Way of the Wicked - the Fall of Andoran (Inactive)

Game Master increddibelly

Aldencross burns. A bugbear horde has somehow broken through the Wall!

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Kargeld's lifeless form reveals a salvagable hide armor, 2 throwing axes, and of course, his masterwork greataxe.

Liberty's Edge

Arryn's two sailors seem more committed by the minute. They have seen their captain burn in hellfire in a very efficient explosion of violence, and they've seen enough to know which is the winning side in this battle. They quickly step over to their sleeping colleagues, and without any visible hesitation, slit their throats.


sailor1 => Coup de Grace sailor3
dmg: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
crit: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
he yet lives!
fort save DC 22: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
but not long. he dies.

sailor2 => Coup de Grace sailor4
dmg: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
crit: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
he too survives!
fort save DC 18: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
but alas. he dies.

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

These NPC's, they don't know how to dice

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

yeah. then again, the more these mooks fumble now, the more I'm due some good rolls with the really dangerous guys. So I don't mind.

Liberty's Edge

with Oret on one side, and Talon on the other with Aerent close behind, the Helmsman is having that sinking feeling. He looks from Oret, to Talon, and back to Oret, and finally he drops his sword, holding out his hands as he sinks to his knees, pleading for his life.

If only any of you spoke Norspik, then you could understand a word of his plea. Now, his intentions are mostly clear from his moves.

but let's be honest, it's not as if you're missing out on the world's most touching poem.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

And we're out of combat, unless you decide otherwise.

Arryn's sailors are looking at you expectantly, and the helmsman is sobbing and apparently begging for Oret to do something. None of his gibberish makes any sense, and frankly, it's somewhat disappointing to see the scurvy pirate of a helmsman reduced to a hopeless human huddle within seconds; all it took was just a little clever preparation on your side.

Perhaps taking over the complete fort of Balentyne isn't impossible after all...

Male Oread Monk (Hungry Ghost/Monk of the Sacred Mountain) 8 [ HP 73/73 | AC 22/19/20 | Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +10 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Init +1 | Perception +15 ]

Oret looks down on the helmsman, circling to his rear. He shakes his head, and spits out the word, "Pitiful." With that, he raises his foot high and slams his heel into the man's back, severing his spinal column.

Damage (Coup de Grace, Power Attack): 2d8 + 10 + 4 ⇒ (8, 4) + 10 + 4 = 26

Female | Half-Elf | 4 Rogue | 28/28

Arryn looks at oret's display and smiles. "Well done Oret! You too Aerent! GOod job group!" She finishes, as she stows her bell into her pack.

She then looks to her sailors "Hmmm..." She looks between them. Just two smelly sailors.
"I have it, I'll call you 'Rad' and you 'Rud'. That'll be good nicknames." She half speaks to herself and the Sea Men. She looks to Rad "What were his last pleas?" She asks, assuming he knows Norspik.

Hu (M) AnP 7; hp 58; F +10, R +9, W +9; AC 21, t 11, ff 20; Init +7; Per +9; CMD 22

Aerent glances to Arryn, then looks at Oret, "Why did you do that, now you'll have to steer the ship. Should have waited until he got us to shore."

Aerent cleans his trident on the dead sailor's shirt then continues down to the deck, stretches out, and relaxes for the few hours he has remaining before the ship hits land. A lazy smile graces his face as he continually traces his newest scar with his fingers.

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14

Approaching her companions, Caladwhen casually observes the violence done at their hands. "Aerent is correct; we should have kept the helmsmen alive until safely ashore." Glancing at the two living sailors, Caladwhen registers mild disgust "Nevertheless, what's done is done. Maybe one of those things can make itself useful and steer this miserable boat."

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7
Arryn Lerash wrote:
assuming he knows Norspik.

yes ma'm. Their common, however...

The disgusted look on Caladwhen's face scares the sailors half to death and they positively jump into action. Not a moment too soon either, because a ship at full sail travelling down a bendy river (especially if there's no one at the wheel for a minute) will eventually hit something...such as the rocks of the eastern shore looming up ahead!

An hour later, at the first light of dawn, Talon spots Aldencross' beach from the Frosthamar's crow's nest. Within 30 minutes, you will arrive at your destination; from here it's quite literally straight sailing.
The sailors know it too, and they gesture at a couple of small rafts attached to the sides of the Frosthamar.

Sense Motive DC12:
They seem to intend for you to untie them, and use them to reach the shore. In the calm pre-dawn waters, the worst that could happen to you is getting cold and wet; a perfectly reasonable method of getting off the ship.

is there anything you'd like to say to your sailors? What are you planning to do once you're off the ship?

