Stedd Grimwold |
13 people marked this as a favorite. |
So with 4th edition edition announced, we can finally begin speculation on 5th edition (hey, you clicked the link to get here, not me).
So after another 4 years, 2012 will see the release of 5th edition. Here's what I predict:
After another crop of game designers take over after doing all the sweat work for 4th edition, they begin to cross-check their own "House Rules" and realize that if house rule A and House rule B replaced canon, and if 4th ed. mechanic was tweaked, just so, they would have a vastly superior game. Like any good Game Designer, they begin hosting D&D sessions (online of course via the DI) with fellow WoTC employees. Sure enough, their players are hooked and soon the buzz of 5th edition leaks and within a few months it is announced at the 2012 Gen Con.
What does this new edition entail?
It recognizes that the D&D game is best when customizeable. In older editions, when there wasn't a rule, the DM "winged", and if the DM was good at their role, all were happy. So 5th edition will invilve "Game Pieces" that you mix-and-match to create the game that you and your players wish to play. Pieces like (martial combat system) or (Low magic system) or even (character advancement system). In fact, D&D has multiple versions of the same piece so you can truly customize in a plethora of ways. For example you can use the (vancean magic system) or the (spell point magic system) which brings us to where the complexity of 5th edition comes in: Some pieces are exclusive of each other. That is you cannot have both pieces in the same game. Some pieces are inclusive (if A then B), etc.
You see, these game designers realized that the player base is not only capable of designing their own game, it is pretty much a given that no two games are alike. The only constant is the language we use (to hit rolls, Armor Class, and Magic Missile).
2012 becomes known as The Year D&D was Liberated from the New Edition Cure-All caused by Sagging Sales Syndrome (a common malady for book publishers - What edition is your copy of "Lord of the Rings"?)
This Parady was brought to you by the makers of Slurm! Slurm, get your fix today!
golem101 |
What does this new edition entail?
It recognizes that the D&D game is best when customizeable. In older editions, when there wasn't a rule, the DM "winged", and if the DM was good at their role, all were happy. So 5th edition will invilve "Game Pieces" that you mix-and-match to create the game that you and your players wish to play. Pieces like (martial combat system) or (Low magic system) or even (character advancement system). In fact, D&D has multiple versions of the same piece so you can truly customize in a plethora of ways. For example you can use the (vancean magic system) or the (spell point magic system) which brings us to where the complexity of 5th edition comes in: Some pieces are exclusive of each other. That is you cannot have both pieces in the same game. Some pieces are inclusive (if A then B), etc.
You see, these game designers realized that the player base is not only capable of designing their own game, it is pretty much a given that no two games are alike. The only constant is the language we use (to hit rolls, Armor Class, and Magic Missile).
2012 becomes known as The Year D&D was Liberated from the New Edition Cure-All caused by Sagging Sales Syndrome (a common malady for book publishers - What edition is...
I like this edition and I want to subscribe to your newsletter.
Jeremy Mac Donald |
Is there some way I can sign up to pay a monthly fee now?
yes ... yes there is.
Please make your cheques out to WotC care of Jeremy Mac Donald in Toronto, Canada.
This places you first in line for new 5th Edition Material!
To show your status as 1st in line for 5th Edition Material I'll send you ... err, I mean WotC will send you a little form that says so.
Molech |
Wait, Jeremy, I'll only sign up if you promise unexcusably poor customer service, mediocre at best material, and little to no explanation as to what the product is. Oh, yeah, and make sure you keep stepping on your customers' (or should I start saying "customer's") toes and ignoring their concerns. I have expectations from WotC, ya know!
-W. E. Ray
Stedd Grimwold |
Stedd Grimwold wrote:But I learned on the X-files that 2012 is the End of the World...So with 4th edition edition announced, we can finally begin speculation on 5th edition (hey, you clicked the link to get here, not me).
So after another 4 years, 2012 will see the release of 5th edition...
Yes, it is from the Mayan Calendar that ends on Dec 21st 2012. So you have from Gen Con august 2012 to dec 21st 2012 to enjoy 5th edition. However, if you ask me, the Mayan government funded the "Calendar Project" and after a few years of Mayan Sages toiling over the project, funding was suddenly canceled due to the new Mayan King announcing a "2nd edition" of the calendar. The original calendar was scrapped, people hastily converted their old calendars to new calendars and life went on. However, A new King decided he wanted to improve upon this calendar and come out with "Calendar 3.0"...need I go on?
CourtFool |
So 5th edition will invilve "Game Pieces" that you mix-and-match to create the game that you and your players wish to play. Pieces like (martial combat system) or (Low magic system) or even (character advancement system). In fact, D&D has multiple versions of the same piece so you can truly customize in a plethora of ways. For example you can use the (vancean magic system) or the (spell point magic system) which brings us to where the complexity of 5th edition comes in: Some pieces are exclusive of each other. That is you cannot have both pieces in the same game. Some pieces are inclusive (if A then B), etc.
Hero System already does this. People can not handle the complexity.
