
Aleixica Tas'Vere's page

152 posts. Alias of motteditor (RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16).

Organized Play Characters

Shadow Lodge Archard Cowl

Male Human Rogue 1 (0 posts)
Silver Crusade Sir Quinton Eirador

Male HP 27/27, AC 18/T 11/FF 17, F +5, R +3, W +2 (+3 vs. fear), Init +5, Per +4 Human Fighter 2/Bard (archivist) 1 (166 posts)
Jarl of the North Wind
Grand Lodge Ramli Il-Bahr.

M HP 16/16, AC 15/12/13, F +5, R +2, W +3, Init +2, Per +6 Human magus (hexcrafter staff magus) (133 posts)
Lantern Lodge Hooli Jinowarui

HP 58, AC 22, F +9, R +13, W +10 Kitsune rogue 5 (198 posts)
Aredil Sultur
Sovereign Court Daverin Darkshoals

Human Former naval officer 1; 11/11 hp; Init +7; AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16; CMD 14; Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +0 (+1 vs. fear); Perception +6 (33 posts)
Exo-Guardians Obozaya Vesk

SP 32/32; HP 34; RP 5; EAC 21; KAC 23; Fort +5; Ref +4; Will +4 (+2 vs. fear effects) (109 posts)
Monk of the Seven Forms

M playtest monk 1 (45 posts)
Taergan Flinn
Envoy's Alliance Dahovrian Queensguard

Male Elf Sorcerer 7 (0 posts)
Thramira Greathammer
Horizon Hunters Brynsil "Grams" Lustershale

LG Female dwarf (rock) champion 2 | HP 36 | AC 19/21 | F +9 R +7 W +6 | Perc +8 | Stealth +1 | Speed: 15 ft. | (294 posts)
Ironfang Forest Soldier
Radiant Oath Dagor Thursh

M Hobgoblin oracle 1 (0 posts)
Markwin Teldas
Radiant Oath His Majesty, Sir Quinton

NG Male human (versatile) fighter 1 | HP 21 | AC 18 (20) | F +8 R +6 W +3 | Perc +5 | Stealth +1| Speed: 20 ft. | (47 posts)
Amaya Kaijitsu
Vigilant Seal Arra Vliegerzot

Female gnome witch 1 | HP 16 | Hero Point 0 | Perc +3 | Speed 25 ft. | AC 15 | Fort +5 ; Ref +5 ; Will +5 | (99 posts)
Theodore Black
Vigilant Seal Revecka Kinczllers

Investigator (2 posts)
Grand Archive Pyrexius, The Golden Dragon

M Human (reflection) thaumaturge (39 posts)
Radiant Oath Thovo

M Shoony (bloodhound) Gunslinger (way of the drifter) 3 (0 posts)
Sunflower Leshy
Verdant Wheel Squall in the Oasis

NG NB leshy druid 4 | HP 44 | AC 19 (21) | F +10 R +9 W +12 | Perc +12 | Stealth +2 | Speed:25 ft. (0 posts)
Horizon Hunters Rubeg Fusestick

Male goblin inventor | HP: 18/36 | AC 20 (22) | F +9, R +7, W +6 | Hero Point: 0/1 (32 posts)
Elf Woman
Envoy's Alliance Omen Moonbright

Male Human Ranger 1 (0 posts)


Pathfinder Module: Plunder & Peril (PFRPG)
Adistan Temmer

M hp 28; AC 17/touch 12/flat-footed 15; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1 (+2 vs. emotion spells, effects) Human slayer 3 (403 posts)
Aleixica Tas'Vere

Female Human Cleric 5 / Divine Scion /3 (152 posts)
Aurelian Fache

Male human swashbuckler 9 |HP: 81 AC: 24 (16 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +13, CMD: 25 (27 vs. disarm) | F: +4, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +3 or +5 | Perc: +6, SM +5, Bluff +13, Dip +11 | Speed 30 ft. | Panache: 5| Active conditions: None. (995 posts)
Shade of the Uskwood

HP 46/46 | AC 19 | F +11, R +8, W +10 (44 posts)
Brijetta Slatehound

HP 84, AC 23, F+14, R+13, W+12 | Female dwarf kineticist 6 (240 posts)
Calumny "Calla" Tas'vere

Half-Elf (Chelaxian) Female HP 109, AC 26/18/21, F +13*, R +11*, W +15*, Init +8, Per +22 Inquisitor 13 (1,989 posts)
Drow Priest
Calumny Tas'Vere

Sort of drow/half-elf (Chelaxian) female HP 68, AC 22/16/18, F +10*, R +6*, W +12*, Init +7, Per +16 Inquisitor 8 (184 posts)
Carawyn Ellyzig Finwinkle

Female HP 18, AC 14, T 14 FF 12, Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +5, Per +8 (low-light), CMD 11 Gnome witch 2 (154 posts)
Horgus Gwerm
Caspan Saal

