MiniGM |

Everyone left their meeting with the fat gnome with a different feeling, but you have all made your way to Absalom and to the Pathfinder Lodge for different reasons, and in different ways. You present your letter and are granted admission right away and led to a large sitting room, with a large buffet set across from a fully stocked bar. Everyone is told to mingle and enjoy the libations until the Venture Captain arrives, though he rolls his eyes a little when he says that title.

Seif-al-Din ibn-Subhi |

A tall humanoid with bronzed skin, a close-cropped goatee, and clad in a suit of majestic-looking full plate crafted from red dragon hide, strides into the room.
Hmmm. It would appear that I am the first to arrive.
Moving over to the bar, he accepts a glass of saffron-infused wine, and calmly waits for others to make an appearance.

Arthur Osorkon |

The man ducks under the doorway, rising to his full height of six and a half feet tall. He has a powerful build and a handsome face with a strong jaw. His hair is thin and blonde, cut short and falling no farther than the base of his neck. He has a wicked scar curving up the right side of his face and disappearing into his hair. The only thing that betrays his true lineage are his blood red eyes. He wears full plate of a crimson red color with gold decorations and a gold cape. A bastard sword of immense proportions rests over his shoulder.
"Thanks." He gives the doorman a pat on the shoulder, glancing around the room. Early, second to arrive. That's a first for me. He piles some meat and bread onto a plate, topping it off with a a cup of mead, then sits by the bronzed human. "Nice to meet you." He sets his plate down and offers a hand. "I like your armor, where'd you get it?"

Seif-al-Din ibn-Subhi |

Seif-al-Din nods to the new arrival.
"Pleased to meet you. I am Seif-al-Din ibn-Subhi."
He then self-consciously brushes some imaginary dust from his armor.
"This? It was a gift from the Pactmasters for 'services rendered'; I used to be somewhat notorious amongst the bandits of western Katapesh - these days, the mere sight of my armor is enough to make most groups think twice before attacking a caravan (and I sometimes wonder whether this was part of the Pactmasters purpose in giving me such grandiose armor)... By the by, to whom am I speaking?"

Arthur Osorkon |

Arthur blinks twice at the name. "Mind if I call you Seif?" He laughs, taking a bite out the meat on his plate voraciously. He gives another laugh at the end of the story. "I think that dragon got out just by his skin!" He shakes his head. "Where are my manners? Arthur Osorkon, Paladin and Sentinel of Ragathiel." Anybody with basic knowledge of the gods would know his crimson red and golden armor are the colors of the General of Vengeance.

Seif-al-Din ibn-Subhi |

A look of faint amusement crosses Seif-al-Din's features.
"Only if I can call you Art."
Actually, as an Empyreal Lord, Ragathiel is by definition not a widely known deity...
Knowledge(Religion): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23.
...but apparently, Seif-al-Din has heard of him, anyway ;-)
"Ragathiel? Ah, yes, I have heard of him... not a particularly widely-known Power, but certainly an important one in his own way. As for myself, I follow the family tradition, which is to venerate Abadar, helping to make sure trade routes stay open, and ensuring that markets function efficiently. The production and distribution of goods is a holy task - 'buy low, and sell high' is practically canon."

Zephyr Jeggare |
Though Zephyr wasn't a woman known for feasting she admires the art in the food too much too let it go unappreciated and nibbles at this and that, only to giggle from the bubbles in the champagne. 'The Pathfinder Society certainly does take good care of its members' she muses as she mingles and snacks. Her travels eventually bring her to the pair of armed, armored and obviously worldly men.
"Well met", she offers in greeting to Seif-al-Din and Arthur along with a brief curtsy - a small gesture that betrayed her noble roots. "Zephyr Jaggere. I trust you're also here at the Society's request?"
Zephyr is a beautiful Chelaxian woman of middling height. She has flawless pale skin and shoulder length raven-black hair. She wears simple but elegant jewelry on her fingers and in her ears and dresses in light airy robes with Desna's butterfly, a symbol of her faith, embossed across the breast. She appears to carry very little save the hilt of a small dagger hanging from her hip. A tiny creature, roughly the size of a small house cat, shaped like a kind of wingless two-limbed dragon lays coiled across the woman's shoulders as if it were some kind of scaled sinuous scarf. It looks up from its lazing to glance at the duo and flicks its forked tongue.

