MiniGM |
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Lately I have been really interested in low powered low magic games. Magic items are rare and cannot be bought all over the place.
Is anyone interested in playing either of the two AP's above with the following build rules
Stats 16, 14, 13, 12, 10, 10
Traits 3+1 campaign
Classes (this is where we get crazy) NPC classes. To offset the power difference characters get to start at level 2
Gear: 500 gp
Races: all common races. Ask about others, but things that are unusual will be vetoed
Hp: max at first half+1 thereafter
Alignment: no evil
Posting: 1 per day (note I am on PST)
Now looking at these restrictions I know that players are underpowered. To compensate I will adjust monsters as needed. For example DR will be lowered to make fighting things possible. There will also be teamwork feats granted to the party as we go through. This is not for everyone and might not be for anyone, but that is what I wish to discover.

Lucky Wilkins |

Definitely in for this. If it's still under discussion, I'd vote Council of Thieves, since I'm already in a CotCT game.
Warrior 2
Init +4, Perc +6, AC 17, Fort +4, Reflex +5, Will +2
Str 14
Dex 18 (+2 racial)
Con 12
Int 10
Wis 13
Cha 10
Point Blank Shot, Precise shot
Conspiracy Hunter (CoT), Poverty Stricken, Resilient, Indomitable Will
Skills (4pts +2pts (human))
Acrobatics +4, Climb +5, Craft (bows) +4, Perception +6, Ride +7, Survival +6
Longsword +4 1d8+2 18-20x2
MW Composite Longbow (+2 Str) +7 1d8+2
Other Gear
Artisans Tools, Studded Leather Armor, Backpack, Bedroll, 153gp

"Clothyard" Shaft |

Introducing Clothyard Shaft, human warrior/expert. His grandfather was Chelish nobility before the wars of succession that ended in the Thrune dynasty rise to power. Since his family fought for the other side, all their lands and titles were taken away.
Shaft has his grandfather's fine longbow (masterwork) which has been handed down from generations. He went to fight in the Chelish arm, but soon tired of the diabolical emphasis of that path. He has returned to his home village as a hunter and trapper, using the bow to make a living, but his feelings against the Thrune family are not far below the surface.
He is a large brawny man, quick to anger or to laugh. He has a dark beard, and long dark hair, sort of a woodsman ala Hawkeye, who comes to town mostly for supplies before heading back to the wilderness again.
He keeps his families signet ring in a pouch round his neck, and longs for the day when his families lands will be returned, but knows that's not likely to be in his lifetime.
Human (Chelaxian) Expert 1/Warrior 1
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +5
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
hp 15 (1d10+1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Str 16, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 13
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 17
Feats Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (longbow)
Traits lost nobility, masterful demeanor, tactician, westcrown firebrand
Skills Climb +7, Handle Animal +5, Heal +5, Knowledge (local) +4, Knowledge (nature) +4, Perception +5, Profession (soldier) +5, Profession (trapper) +5, Stealth +7, Survival +5, Swim +7
Languages Common
Other Gear 500 gp
Special Abilities
Lost Nobility You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack and damage rolls against these officials.
Masterful Demeanor You gain a +3 trait bonus on Intimidate checks against members of non-human humanoid races.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Tactician (1/day) Gain a +2 trait bonus on an attack of opportunity.
Westcrown Firebrand +1 Initiative, +1 attack rolls during a surprise round.
Any commments or criticisms? Happy to flesh out more as required.

MiniGM |

So Tieflings are ok, but as Michael pointed out, expect to be treated like crap
James, I have not set one…honestly I suspect it will be when I have 4 or 5 submissions that are good and intriguing.
In this case you really do need at least one adept so you have some healing since the odds of finding a wand of CLW is slim.
cloth it looks like you have 5 traits…and where is tactician from?

