DM-Camris' Savage Tide Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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So. Who's up for volunteering to wrap Master Brson's head in tin-foil, then? XD

Happy Thank's Giving Day to those in the States.

I'll be sure to try and throw a haunch of Emu on the 'Barby' to share in the festivities.

Island Elf(link) HP 20;56;Fort+6;Ref+11;Will+4;Perc+9; Init+4;AC17(19)Defensive:21

Season's greetin's everyone!

*Does happy festive dance...*


Okay... Home computer is having... 'Issues'.

Something has gone wonky and...the system has blown back into Windows 7. Perhaps the graphics card has also... splerghed? Tech is due soon. Will do best to stay connected.

Yay! Season's greetings and best wishes for all!


Geez. The dice roller in both games is behaving rather... low... :(

Island Elf(link) HP 20;56;Fort+6;Ref+11;Will+4;Perc+9; Init+4;AC17(19)Defensive:21

Happy 'Socking' day everyone!

*Does happy dance showing off their legs and the socks they've been given*

An' see?! When they gets a little worn ye can be makin' 'em in't gloves!

*Does more happy dance showing off their 'Glove socks' on each tanned arm*


Season's greetings to one and all. Much cheers and best wishes for the new year coming. (^_^)

Sorry if my posts are a bit erratic and slow posting. Was doing some house cleaning up and I managed to step on a metal rake. Clocked myself in the side of the head and got a nice lump for the trick.

So, however, they manage to do it in the old comedies? Yeah, for real it fekkin' hurts in the flesh, as it were.

How does the quote go? The tragedy is me getting a paper cut. Comedy is someone else falling down a manhole to backing music. :P

Male Half-orc Monk (Iron Mountain) 8 |HP: 60/61 | AC:26 Current 29, T 19, FF 21 | Fort: +9 Ref:+10 Will:+12 (+14 Enchantment) |CMB +12 (+16 grapple), CMD 25 (27) | Init+3 | Perc +13 | Ki Pool 9/9


Yup. Except mine came in form the side. Nice 'Egg' on my temple. XD

Just a post ta' make sure tha' 'Dot' comes back after tha' board fixin'. (^_^)

, wrote:
Just a post ta' make sure tha' 'Dot' comes back after tha' board fixin'. (^_^)

Here we go agin.

Pokin' after tha' board fixin'

I want to make the comment to Marius' description of thier 'Weaknesses' in such a manner as;

"If they bleed? We can kill them."

but that's not a very 'Sunny' line to say.

Please, some onme else feel free to epxress a similar opinion, though. :)

Much cheers to all.

Island Elf(link) HP 20;56;Fort+6;Ref+11;Will+4;Perc+9; Init+4;AC17(19)Defensive:21

Realised I was confusing my self with some of th mechanics.

Sunny has, I think, managed to hit the nasty monkey with at least on of her wooden darts.

"Splintering weapon". Whenever you use a melee or thrown weapon with the fragile weapon feature (page 146) or similar quality and hit an opponent, you can give your weapon the broken condition to deal that opponent 1d4 points of bleed damage.

So, she can break one of her darts and cause 1d4 bleed damage to the nasty monkey.

It's when (If) she scores ac crit she can have the wepon break for an auto crit.



Much cheers to all

Simple post after the boards got serviced...

Just keeping the dot dreams alive...

Must admit.

I'm unsure as to the best course of action for Sunny.

She's hurting. One or two more good swipes and she might be out.

Jumping off her current target might provoke, though.

Not sure if there's enough damage output for her to help finish the current target...


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Sunny, if you don't want to close to melee with a big enemy, you can use your sneak attack at range (using shuriken, daggers, blowdarts etc), as long as the enemy doesn't see you at the beginning of the round (smoke, darkness, concealing terrain) and you're within 30 foot range.


Good news is I am back onto the forums.

Bad news is home computer has given me a 'Blue screen of death'.

Which is a right bugger.

Tech is coming out soon as possible. Yay for holiday week ends.

Will be looking in as often as I can.

Hop every one is swell

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Okay. Home computer is back up and running. Yay! (^_^)

So. What might you think of me 'Rebuilding' Sunny'?

