Paizo Leadership Team Update

Monday, November 15, 2021

Over the last six weeks, Paizo's Leadership Team has attempted to better listen to and understand the challenges faced by its workforce, customers, and community. We want to take a moment to update you on a few important developments that have emerged from those conversations.

Before we begin, it's important to note that this update does not address requests regarding salaries, adjustments to the current work-from-home environment, or other matters that are now subject to negotiation with the United Paizo Workers union during collective bargaining.

We’re still searching diligently for a candidate to fill the company’s Human Resources Manager position, and plan to begin interviews very shortly. As this is an incredibly important hire, we want to make sure we find the right candidate with experience leading initiatives related to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) and working with a union. We are continuing to gather resumes as the search continues.

We’ve hired a company called Energage to complete an employee engagement survey on behalf of Paizo. This survey is designed to allow employees to provide anonymous, unfiltered, and honest feedback to the company that will help Paizo establish priorities for improvement planning. It will also serve as an important benchmark against which to measure the results of future surveys, allowing us to develop a baseline to measure against. We expect employees to be able to access the engagement survey sometime this week.

Discussion in the past several months has resurfaced two instances in which a Paizo executive mishandled user data when replying to message board posts, resulting in allegations of doxxing. These actions were contrary to Paizo policy, and corrective actions were taken to ensure that this does not happen again.

“This was a huge mistake on my part and I am deeply sorry for any issues that have arisen from these actions. This was not the right way to treat our customers and I apologize,” said Paizo President Jeff Alvarez. “As President, I know I need to hold myself to a higher standard.”

Paizo takes issues related to discrimination and harassment very seriously. We have hired the law firm of Moritt Hock & Hamroff (MH&H) to investigate allegations of discrimination against trans employees and sexual misconduct before reporting back to the Leadership Team. Investigators from the firm will reach out to members of Paizo’s staff and others that made claims on social media. Cooperation with the firm is voluntary, of course, but we remain committed to investigating these matters thoroughly to ensure a safe and respectful workplace.

We chose MH&H upon the recommendation of a consultant with expertise in matters of DEIB. MH&H has a team of attorneys that specialize in these issues, and we’re confident they’ll be able to provide an impartial analysis of the facts that we need to move forward with any corrective actions.

Because the results of these investigations are private personnel matters, Paizo will not be able to make them public. Corrective actions will be taken against any employee (including managers and executives) found to be guilty of these allegations.

It has never been Paizo’s intention to discriminate against any employee when making decisions of who to send to industry trade shows, but we see now that our room-sharing policy was based on outdated interpretations of gender, was not friendly to transgender employees, and could contribute to a perception of transphobia at the company. Paizo’s Leadership Team acknowledges the pain this caused, and we understand that we need to be better at recognizing issues where such decisions could have unintended results. We also recognize that such actions do not align with Paizo's core values, the values of its staff members, or the sentiments of diversity and inclusion expressed in Paizo products, and as such, have disappointed, angered, and confused members of our community. We believe these mistakes are not representative of who we are, or what we want the company to represent. We need to do better... and we will.

“As the person in charge of trade shows, I want to apologize to anyone that felt marginalized as a result of the convention decision-making process,” said Jeff Alvarez. “It was not our intent to discriminate against anyone, and I’m sorry.”

As previously communicated, Paizo has adopted a one-employee-per-room travel policy moving forward. Regardless of gender identity, couples will be allowed to share rooms during travel as long as both parties request it.

Paizo remains committed to maintaining a diverse, safe, and fun workplace where our employees are treated fairly and look forward to creating awesome Pathfinder and Starfinder products for many years to come. We hope that this update helps communicate that we, the Leadership Team, are doing our best to listen to and address the concerns of our community members. We believe in creating a better Paizo, and believe that transparency, communication, and accountability will be instrumental as we move forward. Thank you for your continued support of our company and our products.

Paizo Leadership Team
David, Erik, Jeff, Jim, Lisa, and Mike

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Paizo Employee Software Architect

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Hello, all,

I opened up a critical priority ticket to resolve the issue whereby new aliases/organized play characters will have their base names autogenerated from a user's full name, leaking that information unless the user manually adjusts it.

Obviously this behavior is entirely unacceptable, and I will personally ensure we expedite and push the fix as quickly as we possibly can.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Brian Bauman wrote:

Hello, all,

I opened up a critical priority ticket to resolve the issue whereby new aliases/organized play characters will have their base names autogenerated from a user's full name, leaking that information unless the user manually adjusts it.

Obviously this behavior is entirely unacceptable, and I will personally ensure we expedite and push the fix as quickly as we possibly can.

Thank you very much for the quick action and attention to this.

Wayfinders Contributor

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Brian Bauman wrote:

Hello, all,

I opened up a critical priority ticket to resolve the issue whereby new aliases/organized play characters will have their base names autogenerated from a user's full name, leaking that information unless the user manually adjusts it.

Obviously this behavior is entirely unacceptable, and I will personally ensure we expedite and push the fix as quickly as we possibly can.

Brian, I love you! Thank you for your hard work, and for being signal in the noise!


