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![]() Hello. I made an order and then realized I'd not pt all the products I'd like into said order. Upon creating the second order, the options for 'Combine order' did nothing more than constantly shunt me back to the Paizo main page. I now have one nice, large order and another order of a single item. I have sent an e-mail to the customer service desk and am following friend's advice on posting the problem here. Very best cheer to all. ![]()
![]() Hello. I made an order and then realized I'd not pt all the products I'd like into said order. Upon creating the second order, the options for 'Combine order' did nothing more than constantly shunt me back to the Paizo main page. I now have one nice, large order and another order of a single item. I have sent an e-mail to the customer service desk and am following friend's advice on posting the problem here. Very best cheer to all. ![]()
So...in book two. There's the enchanted forest and what it contains. My question is....Why can't the players simply let the forest get taken away to the first world? If the players rescue all them which need to be 'left behind', why can't they just wait in the forest....Jump into the hut once the thing is in the first world and then push the button to send the hut off to where ever it is in book 3? Just curious as to people's thoughts on this. Because I am dang sure my players will quickly put two and two together and put that idea forward as viable. Very much cheers to all. ![]()
Hello. Having just bought the first few books of 'Reign of Winter' and I must say the interior art and such is wonderful. My questions are these. I have a player who's used the equally naffy "Ultimate Campaign Guide" to add some 'zing' in creating their character for said above adventure path. Now..one of the interesting things is the "Love lost' back ground entanglement. My troubles, as a DM, is....."Where can I PUT said NPC for the character to find/stumble over/rescue? Should I simply 'swap out' an existing NPC?
Admittedly, only having the first three books, I am unsure if -somewhere within the pages of the next three books- there isn't just such a 'place' for potential character development things to be inserted. Any thoughts/help/hints would be much appreciated. very much cheers to all. (^_^) ![]()
So, I have bought and perused the "Monsters of Inner Sea" and within its pages are described the created machines known as 'Androids'. Without wanting to reprint too much and give anything Paizo copyrighted away, though I must say I do like the stats/creature write up/Stat block etc. They are listed as 'Constructs' but also as Medium Humanoids. Now, as they are 'manufactured' and yet can learn and advance in class levels, I came to thinking about the class of Sorcerer. Sorcerers are depicted as being 'intrinsically' magical and the Blood lines' seem to bolster this. So...my question is (And yes I know there is a penalty built into the Android 'stats') could an Android invoke/cast Socerous powers? Thoughts? Feed back? Comments? ![]()
So, in another thread the discussion has drifted into the general use and generating of power. Not wanting to fill up or side track some one elses thread, I have opened up this for people to chat about such things. So, come one -come all ! Lets talk about all the different things we know...and learn about the things we don't know...when it comes to the many and varied ways people have and are thinking about in generating 'Power'. Be it electrical, mechanical or whatever. *Bows* Much cheers to you and yours. ![]()
Premise: An Alchemist is a walking, talking magic item creator. Question 1) Said Alchemist character, turned into an intelligent undead retains their power...Correct? Question 2) Suppose a nefarious Necromancer captures said Alchemist (Before or after undeath) and then proceeds to turn said unfortunate into an Necromantic 'alchemy lab'........ The idea, of course, is to give my adventures BBEG access to something that is both unique and a nice 'reason for plot hook'. I am sure that, in the ensuing battle with the intrepid heroes said Necromantic Alchemy lab will suffer a catastrophic amount of damage during the battle between said Necromancer and said Heroes.. *Bows* Thank you for any time and considerations. ![]()
![]() So, currently a game thread seems to be down to two players/characters, myself (Selyne) and Dao. The Dm has asked that a cal go out for more/new characters to be added so that the thread may continue. The OOC thread is here, with character generation etc. I hope this missive meets with the Dm approval and await to see how comes forward with what character. *bows* ![]()
Fem Elf Bard 3
![]() Howdy an' greatin's t' all th' board members! WANTED, DM and attending Game/Adventure. A group o' first level characters is seekin' an attending DM and adventure path. Please feel free t' drop yer thoughts, comments, whut have ye in th' thread here in regards t' whut offers fer gamin' ye wish t' put forward. I'm sure'n th' other players 'll be more'n happy t' tweak 'n fiddle their concepts t' fit whutever it t'is ye, as a Game host, have in mind fer us. ^_^ SO, some further explanation as t' whut this here new post is about. This fine group o' adventurers wus trekkin' in't some encounters when th' DM, seems t' just have up an' vanished. Now, let me be first in sayin' I do understand how Real Life c'n jump up 'n clobber a folk all unexpected like, an' we group o' gamers wish nothin' but th' very best fer th' person's involved. Lookin' forward t' any an' all comers! Cheery-O! (^_^) ![]()
![]() Hello, and thanks for looking at my first thread. :) So, in the newest Adventure Path we are introduced to Pathfinder Drow. Now the creators want to take the critters into a realm of their own and so have changed a few things. So far I LOVE what they're doing. :3 (Possible SPOILER! Alert) Now, the whole Drow are Elves who's EVIL has turned them into dark skinned psychopaths I don't actually have a problem with. The whole Good fey turning evil and physically changing I don't mind. Here's my point question: What happens about going the other way? Have I jumped the gun and at the end of the adventure almost all of the affected, former Elves now Drow shall be redeemed by the actions of the players? Or is it something that's lurking in the back of the minds of the creators? Surely if an Elf can be so consumed by evil that they 'shift' onto Drow, then the revers is true and Drow who either get redeemed or are just not 'nasty' enough change back into Elves? It's just a random kind of thought that struck me as I was reading the back ground stuff in the first book of the adventure. Any feed back, ideas welcome. :D Cheers! |