Arryn, that key of yours...:
Under a few loose boards in the deck, the captain has hidden a battered old sea-chest. your small key fits perfectly to its average lock, and inside you find his foul, flea-infested wardrobe. Underneath is 6000 gp neatly stacked in an unlocked wooden box. Additionally a small silver statuette of a nude mermaid (worth 50 gp) and 115 gp in loose coinage clatters around the sea-chest.
A wooden crate labeled ‘emergency rations’ contains six fine bottles of whiskey worth 10 gp apiece.

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

Talon huffs at the rafts "I'll see you all at the shore" and with a gust of wind he takes off

If anything happens to them on the water Talon will fly back out

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14

Incidentally, I forgot to roll my knowledge check from earlier. If it's still possible IB, here is an Engineering roll to find out something regarding Fort Ballyntine. Mostly, Cala would be interested in information surrounding its weak points, possible places of entry etc..

Knowledge Engineering: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24

Watching Talon fly towards shore, Caladwhen quietly admires his freedom in the sky. Someday.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

Still lacking trust for the sailors, Caladwhen glares unamused at the skiff. Eyes fixed on the raft, Caladwhen snarls "If this damnable thing doesn't get me to shore safe and dry, there will be hell to pay." Caladwhen motions to her draugr to help her onto the raft, serving a quiet reminder to sailors their fate should they cross her.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7
Caladwhen wrote:
Incidentally, I forgot to roll my knowledge check from earlier.

that's quite all right, I wasn't expecting it until later. Aldencross is an excellent starting point for inquiries, as you'll soon find out.

Caladwhen knows quite a lot about the why-and-how the Watch Wall was built, and the specific roles of each fortress along the Wall. I, however, do not. And without my book, I'll come back to this later :)

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

Gah! Forums ate my post. Twice! My suggestions: kill sailors and torch the ship OR send the sailors back to Sakkarot with a letter informing him to slaughter them and keep the ship. Or some other way we can keep the ship. Burn everything is neater though and ties up loose ends.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Sindran smiles at the sailors. "I trust you won't tell anyone about this, hm?"

Male Oread Monk (Hungry Ghost/Monk of the Sacred Mountain) 8 [ HP 73/73 | AC 22/19/20 | Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +10 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Init +1 | Perception +15 ]

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12

Wow...by the skin of my teeth...

"We should take these smaller boats to the shore, and let this ship burn, as Cardinal Thorn ordered." Then, turning to Sindran, "Would you like to do the honors? And shall we take care of the remaining crew beforehand, or see how far they can swim?"

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

Setting fire is always neat, takes care of people, things, and any trace. if we don't plan on keeping the ship (not sure what our plans are after storming this joint) then fire is def our best route

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

As Oret recalled correctly, your mission explicitly stated leaving no witnesses or evidence, and burning the ship. You are free to choose what happens to the boat and the two sailors - but as Oret remembers, your mission explicitly states 'leave no witnesses, and burn the ship'.

If you decide to leave the sailors and ship undamaged, and in doing so, decide to go against the 2nd loyalty of your contract, you can expect the cardinal will not be pleased and will require a satisfactory explanation as to why this ship is so irreplacable to fulfill the first loyalty, i.e. the only thing that supersedes the cardinal's direct command.

Alternatively, you can do whatever you feel like, and suffer the consequences, but ignoring direct orders without good reason will count as the first step on the slippery slope towards a chaotic evil alignment.

After 'storming this joint', (which, for the record, would be very messy, short, and disappointing) you should inform the Cardinal that your t ask is either complete or a total failure, by breaking the clay seal. I'm sure he'll have another few tasks for you ;)

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

can I gently nudge you towards deciding what happens with the Frosthamar and her remaining crew?

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

my vote is to burn it, all of it. crew and all. nice, neat, no loose ends. we might take a few pot shots at some crew members if they try to swim to safety

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

Okay, I'm sure both the Frosthamar and the two disappointed sailros will meet a black and smokey end at Sindran's hands. (Feel free to tell us exactly how, Sindran!) With the bugbears armed and united under the Fire Axe, and the loose ends taken care of, act three is at an end.

---{ Act IV }---

You are close now. Just a few miles from here sits the small market town of Aldencross and less than a mile from there is the watchtower of Balentyne – your goal.
Already Sakkarot’s horde gathers and prepares to move. Within two weeks, they will be in a small valley just east of the fortress, awaiting your signal. Fire the rocket into the air at just the right moment and you will take the first step towards claiming your vengeance against Andoran.