Arthur Osorkon |

"If it saves me from pronouncing that whole thing, by all means." He raises a glass to simplicity, but scowls at the mention of Abadar. Keep it to yourself, no need to start anything.
Luckily the attention is drawn to the beautiful woman in the room. He gives a charming smile. "Well met indeed Zephyr. Yeah, some fat gnome asked that I come. The pie was too good to resist." He says with a grin.

Zephyr Jeggare |
She pauses and presses a delicate finger to her lips as she recollects. "The pie was rather good", Zephyr responds with a lyrical laugh.
"Are you aware if the Venture Captain will be arriving soon? It's been years since I visited Absalom and there's so many places I've been dying to see again. Despite some of its unsavory parts the city really is a marvel. I've heard someone's planning to attempt the Test of the Starstone today. Isn't that exciting? I'd hoped to catch him before and offer the Starsong's blessings."

Seif-al-Din ibn-Subhi |

"Sorry, I don't know when the Venture Captain is due to arrive... or even how many of us there are meant to be."
He then shrugs.
"I am afraid that this is the first time I have been to the Isle of Kortos, so I am fairly unfamiliar with this city... Did you grow up here, or have simply spent a lot of time here?"

Kixzik |

After the others start to mingle, Kixzik arrives dragging a rather bemused looking carriage driver with him to carry a large easel and scroll tube.
The others in the room are startled at Kixzik's appearance. A few inches over three feet tall, Kixzik is a goblin with snow-white colored skin that somehow doesn't look pale and the typical red eyes of his race. He appears to be jotting something in a notebook with a charcoal pencil while talking to himself.
While most goblins are dressed in cast-off clothing and bone jewelry Kixzik is wearing a brown frock coat with white facings, patterned after the coats of the Eagle Knights of Andoran, over a leather vest festooned with vials, ingredient pouches and a few odd looking metal knifes and forks. All of this is topped off with a powdered wig, complete with pony tail with black ribbon, that is too small for his head.
Kixzik looks up and is startled to see people in the room already.
The venture capitalists! And that one's wearing armor made from dragonskin, so they must have money for my scheme!
My deepest apologies for being late! I'll just set up my presentation and we can begin.
He gestures at the end of the room and the driver sets up the easel as the small goblin directs. The goblin tips the driver and busys himself pulling a four-foot pointer from his backpack.

MiniGM |

As everyone is waiting a few men and women pop in, they are obviously Pathfinders, of varying import. The ones that are rookies pop in to see what is happening, and quickly duck out when they see people waiting. Some of the more senior members comes in snag some of the food waiting and snatches of conversation can be heard.
...odd group of rooks...
Glockenfleffor is back and up to something... lots of laughter follows this one.
Careful don't want to insult him. Remember what happened to Fritz?
None of them seem to notice the goblin in the corner

Churley |

Last, but not least, a figure of middling height in spotless, shining mithral full plate comes in. He pulls off his helmet revealing the tattooed face of a Shoanti tribesman.
"Sorry I late. This village too big. Huts go too high. Confuse Churley. Many things to see, not seen before. I have letter. " and he offers the letter to Arthur since he had no real idea about the Pathfinder society or who is likely to be in charge.
"Little one say you need scout. Churley greatest scout. "