Silver Crusade

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Calling a bigot a bigot is not an insult.

Grand Lodge

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Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
One thing that I appreciated...

Thank you for the kind words. I really do appreciate it. I am fairly certain I did not always make the best choices in support of our marginalized volunteers, but I always tried to do the best I could with the resources available. While I could not make your "job" easy, I could make it easier. Letting people room with whomever they wanted seemed like such an easy thing to do, I could not comprehend any other way to deal with it. At the end of the day, as long as everyone was happy and no one was offended, I considered it a win.

Its just disappointing that org play degenerated in such a way as to force me 9and my SigO) to resign from volunteering with something that we dearly love and that covered the better part of a quarter of my entire life.

Paizo Employee Software Architect

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Out of consideration for my colleagues in Customer Service, I'm locking this thread for the night.

Grand Lodge

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"Calling a bigot a bigot is not an insult"

I will go a step further. If you believe in what you say and therefore conviction, and someone views your commentary as hateful and calls you a bigot, you should say thank you. Clearly they equate your believes as bigotry. So, being a bigot should be a badge of honor for you. Don't back-pedal from your convictions, embrace them, fully.

If you say things and are labeled a bigot, and then you back-pedal then clearly you know that your commentary is wrong and you are embarrassed by it. I have no use nor respect for someone who runs their mouth and then tries to hide behind a facade because someone calls them a name.

Customer Service Representative

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Good morning! I see everyone was a little busy last night, so a special thank you to Brian for lessening the reading load by locking this thread.

I have removed some posts and some quoted content, as well as things that would seem out of context having removed the others. Please let us know if there is anything that has been missed. There was a lot to read through!

I will be opening this thread up again but not all of you will have the ability to post. We appreciate those of you that emailed, and will be responding to you shortly.

Have a great day!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Brian Bauman wrote:

Hello, all,

I opened up a critical priority ticket to resolve the issue whereby new aliases/organized play characters will have their base names autogenerated from a user's full name, leaking that information unless the user manually adjusts it.

Obviously this behavior is entirely unacceptable, and I will personally ensure we expedite and push the fix as quickly as we possibly can.

Hey I just wanted to say I may have came off a bit frustrated yesterday and I meant no ill will towards any Paizo employee about that issue.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Thank you again Heather.

Silver Crusade

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

And thank you to Brian for stepping in to shut it off last night.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Stratton wrote:
Cori Marie wrote:
It's me the Superscriber who is out to end the company
I wonder if they could add the title, “Paizo Killer” next to your name on the boards. :)

I might restart my subscriptions for that.

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:


One thing that I appreciated when you ran roommate selection at GenCon as a volunteer is that you pretty much let me room with whomever so long as we all agreed. One of my best experiences was rooming with Jen and Rigby. I learned so much about being an ally, and they learned that an enforced lights out time (cause I need sleep) meant that we could all crawl to our morning games with some modicum of energy.


Because Jen and Rigby are awesome people!

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Stratton wrote:

I wonder if they could add the title, “Paizo Killer” next to your name on the boards. :)

Paizo Killer

Qu'est-ce que c'est
Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-far better
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run away oh, oh, oh
Paizo Killer
Qu'est-ce que c'est
Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-far better
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run away oh, oh, oh, oh
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tristan d'Ambrosius wrote:
Mark Stratton wrote:

I wonder if they could add the title, “Paizo Killer” next to your name on the boards. :)

Paizo Killer

Qu'est-ce que c'est
Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-far better
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run away oh, oh, oh
Paizo Killer
Qu'est-ce que c'est
Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-far better
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run away oh, oh, oh, oh
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

I love and hate you for this.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Not the first, doubt you'll be the last.
It's how I roll.


Mark mentioned it yesterday and I didn't have a chance to respond before things got locked for a decent enough reason.

Thank you very much for asking the loaded question about Organized Play Foundation rooming arrangements, and what category they fall under.

While I may not agree with everything that you post, that particular data point is CRUCIAL to my further interactions with in-person OPF activities such as Gen Con, Paizo Con, etc, et al.

Much like Mark, it hadn't *quite* registered but knowing what OPF's stance is on transphobia and rooming together is kind of important, and it ties directly back to the questions for Leadership.

Grand Lodge

Given the current leader's standing in the LGBTQ+ community, I believe that the Foundation's stance towards rooming policies will be favorable to all involved, though I would seriously doubt they will change the four-to-room standard given (1) the limited supply of rooms allocated by the conventions and (2) the significantly increase in cost associated with one or even two per room.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Raychael wrote:

No politics (also removed posts referencing it).

That's all the bandwidth I have for the evening, sorry it's not more comprehensive, but it's been Noted™.

I didn't see the posts that you removed, but there is a lot of political motivations surrounding the subject of the minority community and sometimes it does delve into the class warfare mentality where there is no middle ground for discussion.
Oceans 11 wrote:
"Are you in, or are you out?"

It gets to the point where one is either considered right on the subject, or the worst human being ever to walk the earth.

17 people marked this as a favorite.

