Ah... I hate doing this. It's been over one week, and I haven't had enough time do anything that I've previously been able to.
I think I'll have to withdraw. This group, Talon, Aerent, Caladwhen, Sindran, Oret, and of course, DM increddibelly, I am sorry for overall failing in being able to participate in the group as you all were. Honestly, your characters (and mine) have been some of the best I've run into. DM, on these forums, you have done the best. I haven't been able to find a better group, and I'm very sorry to say that life is... overwhelming. I have tried to make a few posts, but I keep getting interrupted, or I have to go practice at something. Right now, I have a little too much on my plate, and this is the thing I've tried to keep, and have, for longer than I thought I could. I'll never forget the intensity of all of the strange events we've gone through. Breaking out, and everything else. I can say I had fun.
High Reguards to the group, and may you someday overtake the world and move onto godhood. May we one day meet again in our travels. A lonely road awaits Arryn, but before I leave, I will send DM how I would like him to end her.
Real sorry guys, I know this is a very important part of the campaign, and I'm really sorry, but I'll be gone until Saturday, maybe one post in between, then I'll be good.
Well, after multiple posts eaten, and a few power outages, Arryn is back in Black :P
-Day 1-
Arryn looks as her beloved group members. "They- NO! You'll see them later," She consoled herself. "You can't over trust them either... they'd take your head off without a second thought if that's what it took to move forward. So would you," She thought. She didn't agree, but didn't want to argue with herself.
She quickly looked around, people doing business. She wanted to get a move on. She quickly started to formulate plans:
1. Find local bandits or rogues.
Arryn goes to a shadier corner of town, and when nobody is near, she quickly shifts, setting a new appearance. All of her clothing becomes a dark as the night sky, and sticks to her like a second skin. Her cape flows menacingly behind her, and her hood hangs low, the rest of her face covered by a mask that comes up to here eyes, allowing just her eyes to peak out. Her eyes become Orange beacons in the black folds of her cloak. She moves to the closest building to her, and as stealthily as possible, slides underneath it if possible, and will lay until she has the cover of Day 1's night. She peeks out from under her house. All the houses are mine She thought to herself, with a smile. She quickly climbs atop the building next to her, to have a greater vantage point of the city. Looking around, she searches for any important buildings, stopping at the local Tavern. She slides of the building and makes her way over. She slips in through the bustling front door to the tavern, walking the perimeter of the room, trying to go unnoticed but not caring if she is. Once at the bar, she sits down at the end, and waits for a tender. She looks the tender in the eye, and whispers "I need one ale and a room," She says as she tosses 10 gold pieces. She quickly gets rid of the Ale, and leaves the mug to be cleaned as she goes up to wherever the tender pointed her room to be.
-3 AM- (Rumor 21)
Hoping that as many people will be asleep as possible, Arryn slips out of her room, and travels back to the main room. She looks around, searching for a hatch, back room, anything that might lead downstairs. There had to be one still, and that might be a lead. She knew it. If not she hopefully would pick up a few coins or such.
Arryn looks at oret's display and smiles. "Well done Oret! You too Aerent! GOod job group!" She finishes, as she stows her bell into her pack.
She then looks to her sailors "Hmmm..." She looks between them. Just two smelly sailors.
"I have it, I'll call you 'Rad' and you 'Rud'. That'll be good nicknames." She half speaks to herself and the Sea Men. She looks to Rad "What were his last pleas?" She asks, assuming he knows Norspik.
(Arryn, being on the opposite side of the helmsman is going to try to stop the brawl between sailors.)
Arryn motions for the party on her side of the boat, as she begins.
She grabs her Large Bell out of her pack and starts to ring it repeatedly, and will accept help from the party to stop the fighting and get attention of the Sailors.
Once quieted down (if possible):
"Hey you lot! Quit your sh!t and stop fighting. Mutinies won, and in case you wish to end up like ol' Odenkirk, I suggest you all straighten up. It's not to late to put you back on Bugbear Island," She barks with a malevolent smile on her face, as she motions to land.
If the Sailors are won over in Fear or Bluff, She starts again. "Now move out of the way, let us through!" She yells as she motions for all of them to move apart.