Destiny has taken you here. Destiny has given you a mission. There is no doubt that the future of this green and pleasant land lies in your hands.

You could go to that town right now and warn them of the plots of the sinister Cardinal Thorn. You could give yourself up and face the justice you deserve. You could turn back from the horror and the slaughter that you are going to inflict upon these Sarenraean sheep.

This is that moment.

This is the turning point. After this, there is no going back.
Any one eager for redemption?

Hell No!:
Pah! That is a silly question! Come, you have work to do. We must burn Balentyne.

yes please?:
...You seem to have failed to realize the implications of signing a contract with a Cardinal of Hell, and then ignoring it. I strongly recommend you reconsider.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

the Fortress Balentyne, as seen from Sakkarot's position on the eastern shore.

Your mission is simply stated – Throw open wide the gates of Balentyne.
You must do in less than a month what no invader has ever managed: You must break the Watch Wall.
If one pauses to think about it – this is an insane assignment. What chance do a handful of novice villains have against a fortification full of veteran troops?
The Cardinal seems to believe the sheer novelty of the mission is its greatest strength. No one would believe that a few devotees of a destroyed devil cult would ever be audacious enough to perpetrate such a crime. In short, he thinks the enemy will never see it coming.

And even after just a few hours of casually strolling over Aldencross' market and walking by the well-stocked shops of the Artificer's district, ending up at the single inn that caters to travellers, you can already tell that about this Adrastus was one hundred percent correct. The inn (named "The Lord's Dalliance") lies in the part of town closest to the wall – still some hundred meters walking distance, but the top floors of the inn look out on the mighty fortress.

Aldencross is a market town and it is not rare for smaller traders to come from all over to peddle their goods here. This will not be seen as suspicious or anything unusual. Adventurers bound for the savage north or east are not unknown. Frankly, the idea that a band of Andorans would conspire with bugbears to break the Watch Wall is unthinkable to the common folk. Aldencross is a fine place to buy supplies, for instance, the Artificer’s district has an alchemist who sells all manner of potions. There is a scribe in town, with a fine selection of scrolls (1st and 2 level only). In the marketplace a few minor magic items can be found, much like the stuff a small town of about 1800 citizens usually has for sale. Normal equipment is available in abundance. Aldencross is a soldier’s town, so there are numerous smiths who make arms and armor. They’re eager for some side business to supplement their contracts to the local garisson.

Using your circlets, you should have no trouble at all moving freely within the town.

your casual stroll around town reveals the following rumors:

  • 1 Everywhere in Aldencross, posters announce a one night exclusive engagement of the famed play “The Fall of Amberlyn” by Ye Merrie Men. Apparently, the famed thespian William Marcus Marlowe, (the one and only beloved Bard of Barrington himself!!!) will perform the lead in this famous play, to be performed in Balentyne’s Great Hall.

  • 2 ” Have you ever been to the choir hall of Balentyne? Amazing! The priests are such beautiful singers and sometimes the stone saints that adorn the place join in the chorus. Such a miracle!

  • 3 ” Mad Martin is a strange one! He tends the rookery in the Watchtower. They say he never leaves except for necessities. He talks to the birds like people and has named every one!

  • 4 ” Lord Havelyn is a good soul but so grim and gloomy. For so great a lord to be unhappy, he must be guilty about something!

  • 5 ” That Captain Zack Eddarly is a handsome one, isn’t he? Such a gallant! And still unmarried at his age. He’ll make some lady of proper breeding quite a catch won’t he?

  • 6 ” Balentyne’s magister, that creepy Tacitus, has been spending a lot of time working on something in his tower! I don’t know what it is, but it’s said that something unnatural was recovered from the east.

  • 7 ” Ye Merrie Men are coming to town and the handsome William Marcus Marlow is coming with them! Can you believe it? The Bard of Barrington! Here! They are doing the “Fall of Amberlyn”! Oh, I can’t wait!

  • 8 ” They say the bugbears are massing to the east. I wonder what their up to? Well, it doesn’t matter! We’ll be ready for ‘em! You’d think those shaggy walking carpets would have learned by now that the Watch Wall is unbreakable!

  • 9 ” Soldiers today! A worthless, shiftless lot! Balentyne is in total disarray. Soldiers today are too lazy – not like in my day

  • 10 ” There’s a pack of dwarves in town led by a grumpy short fellow named Barnabus Eisenbauch. They’re here to fix up the watchtower or so I’ve heard. A hard working fellow -- just don’t challenge him to a drinking contest. He’ll drink you under the table every time!

