Paizo Update from Jeff Alvarez

Monday, September 20, 2021

My public statement on Wednesday was a fundamental expression of Paizo’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, values that I share both personally and professionally. It was an opening statement—not the final word on the topic by any means.

Words are important.

But I also know that actions are even more important.

As a result, I want to share with you a number of actions that address some of the concerns that have been brought to our attention over the last week.

The welfare and safety of our employees is paramount. No employee will ever be fired for whistleblowing or advocating for employee safety and wellbeing, and we have never fired an employee for doing so.

Following our return from Gen Con, the Executive Team will schedule individual meetings with our managers to give them a chance to share concerns directly. In the coming weeks, Paizo will issue an independently managed employee engagement survey to provide all employees with an anonymous means to provide candid feedback. The information provided through this process is aimed at addressing employee concerns and driving change to create a more positive workplace.

We take all claims of harassment seriously. Our CEO Lisa Stevens released a statement in 2019 that underscores Paizo’s stance on this matter, and it applies today as well. You can read that here:

We held staff-wide in person anti-harassment training in 2018 and initiated annual mandatory online training earlier in 2021.

We are currently finalizing a job description to fill a vacant full-time HR position. You’ll see this posted in the next few business days, and we’ll be looking for a candidate with expertise in diversity, equity, and inclusion. It is important to all of us that this professional can help us to maintain Paizo’s shared commitment to our values in recruitment, hiring, and daily operations.

In the meantime, we are encouraging our employees to make use of the free independent human resources hotline Paizo initiated in 2018, where they can report grievances of any kind in complete confidentiality.

Paizo makes decisions about employee convention attendance based on the business and community needs of the show, irrespective of gender or gender identity. However, it is time that Paizo evolves from the longtime practice of employees sharing rooms during convention and business travel. As such, we have enacted a one-employee-per-room policy that will be our standard moving forward. Employees can request to share a room if they so choose.

We are extending Paizo’s existing work-from-home timeline through at least the end of the year. Employees that want to work from the office can continue to do so but will need to abide by the company’s existing vaccination and mask policies. We will continue to follow CDC guidelines and keep our employees as safe as possible during the pandemic by offering work-from-home and a safe office space for those who prefer that option.

Over the last several years, we have invested heavily in Project Management to help the company get a better sense of workload in the Creative Department, implementing company-wide project management software and increasing the size of the project management team. This work has already resulted in increased production schedule lead times, and Paizo will continue to leverage this valuable resource to provide better work/life balances for our employees.

In the same period, the creation of additional management positions within the Creative Department has also helped give staff better access to managers, and to empower those managers to better gauge deadlines and workloads. As with our Project Management initiatives, this is an ongoing process, but it is already bearing fruit and improving not just Paizo’s products, but the lives of the brilliant creatives who make them possible.

To clear up some confusion that has worked its way into the conversation, freelancer relations remains the purview of the Creative Department. Paizo freelancers who appreciate their strong relationship with our developers, editors, and art team can be assured that we have made no changes on this front.

Finally, based on feedback from the staff, we changed professional cleaning services in 2017, and the offices have been cleaned and vacuumed on a regular basis since then.

These aren’t the only things we are doing. We are building strategies to address the challenges facing the company and will strive to be more transparent about our plans as we build stronger lines of communication with everyone at Paizo. We are committed to listening. We are committed to continuing to improve based on the feedback of our teams. There will be more messages, and more concrete actions, to come.


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11 people marked this as a favorite.

I sure wish I could buy tomorrow’s releases. A pretty simple statement from the top would let me.

Paizo management, own up to when you’ve failed and hurt the folks you so love to put in your books. Your fans are hurting, and they’re quickly getting tired of waiting.

It shouldn’t take a month to admit you had transphobic policies/managers in place.

