Announcements and General Discussion

Welcome to the Ultimate Magic Playtest

End of Magus Playtest

barbarian stats for serpants skull home campaign

Ultimate Magic and ideas for Clerics / Channel Energy.

Spells You Would Like To See In Ultimate Magic

Variant Class Ideas / Requests

Witch Witch of Irrisen Archtype for the Witch Class?

Getting about a list of familiars or bloodlines?

Magus Archetypes from Carrion Crown

Spell request! Prismatic ray

Mounted Casting Clarification

Another round for Words of Power?

Potions are just not enough

Paizo Blog: Ultimate Magus Feedback

Saving the Eldritch Knight in Ultimate Magic

Channel Energy and Evil Clerics

Improved Reincarnation

Saving the Unversalist

Paizo Blog: Magus Revisited

Round 2 ETA and Words of Power

Wild Speculation about Words of Power

Let's Talk About Spells!

Neoncon early playtest?

What happened to the playtests?

How many new classes in Ulimate Magic?

Anyone know when Round 2 is?

Improving the Playtest, Part 2

Ultimate Magic Spells - Morale Bonus to Stats?

Magus Playtest PDF gone?

When does the alternate magic system test begin?

Paizo Blog: Ultimate Magic Playtest

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