  • 11 ” I’ve heard that Father Donnagin was sent here after the church demoted him from bishop. He got into some sort of trouble – serious trouble I’d wager to be banished to the Watch Wall.

  • 12 ” Bellam Barhold is such a lush. He does enjoy his wine. He’s always complaining about how he can’t get any of the good stuff here in the borderlands.

  • 13 ” Have you seen Kaitlyn Mott? She’s the most beautiful woman in town! How did an ugly lump of a man like Captain Franz Mott bag a looker like her? And how does he keep her, that’s what I want to know!

  • 14 ” Have you had any of Mama Guisseppe’s beef stew? Delicious! I hear she goes up to the Watchtower and cooks a big batch of it for the men every Monday! What a nice old lady.

  • 15 ”Those dwarves are a thieving lot! I heard one of them was caught picking a man’s pocket.

  • 16” Lord Thomas Havelyn is the most honorable and capable commander that Balentyne has ever had. If he can’t keep the Watch Wall working, then no one can!

  • 17 ”Did you hear about prisoners escaping from Branderscar? Were they ever caught?

  • 18 ” Here’s to the soldiers of Balentyne! One hundred of the finest fighting men it’s ever been my privilege to serve with

  • 19 ” I hear Captain Varning is leading another patrol out tomorrow. I wonder how long they’ll be gone this time? The last time they were gone for five days! If you ask me, these patrols are a waste of time. They’re just an excuse for Varning to get out of the tower and gallivant around the country side instead of doing his fair share of guard duty.

  • 20 ” I hear a raven arrived at the rookery last night! I bet it carried important news though I know not about what.

  • 21 ” Do you know how the Lord’s Dalliance got its name? It was once a brothel! I hear there used to be a secret passage to the basement that allowed the Lord of the Watchtower to sneak in here and 'have a good time'. Of course it must have been sealed up years ago.

Knowledge(art) DC 15:
“The Fall of Amberlyn” is a rousing tale of how love and greed brought down a great city state. The plot hinges around the young lovers Brandon and Bronwyn and their doomed romance.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

All of the above information can be gathered by taking 10 on the various perception checks. In the interest of keeping the game focused on the actual challenges, I've gone ahead and posted it here.

I've numbered the rumors; it should help if you mention that number, if you want to investigate further, or suggest a particular course of action based on a rumor.

Caladhwen, I still owe you some knowledge; I haven't forgotten ;)

If you're planning to take on a disguise while staying in Aldencross, please take a moment to describe the name, appearance and profession of the individual you'll be representing. Disguise rolls aren't necessary, travellers come and go every couple of days.

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

Oh I thought it would be quite the laugh to just walk in as Talon huehuehue. Naaaa jk

As he sees the others adorn their various disguises he huffs "I'm not taking on the form of a human again, just pretending to be one made me sick" instead he changes to the form of an elf with hair just as dark as his. There's a noticeable amount of detail in the form, down to the way the hair curls around his ear to a mole on his neck. Talon takes a moment to stare at his reflection before moving on

A: Mad Martin doesnt leave watchtower, loves birds. Maybe Talon's form could get some attention

B: Lord Havelyn is hiding something. I smell blackmail for us. Apparently he does his job well so we need to take him out of the equation.

C: Captain Zack Eddarly has the ladies eyes, we might be able to use that as a distraction.

D: Tacitus is doing something suspicious in the tower with something he got from the east, we should find out what.

E: Apparently some soldiers are lazy. Always good.

F: Dwarves are helping 'fix up' the watchtower, but their leader likes to get hammered. Let's help him do that. Also apparently some of them are theives. An easy way to get them thrown out of the city.

G: Father Donnagin did something bad, more blackmail reaches my nose.

H: Ballam Barhold, another man to get drunk under the tabel.

I: Mama Guissepe brings stew to the watchtower, that might be a ticket in.

J: 'One hundred' soldiers apparently. I don't think we could kill them all (quickly) but it's good to know that number.

K: They've heard of us, keep you s%!# cool.

L: Captain Varning likes to patrol the countryside instead of watching the wall. That would be an excellent time to strike, less guards present.

M: Ravens/birds carry messages. I could intercept those.


Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

Huh, I forgot about that part. I thought the orders were just kill Kargeld. Well, burning everything it is!