11 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Also I don't mean to say this to sound like a jerk, but how long will we have to wait for them to get back to us with accountability? I understand these things take time but surely it can't take THAT long to communicate with the community? If there is an issue of discrimination against trans employees, I want to know, and I want to see it gone. I don't want the result of that problem, the hotel room incident, to be the only thing to be resolved. The hotel room wasn't the problem there, the transphobia was, and I want to know if paizo plans to properly address that problem moving forward.

I've given you time, I've been patient, and I want to support the amazing products that the creatives at paizo are making, but the longer this goes on the less certain I am that I can continue doing that. I may have to consider my spending decisions if so

15 people marked this as a favorite.

As I have iterated before - admitting fault actually more often prevents lawsuits. Private individuals don't usually sue companies to make money - it usually costs them a great deal more in time and legal fees (getting pro bono representation is not as common as people think) than they would receive in a judgement (that they are not guaranteed to get), and the judgements you usually see in the news is usually reduced dramatically before it actually gets paid out*.

People very often sue for the express purpose of forcing the company that wronged them to admit fault and change things.

Additionally, as I have iterated before (and Kobold Cleaver also stated recently) accountability means facing the consequences for your actions. You can't be accountable by only being accountable when there aren't going to be consequences.


Information about the most famous example of this:
The Liebeck vs McDonalds "Hot Coffee" case that is often touted as an example of frivolous lawsuits is actually a great example of this - what you don't hear in the media is that McDonalds had received 700+ complaints about the coffee being dangerously hot and not having an anti-spill lid, and that the spilled coffee caused Liebeck severe (third degree) burns across large areas of her body that required skin grafts. McDonald's was requiring their franchises to serve coffee at 190 degrees F, which causes third degree burns within 3 seconds of contact with skin. This was 50 degrees hotter than other franchises where serving their coffee.

She asked McDonalds to cover the part of her medical bills not covered by medicare ($11,000), and they countered with an offer of a settlement of $800 - she sued for the purpose of getting them to cover her medical bills, but also more importantly to her, she wanted them to reduce the temperature of their coffee and to put a better lid on their coffee cups.

McDonald's refused 3 settlement offers during the trial, and then the judgement came down and the jury decided on $160,000 in compensatory damages and $2.7 million in punitive damages (which is what you see being quoted in the media).

What you don't get told is that the judge reduced the amount to $640,000, and then McDonald's tried to appeal the decision, then reaching a settlement with Liebeck for less than $600,000. McDonald's then reduced the temperature of their coffee by 10 degrees, and implemented better coffee lids to reduce spillage.

Liebeck used the money to pay her medical bills and hire a live in nurse, and never fully recovered from her injuries. She generally had a very poor quality of life until she eventually passed away.

If McDonald's had just admitted fault and done what was asked in the first place, it would only have cost them $11,000 and the change to their business practices. If they had accepted any of the three settlement offers during the trial, it would only have cost them $300,000. Instead they paid a mountain of legal fees and $600,000, and still had to change the coffee.

Marketing & Media Manager

17 people marked this as a favorite.
Kobold Cleaver wrote:

In all fairness to Aaron, I do not think his recent post was meant to stand as a Statement Two. It was just him trying to helpfully recap what's going on with the aftermath of the first statement.

Everything I said still applies, but I don't want him to feel like he kicked a hornet's nest just by trying to bring us more into the loop to the extent he was allowed. I do appreciate that!

To clarify, my last update was not the official update the execs are working on. That was my personal update. They are planning to say and do more. I apologize for any ambiguity about that. I’m not in a position to add anything more to the conversation. Take care.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tender Tendrils wrote:

As I have iterated before - admitting fault actually more often prevents lawsuits. Private individuals don't usually sue companies to make money - it usually costs them a great deal more in time and legal fees (getting pro bono representation is not as common as people think) than they would receive in a judgement (that they are not guaranteed to get), and the judgements you usually see in the news is usually reduced dramatically before it actually gets paid out*.

People very often sue for the express purpose of forcing the company that wronged them to admit fault and change things.

Additionally, as I have iterated before (and Kobold Cleaver also stated recently) accountability means facing the consequences for your actions. You can't be accountable by only being accountable when there aren't going to be consequences.