Kixzik |

Kixzik has had enough time and begins his presentation to the assembled adventurers - who he believes to be investors.
Lady and gentlemen, I appreciate you coming to this presentation and promise it will be worth your while.
He uses the pointer to demonstrate a large picture on the easel that appears to be a somewhat random collection of lines. You can see two bold lines moving vertically and and another horizontally with legends on them.
Now, as I was proposing in the meeting with, I assume, your secretary earlier I have come up with a way to remove the scourge of the drug pesh from the face of Golarian. As you can see on this graph, which is a term I've invented to denote a pictorial representation of mathematical data, 94% of all pesh is produced in three provinces in Katapesh from land exclusively devoted to the cultivation of the pesh cactus.
He flips a chart over.
As you can see here, the startling fact is that of this land, almost all of it is held by small landowners to avoid onerous taxation by the government on the part of the pesh syndicates. For a mere fourteen million gold pieces, standard weight, I could purchase this land and turn production over to a new libation I've created through advanced alchemical processes that produces a effect on humanoids no more potent than a standard alcoholic mixture such as is served on this fine buffet.
He flips another page to a new chart.
As you see on this third chart, the sales from the new concoction would decrease the income to Katapesh by no more than 20% in the first year while we increase market share...
Kixzik will continue to present his case for the adventurer's gold if no one stops him.

Fizzwiddle Glockenfleffor XXII |

The same fat gnome that met all of you comes in he stands in front of you all with the fat raccoon on his shoulder. His belly pushes against the front of his bizarre Kimono, which he rubs with his hands. His hair is at least 2 feet tall and bright red. (all of you recall him having hard of varying colors.) Fluttering around his neck is a brilliant scarf. On his shoulder the raccoon mimics the stance and his own scarf flutters.
Good morning! Thank you for coming. I hope my banquet was satisfying to you! Before I begin I must have some of that pie
He and the Raccoon waddle to the desert table and select a couple pies each and they sit and begin to eat. Dont let anyone steal my pie! He says and around his table half a dozen heavily armed knights in gleaming armor appear.
I have to pause this post half way through, more coming later I have to drive to work! So interact amongst yourselves while he eats

Churley |

"Um, what pesh? Why you show odd pictures? Where Katapesh? what mean million?" the barbarian does seem honestly perplexed at what the goblin is saying. Maybe he needed to leave the Storval Plateau a bit more often.

Kixzik |

Kixzik is temporarily discombobulated by the Shoanti's interruption but presses gamely forward.
I apologize, I should have brought a detailed prospectus for each of you! Briefly, pesh is a substance cultivated in a region of the world called Katapesh that is highly addictive and has hallucogenic properties. A million is a numerical value, in this case one thousand thousands.

Seif-al-Din ibn-Subhi |

Seif-al-Din is at first confused, and then amused, by Kixzik's presentation.
"Whilst I don't personally partake of the intoxicant myself, trade in pesh is legal in Katapesh... and the Pactmasters tend to take a rather... terminal interest in those who disturb the flow of goods. Since you openly admit that this scheme would cause a drop of 20% in GDP, how do you plan to placate them? Also, what do you intend to do about all of the users who will suddenly find the substance they are addicted to unavailable? Finally, have you given any thought to what all of the tens of thousands of small land-holders you intend to buy out will do to survive after they lose their land? At present, their land provides them with a renewable resource that provides steady year-round income - something that a one-off cash payment will not satisfy."
When the gnome rolls into the room, he draws himself up straight, and pays attention... although he is more than a little taken-aback by the creatures pie-addiction.

Fizzwiddle Glockenfleffor XXII |

Suddenly the armored knights around the gnome burst in flashes of light, and the gnome clambers up on top of the table.
Thank you all for coming. You were chosen after an extensive search for the appropriate people. For many years I have searched for a path back into the First World, I have always wanted to see just what my peoples home was once like. I imagine that it is blue and purple with bits of red here and there. And pie...lots of pie. In fact whenever you want pie...
The Raccoon chitters at Fizzwiddle
RIGHT! Not the point! So through the Fuzz's research. He gestures to the Fat Racoon. I have learned of an item created by the infamous Geb...or was it Nex...one of them. Anyway it allows for someone to travel to his created realm of Khaki.
More chittering Right Kakison. It is my belief that by studying how this scroll opens a portal a an otherwise inaccessible realm that I can find a way to visit my own home. And of course the society is on board because they can study Kakison itself. Now we need you all because...why do we need them Fuzzwiddle? Didn't we already send some folks?
A long stretch of chittering Yes yes. Supposedly they had found it, and then they went silent and we don't know what happened to them. So we want you to go and find them, find the scroll, make sure that it is the actual scroll and for that you will be well rewarded in coin, as well as being allowed to keep anything you find, though particularly rare tomes or items might be claimed by the society, but you will of course be paid for it. And I will owe you a favor. So whatta ya say?
He is also believed to be one of the most powerful illusionists on Golarion.