Kirth Gersen |
No despite Gnomes being inbred little hillbillies they are not listed as such in the 5ED
Despite appearances, gnomes are clearly not inbred--on the contrary, their racial Con bonus indicates some sort of hybrid vigor. Elves, on the other hand... notice that the Con penalty doesn't get lifted unless they crossbreed with humans and the offspring are half-elves.
Xuttah |
5th Edition is totally BROKEN! I for one will NOT be switching to this abomination! I'm switching back to Tunnels & Trolls from now on!
Oh yeah? Well I'm so outraged that I'm going back to platic army guys and dinosaurs. P-chew! P-chew! Rawrr! You're dead! No more clunky rules to agonize over for me. :)
PS I'd like to order the 5.0 T-shirt. Or is that T-shirt 5.0?
PPS I was always wondering what the one army guy was pointing at...
Warmage 101 |
It is the year 2121. Humanity for years has been toiling under the tyrannical rule of the Wizards of the Coast corporation who force every single person on the planet to play DnD. Why is this bad you say? Because every day a new edition of DnD is released! Currently it is on 58694940856849085848508.38338488848322002e. where there are no classes, no rules, one perfectly streamlined product. Characters can choose only to be a small human called bob who constantly wonders what the heck is going on as each sub edition is released
But don't worry, the swiss secret service are currently plotting the end of the evil government! Hope is near!
Warmage 101
Patricio Calderón |
Three hypothesis:
1)5th edition will not exist since 4th edition will put WOTC on bankrupt.
2)5th edition will be very fast released to save WOTC from bankrupt after the release of 4th edition.
3)4th will survive (most gamers gave their money) and 5th will exist then (thanks to the money from the same gamers) so expect 6th edition to serve those who want give their money.
Souphin |
I put this in the wrong thread earlier...
Wotc's on article makes reference to the "analog and digital" game and based on that I get the idea that the gaming will be more like a video game. I see this only in the aspects of making the game play in both "analog and digital" the same so that wotc can sell the same product. Like when they changed ddm to flow with 4th and how with each flavor of D&D the digital gaming went along side it. BG, NVW, DDO, Daggerdale. Now with this new game it see it getting even closer.
What I'd like to see is maybe a 4.5 type of game. Where the classes are pretty much as they are but the powers are not specific to a class but to a region of classes. For example there is a list of arcane, divine, martial and psionic powers. And wizards, warlocks and sorcerers all have access to the same arcane list. This gives more flexibility to the game and still keeps it not changing too much between versions.
Also a change is needed in encounter and daily. At a table encounter and daily work just fine but in a video game you use a daily rest and use it again. When playing for hours like many video gamers you want to perform the cool actions as often as you can. Instead the encounter and daily powers should have a rule to recharge them, this giving a consistent rule between "analog and digital". Of course encounter being faster to recharge than daily.
---For example if you hit with 4 magic missiles (I’m using the original 4th edition magic missile rule) then you can recharge one encounter power. And if you hit with 4 encounter powers you can recharge a daily power.
shadowmage75 |
Enjoy your snark and sarcasm. It doesn't deter the fact that DnD is still the flagship RPG, and WotC/Hasbro's sinking it like the titanic. If they fail to generate a profitable model, Hasbro will likely dump it off to someone else for the bottom line costs, and who knows what level of defilement we will see.
What you should do is hope they come up with an acceptable resource, one supported like pathfinder and paizo. The name has lived through several decades of the worst opposition you could ask for (I still smart from the first time i got kicked out of a friend's house for bringing 'the devil's game' into their house.) It has the easily recognized in any genre name and logos, and has made the title rpg mainstream.
Yea, they burned me when they made 4th, but its not a version war for me. I want them to succeed because they buttress us as a separate genre making our own name. How many other rpg's do you know, with the first line in describing it starts with "you know DnD? Well it's like that but..."
Kevin Andrew Murphy Contributor |
The 8th Dwarf |
Stedd, old buddy old any lottery numbers you feel good about? ;-)
(Oh wait, he hasn't posted in a year and half...)
If Stedd can predict the future with that kind of accuracy - I wouldn't be surprised if some governmental black ops unit has him locked away at Cheyenne Mountain.
James Martin RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32 |
Kevin Andrew Murphy Contributor |
Jeraa |
Scott Betts wrote:4E died in 2012 and the playtest started.Solusek wrote:Holy cow this prediction was SPOT ON. How could you know all this back in 2007!?If by "spot on" you mean "off by two whole years", sure.
Yes, but he actually said:
So after another 4 years, 2012 will see the release of 5th edition. Here's what I predict:
Playtest started earlier, but the actual release wasn't until 2014.
Scott Betts |
His dates may have been off, but the general thrust was pretty darn impressive, in my view.
I guess all that I took away from it was the idea of rules modularity, but the OP foresaw a much greater emphasis on that than we've seen so far - imagining a D&D where multiple variants of the game were treated as equally valid, as opposed to what we actually see in 5e, where variants are easily swapped out but are clearly indicated as differing from the norm (and, for instance, not supported by organized play). We are certainly seeing more uniformity than merely in the language used, and I very much doubt that 5e will free D&D from the edition treadmill. That would require a systemic change in how D&D is sold as a product, not merely a change in the game's rules.
Some hits, some misses. Better than many, certainly.