... not faulting Rachael at all here, she went above and beyond considering it was after hours, but this is a good example of how simple deletion, without full explanations, can create new problems.

thaX, the poster who was deleted was bringing up undocumented immigrants--though he used a very different word for them--to explain how trans people aren't focused enough on "real" problems. Class warfare? What?

Do you really think there's a middle ground between "trans women are women" and "trans women are dangerous"?

23 people marked this as a favorite.
thaX wrote:
Raychael wrote:

No politics (also removed posts referencing it).

That's all the bandwidth I have for the evening, sorry it's not more comprehensive, but it's been Noted™.

I didn't see the posts that you removed, but there is a lot of political motivations surrounding the subject of the minority community and sometimes it does delve into the class warfare mentality where there is no middle ground for discussion.
Oceans 11 wrote:
"Are you in, or are you out?"
It gets to the point where one is either considered right on the subject, or the worst human being ever to walk the earth.

When one side says "trans women are women and deserve the same rights as anyone else," there's not really an 'other side' I think we need to hear from. We don't really need to try and rehash prehistoric questions about how people like me aren't women, are somehow dangerous, and so on - all points raised by those who saw comments deleted.

11 people marked this as a favorite.

I wasn't talking to you, by the way. And if you don't think we're engaging in good faith, stop talking to us. There's no point if your opinion of us is that low. All you're doing is insulting us.

I'm being honest here. How can you expect someone to have any interest in discussing matters with you when you openly accuse them of arguing for its own sake? It tells me you fundamentally do not respect any of the points I have been making. I'm not going to engage with you anymore in these arguments except to remind you of this post.

Paizo Employee Software Architect

29 people marked this as a favorite.
MadScientistWorking wrote:
Hey I just wanted to say I may have came off a bit frustrated yesterday and I meant no ill will towards any Paizo employee about that issue.

You were right to be frustrated. The Paizo tech team takes the protection of user Personally Identifiable Information extremely seriously, and resolving these issues quickly takes a higher priority than almost everything else we do. A bit of intensity in bringing such issues to our attention is both expected and justified.

I completed the initial implementation of the fix for this today, and have handed it off for code review and QA. We intend to bypass our typical release cycle and release a patch for this issue specifically as soon as it's cleared.

9 people marked this as a favorite.

You're a legend, Brian. Thank you so much for being so quick to act, and so empathetic and understanding in the process.

Grand Lodge

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
I wasn't talking to you, by the way

First, this is an open forum so its not relevent. You posed a question. I thought about it and responded. That's how open public forums work.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
And if you don't think we're engaging in good faith, stop talking to us. There's no point if your opinion of us is that low. All you're doing is insulting us.

I never questioned your faith good or bad. I was merely answering the posed question from my perspective. I neither promoted anyone's agenda nor made any comments that could even remotely be construed as anti-anyone. However, since my comment was merely intended to be a thought exercise and I am not interested in having some argument over intentions and whose are more/less pure, I deleted the post so the argument won't go any further.

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I don't usually follow this forum and after this conversation I'm pretty sure I won't be active either way. Levels of hateful tribalism and hipocrisy are astonishing.

Closing the forum "for the night" is everything BUT inclusive, considering that most of the world is in completely different time zones. Except for violence, it's hard to imagine more discriminatory action than making some people unable to discuss meaningful topic.

Voicing my feelings as I'm sure I'm not any "special case" and there are more people with similar impressions.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vasemir wrote:
Closing the forum "for the night" is everything BUT inclusive, considering that most of the world is in completely different time zones. Except for violence, it's hard to imagine more discriminatory action than making some people unable to discuss meaningful topic.

Full agreement with this.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.

You may be on the other side of the world but Heather and Raychel and Logan are on west coast USA time, locking threads that got a substantial amount of flags until they could get back in the next work day to clear them out was the norm, everything running rampant after the firing of Sara Marie and Diego quitting was the exception.

Funny how that worked out.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Unfortunately, that’s more of a consideration of logistics than discriminatory intent. Paizo only has one (1) moderator that is legally able to work past Paizo’s hours, which are based on pacific standard time.

That isn’t to say I disagree with that statement, in principle. It’s just that this boils down to “Paizo has not invested enough resources on forum moderation.”

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The US focus also annoy me, but international cultural awareness and context are (in my experience) a challenge for many US people and companies. They think American context (and timezones…) is applicable in international settings (like this one), however because of the size of their population, economy and country this is somewhat understandable.

They may not work in international settings, may travel less outside the country, and generally their media (and politics) are very inward focused. Also their culture teaches that US is "special" (American exceptionalism is quite rampant). That makes it harder to realize and appreciate international differences. (And even in smaller countries this lack of international awareness is not uncommon).

It still annoys me that people who are advocating inclusiveness don’t fully seem to realize this….. but people are people.

Still Paizo is a US company, so it is what they are focused on. Also, their moderation capacity is already very limited, and given the need to provide appropriate protection to ensure everyone can feel welcome here, I still can understand the locking.

Also it is really only an issue in this part of the forum.
The other sub parts don’t have it in a relevant way.

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