Kixzik |

Kixzik is thrilled to have an investor asking follow up questions.
Finally, someone hooked on the vision!
Indeed! The purchase price previously given is actually an estimate based on five years income which-
He's interrupted by the gnome and is unsure if this is a rival presenter so isn't sure if he should continue.

Zephyr Jeggare |
"I am afraid that this is the first time I have been to the Isle of Kortos, so I am fairly unfamiliar with this city... Did you grow up here, or have simply spent a lot of time here?"
”Not at all”, Zephyr admits. ”I just travel a lot – as the goddess wills. Absalom was one of the first places I wanted to see once my family released me from my obligations. I actually grew up in Egorian.”
Zephyr eyes the goblin suspiciously and then with great surprise when he begins giving his presentation – and on the pesh market no less! Having spent a few years in Katapesh she was familiar with the popular hallucinogen and the lives it destroyed. Would the Pathfinder Society really be involved in such sordid business? She begins to have doubts about answering the summons when the gnome enters alongside proper introductions. Wait, so who is this goblin? Is he also a Venture Captain or just mad?
When the gnome clambers a top a table, she gives him her full attention.

Kixzik |

Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18
Kixzik is certain he's heard of the gnome from somewhere besides the letter, but the knowledge sadly escapes him as he realizes that he was not in fact summoned to give his presentation, not to mention the fact that he had answers for all of the Kelishite's questions.
Damn pie stains!
Initially despondent, he hears about the promise of coin and rare tomes - perhaps filled with knowledge to further his aims.
Ah...I see. I apologize, I thought this meeting was for another purpose. Tell me, what kind of fiduciary reward can we expect other than non-objectifiable returns based on purely scavenged resources?
He flips open his notebook and begins furiously scribbling notes regarding the gnomes proposal.
Also, where were these Pathfinders last heard from, as travel to and from hostile locations such as the Mana Wastes or Tien Xia might lead someone answering this call to arms to attach an additional surcharge to the service provided?
Third, are there any pickled beets you could locate? Sadly I had no time to review the buffet beyond being unable to locate appropriately preserved foodstuffs?

Zephyr Jeggare |
Zephyr nods in understanding. This was just the kind of thing the Pathfinder Society had contacted her for before.
”These other agents, how long have they been absent? Have you tried divinations yet to determine anything about their status or location?”
The goblin’s questions get her daydreaming. I’ve never been to Tien Xia!

Fizzwiddle Glockenfleffor XXII |

[dice=Knowledge (Local)]1d20 + 14
Ah...I see. I apologize, I thought this meeting was for another purpose. Tell me, what kind of fiduciary reward can we expect other than non-objectifiable returns based on purely scavenged resources?
Fizzy looks at the goblin confused, then the Fuzz chitters and he seems to understand. For the return of the scroll, 8,000 gold per person.
Also, where were these Pathfinders last heard from, as travel to and from hostile locations such as the Mana Wastes or Tien Xia might lead someone answering this call to arms to attach an additional surcharge to the service provided?
They were last in contact in the vicinity of Katapesh. I will take you there personally, so no need for any involvement of Sir Charge, whoever he is.
Third, are there any pickled beets you could locate? Sadly I had no time to review the buffet beyond being unable to locate appropriately preserved foodstuffs?
The gnome mutters and hops about for a moment and a jar f pickled beats that must way 25 pounds appears next to the goblin.
spellcraft 19 to know it was major creation

Fizzwiddle Glockenfleffor XXII |

Zephyr nods in understanding. This was just the kind of thing the Pathfinder Society had contacted her for before.
”These other agents, how long have they been absent? Have you tried divinations yet to determine anything about their status or location?”
The goblin’s questions get her daydreaming. I’ve never been to Tien Xia!
They have been out of contact forever! The Fuzz chitters. 2 weeks. Usually they checked in via sending every 3 days. Magic has only determined that the scroll and their waypfinders are still in the area of Katapesh.
The gnome starts to look tired answering all these questions, but he soldiers on bravely.