*** spoiler omitted **...

That case took place here in Albuquerque.

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Tender Tendrils wrote:

Thank you, good point. And thank you for pushing back against McDonalds’ disgustingly successful PR propaganda campaign against that seriously injured plaintiff. Preach!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thank you for clarifying Aaron, hopefully we get that official statement soon

10 people marked this as a favorite.

I think there are conflicting priorities here, and this may be causing some of the disconnect for observers largely on the outside. EDIT: And possibly internally at Paizo as well.

The first is the concept of damage control.

The idea behind this concept is to effectively 'stop the bleeding'. When a business goes into this mode, it's very difficult to move things forwards, as any 'wrong move' could be the move that starts a cascading structural failure.

The second is the concept of operational recovery.

This is getting business 'back to normal'. For some, this is 'go back to working at the office, with lots of people' -- for others it's 'get back to the same productivity levels as before the damaging incident'.

The third is accountability.

As an observer, those of us raising the concerns here on the forum want an accountable,responsible organization that's the image of what we had viewed as a stand-up corporation.

The fourth is cultural inertia, or 'baggage'.

A company is built on the history it has developed, and handles the damages it incurs with the time-tested methods it has developed over the course of it's history. Unfortunately, this does not help if the time-tested methods contrast with any of the priorities above.

A fifth priority is the internal perception of external worth, or 'press'.

A company has to trust it's internal processes to give it a fair assessment of the situation 'outside' of the company.

If the entire company has concerns that raising any issue is going to cause a cascading structural collapse (see the first point) or interfere with 'back to normal' (second point) or contradict the 'baggage' (fourth point) then the addressing of the original damage gets lost and/or ignored as the other priorities conflict around it.

As much as I'd like to say it's just Paizo having this moment of organizational concern, it's not.

My workplace (which will remain unnamed) has been having the same sort of crisis for at least two years, if not twenty.

When a reasonable response for one of the priorities runs into the other priorities, it becomes a snarled mess, because everyone values these different priorities at different levels of urgency, and at the end of the day, attempting to address them all at once in one swoop is... problematic.

There will be conflicting desires, conflicting theories, conflicting ideas, conflicting resolutions, and the more that the discussion continues, the less likely that any one priority will achieve ascendance -- when the reality is that all of them are 'priority one'.

I do not have a good answer to this, but perhaps the insight might help someone move things forwards in a positive way.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Cori Marie wrote:
How much "middle management" do you think a company the size of Paizo has? They're a very small company, and there have been times where Lisa helped in the warehouse because they're so small. So yes, I fully believe the executive team would be involved in these decisions.

I agree with this; and even if we accept - for the sake of argument - that this was all about the unsanctioned acts of some minor scapegoat/flunky, that still doesn't let the senior management off the hook. Either they didn't know about it when they should, or they did know about it and did nothing.

Neither of these is acceptable. Paizo doesn't get out of this by shouting "do it to Julia! Do it to Julia!"

(Also, it wasn't a middle-manager who forced the CEO to doxx people - more than once.)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Wandering Wastrel wrote:
Cori Marie wrote:
How much "middle management" do you think a company the size of Paizo has? They're a very small company, and there have been times where Lisa helped in the warehouse because they're so small. So yes, I fully believe the executive team would be involved in these decisions.

I agree with this; and even if we accept - for the sake of argument - that this was all about the unsanctioned acts of some minor scapegoat/flunky, that still doesn't let the senior management off the hook. Either they didn't know about it when they should, or they did know about it and did nothing.

Neither of these is acceptable. Paizo doesn't get out of this by shouting "do it to Julia! Do it to Julia!"

(Also, it wasn't a middle-manager who forced the CEO to doxx people - more than once.)

I was pointing out that they may not have any sort of documentation or records of what happened, and could be investigating it on their end before going in and admitting fault for it.

That's a completely reasonable reaction from a company before putting out a statement that admits liability, which is necessary before any sort of accountability can take place.