![]() |

Mini, would you be ok with me reskinning the Freedom Fighter trait as follows:
You've developed a reputation as an outspoken advocate of the people of Westcrown. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks. This bonus becomes a -2 penalty when dealing with the criminal underground of Westcrown. Diplomacy becomes a class skill for you.
Normal is
You've developed a reputation as privateer who fights for freedom. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks. This bonus becomes a -2 penalty when dealing with slavers or those who support the slave trade. Diplomacy becomes a class skill for you.
Source: Pirates of the Inner Sea

Auði Jaw-Jacker |

Thanks Mini! Pending equipment, here is Auði Jaw-Jacker.
Auði (short for Auðin) is a part-time actor and the owner and barkeep of the Jaw-Jacker brewery and restaurant in Rego Scripta, famed for its hot-spiced infusion of rare Minkaian spices with Ulfen brewing...at least until Auði refused to pay protection money to a bunch of criminals a month ago. Now the dottari have closed his doors over his supposedly "dangerous" ales. Its the final straw for Auði. For years, he's been putting up with having to save his patrons from the shadows that stalk the Wiscrani night or overzealous Hellknights. Now his very livelihood has been interrupted and after a couple weeks of trying in vain to negotiate the byzantine bureaucracy of Westcrown, he's a frustrated man and ready to talk with some other concerned citizens.
Auði's masterwork item is a beaten pewter tankard (+2 Diplomacy) said to have been one of the famed 23 tankards polished off by Cayden Cailean himself before he passed the test of the Starstone. In happier days, Auði won it as first prize for his Spicy Peanut Sauce Penne and Dragonmead combination at the Karhal Park festival five years ago.
Auði is also a huge aficionado of Chelish opera and the Westcrown theater scene. While his first love is brewing, he actually has quite the talent for singing, acting and storytelling as well and performs every chance he gets. He's picked up a few magic tricks from other performers over the years and perhaps his tankard really does have some connection with Cayden himself.
Mechanically, Auði is an Expert 1/Adept 1. I'm planning to take him along the Adept chain and if he eventually gets class levels they might be in cleric or bard or maybe inquisitor...we'll see. He'll be something of a virtuoso. Lots of skills, a few that he's really good at. Definitely a help in social situations, but we'll see about combat.
Hope you like him!

Lirandra |

Lirandra is the daughter of the famous operatic dancer Lilandra "The Lily" Voralius. She grew up in the shadow of her mother, the unwanted result of the dancer's wild life of excess - a life of parties, drugs, casual relationships, and a life that a young daughter would never be welcome in. Lirandra always tried to be what her mother wanted, and trained with the best dancing and singing coaches money could afford, developing a talent for singing, dancing and acting that threatened to rival that of her mother.
It was only a short year ago, when she was 15 years old that, during one of her mother's wild parties, Lirandra's life changed. Darelen Thrune, a minor scion of the House, stumbled drunk into her bedchamber. Left bloody and sporting a vicious scar which now mars her once perfect features Lirandra's career is over before it even began and the government of Westcrown will do nothing. After all, the bribes have been paid and none wish to work against the House of Thrune.
Will be working out mechanics shortly - but intend an expert specializing in perform skills. Not sure on the Masterwork item but the Campaign Trait will be "Child of Infamy" - Does the extra 300GP from the trait still count? or only the 500GP you initially assigned? - not that it matters, 500GP should be more than enough.

Scott Matwiy |

Lately I have been really interested in low powered low magic games. Magic items are rare and cannot be bought all over the place.
Is anyone interested in playing either of the two AP's above with the following build rules
Stats 16, 14, 13, 12, 10, 10
Traits 3+1 campaign
Classes (this is where we get crazy) NPC classes. To offset the power difference characters get to start at level 2
Gear: 500 gp
Races: all common races. Ask about others, but things that are unusual will be vetoed
Hp: max at first half+1 thereafter
Alignment: no evil
Posting: 1 per day (note I am on PST)Now looking at these restrictions I know that players are underpowered. To compensate I will adjust monsters as needed. For example DR will be lowered to make fighting things possible. There will also be teamwork feats granted to the party as we go through. This is not for everyone and might not be for anyone, but that is what I wish to discover. I love a good challange

MiniGM |

Yes I am fine with that, of course I would expect some aristocrat in there if you were to be a noble. As to when I PC levels show up I don't noble. It could be 5, 8 10, or never honestly. I just have to see how it goes. My initial thought is to open it at 10 which would mean the last 3 levels or so could be PC