Sindran smiles, waiting for the sailors to fearfully nod at him, promising not to tell anyone. "Oh, don't worry, I'm sure you won't."

The half-orc looks pleased, giving a small smile before beckoning them closer with one hand. He waits until they lean forward before grabbing both of them and throwing them to the floor, taking advantage of their surprise and unbalanced state.

"Dead men tell no tales, after all," is the last thing they hear before fire fills their vision.

Sindran lowers his hands, wiping them on his shirt as the smell of burning flesh fills the air. He turns, addressing the others who are boarding the raft with their goods. "Let's go."

Behind him, two charred bodies lie grotesquely on the deck of the ship, the fire beginning to spread and helped along by Sindran taking a few more blasts of fire as they sail away, leaving a burning ship to sail freely in their wake, its dead crew cremating aboard their smoking funeral pyre.

Sindran says: Redemption? Fire is all the redemption I need.

Sindran takes on the form of an ordinary human traveler. He introduces himself as Timaeus Greaves, a worn-out looking local adventurer. His clothing is stained and dirtied but he places some earrings he sees some of the sailors wearing, unique enough to classify as an individual but not be memorable. If pressed on a profession, he'll say he's a storyteller but an errand-runner more often than not.

The half-orc takes note of names to approach, taking his time in planning.

Lots to do, lots of freedom here. I'm interested in 11. Father Donnagin myself, but there's such a wide variety of approaches we can take here. Any votes? Ooh. Any we got some money from things so we can stock up on equipment. And maybe get a blasted Wand of Infernal Healing or Wand of Cure Light Wounds to poke your wounds with.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

and thus ends the Frosthamar :') I kinda liked her.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7
Sindran Eithe wrote:
maybe get a blasted Wand of Infernal Healing

but who would ever carry such an evil thing in their store, pray?

Sindran Eithe wrote:
or Wand of Cure Light Wounds to poke your wounds with.

ah. Those, the good father Donnagin or one of his acolytes might be able to create.

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

Talon spends a final moment looking at his disguise, then turns to the party, telling them he is Auevrelth, an elven journalist (which is just aa traveling elf who writes what he learns of the world)w

Male Oread Monk (Hungry Ghost/Monk of the Sacred Mountain) 8 [ HP 73/73 | AC 22/19/20 | Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +10 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Init +1 | Perception +15 ]

Oret takes the initial form of a completely nondescript dwarf - brown eyes, brown hair and beard, gruff-looking - hoping that his gravelly voice doesn't give him away.

Hu (M) AnP 7; hp 58; F +10, R +9, W +9; AC 21, t 11, ff 20; Init +7; Per +9; CMD 22

Aerent assumes the disguise of Thorne, a human who was most recently a member of The Black Cardinals, an adventuring company that met a grisly fate after a chance encounter with a band of pirate scum. Thorne managed to dispatch the last of the pirates, but not before they killed all of his companions. Thorne ended up in Aldencross and has decided to rest and relax for a few weeks while figuring out his next move.

Thorne is a burly human with long curly red hair and a bushy beard. His hair is so red, it appears almost black in certain light. Though his hair and beard are dark, his face is creased with lines, showing he is older than some may think at first glance. He carries a couple of short swords across his back and wears studded leather armor which is covered by a gray tunic with a black cardinal's head sewn in the center.

A man of few words, Thorne has decided to find a room in Aldencross...

Entering The Lord's Dalliance, he approaches the bar. Finding a serving wench, "Morning little miss, who would I speak with about finding a room in this town?"

Also posting some OOC stuff for thoughts/discussion.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

Sindran's day 1:
Figure out who Bellam Barhold is, possibly visit. Speak of alcohol? Possibly for dwarves.

anyone who isn't planning on doing anything else, can join Sindran in visiting the bar.

The streets leading to the Lord's Dalliance are wide, and bring you to one of the finer parts of town. The buildings in the area are well kept; most are residential, but there's a baker, and a horse dealership nearby as well.

Outside the inn, you see a few posters announcing various performances of unknown artists, as well as yet another poster of Ye Merrie Men. As you casually push open the front door, you notice the inn is a mostly wooden building.
A pretty (well, from behind anyway) waitress is wiping the tables, and behind the bar, a man in his middle years is stacking glasses. Your heart stops for just a second, as your eyes meet those of the officer sitting on the bar stool. “g’day.” the officer nods gruffly, as he turns back towards the barman and continues his story, with whom he appears very familiar. “anyway, the elven dignitaries leave, and what did the man do with it? He socked it away in the basement and I’ll bet you he’s already forgotten about the whole case. Un-be-lievable, don't you think?