Kixzik |

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (4) + 17 = 21
Remarkable! Thank goodness I didn't try and eat his raccoon after all.
Much obliged my good man!
Kixzik removes an extendable two pronged fork from it's holder on his vest and unscrews the jar, pulling out a whole pickled beet and begins eating it with gusto - showing off his extremely pointed teeth.
He continues to talk while he eats.
Were they in a city in Katapesh or in the badlands near the gnolls? Also if we agree to this venture will we be expected to provide our own transport or will it be provided? In either case is there a deadline for arrival to begin our search, or a particular contact in the area they used such as subsidiary lodge?

Kixzik |

Kixzik handily flips to a fourth page of his series of charts, demonstrating the location of Katapesh. There are a number of arrow labelled "distribution routes" pointing from Katapesh around Avistan and Garund.

Zephyr Jeggare |
”Katapesh…” Zephyr mutters as she reflects. She’d a good chunk of time there and it wasn’t a place she remembered overly fondly. It was a land steeped in slavery both literally/physically and spiritually.
”Does the Society have a presence in Katapesh? Is there a lodge there we can seek shelter in and resupply should the need arise?”

Kixzik |

Actually the world is a sphere suspended by a force we don't fully understand in an endless void - there is no edge.
That might not actually be comforting.
He ponders for a bit.
I presume you reached here by ship? On the far ocean did you not notice the curve of the horizon? If you keep going you eventually get back to where you started!

Arthur Osorkon |

"Test of the Starstone, really? That's something I'd like to see." He muses it over while the goblin and tribesman enter. His mind briefly flashes to his past at the tribesman's primitive speech, but he suppresses the though quickly. He laughs as he is handed the paper, thrusting it back. "Might want to hold on to that for somebody else."
His attention is brought back to the goblin. "Price is too high, plan isn't worth it." He says simply.
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
He gives a glare at Churley. I'll have to watch that one. The goblin too. Why would the society invite a goblin? The others seem more than capable though. "I, for one, agree to these terms. Tell me when we should head out."

Seif-al-Din ibn-Subhi |

Sefi-al-Din nods.
"I suppose that makes sense. Katapesh is a place, after all, where practically anything can be had if one has the correct price... Can you give us descriptions of the missing Pathfinders? It would help in searching for them..."

Fizzwiddle Glockenfleffor XXII |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I can do better than that! He mutters a spell and suddenly 4 images appear.
1 is small, extremely muscular looking halfling with a sling staff. He has blond hair and scruff on his face, which is unusual for halfligs. the name Tomen is above his head.
the 2nd is a frightening looking half orc, with a great ax and the symbol of Gorum around his neck. Aznek
the 3rd is halfling in robes covered in arcane symbols and what looks like bolts of electricity, there is a crackly of electricity coming from his hands as well. Zuket
the 4th is an attractive human, bald with a handlebar mustache, armed with a blowgun, mace at his hip and a lute on his back. Halbert
This is them.

Arthur Osorkon |

Arthur ingrains the images into his brain. "That'll be a big help. Unless anybody else has any objections, I say we get going. Perhaps we should purchase some horses for the trip."

Fizzwiddle Glockenfleffor XXII |

Oh I have an idea. the Gnome looks at Seif. If you need to see them again just say the following. [b]"Zip Zap Zop, I am big silly head!"and the image will appear again for you, at least for a few minutes.
He casts a spell. Spellcraft 23 will tell you it was a programmed image.
Well since everyone seems to be ready lets get going. You can do though those crates in the corner for some supplies if you would like.
3 Sunrods
4 coils of rope
2 Grappling hooks
4 Alchemist Fires
4 Anti Toxin
4 Anti plague
30 Days rations
2 Bed rolls
1 Healer Kit
8 potions of CLW
1 Oil of Daylight
2 sacks of flour
4 waterskins
1 sack of sugar
2 jars of olive oil
3 holy waters
4 pitons and a hammer
1 Scroll of Disguise Self
1 potion of Glibness
After people take what they wish to just make a note of what you are taking in the discussion tab please, and put it on your sheet. Make sure you don't take more than is there folks. Also someone probably wants to say they are tracking loot, I will not do it for you and if you miss it you might just lose it. Fizzy waves everyone to gather around him.

