Jamus Hainard

Biztak's page

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 374 posts. 4 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Hello I've been a pathfinder player for almost ten years and I've been a subscriber for all of second edition, and well, my bookshelf is running out of space. Am I the only one interested in a digital only subscription? with the option to opt in for physical books in a case by case.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Im surprised that every big youtube GM/DM hasnt gotten a book for review. Though maybe there are a few more weeks for that

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I really, really like the feat page

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Kobolds are confusing, they are as cuddly and cute as they are menacing and feral.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I just want weapons monks to be good

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I am attempting to start a subscription for the Adventure Paths but no matter what I do it wont let me start with Age of Ashes 1 instead the system insist I start my subscription with Pathfinder Adventure Path #144: Midwives to Death (Tyrant's Grasp 6 of 6). Any help?

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Arachnofiend wrote:

I agree, this is a major positive change for the system. Best part is that it's a baseline action rather than something you (or worse, the Expert themself) have to feat into.

I kinda wonder if we could broaden it even further; if the Bard wants to put on a play in a Hamlet-esque scenario, then he should be able to give the Barbarian quick instruction on how to perform her role the way he wants even though she lacks any previous acting experience. This would open up a ton of non-combat solutions to problems that simply were not feasible in PF1 because it was unrealistic to expect everyone to be trained in the same skills (and was a bad idea anyways in most scenarios).

I am now planing a play within a play, thanks for the idea.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

So many Devs weighing in has made me suspicious

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I've always wanted to play a sorcerer that can go into melee with the Claw su of the draconic or abysal bloodline but it was never viable thanks to BAB and low duration, looking foward to see if it works now.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
tqomins wrote:


Edicts corrupt plant life with evil or fungal influence, slay elves, feast on rotten flesh or fungus
Anathema grant mercy to elves, plant trees, encourage natural plant growth
Follower Alignments NE, CE

Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Skill Nature
Favored Weapon battleaxe
Domains destruction, nature, nightmare, tyranny
Cleric Spells 1st: grim tendrils; 3rd: wall of thorns; 6th: tangling creepers

Wait wait wait, are these rules to roll up a cleric of Treerazer?

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

is it just me or does Spoiler #34 - Weapon Specialization looks less powerful than expected?

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
ChibiNyan wrote:

That Trash action seems really cool, almost like wrestling, but am kinda disappointed it looks weaker in every way than just punching or attacking the target with anything else. Only advantage I see is that it asks them to roll a save which MAY be lower than AC.

Kind of want to build a character around this, but need to confirm it doesn't just suck.

If you are unlikely to hit because of the multiple attack penalty this is the perfect way to stack some more damage with your third action. Enemies can even critically fail the save, so if you know the victim has low fort and you already attacked twice this is a good option.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Belisar wrote:

Damn, Paizo is stealing my money right out of my pockets. After peroordering all the 2e stuff now it's Kingmaker I came to value from the PC game. Woe unto them if I go bancrupt!

So I'm wating for "Kingmaker - The Movie" as the foundation of the KCU. With Peter Dinklage as Linzi and Gal Gadot as Amiri!

I'd watch that, there are not enough high fantasy movies

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I feel that each bloodline should have non focus/power dependent feats that define your class, let demonic bloodline invest into becoming a melee powerhouse, allow the draconic one be, well, draconic.

All while still ofering interesting and powerfull universal options.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

My idea was having the slings be the simple version of bows (slings want and need more love) and have the crossbows be a less strength dependent option with heavy crossbows as the martial version of those weapons

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Mark Seifter wrote:
Siro wrote:

And I could see the reason for there inclusion in the playtest, other then being a class, both as another way to test the new animal companion/minion mechanic, and to see the results of allowing traditionally non-animal companion class to have access to a animal companion. {ie what would be the affect both mechanically and RP, if the foe saw a half bull man <barbarian rage, animal totem> riding on top of a horse into battle, ect :p >

You have caught two of the reasons I wanted to test cavalier and pushed to add it to the playtest. Another one I really wanted to know was "what do people think about the cavalier toolkit being a broadly available option for all characters rather than a class?"

(the answer is, people were in favor overwhelmingly for cavalier, and also in favor of this treatment for some other concepts that were classes in PF1 but not as overwhelmingly as for cavalier)

For me mounted combat was not the cavalier's appeal. For me its appeal was the Tactician ability, I hope you guys introduce a class that focus on this withou getting derailed by the Charges and other mounted shenanigans

P.S mounted shenanigans are awsome but I rather have that as an archetype than built in in a class

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Ranger with Animal Companion, I just hope that they buffed the Animal Companion for the Ranger since it looked kind of anemic when compared to the Druid's

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Kingmaker aniversary editiob would be nicel

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Captain Morgan wrote:
I doubt weapons will still go up to +5 in PF2. I'm guessing +3.