The barman narrows his eyes and shakes his head. Then, he looks at you smiles, and welcomes you to a stool or a table. “g’day mister! Don’t worry ‘bout my brother here, he’s not as rough as he looks. Hehehe. Bellam’s the name; Bellam Barhold, and it's just what I’m doing here – keeping the bar. So - what’ll it be?” smiling, the little rhyme rolls of his tongue with a well-practiced rhythm.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

Aerent's day 1:
finding a room; investigating the potential love triangle.

Aerent wrote:
"Morning little miss, who would I speak with about finding a room in this town?"

she smiles, "You have come to the right place, mister...?", crossing her arms, she stares Aerent in the eyes, waiting for him to speak his name. Wether he does or not, she soon walks over to the ledger in the corner, and looks at the reservations.

"how long are you planning to stay? the longer you book, the cheaper it gets. We do ask for a deposit though - some bad experience in the past, I'm sure you'll understand."

rates are 3Gold per night night, or 17gp for a week, or 63gp for a full month. There's a 5gp deposit required up front, if you plan on staying longer than the night.

appraise DC 10:
This is a little steep, but given that it's a clean place and it's the only inn in town, it could've been a lot worse.

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

Talon decides to make a visit to Mama Guissepe and see if he could try to get a job with her. Also he gets up high on the wall and looks for incoming birds with messages on them

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

Leaving it to Aerent to find them a room, Sindran nods to the officer before taking a seat on the offered stool, smiling at Bellam. "Good day. I'll have, ahh...." He looks around at the bottles for a few moments before looking back at the barman. "Well, surprise me? It's been a long day and I could use something good."

He places an elbow on the bar, propping his head up with an hand. "I'm Timaeus Greaves," he introduces himself politely, "but just call me Tim. I just arrived today. I'm sort of a traveller but I think I'll stay in town for a while."

He addresses the officer, confident that he won't recognize him. "Pleasure to meet you. You're his brother?"

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

knowledge(History) DC 14:
The symbols on his shoulders tell you that this officer is a captain of the guard

The barkeep rummages around, and looking sideways at his brother, he selects a bottle of white wine. "this should do you good. I always enjoy a glass of Sunshine when coming home." He holds out the bottle for your inspection.

The officer looks you over with professional curiostiy. "Where you from, Tim?" It's not quite an interrogation, but the serious tone of the question is obvious. You realize the answer had better be good. check the map link on top for input. And, I'd like to see a bluff roll! Make it count...

After Timaeus answers the initial question, officer Barhold's curiosity expands. “Oh, I haven’t been there in ages. Does old Agnes still make those excellent apple pies?

Sense Motive DC21:
For a split second, he looked left and up when he mentioned old Agnes - he's trying to trick you, to see if you're lying! The clever bastard...and FYI the DC21 is his excellent bluff roll!

Male Oread Monk (Hungry Ghost/Monk of the Sacred Mountain) 8 [ HP 73/73 | AC 22/19/20 | Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +10 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Init +1 | Perception +15 ]

Oret will name himself Morgrym Giantbane and attempt to make his way onto the team of dwarves working on the watchtower.

Hu (M) AnP 7; hp 58; F +10, R +9, W +9; AC 21, t 11, ff 20; Init +7; Per +9; CMD 22

Appraise: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11

"Thorne will do."

He follows her to the book and prints his name in short letters. Watching as she explains the prices, Thorne reaches under his tunic and pulls out a small pouch.

"I understand perfectly. Reasonable prices too."

He reaches into his pouch and retrieves a handful of gold coins, paying her for the month, as well as the deposit.

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Appraise: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Tim inspects the bottle, looking at it appreciatively. "Wow, this looks like a really good wine. Think I've heard of this one before but haven't had the pleasure. You really seem to know your stuff. Since you drink it, I suppose I'll take your recommendation." He grins. "I'll have it, and maybe we could share? It's always best with company, after all."

Bluff: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
"Oh, I was born in Piren's Bluff." He smiles, knowing the area somewhat, and it looks like he's remembering it with fondness. In truth, it was one of the first places Sindran ended up after his escape from the orcs who brought him up. "I've travelled a lot though, left as soon as I had my bearings. Haven't been there in a long time."