Seif-al-Din ibn-Subhi |

I am happy to track loot.
Seif-al-Din rummages through the crates, making helpful suggestions as to whom would benefit best from the provisions.
We should split the rations. Alchemist Fire and Holy Water should go to high-Dex people (looking at the Goblin Alchemist). The potions should be split up amongst the party - Churley and Kixzik can't heal other people, so they should probably take two potions each. Everyone else can take one, with a single spare for whomever wants it. Disguise Self should go to Kixzik (being a Goblin, he won't always be welcome everywhere we go), and Glibness should go to whomever plans to bluff a lot ;-) The remaining stuff should go to whomever wants it - speak up! :-)

Kixzik |

What are you talking about? Kixzik's obviously a human Andoran business man - don't you see the wig?
Happy to take the scroll but I've got the spell too (I anticipated this issue!) - if another caster wants to learn it that's fine with Kixzik.
I actually add my intelligence modifier to damage done by splash weapons like alchemist's fire/acid so I'll gladly grab all of them absent objections.
I'll also grab a sunrod since I don't have cantrips, 50 feet of rope and a grappling hook, one each of anti-toxin and anti-plague, and all the cooking ingredients (since I have a handy haversack).
Kixzik scribbles an address furiously and rips a page out of his notebook, pressing the paper into the hands of the gnome.
I didn't have time to pack my entire series of apparati in my Extra-Dimensional Conveyance Container Mark III! Please have someone collect the remainder of my belongings and store them securely until my return!
If Fizzwiddle agrees, the goblin will acknowledge his readiness.

MiniGM |

Fizzwiddle questions exactly where it is stored wraps the gobbo in a hug and teleports to the location lets him grab his gear and teleports back.
Once back e teleports everyone to a gentle oasis on the outskirts of Katapesh, immediately mutters something about the heat and teleports away.
phone posting when I get to my computer I will do a more elaborate post

Churley |

"This sure not look like Storval Plateau. Not look like Ab Salon. Little gnome do something to make us here. What wrong with horses anyway?"
my armor has comfort property, so it's OK in the heat

Seif-al-Din ibn-Subhi |

Seif-al-Din has Endure Elements running, and is somewhat resistant to fire ;-)
Seif-al-Din breathes in the crisp, desert-scented air, and gives a deep sigh.
"It is good to be home."
He then turns to the rest of the party.
"A word to the wise - practically anything is legal in Katapesh, provided it is conducted between two consenting parties, and does not hamper the flow of trade, or risk harm to Katapesh itself."
Once the party has taken stock, he happily leads them off to the city in the distance.
"We should probably start by asking around town for the missing Pathfinders..."

MiniGM |

The oasis is fairly nice, as far as a small bit of water in the middle of a bunch of sand can be. Around the oasis are 4 palm trees, and the water is clear, apparently about 3 feet deep in the middle. Those with good eyes can see that the city is barely visible, in the distance. Survival check of 15[ tells you that it is about a two days journey through the desert.
Around the oasis are the remains of a camp, 4 tents are fairly well shredded, but it would appear by something other than a blade or claw.
Sand. One hell of a sand storm came through here and shredded those tents. Trying to stay out in a storm like that would be insane.

Seif-al-Din ibn-Subhi |

Seif-al-Din shakes his head sadly, wondering whether it was desperation, or stupidity, that drove these unfortunates to stay out in such a storm
"Well, let's make our way to the city before another one hits. Before that, however..."
He goes to check over the camp-site, looking for anything that could identify the victims of nature's wrath.