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Post here to show you are checked in and discuss each others characters since IC you guys/gals will know each other. When everyone has checked in I will start the game. *Advanced Notice*
A tale that is older than time itself. A place, part-myth, party-imagination, part-truth, that is filled with wondrous treasure and incredible peril. This place could be the top of any adventurer's career, or the end of it. Some of the stories say it overflows with jewels, gold, and magical items. Others say it isn't guarded, but still others warn against the incredibly powerful forces that guard the entrance. None of the stories seem to match. Located at the edge of all that is known, it appears to change where it is located, and sometimes not be there at all. No one is certain when it will come back, or where, but they know they want to be there when it reappears. They want what it can bring them, regardless of the danger. They want Dragon Mountain. -------------------------------- Your group has been together for some time. Traveled many lands, faced many dangers, obtained wealth and fame, but now the rumors have started. A mysterious mountain has appeared, promising a new adventure and your adventuring party must explore this new mystery. Your group follows the rumors and wind up in a small town called Harker's Ferry. Will this lead to your goal, only time will tell... -------------------------------- Will Select 6 to 8 Players Character Creation Rules:
Level 10 Races: Core Races + Aasimar, Catfolk, Dhampir, Drow, Fletchling, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Ifrit, Kobold, Orc, Oread, Ratfolk, Sylph, Tengu, Tiefling, Undine + Kitsune, Nagaji, Wayang Classes: Core, Base, Hybrid classes only, unchained where available, minus samurai, ninja and gunslinger Variant MultiClassing allowed and Archtypes need approval. Alignment: No Evil or Chaotic Neutral Two Traits, no Drawbacks 25 point buy Max HP @ 1st level; Half HD +1 for every level after 1st. Background Skills Only Offical Paizo material is valid. (No 3rd party) Starting Gold: 62,000
Deadline on March 14. **First 6 characters I choose will be based on a "balanced" party, but that can be a lot of things. If enough entries are available, I will use a lottery to fill the 7th and 8th spot.**
I haven't DMed in awhile but I've been thinking about throwing my hat back into the mix. I like long campaigns though. I scrounged up some of my old AD&D modules and box adventures when I came across my old Dragon Mountain box set which I converted to d20 several years ago. If there is enough interest, I'm willing to run this massive adventure in a PbP format. I'll have to work out some of the details for Pathfinder but will probably run the adventure with 6 players starting at 10th level. If I run the game, it won't start right away. I'll need to scan the maps, letters, etc... and do some other things to fit Pathfinder but shouldn't require to much work since I already converted it to d20 system. If enough interest is shown, I see myself putting up a recruitment thread sometimes mid March.
This popped in my head... What would happen if Settlement A was at war with Settlement E. Yet for A to get their army to E in the shortest route. They would need to go through Settlement B, C, and D's territory. Now for argument sake the relationships to A could provide problems. Lets say B is friendly, C is neutral, and D is unfriendly. B, even though friendly, might not want to accidentally get drawn into the war. C, even more so, doesn't want a foreign army to go through their lands. D might just attack A's army. A could go another route, but that would take more time and could have other problems. More Settlements, terrain, etc...