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Bluff: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
"Agnes?" Tim is caught off-guard by the question, but quickly follows up without a hitch, letting off a stream of babble. "I don't think I know her? I mean, there's a young Agnes but I don't know an old Agnes, and last I know of she moved with her husband to someplace, young Agnes not old Agnes, not that I was close to her anyway but my mum complained about it to my da' and I still remember since she went on about it for a week. She can really yammer on when she wants. But, well, I haven't been back there in years." He shrugs and it's apparent that he takes after his mother and could yammer on and on if prompted. "You a well-travelled man too, I take it?"

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14

Caladwhen assumes the form of an attractive human woman of roughly her height and build, but possessing slightly shorter auburn hair and brown eyes. She is dressed in a flowing white dress, and is adhorned with the symbol of Saranae.

Before heading into town, Caladwhen informs her companions Here in Ballantyne, you'll know me as Sister Lisandra Roberts, a travelling Priestess of Saranae. I'm going to seek out Captain Eddarly, and try to get some information out of him regarding the strength and capability of his forces. I'll pour on the charm, I'm sure he'll be talking in no time.

Entering the Lord's Dalliance, Lisandra Roberts appears beaming and full of life.... whoever this priestess is, she certainly is worlds apart from the haughty Caladwhen Aldimae. Sauntering up beside Aerent, Cala grins and winks at the bar wench Good day to you m'girl. Listen, when you're done with this gentlemen, I'll need to get a room as well.

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

When Talon finds the location of Mama Guissepe he approaches her with a soft elven voice "Mama Guissepe? Hello I am Auvrelth, I'm making something of a journal of the city and I hear your soup is not something to miss. That and the fact I need some money" he looks down sheepishly "I was wondering if I could get a job helping you out?"

Male Oread Monk (Hungry Ghost/Monk of the Sacred Mountain) 8 [ HP 73/73 | AC 22/19/20 | Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +10 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Init +1 | Perception +15 ]

Oret tracks down Barnabus Eisenbauch that evening, and approaches him, wringing his hands and not meeting the other's eyes. Not being a good speaker, however, he keeps his request short. "'scuse me, but I was wondering if you might be willing to hire on additional help for the good work you're doing here in town?"

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

Sindran day 1

Sindran Eithe wrote:
"Agnes?" Tim is caught off-guard by the question, but quickly follows up without a hitch, letting off a stream of babble.

sense motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

It looks like the good captain has won all the rolls!
The captain smiles smugly, and you know he knows.
"Look, 'Tim'. I won't embarras you any further by asking how they're doing in Falcon's Hollow after that nasty kobold business. I don't trust you a bit - and I have a feel for people." He stands up, nodding to his brother. "Thanks for lunch."
As he leaves, he touches your shoulder; "A word of advice; don't make me arrest you."

The barkeep is less than amused; two guests come in, pay in advance for a month in 2 rooms - and his brother goes on and insults them?! "Rest assured, that's not how the entire Barhold family treats folks from outside town. That drink's on me."

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

Caladwhen, you'll get 1gp discount on the rates Aerent got - members of the clergy are well respected in town.

Female Elf Wizard (Conjuror)

Hah, found the perfect avatar for Cala's alter ego disguise. On other business IB, I've updated Cala's spell list which she'll change to on the first night. These spells are less combat oriented and more helpful for investigating purposes.

Lisandra smiles graciously at the bar girl "Thank-you; we clergy aren't exactly overflowing with money, so every bit helps."

Taking her room key, Lisandra heads to the bar and orders some wine. Surveying the crowd, she casually watches Tim's difficulty with the Captain. After the Captain leaves, Lisandra heads across the bar and casually sits beside Tim in vacated chair.

With a slight pout, Lisandra teases "Aww, that didn't go well." Taking a sip of wine, she leans in and coolly adds in her more characteristic manner "We'll need to watch that one carefully."

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]


Tim gives a momentary flinch when the captain touches his shoulder and annoyance spikes through him after showing such a weakness.

He's somewhat mollified by the free drink but makes a note on The List about the captain. Possibly need to warn the others to watch out for him as well and it's even more irritating when a bit of his own pride is sullied that the officer saw through him.

"Thanks," Tim answers Bellam, resolutely not looking at the captain when he leaves. Let him think he's intimidated. He'll have the upper hand soon enough. Turning his attention back to the barkeep, he fishes for more information. "Is he always that, uhh, suspicious? I mean, I wouldn't think there'd be much crime here being so near the Watch Wall and all."

When Lisandra approaches, Tim scratches his head bashfully. "Yeah," he says, affirming her suggestion but not giving anything away. "I don't think he likes me too much."