I wouldnt mind if magic weapons got rid of the to hit bonus even if they keep the damage bonus

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Threeshades wrote:
Dante Doom wrote:
What you are looking for is bounded accuracy as 5ed, which is nice, but Pathfinder tells different stories. Like when you reach bigger levels you become a legend.
I dont think the numbers of attack rolls, checks and saves really makes that determination. Just because the attack roll of a level 20 fighter is only 10 higher than that of a level 1 fighter, as opposed to being 35 higher, that doesnt mean the level 20 fighter isn't a nearly unassailable legend of a warrior hero.

Except that in 5e a level 1 can hit a lvl 20 enemy with AC 20 a good 25 percent of the time, in pathfinder a level 1 pc hitting a cr 20 enemy is Unthinkable and that is good for those who like that more epic level narrative

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I hope that along their new found kobolds also got better stats
P.S I am trying to bait a developer into answering

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

New Kobolds are so cute

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Huh I didn't think 16 was that bad of an AC. I'll do some more book diving.

Yes but he also wanted 18 strength which he didnt do because he thought it would be a bad idea since his AC would be 15

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

So I ran Doomsday Dawn first adventure among my PC's there was a Monk, and he was really underwhelmed by the monks ACs, during the game he was the first to go down and was afraid to actually get in the thick of it due to his low AC.
he thinks Monks armor is too low and I have to agree they should be able to add some kind of bonus at certain levels to make their AC at least as good as Light Armor. As it stands the Monk has worse armor of any martial class reducing their staying power in a fight.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Martials need better Feat Options specially at levels 10 and above. As it stands there is little incentive not to multiclass into a caster class. Martials get their toys either late, broken or with some assembly required, all of which make it easy to be left behind in a table with Players that are either playing casters or multiclassing into one.

Some feats for martials have questionable restrictions like the duration of the fear effect on Intimidating Strike for the Fighter which only functions seems to be setting up Shatter Defenses instead of being a solid option on its own merits.

Some feats are acquired way too late like the Rangers Powerful Snare that feels like something that should be available way before level 10. In addition there is also the problem of some martials having late or worse options than the casters like Rangers getting Full-Grown Companion and Specialized companion two levels later than the Druid for no aparent reason.

My last issue is that there are some feats that seem incomplete just to make the player invest in two different feats to get the desired result, an example of this is Felling Strike and Sudden Leap, this one example is particularly problematic since those are both level 8 feats which is a major investment on a character at that level and the effects of both feats combined can easily be recreated by a level 5 Wizard casting Earthbind, this means that a Fighter needs to spend a level 8 and a level 10 feat (and spend one more action) to do what a wizard could do at level 5, which is not fun.

Not everything is bad though, things like the Fighter's Mirror Shield and the Barbarian's Dragon Totem Wings seems really fun and serve as evidence of the improvements that martials have undergone since first edition and I hope this means we'll see even more improvement when the second edition is released.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Deadmanwalking wrote:

I'm running the game, so none.

I'll probably fiddle around building all sorts of characters, mind you, but I won't be playing any of them through the adventure.

Exactly what I'm gonna do

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

An elf character can have 14 str, 18 dex, 12 con, a human one can have 16 str, 18 dex, 12 con.
Strenth rogues are viable even without sacrifising high dex

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
PossibleCabbage wrote:

I would be fine with Orcs as a core option, they are a core option in my setting. But I think the recontextualization and cultural shift needed to justify "Heroic Orcs" in large numbers on Golarion is a significantly larger than the similar change needed to justify large numbers of heroic goblins (which some people seem to chafe at.)

Like Golarion should already have a bunch of different Orc groups who are good neighbors to non-orcs before we could consider this.

You don't need them to be good for them to be a playable option, not every character has to be heroic.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Im not sure 2 ancestry feats is the answer since some options would be too powerful (humans with both general training and natural ambition seems strong), but what about geting 1 ancestry feat and 1 heritage feat at level 1. That way hybrid races can have their cake and eat them while ancestries like dwarves do t have to choose between being resistant to poison and having a clan dagger.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Kevin Mack wrote:
Really not liking this.

I was on the fence at first but after a second inspection it doesnt bother me anymore. I just hope they dont go crazy creating one hybrid ancestry after the other.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Hope the next reveal is Orcs and Humans... though I doubt orcs will ever be on the CRB

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

An archetype that allows spell caster to select spells from the necromancy school that have the death descriptor (trait?) from any spellist. for example a Cleric being able to learn and prepare spells from the arcane, primal and ocult spell list.

It'd also be cool to add some powers like more hp for undead minions and more temp hp gained from sucking the life out of enemies.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Shield needs a cool down, without it it would be a cantrip that increases ac and is able to block damage every turn.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Deadmanwalking wrote:
Secret Wizard wrote:
Why would a Rogue need to be a catburglar, and not a thug, by design?