I was also only referring to the incident with Crystal, so this doesn't apply to any of the other scenarios on the list.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kobold Cleaver wrote:

For some context, some carelessly-Googled numbers:

Paizo: 142 employees.

Are you serious?

I knew they were small, but not THIS small.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
My older sibling, Gark the Goblin

Oh my god. Completely forgot about them.

Please give them my best.

Marketing & Media Manager

17 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:

For some context, some carelessly-Googled numbers:

Paizo: 142 employees.

Are you serious?

I knew they were small, but not THIS small.

The Paizo headcount is under 80 at this time.

10 people marked this as a favorite.


That's what careless Googling will getchya. Thanks, Aaron!

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kobold Cleaver wrote:

I cackled.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

I think there are conflicting priorities here, and this may be causing some of the disconnect for observers largely on the outside. EDIT: And possibly internally at Paizo as well.

The first is the concept of damage control.

The idea behind this concept is to effectively 'stop the bleeding'. When a business goes into this mode, it's very difficult to move things forwards, as any 'wrong move' could be the move that starts a cascading structural failure.
{. . .}

The move that starts a cascading failure . . . .

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Did Sean Reynolds or Wes Scheinder ever issue statements? They were with Paizo for a LONG time and I'm sure they could confirm or refute Jessica Price's allegations.

14 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Qstor wrote:
Did Sean Reynolds or Wes Scheinder ever issue statements? They were with Paizo for a LONG time and I'm sure they could confirm or refute Jessica Price's allegations.

Enough of her allegations have been corroborated both by former employees and current employees official and unofficial statements.

At this stage we are looking for accountability and ownership of the issues as well as the solutions to correct them.

A lot of what Jessica said was from a personal perspective on what she encountered and witnessed.

Take away her vitriol and you still have a multitude of issues to address.

Eric and Jason have made honest statements on the side that corroborate what she accused but from their perspective and what they have done to rectify issues in the past and going forward.

Nothing that the official statements have said have come close to those.

Jessica may be someone who takes advantage of a situation to shine a light in the dark places and in a way that is going to shock people and either bring commiseration or ire.

It doesn't mean those dark places don't exist and don't need to be brought out, acknowledged, inspected and corrected.

Not sure what bringing in more people to tear her apart or back her statements will accomplish when so much has already been corroborated and so little has officially been done publicly to assuage the anger about the institutionalized workplace transphobia, the demonizing and minimizing of people who stand up for themselves and others up to and including termination if what is said is to be believed and the public doxxing of existing customers who were standing up for themselves when they had lost hundreds of dollars to a Ninja Division kickstarter and asking, rightfully, for accountability.

I am not posting daily, mostly, because I am waiting impatiently for the next official response. Hoping it will have more than a blanket statement of 'I deny these allegations' and 'While I deny these allegations we are instituting a 1 room per employee at cons'.

Adding: giving until the end of the current Pathfinder AP cycle to evaluate my subscription status.

Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Yoshua wrote:
Qstor wrote:
Did Sean Reynolds or Wes Scheinder ever issue statements? They were with Paizo for a LONG time and I'm sure they could confirm or refute Jessica Price's allegations.

Enough of her allegations have been corroborated both by former employees and current employees official and unofficial statements.

For the sake of keeping this from becoming a complete echo chamber, I must respectfully disagree. I'm not going to argue with folks any longer but you really should stop pretending that everyone feels the same way or believes what you do.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Yoshua wrote:
giving until the end of the current Pathfinder AP cycle to evaluate my subscription status.

That's about where I'm at. If only because if I want to vote with my dollars not buying the major African inspired adventure seems like it might send the wrong message for valuing inclusiveness. Or at least that is what I am trying to tell myself. It is conveniently a stance which still lets me play the adventure my friends and I are excited about.

The hot coffee example and ligation statistics are fascinating, by the way, and definitely change the way I evaluate corporate silence.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I had Guns and Gears on my pre-order list.