Arryn will seek out any of the left over Crew mates who might still be awake, and bring them to her set-up room.
"I've brought you here to discuss a possible end. It seems that our captain, Odenkirk," She says with anger rising, " Is not planning on paying ANY of his hard working crew mates. He even went as far to dump you into the ocean before docking, and maybe cover it as a 'accident'" She say with over exaggeration, moving her fingers as she says 'accident'. She then looks them all in the eyes, and tosses the journal on the make-shift table, on the page of forgery.
Bluff:1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22
(Can I get some kind of bonus because they are drunk?)
After a minute, letting them each read through it, she picks it up to read aloud.
" 'Today the crew wouldn't do anything! I promise to follow through with my plans. I am going to refuse paying them! I think if I time it right I might even be able to 'get rid off them' and pass it off as an accident. No loose ends, and Thorns money lining my pockets. Then me and Lady Frosthamar can be off to sail the Seas!' " She reads. She then looks at them again.
"This is outrageous! I won't stand for it, will you?! I have a plan. I will wake you, tonight. We will take over the ship. Who's in? I'll be able to get you double what that bloat was paying you, promise! Who's with me!" Arryn says, trying to incite anger. She then puts the Log back onto the crate for the crew to examine as they please, as she leaves to go to bed, "Be ready tonight comrades!"
Arryn is going to covertly work against the Captain, twisting the minds of others on deck.
Arryn stalks onto the ship, happy to say her goodbyes. Although she didn't love the life of the water, she preferred it to the stench of bugbears, even if one of them could have a conversation over fine wine. They were just chess pieces in the eyes of Asmodeus. Who better to move them about their board then she and her companions?
Once aboard she started her work at once. Sindran had told her she needed to create a mutiny. Okay, maybe not her specifically but by Sarenrae's Damned Wings she was going to! She quickly stalked off to the opposite side of the ship to Kargeld to begin her Web of Lies.
Arryn will begin my moving left over crates and such in the back side of the strange ship to create a room. After that is done she will get a few more of the crates to suffice as tables. Once done she will begin her real work.
Arryn will look through anything that Kargeld might keep secret. She will especially be looking for some kind of journal of his. A captain's log is her goal right now (The above rolls are if she needs to pickpocket it right off of him to get anything, or sneak around in unwanted sectors :P).
Once and if she is able to get anything she will go to Caladwhen, and pull her out of earshot of Kargeld and any crew mates. "Caladwhen, my Lady, I need you to help me out in my Web of Lies. This," She says as she pulls out the Journal, "Is our key. I need you to add one page to it. I need you to Forge one page, telling how Kargeld plans to not pay the crew, or something of that effect. With that I will deliver it to a crew mate, and with my skills of the tongue, persuade them to take action. What do you think?" She says with an evil smile, as she expectantly gives her a quill and ink she had stowed in her bag.
Hopefully I'll be back in game. I'm sorry I've been out, I was out of town and family was in, but finally things have settled down. I also started pole vaulting which hopefully won't detract from time with you guys :P.
Arryn Level 3:
BAB: +3
FORT: +1
REF: +4
WILL: +1
Uncanny Dodge: Cannot be flat-footed. Doesn't lose Dex to AC if attacker is invis. Loses DEX if immoblized.
Rogue Talent: Weapon Training: Weapon Focus: Rapier
HP:1d8 ⇒ 7
skill points: 12 (if I can add that +2 per level, I really have 16)
I feel like I've been doing this every post. My family just got out of town but track started (doing pole vaulting :D) and I will try post as much as possible. Aerent I really like your demon thing you had going.
Arryn watched the display. She couldn't take her eyes off of it. The boar was into pieces in one mighty stroke of an axe. Think what one of these brutes could to to a person, in just a slice. It was perfect, and the Cardinal had put faith into the perfect allies. These beasts would lay waste, she was sure.
"I was born an orphan. I grew up learning the ways of street urchins, hiding, picking pockets, and working my ways around locks. I was eventually betrayed in one of the greatest heists yet. Asmodeus has given me a second chance to live. He has given me meaning. You look like you must have a story yourself, and by the taste of this wine," She says as she pauses to take a sip of it, "you seem to have a taste for the finer things in life, unlike most of your kind." She finishes as she smiles, and places the glass on her lap, looking into the great Bugbears eyes.
