
Bref's page

1,543 posts. Alias of Vuvu.

Current Campaigns

DMDM's Way of the Wicked, Part II: The Dark Tower

Villains! You've committed acts of great and terrible evil. But now comes your greatest challenge yet. You must find and take control of the Dark Tower, and unleash horror upon the Kingdom of Talingarde.

Rise of the Runelords AE

DMDM's Way of the Wicked: The Devil My Only Master (inactive)

You've rebelled against your master, Cardinal Adrastus Thorn. Can you kill him before he kills you? Who will lead the forces of Asmodeus in their final assault on the noble kingdom of Talingarde?

Doug M's Way of the Wicked (inactive)

Follow the Way of the Wicked, the award-winning AP from Fire Mountain games.

The wickedness continues in Way of the Wicked Part II: The Dark Tower!