I think the short answer is:

Because a thug is a Barbarian or Fighter with the Criminal Background, not a Rogue.

Also maybe monks and rangers.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I think that the weird DC for lingering composition is because it affects debuffs on enemies

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Roswynn wrote:
Biztak wrote:
Barathos wrote:
Biztak wrote:
I'm disappointed to see that slings need an action to reload ...
They also made them only get half STR mod to damage.
Yeah didnt notice at first, my guess is that they dont want it competing with composite bows, on that note why not make all bows composite from the beginning?
Because not all bows are composite?

I'd rather have all bows add str to damage from the get go, I doubt it will break level 1, I asume that the sling is a simple weapon and as such should be weaker than a bow which is why it has the reload property, Im just disapointed because I wanted to try an urban rogue that favored a sling not because I dont understand the design choice. That said I still think that most range weapons should add str to damage from the get go, slings included

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

The dogslicer seems surprisingly good

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

looks great, now I just need to find out how many hp per lvl do they get and what weapons proficiency natural or otherwise they can get, to see if it is actually possible to play the demonic/draconic melee sorcerer without being a liability to the party

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

The martial artist is a popular character archetype that is not necessarily covered by the fighter. Weapons associated with martial arts like the Nunchuck and Bo Staff are as much a part of that character archetype as is the asumption of superior unarmed combat prowess and so I am somewhat bothered by the exclusion of the monastic weapons as part of the baseline monk. On the other hand the mystical part of the Monk like Ki belongs to a subcategory of the Martial Artist archetype and so I'm glad that it is not part of the baseline monk.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I actually like the way the new archetypes are being implemented, but I do not like how the prerequisites are being use for the class feats. I'd much rather have the prerequisites for an archetype feat be to have x amounts of feats in the archetype than a specific feat. For example for Roll with the Ship I'd rather have: For this feat you need to have at least 2 Feats from the pirate archetype. And for a feat like Boarding Action you can add a caveat that if you have Rope Runner you can use this feat While swinging on a rope.

By doing it this way you can add player customability while still limiting acces to the more powerfull feats and so preventing people from just taking the archetype at high levels to get the more powerful feats

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

The only thing I disliked about this was Sea Legs being a prerequisite for Roll With The Ship, I mean unless I can trade a skill feat for Sea Legs it would be hard for me to take it instead of a class feat unless I really want Roll With The Ship

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
TheFinish wrote:

First of all, absolutely no weapon proficiencies without spending a feat is just horrible. It's just a Feat Tax for people not wanting to play a punchy monk.

I agree with this, having to spend my first level Feat to be able to use a Bo staff is more than a little disappointing

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

The info about Barbarian's fatigue was really interesting, they don't become useless in between rages, which is good, but they potentially open themselves to attacks. This open up some strategy for barbarian players on whether or not taking all of their actions while fatigued, each -1 to AC increases the enemy's chance to crit by 5% up to a total of 20% counting the -1 they start with that round making it the smart move to maybe take only one or two actions while fatigued

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Excaliburproxy wrote:

Town drunk could get a feat related to poison/intoxicating resistance and have lore for alcohol.
Slacker could start with 4 mostly useless lore skill.

I don't think any background should give a mechanical advantage in combat.

A Town Drunk could easily get an Alchemy skill feat (after all they should have experience getting rid of hangovers) and for lore a town drunk (does local drunk sound better? drunkard?) could have lore brewery or brews.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
GM Aerondor wrote:

That will still leave open the option for some backgrounds that break out of the mold, and give unusual benefits, such as the earlier mention bonus to a grapple, or trait like things in terms if a bonus to init, or +1 damage with an acid spell etc

Giving Combat bonuses to Backgrounds would be a mistake, as long as they stick to lore training and a skill feat, they avoid creating obviously superior options and thus all options are technically viable.

If not only combat relevant backgrounds would be picked.

**Edited a word**

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Also Seelah's new artwork is fantastic

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I just hope that smite can be used on any enemy regardless of alignment, Paladins are a God's champion they should be trusted to make the right calls. A giant beast with Neutral alignment about to descend on a village can do as much harm as an intelligent and evil creature and a Paladin should have all the weapons at her disposal to beat it.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

The decrease in spell slots is more than overturned by the Spell DC being tied to class level instead of spell level. A Hold Person will be as useful in the level that you learn it as when you get to level 20 that is not bad at all.

That said the idea of having to prepare multiple copies of the same spell is not appealing to me

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
This feature lets you cast heal or harm an additional number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier!

Battle Priest Cries in Orc

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Stone Dog wrote:
I'm still in favor of halflings getting Wis for their tenacious spirit and gnomes getting intelligence for their keen minds. All small races getting Charisma seems bland

I actually like the Idea of Halflings being +dex/+wis, but I'd prefer for the Gnome to remain +con/+cha

But I don't mind things staying the way they are now