Arryn jolts up when she finally hears the call for the elementals. Shes'd always been the sleeper that never wanted to get up, but lately she'd only been "half sleeping". She will run to the nearest elemntal (1) and attack ASAP.
Sorry I have family in from across the states that don't get to see often, will try to post
(I assume I am all disguised and such already, no worries, here's a quick description though)
Arryn did a fair disguise, and when you think of it, it reminds you of Ron. She is wearing a helmet, and picked some baggy clothes as to seem more just there in the background.
In response to Kargeld starting to lose it, Arryn will stare him in the eyes and say, matter-o'-factly and somewhat sternly "Kargeld, now don't you think that if anything wrong had happened to our commodore, there would be some kind of commotion to let us know we have to get in there to save his @$$?"
Arryn looks up at Talon as he lands. "Thanks.... you always seem to save me... " Arryn says as she looks to Talon, then away as she pulls her rapier and dagger out.
Arryn looks up just in time to see the wave push her off of the ship. She sails overboard, and tries to regain her footing (water footing :P) and get out.
Swim:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Arryn will try to get back up, without getting killed by the dolphins.
When Oret first comes
Arryn looks him up and down. He's perfect, she has to admit, to go in their strange group. "Hello, Arryn Lerash at your service, if you ever need anything, just ask" She says as she curtsies and introduces herself to him.
When on the Ship
Arryn goes to Caladwhen. She always admired her, for her spells. The whole zombie trick was amazing to her. "Hey Cala, I guess since we're gonna be working together, I wanted to talk to you... " She says as she rambles on for a while, while having a most one-sided conversation, leaving you little room to talk. After about 15 minutes of that, she will leave.
To occupy Arryn's time, and practice her sleight of hand, when we all first get on the ship, Arryn will offer you a dagger to hold. The goal for her is to retrieve it without you noticing before you arrive at the destination. Make sure you include the DC (I'm pretty sure that's just a perception roll)
Just add a Perception roll and if you accepted it in your next post.
Current Time
Arryn walks to Talon after his dazzling display of his wings. "That was... amazing Talon... God, I'm jealous... I guess I've always dreamt of flying..." Arryn admires, as Talon plays with his sword.
"Blasted! A child! The nerve! Just because your some holy piece of $h!t doesn't mean he is nothing! This boy has helped us, and by the unholy name of Asmodeus he will! You dare sit there and mock him." Arryn pauses, and looks to Timeon, softening her voice. "Did '[i]Sir Balin[i]' ever even say thank you? Did he ever appreciate you like we have? We have helped you! These draugr's would've killed you had we not been here." She then turns and points accusingly to the Knight, and with an angry voice, "All because he brainwashed you into doing whatever he wants!" She turns back to Timeon, again softening her voice, "Timeon, he controls you like a pet. We help you. Can't you see for yourself?"
Diplomacy:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17 Bluff:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12 Intimidate:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
(I'm pretty sure she just yelled, persuaded, and lied. I don't know if I'm, allowed all three but might as well go for it.)
"Aww..." Arryn replies disappointed. She looks to Cala, seeing her pain. "Thanks Cala, it was a good effort" She says with a smile, as she goes to stab a draugr (She will move to flank with Aerent as she does this).
Arryn looks carefully at the undead being, as she pulls her rapier back. She notices a soft spot on its head, and without hesitation, she stabs forward, through the creatures ear. She drives forward more than needed, pushing through the opposite side of the head of the Draugr. The tip of her rapier sopping in blood and brain matter, she kicks the creatures leg out from under it. As it falls to the ground she stomps on it's head to relieve the grip it has on her rapier, easily retrieving it and splattering more gore across the floor. She then looks up to Aerent as she wipes off her face, "One for me" She says with a smile.
I look in amazement. That was insane! I'd never seen anything like it! It was crazy!
"Cala! That was amazing! How controlled are they, can I touch one?" I say excitedly. This was so strange... It was awesome! This was going into my diary, and I was already planning on a good way to say it...