Male human brawler 8 83 hp | AC 18 / T 12 / FF 16) 25% chance to negate crits | CMB: +12* CMD: 24* | F: +10, R: +9, W: +3 | Per +9 | Init +2 (896 posts)
Jakaw Razorbeak

HP 246, AC 42*, F30/R30/W32* Male tengu bard 20 (416 posts)
Space Elf
Daehalya Shadowsun

HP 83 | AC 25 (+1 vs. traps) | F: +11, R: +17, W: +12 (+1 vs. traps) | Perc: +14 | Speed 30 ft. Elf rogue 7 (467 posts)
Esirelle Peck

F HP 127 | AC 28 | F+19, R+18, W+21 | Per +19 | Halfling stage manager oracle 12 (72 posts)
Grethel Grim

F Human pyrokineticist 2 / brawler 1 (56 posts)
Damon Vancaskerkin
Heidan of the Wild

M HP 114, AC 22/13/19, F +14, R +13, W +9; init +3 (+5 with animal aspect) Human hunter 13 (38 posts)
Bone Legion Soldier
Humerus Fetch

HP 220, AC 35/37/39, F+22, R+22, W+20 Skeleton monk 14 (294 posts)
Cayden Cailean
Ionacu Valdemar

Male Human Rogue 1 (58 posts)
Jacob W. Michaels

Male Newspaper editor, freelance game designer (514 posts)
Jessamy Pierce

HP 93/93, AC 26/17/26, F +6, R +13 (+3 vs. traps), W +5, Init +9, Per +15 Feral Rogue 12 (1,320 posts)

Male HP 74, AC 23, F +13, R +12, W +10 Half-orc thaumaturge 6 (515 posts)
Velriana Hypaxes
Katria Delaval

Female human occultist 18 HP 168, AC 29, Touch 18, FF 22, F20/R14/W15*, CMD 29 (1,398 posts)
Lieutenant Kosseruk

HP 75, AC 22, F+12, R+12, W+9 Minotaur fighter 5 (99 posts)
Skywin Freeling
L'vanna Saltspray

LN female halfling cleric 5 HP 61 | AC 19 | F +12 R +9 W +13 | Perc +13 | Stealth +2 | Speed:25 ft., swim 10 ft. (39 posts)
Sussessa Amakye
Louly a'Maris

Female Human Alchemist (beastmorph) 1 / Gunslinger 1 (235 posts)
Mithralline Cort

hp 97; AC 26 or 27; Fort +13, Ref +11, Will +12 LE sprite vampire tyrant 7 (609 posts)
Sanvil Trett
Nebbin Elsbet

HP 92, +13 CMB, CMD 26, +2 Init, +9 Perception, AC 20/13T/17FF (-2 when raging), +10 Fort, +6 Ref, +3/+5 Will Human barbarian 8 (1,999 posts)
Poog Bonebane

Male Goblin Witch 12 HP 88/76, AC 21, touch 18, flat-footed 18, Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +12, (392 posts)
Jarl of the North Wind
Grand Lodge Ramli Il-Bahr

M Human Sorcerer (efreeti bloodline) 1 (90 posts)
Rathis Thrice-Scorned

M HP 148/178, AC 30/16/27, F +16, R +13, W +6, Init +3, Per +17 Half-orc alchemist 14 (100 posts)
Wyssilka the Fantabulous
Rova Moonbright

F HP 146, AC 27 or 28, F+18/19, R +20/21, W +16/17, Hero Pts 2 Halfling circusfolk doomsayer 10 (907 posts)
Staunton Vhane
Royken Slatehound

HP: 160 | AC: 28 | F: +21 (juggernaut); R: +19; W: +17 (bravery) | Perception +16 || Male Dwarf Fighter 10 (348 posts)
Edwid Fickleberry
Sander Thistlewight

Male HP 62, AC 19, Touch 14, FF 16, F9/R11/W5, CMD 19 Halfling alchemist 10 (1,198 posts)
Mask of the Mantis
Sister Dianora

F HP 203, AC 36, F+27 / R+26 / W +28 Human cleric (warpriest) 15 (257 posts)
Izmiara, The Insatiable Queen
Taerine Doumont

F Human Kinetecist (pyrokineticist) 17 (265 posts)
Space Half-Elf
Takarias Higharrow

HP 116 | AC 31 or 32 | F+17, R+19, W+18 | Per +16 (12 posts)

HP 108, AC 27/28, F+18, R+18, W+17, Per +17 Savage elephant animal companion 10 (225 posts)
Ancient Dream Dragon
The Tyrant

AC 31, F +20, R +19, W +17, Per +17 (71 posts)
Keltir Arinna
Vashta Denaria

HP 134, AC 33, F +21, R +23, W +22, Per +21 Sorcerer 14 (815 posts)
Wherby Crick

HP 53, AC 20/21, F+11, R+9, W+12 Human witch 5 (98 posts)