About UlpPrepped Extracts.
Favored Class:
7.5 Extra Bombs Offense:
Bomb + 21/16/11 8d6+7 DC 24 splash 15 (fire or Elec) [dice]1d20+21[/dice vs touch for [dice]8d6+7+1[/dice Flasks +21 1d6+7 splash 6 Shocking Seeking +1 Blowgun +20 2 damage +1d6 Shocking+ poisons Shocking +1Shortbow +20 1d6+1 Damage +1d6 Point Blank shot +1 to hit +1 Damage Rapid Shot -2 to hit for additional attack MW CI Spiked Gauntlet +13 1d3-1 Full Bomb attack [dice]1d20+22+1[/dice] for [dice]8d6+7+1[/dice] DC 24 for half on splash only. Direct hit Dazzled.
Mythic Rapid Shot
AC 21 (1 Size, 4 Dex, 1 NA, 5 Armor) 15 Touch 16 FF Saves F +6 (+4 Poison) R +9 W +3(+2 sleep/para) CMD 16 Feats:
Alchemist: Throw Anything Alchemist: Brew Potion 1: Draconic Breath (Blue) 60 ft line 4d6 DC 28 3: Point Blank Shot 5: Precise Shot 7 Draconic Aspect 9 Rapid shot 11 Draconic Paragon 13 Master alchemist 15 Extra Discovery: Celestial Poison (Affects Outsiders and Undead) Mythic: Mythic Rapid Shot (ignore the -2 or add 2 attacks) Discoveries:
2:Precise Bombs 4: Shock Bomb 6: Wings 8 Fast Bombs 10 Malignant Poisons 12 Smoke bomb 14 poison bomb Mythic: Trickster:
Fleet Charge: As a swift action, you can expend one
Path (Universal): Legendary Item [spoiler=Traits]
Firebug: You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls made with thrown splash weapons and alchemist bombs.
8 per level (trap bonus) Craft: Trap 15 ranks +29 Stealth 15 ranks +26 Perform: Wind 1 rank +1 Perception 15 ranks +19 Alchemy 15 ranks +38 Disable Device 15 ranks +23 Spellcraft 15 ranks +24 Arcana 15 ranks +24 Nature 15 ranks +24 Fly 15 ranks +22 Survival 15 ranks +19 Religion (Headband) 15 Ranks +21 UMD (Headband) 15 Ranks +16 Spells Known:
1: Shield, CLW, True Strike, Identify, Crafter's Fortune, Negate Aroma, Detect Secret Doors, Disguise Self, Reduce Person , Jump , Ant Haul, Enlarge Person, Endure Elements, ILW 2: Invisibility, Acute Senses , Blur, Restoration Lesser, Alchemical Allocation, Alter Self, Bull's Strength, Resist Energy, Bear's Endurance, Cat's Grace, Ablative Barrier, Darkvision, IMW, Barkskin 3: Cure Serious Wounds, Remove Curse, Heroism, ISW, Fly, Non Detection, Remove Disease, Tongues, Displacement, Bloodhound 4: Cure Critical Wounds Dragon's Breath, False Life (Greater 2d10+15), Absorbing Inhalation, Restoration, ICW, Freedom of Movement 5: Spell Resistance 27, Delayed Consumption, Monstrous Physique 3, Elemental Body, Contact Other Plane Gear:
49 sp 6 cp
Heaband of Int+6: Survival, Aklo, Legendary Shirt +5 Deathless, Mirrored Mithril shirt, Handy Haversack, Alchemist Kit [alchemy crafting kit, a bedroll belt pouch, flint and steel ink, an inkpen iron pot mess kit soap torches (10) trail rations (10 days) waterskin, Alchemists Lab, +1 Shocking Composite Shortbow, CI Arrows 80 +1 Shocking Seeking Blowgun CI darts 80 MW CI Spiked Gauntlet, Acid Flask 10 Alchemist Fire 9 Liquid Ice 10 Thunderstone 3 rusting powder 3 Unstable accelerants 3 fury drops 3 choking smoke 3 blinding cinders 3 alchemist coal Shard Gel 5 alchemical glue alchemical glue accelerant, alchemical solvent, Cold Iron Pellet Grenades 3 Masterwork Craft Trap Tool, Thieves Tools MW Flute, Boro Bead Level 1, Hybridization Funnel Smoked Goggles, Nobles Outfit, Cauldron of Brewing +5 4 anti toxin 5 doses Large Scoprion Poison DC 17 1d2 STR 6rds,
Potion of Cat's Grace CL 6,
The Early years The smartest kobold in the history of his tribe, Ulp knew from his first thoughts that he would be the one to lead the Blue Dragon Clan to glory. After all he was a direct descendent of the legendary Loaralis. A claim that was supported as by his ability to breathe electricity. Of course Ulp is no real leader, and was nothing more than a warrior of the tribe. He would rise to some prominence with his facility for clever traps and mastery of poison, in fact his particularly insidious ideas led to the slaughter of a group of do-gooder adventurers that tried to kill them all, just because they had killed some cows…and children…and old people… Amongst the left overs of the bodies was a book. Ulp took it and studied it and learned to create explosives, and formulas for potions. Of course it would be months before he truly learned to control these but it facilitated his rise, and allowed the tribe to brave the human lands of this place called Talinguard. A raid in the late night of a human dwelling in the swamp went as planned. They snuck in and everyone but Ulp was slain and Ulp was captured. That was his plan all along of course. The master of the house saw that Ulp was a dragon incarnate and instead of sacrificing him like the others he gave him to a stupid dwarf to train. The Cardinals Mansion Ulp’s duties it seemed consisted of getting yelled at by Zargo and making potions and poisons. Ulp did what he was told and as planned after a minor explosion he found that he had grown wings. He spent days trying to replicate the miracle for Zargo but with not luck. Luckily for Ulp that stupid group of adventures was captured, thanks to one of Ulp’s poison dart traps. Ulp had fun watching Zargo open up the captured adventurers skulls, so much fun poking the spongy thing inside. Even more fun was going through the treasures that no one wanted, especially the wooden flute. Then Zargo decided it was time to make "B-21." Ulp told him it was a bad idea that it wouldn't work. Zargo refused to listen to Ulp when he told him that he needed to make the ration 1 part ammonia, 2 parts distilled alcohol, and another 2 parts of the neurotoxin from the puffy fish. But Zargo insisted on using 1:3:1. Ulp told him it would make it work for a little then go bad, but Zargo told Ulp to go make more poisons and let the real master work. Ulp watched and when everything went bad Ulp laughed and informed Zargo that not only was he not as a good as SPufferbug, he was not even as good as Ulp. After that Zargo decided to show Ulp whatn kind of bombs he could make. In fact they were showing each other when the boss man came down stairs and was not happy. He cast magics to freeze Ulp and Zargo. The cardinal decided it was time for Ulp to go support one of the other knots, and off Ulp went. His job done, Ulp hid and waited for new instructions. A raven arrived informing him that he was to go join and assist the Ninth Knot as a position has recently opened. The Ninth
New Gear=3330 total to spend *The availability of Craft Wondrous and Legendary Item gives extra cash. I made use of this, but also bought some things that don't make me super cheesy. Got to get some fun items because of it. Also get more spells in my book |