characters in, and the modding of it was getting me down I am opening up a Jade regent recruitment.

Going for 4 players (though there is a player from the other game that is still learning the rules and if he joins he will be the 5th)

15 pt buy 2 traits +1 campaign

Here is the twist if you want to start as a Prestige Class at level one you may and all pre-reqs are waved. This offer is only good at level 1. In other words you can't go into a prestige class at level two unless you meet the pre-reqs.

Average Wealth+1 Item worth up to 500 gp. No you may not sell it for the gold. No you may not have two items that add up to 500. This item will increase in power as you level up so choose something that will be useful.

No evil

No PvP

I expect 2 posts per day, I know that this sometimes does not happen but I would like that to be the average. I have no problem with botting players, and if you have to be absent as long as you let the group know that you are going to be busy it is no problem. I will only put up with
random disappearances a few times before I boot the player, it is just rude to the group. I am in PST and always check in the morning and at night and depending on my work that day many many times during the day

I value players that will connect with each other and I despise min maxing. The AP is built for a 15 pt buy so it should be a challenge but with flavorful but well built characters. In other words if you are dumping your stats then you need to justify it.

If you want to do something that does not have a specific rule tell me what you want to do and I will tell you what dice to roll.
I do group initiative. So I roll the initiative and average it for each group then that group goes then the other.
Obviously the opportunity to enter a prestige class sans pre-req
Finally I do a fair amount of phone posting and when I do I often use a dice rolling app on my phone, so sometimes there will be rolling done off screen.

I will keep recruitment open until I see folks that I would like to have play, but I will be sure to give a 24-48 hour warning

Finally in your submission please list if you have a PFS number (I don't need the number just if you have one. I intend to allow PFS players to get credit)

Anyone have one or know where to find one?


to have a good supply, assuming that you were able to craft them (i.e.) 1/3 cost

You have 1200 gp to spend

What do you think?

If, say an oracle has this feat and wants to use it on a cure spell does he have to roll a ranges touch to use it on his allies?

Obviously if he was trying to attack undead he would.


Discussion up