Female | Half-Elf | 4 Rogue | 28/28

Well, after multiple posts eaten, and a few power outages, Arryn is back in Black :P

-Day 1-
Arryn looks as her beloved group members. "They- NO! You'll see them later," She consoled herself. "You can't over trust them either... they'd take your head off without a second thought if that's what it took to move forward. So would you," She thought. She didn't agree, but didn't want to argue with herself.

She quickly looked around, people doing business. She wanted to get a move on. She quickly started to formulate plans:

1. Find local bandits or rogues.
Arryn goes to a shadier corner of town, and when nobody is near, she quickly shifts, setting a new appearance. All of her clothing becomes a dark as the night sky, and sticks to her like a second skin. Her cape flows menacingly behind her, and her hood hangs low, the rest of her face covered by a mask that comes up to here eyes, allowing just her eyes to peak out. Her eyes become Orange beacons in the black folds of her cloak. She moves to the closest building to her, and as stealthily as possible, slides underneath it if possible, and will lay until she has the cover of Day 1's night. She peeks out from under her house. All the houses are mine She thought to herself, with a smile. She quickly climbs atop the building next to her, to have a greater vantage point of the city. Looking around, she searches for any important buildings, stopping at the local Tavern. She slides of the building and makes her way over. She slips in through the bustling front door to the tavern, walking the perimeter of the room, trying to go unnoticed but not caring if she is. Once at the bar, she sits down at the end, and waits for a tender. She looks the tender in the eye, and whispers "I need one ale and a room," She says as she tosses 10 gold pieces. She quickly gets rid of the Ale, and leaves the mug to be cleaned as she goes up to wherever the tender pointed her room to be.

-3 AM- (Rumor 21)
Hoping that as many people will be asleep as possible, Arryn slips out of her room, and travels back to the main room. She looks around, searching for a hatch, back room, anything that might lead downstairs. There had to be one still, and that might be a lead. She knew it. If not she hopefully would pick up a few coins or such.

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29
Stealth: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

Talon, day 1:
investigate from wall, track birds.

From your high viewpoint, the people going about their daily routine in the town of Aldencross almost look like ants. You learn a lot from this which should give your some of the rumors
you don't see any ravens - but your geographical knowledge (no rolls, you can just fly up and see) tells you there's only two places birds might take a message to; Ghastenhall (the nations 3rd largest city) due west, and Fusil, a small village to the southwest. Investigating so thoroughly does take most of the day.

Talon, day 1:
find a job with mama G

In an alley leading from the main market, you come upon a bunch of trash cans, providing the only evidence of a pasta restaurant behind the greasy door. You'd need to know it's there to find it. The smells from the grate in the wall are ab-so-lutely mouthwatering - heck, even the trash smells of awesome food.

As you stand there, licking your lips, the door quickly opens, and a wrinkly woman steps out, holding a greasy bag in one hand. She seems oblivious of her surroundings, but after one step towards the bins, she stops and turns to you.

Talon Dalkar wrote:
"Mama Guissepe? Hello I am Auvrelth, I'm making something of a journal of the city and I hear your soup is not something to miss. That and the fact I need some money" he looks down sheepishly "I was wondering if I could get a job helping you out?"

The woman's eyes twinkle as she shakes with laughter. "Well now! At least you're an honest sort!" After she stops laughing, she drops the bag in one of the bins, and cleans her hands on her apron. "Thank you for the compliment, Auvrelth. I'm quite proud of it myself, and before you ask, you are not getting the recipe for your journal."

She takes a moment to see if you're still interested, and is genuinely pleased to see that you are. "Well now. Seems you really are honest..."
She sighs, and having made her decision, she claps her hands. "Son, kitchen work is hard, messy, sweaty work. If you'll only be in my way, I won't have you in my kitchen. So - make yourself useful, and get rid of this mess. If I have clean bins by the time I head home tonight, you'll have a paid job tomorrow." She nods, and heads back inside to get back to work.

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

Tiasar smiles "You are too kind, and as long as I get a taste I won't ask for the recipe. I'll get right to work" as she goes back inside Tiasar's smile instantly drops AM I A BLOODY JANITOR NOW he fumes for a moment then calms himself It's all for my cause, just a detour with a sigh he sets to work cleaning up, using magic to destroy half of it so he doesn't have to carry it around.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7
Talon Dalkar wrote:
using magic to destroy half of it so he doesn't have to carry it around

I lolled

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

Oh also if Talon has any spare time between taking out the trash and closing time, he will see if he can intercept any messages coming in on birds

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