Arryn's Diary, Day 10 wrote:
Today we were all almost taken by the Draugr, until Cala started talking to them! She yelled to them to stop, and they obeyed. It was the most impressive thing I've yet to see a wizard do.
I'll help Aerent with the door and look in with him.
(It seems Arryn was taken care of perfectly (although a bit to formal for her style :)), thanks dm. Sorry for being gone so long, reason in discussion.)
gahh... sorry I've been busy with school, I have like a billion projects and papers due recently, this was not my week. Hopefully I will be better next week. I will try to post more.
Arryn looks quizzically at the podium.
"That can't be it, it can't!"She says as she stops her foot. "No way is it just some cheap! So... elementary..." She says as she stops her words, looking to the floor.
Arryn looks at the cobra's strange, construct, body. It would be a great thing to have as a pet... I wonder if I might be able to tinker with it, me being good with devices like so... She thinks to hereself {and the DM :P) as she lashes out, trying to not do any permanent damage.
I look to the boy, with pity. Can't let him get away, now can we? I think to myself, as I put myself between him and the door.
"Come one kid, we're just people. We didn't hurt you did we?" I say as I slowly think through my words. "Why judge us so? We have not done anything to you that is harmful. We are all just trying to get out of this crazy place. Wouldn't that be nice? Just listen to us, and we can get you out of here." I say, trying to follow Sindran's lead. Trying to stay genuine, I look him in the eye with a pleading look, as if I want to protect him, as if we all want to protect him.
Bluff:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
"Come on. We can't let a kid like you get lost down here. Just stick with us" I repeat, as I motion to Sindran. "Does he really seem so mean?
Arryn looks up, with a strange look in her eye. She pulls out her rapier, and looks to Sindran for approval, by motioning to the boy with it. If and when she gets her approval, she will as calmly as she can, strike the boy.
Arryn looks around, disinterested in the next room. She pulls out one of her many daggers and begins playing with it. When Arent suggest the next room, without looking up she grumbles "Sure whatever, aslong as I can actually see..."
"Hey guys, might we be able to use this?" I say as I fumble around in my pack, producing a flask of acid.
(Pretty sure that's a full round action, but if not, and someone says I should try using it, Arryn will try to pour it into a hole above the creature)
Attack:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 (vs Touch)
Damage:1d6 ⇒ 5
(Also, not to sure about how I would do the Attack because I'm not throwing it, but did it the same as throwing Splash Weapon pg 202)
Arryn looks up as Talon grabs her. Her eyes widen, and she quickly composes herself, and tries to put it off as she smiles sheepishly and walks back. She turns around.
"Rogues never see in the dark..." She mutters as she pulls out her pen and journal, beginning her first page.
Hey do you have the date so I can have legit journal entries?
Arryn gazed into the room, deep in thought. Although she couldn't see anything, she was overly interested in the aura of the room. She takes one step after another towards the globe, enticed in the color. As she reaches it, she puts her hands out to pick it up.
Arryn slowly gets up, looking around as she adjusts to her new surroundings.
"Nice place" She remarks as she toys with one of the many tapestries on the wall. She paces to the window, then feels it. She looks to where she was bitten. There now was a strange multi triangular shape where it was bitten. (cool picture for reference) She quickly covers it. Two scars in two days.... hope this isn't a trend. She thinks to herself. Well.. might as well take use of my resources.... Not used to the primping of royalty, she takes a bath, and cleans herself up the best she can.
"I want some skinny Black Leather armor. Can you do that?" She says to one of the slaves. After acquiring and equipping, she is ready, and will move to the Hall.
-Meeting the Master-
Arryn looks around unsure. She looks as Talon and Aerent accept. Then she remembers the scar. It's connected. She thinks to herself. It must be. She looks him in the eye. "I will help all I can." She says, probably being the most sincere thing she has ever said.
One time I played a Halfing Alchemist who fancied himself a bard, so he built himself a harmonica, and played it every chance he could. ALl the other players in the group hated me. :D
"Have to do everything once or twice" I think to myself as I look over to Talon with a grin. I quickly peer over the edge, step back, withdraw my dagger and launch forward.