I've got a hankering to go 'Titan Mauler' for the first two levels. So not quite that much change.

Then, at third level, taking 'Cavalier' then alternating with 'Witch'.

Basically, building up to take 'Leadership' and 'Squire' to get two other followers and ramp up the full 'Coven' rules.

Basically, my home game has gone to Paizo 2nd edition, and I am getting frustrated by how 'bland' it is for players.

Thoughts? Ideas?

You all ready to take the door, or should we wait until after tax day?


After tax day?

Something in America?

All the very best for what ever it is.

Male Half-orc Monk (Iron Mountain) 8 |HP: 60/61 | AC:26 Current 29, T 19, FF 21 | Fort: +9 Ref:+10 Will:+12 (+14 Enchantment) |CMB +12 (+16 grapple), CMD 25 (27) | Init+3 | Perc +13 | Ki Pool 9/9

It's 4/18. It's the deadline for taxes, which is often a pre-occupation for people who've waited last minute so a lot of stuff tends to go on hold until then during that final week.

Plus for anyone working in finance it's a pretty insanely busy period.



For us it's more June/July.

We've a handy online web page.
Basically for the average Joe. Open page. Verify account. CLick on the relevant options. Seend. Get any rebates etc within a week or so.

Cheers and very best wishes for folks struggling though their stuff.

I also now realise my question to GM Camris was posted in the wrong game. My apologies for the confusion.


Male Human Wizard 8

Happy to proceed whenever's convenient. No Tax Day over here.

Male Half-orc Monk (Iron Mountain) 8 |HP: 60/61 | AC:26 Current 29, T 19, FF 21 | Fort: +9 Ref:+10 Will:+12 (+14 Enchantment) |CMB +12 (+16 grapple), CMD 25 (27) | Init+3 | Perc +13 | Ki Pool 9/9 Our government can easily do that. But instead it's "calculate what you owe, and what rebate is owed and submit it to us"

"Oh and if it's wrong, we might audit you, or even charge you with tax fraud"

Grand Lodge

What Ghirrak said.

Male Half-orc Monk (Iron Mountain) 8 |HP: 60/61 | AC:26 Current 29, T 19, FF 21 | Fort: +9 Ref:+10 Will:+12 (+14 Enchantment) |CMB +12 (+16 grapple), CMD 25 (27) | Init+3 | Perc +13 | Ki Pool 9/9

2000 crowns and 3000 silver pennies.
You also find a Buckler, +1.
You also find a Wand of Aid fully charged with 50 charges.

Have we even been keeping track of treasure recently?

Wishing every one all the very best. (^_^)

Grand Lodge

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I haven't kept a loot list since the end of 2019.

Working on a list from the time of the shipwreck.

• Chest from ship wreckage (I didn’t look at what’s inside. Ghirrak knows though) buried close to wreckage.
• Lance +1
• Necklace 500 crowns
• Silver Dagger, masterwork
• Golden medallion with shining pink pearl (magic)

Half Fiend Half Elf Druid 8| HP 94/94| AC 22 (25), FF 19 (22), Touch 14| Fo +10 Re +5 Wi +12; SR 20| Init +3| Percep +23, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision| Wildshape 3/3, Destructive Smite 9/9

Apart from those items, there's the Gargoyle Crown and the new items mentioned.

It's been a low loot installment.

Island Elf(link) HP 20;56;Fort+6;Ref+11;Will+4;Perc+9; Init+4;AC17(19)Defensive:21




Island Elf(link) HP 20;56;Fort+6;Ref+11;Will+4;Perc+9; Init+4;AC17(19)Defensive:21

Much cheeriness to everyone. (^_^)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

On vacation to Alaska for a couple weeks.

Island Elf(link) HP 20;56;Fort+6;Ref+11;Will+4;Perc+9; Init+4;AC17(19)Defensive:21

Be well.

Have lots of fun!

Male Half-orc Monk (Iron Mountain) 8 |HP: 60/61 | AC:26 Current 29, T 19, FF 21 | Fort: +9 Ref:+10 Will:+12 (+14 Enchantment) |CMB +12 (+16 grapple), CMD 25 (27) | Init+3 | Perc +13 | Ki Pool 9/9


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