For whatever technical issue it vanished off my pre-order just before this started coming to light.

That and a half-dozen other titles are currently on my hard copy non-computer waiting list for the statement to come down, and what that statement entails will determine my course of action.

It's not the same as an outright boycott. A boycott is "We don't buy the stuff, we 'erase' an entity from our buying venues' "

This is more of a "Wait and See", I guess?

I'd really like to purchase some things, and I know it's going to hurt everyone at Paizo if I don't, but how many more people are going to be hurt if I don't wait until there's a resolution?

The only thing I'm keeping 'going' at the moment is my SF hardcover subscription, but that's also in a tenuous position.

15 people marked this as a favorite.
Themetricsystem wrote:
I'm not going to argue with folks any longer but you really should stop pretending that everyone feels the same way or believes what you do.

I would put good money on the fact that the trans members of this community are all too aware that they are in a minority and that not everyone is in their corner. I'm not sure precisely what you gain from pointing this out, beyond reinforcing which side of the line you stand.

(Also, for the record: what you were doing here wasn't "arguing" - that presupposes a measure of good-faith engagement with what other people are saying. I see no evidence of that from your posts in this thread.)

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Themetricsystem wrote:
Yoshua wrote:
Qstor wrote:
Did Sean Reynolds or Wes Scheinder ever issue statements? They were with Paizo for a LONG time and I'm sure they could confirm or refute Jessica Price's allegations.

Enough of her allegations have been corroborated both by former employees and current employees official and unofficial statements.

For the sake of keeping this from becoming a complete echo chamber, I must respectfully disagree. I'm not going to argue with folks any longer but you really should stop pretending that everyone feels the same way or believes what you do.

Just curious, what do you respectfully disagree with? That former employees and current employees have corroborated with official and unofficial statements? Because this has been done.

What you quoted has nothing to do with pretending that everyone feels the same way or believes what others do.

Or do you take issue with the qualifier "Enough?" Like it would take more official or unofficial statements by former employees and current employees to meet your degree of requirement to respectively agree with?

I just don't get it.

15 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Im a brand new customer here and I recently started buying A LOT of products this summer (like....all the Starfinder books and a chunk of PF2e) when I heard all the good things about this company "appearing" to be this extra inclusive and queer friendly place well before it was popular. Honestly it seemed like a dream come true for my little queer trans heart to have an RPG that wanted ME as a customer and represented it in their content. I used to have an indifferent attitude to pathfinder because of my bad experiences GMing 3.5 DnD (I was one of the weirdos that liked 4th, don't judge me!) but the content and inclusivity of the writers seemed like a pretty solid choice to me, plus they were high quality to boot! I've been playing TTRPGs since my adolescence in the early 90s and I wanted a company that was looking forward in its development instead of being locked into nostalgia and cultural stagnation and Paizo fit the bill.

For example...

Pathfinder 2e decided to take evil out of races, talks about pronouns and even preventing triggering people during game play! Starfinder's starter characters are gay and NPCs use they/them! Heck even their official starfinder game on youtube had pronouns listed! Their art features lots of people of color! It was co-founded by a woman! So how can this company this?

I only found out about this last week. I don't know what to think really and I am highly dismayed. It looks like the majority of the people who work there are pretty cool and its a management problem and I can see why a lot of people are crushed by this (me included), especially after investing hundreds of dollars into products. I don't want to reward a company that is doing bad things to their employees. But I also don't want to punish those amazing inclusive and queer friendly employees either, as I thoroughly enjoy their products. So what now? I haven't had a single game in yet and theres so much I want to do despite the sour taste in my mouth.

Could you please stop being evil Paizo? I want you to have my money.

Silver Crusade

18 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Important breaking news.

And a couple more links

Official site

Liberty's Edge

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, now more than ever I think is the perfect time to stop contributing here altogether now that a Paizo Union is being formed...

