Options for Lizardfolk Wild Order Druid


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm looking into a wild druid as primarily a shapeshifting melee, using spells for utility or in situations where range is needed or for utiliy out of combat, and wanted to bounce some ideas off of people to see if there's anything I missed that could be fun to play with.

Lizardfolk, Druid, Wild Order
16 STR
14 DEX
14 CON
16 WIS
10 CHA

STR as high as possible. DEX high enough to cap AC in Hide armor, it will likely never be increased. CON and WIS as high as possible with the remaining points. Increases will likely be STR, CON, INT, WIS as we level.

Heritage TBD - I don't think any of the benefits apply while in Wild Shape, so this may end up being for flavor based on where the character ends up being from.

Background TBD - it's for Age of Ashes, so the one that gives Religion and Dahak Lore might be relevant. Lastwall Survivor looked interesting, but I'm not sure there were many Lizardfolk in Lastwall, or what type they'd be. Does anyone know of a reference to Lizardfolk living there?

Ancestry 1: Sharp Fangs - since we're likely looking at handwraps anyway for the weapon runes, as I think they fall under constant effects and work in wild shape. Any of the natural attack options could work here.
Class 1: Wild Shape - unless we change around and start with storm or leaf order to get a second focus point at level 2. Bizarre how that works. I don't know if this is needed but am going under the assumption that 1 focus + a few prepared Form spells will be enough.

Later Feats:
Form Control, Ferocious, Soaring, Dragon, maybe Elemental Shape
Fighter Dedication, Opportunist, maybe Sudden Charge - I'm not sure if this is worth it or not. I don't like monk dedication as Flurry is at 10, and you really want to take Soaring and Dragon Shape around then. Barbarian could also increase damage, though it hurts your AC and Opportunist seems stronger for that. If we don't take a dedication, an extra focus point or two and Poison Resistance may be possible. I'm not sure that works in Wild Shape, though.

Toughness, Incredible Initiative, Rapid Recovery, Fleet - much of this is increasing your strengths.

Terrain Advantage is the only must have. Depending on the Heritage, the feats that boost each are strong. Lizardfolk Lore would also help with the low INT early on.

Medicine, Nature, Survival, maybe Religion, Athletics - play to your strengths. Multiple people with any of these have worked well so far. Athletics can be a later pickup, as will Acrobatics for flying later on down the line.

Skill Feats
Battle Medicine, Ward Medic, Continual Recovery - cheap healing, save spell slots.
Titan Wrestler - you can perform maneuvers on huge and gargantuan opponents later on, which most other classes can't.
Survey Wildlife, Forager - depending on how often we're trekking across the countryside
Quick Squeeze - unsure if this is needed, but it may be a late pickup.

Basically, at low levels, use a shield as needed and bite things a lot. Once Wild Shape takes off, you have a lot of options.

Druid's Vestment - not right away, but once 1000 gold isn't a big deal, this will be nice to have.
Armbands of Athleticism - as noted above, you are uniquely suited to trip, shove, etc. very large creatures.
Goggles of Night - You will generally have a very high initiative, this will help further. If you activate greater goggles, the darkvision might carry over.
Any skill boosting items.

My biggest question is whether a Dedication is worth it given how many feats you want for Wild Shape.. AoO with reach sounds great on paper. Also, if one focus point is enough or not, not knowing how often rests will be an option.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I do think I recall reading something somewhere about there being lizardfolk being among the Lastwall survivors. I'll see if I can track it down.

EDIT 1: Looked all over and can't seem to find it again. Perhaps I'm misremembering.

EDIT 2: There is this though, from p. 41 of the Lost Omens World Guide:

Not all inhabitants of the Isle of Terror are beholden to the Whispering Tyrant. The terror wolves that prowl the island’s forests are a threat to any travelers, and the living trees in the Shadow’s Heart forest bear a passionate animosity toward all intruders. A powerful undead dragon named Karamorros hides on the island, fuming and plotting. Karamorros had planned to murder Tar-Baphon due to an old vendetta, but her hasty attack on the returned Whispering Tyrant recently led to a humiliating rout. Although Karamorros and her minions, the Whisperscale lizardfolk, might serve as allies for those who wish to confront the Whispering Tyrant, she is every bit as crafty and wicked as her enemy.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Very interesting.. this will be a good aligned character, so that probably won't work, but I'll keep that in my back pocket, missed that in the world guide. Thanks!

As it turns out, Field Medic from the core book is very close and will work fine mechanically and still fit the RP aspect fine, so I'll likely use that.

Still unsure on the dedications, and heritage. Trying to get a solid answer on if the fire resist from sandscale is maintained, if so, I love the art for that one and would try it, if not, either of the mobility based ones for non-wildshaped form should be fine.

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