If you folks were hoping for serious change to come around the corner I think you're probably about to get your wish. I only hope it really is being led by the best and most honest staff there is to offer, my advice for my friends and peers at Paizo, everyone should seriously consider joining and pushing for COLLECTIVE leadership, that's the only way I see the company making it out of this intact.

EDIT: A few people seem to misunderstand my message here so I'm editing for clarification: I stand with the proud and talented Paizo Union and I want to see them collectively push for what is good, right, and fair while pushing aside the rotten apples wherever they may be found.

Huh? So that happened. Best of luck to them!

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Cori Marie wrote:

Important breaking news.

And a couple more links

Official site

This is some NEWS.

I'd been hoping for something like this when I first heard the allegations and now here we are! Heck yeah!

Grand Lodge

13 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Themetricsystem wrote:
Yeah, now more than ever I think is the perfect time to stop contributing here altogether now that a Paizo Union is being formed...

That depends on the response from management. You don't leave the tug of war just because the momentum is on your side finally. You pull until the contest is decided.

Dark Archive

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Oh nice unionization :O Wasn't expecting that, but glad to see it

Silver Crusade

20 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Imagine being a tabletop roleplayer and not supporting a union. As the Paizo Union account said, "When one party member is in trouble, we all roll for initiative."

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The union has been made! I'm hoping for the best from it! 30 members to start is a significant number and many of them are important folks paizo cant afford to lose. I think positive change may be coming if this turns out well


Good luck everyone, I wish you all the very best and all my support

Liberty's Edge

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Cori Marie wrote:

Important breaking news.

And a couple more links

Official site

Just sent in my email to the execs sharing my support for voluntary recognition of United Paizo Workers. You *love* to see it.

Dark Archive

8 people marked this as a favorite.

email sent

win together or hang separately

19 people marked this as a favorite.

WHAT? Unions? What next? Free weekends? Not getting fired for taking two weeks of leave? Metric system? Health care?

Seriously: congratulations, that's great news :)

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Totally Not Gorbacz wrote:
WHAT? Unions? What next? Free weekends? Not getting fired for taking two weeks of leave? Metric system? Health care?

Let's not be hasty now.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

That announcement of a union is a great step. It makes me a lot more confident that the issues raised will be addressed properly.

Shadow Lodge

12 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh, let's.

Dark Archive

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, yer right. Let's do this.

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Working in a Union was one of the worst working experiences in my life, so I hope if this goes well, good luck.

15 people marked this as a favorite.

Also, if Paizo leadership agrees to that, I'm restarting my subs.

If they don't, I'm gone. I've got better companies to throw my money at.

Silver Crusade

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Sent my email to the Executives. If they recognize by the time Strength of Thousands finishes, I'll stay. If they don't my subscriptions will be gone.

Lantern Lodge

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Email has been sent off to the powers that be in solidarity.

Best of luck to the unionization attempt. I know I'll be watching for management's reaction and making my buying decisions accordingly.

Grand Lodge

17 people marked this as a favorite.

I've been an evangelist for Paizo since the days when I literally begged my family for Dungeon and Dragon Magazine subscriptions for Christmas. I have converted whole groups to Pathfinder on the basis of Rexus Victocora's existence. My stomach TURNED at everything I learned from these threads, and--far worse--all of my industry contacts from cons verified that these things were true via whisper network.

I thought there was nothing that could ever convince me to buy a Paizo product again, let alone encourage others to buy them and play in our Pathfinder games, so I didn't bother engaging on the forums. But this. This will do it. IF management takes it seriously and engages voluntarily.

P.S. I mastered in infosec. The doxxing was wildly inappropriate, and in direct contravention of Paizo's stated Privacy Policy (which actually serves a purpose, yes, it's not there just to tick a box).

"Paizo will not share your personal information with third parties without your permission, other than for the limited exceptions stated above."

Sort that out, and make sure that it never happens again, Paizo.

Liberty's Edge

10 people marked this as a favorite.
Zexcir wrote:
Working in a Union was one of the worst working experiences in my life, so I hope if this goes well, good luck.

I think unions largely depend on where you work. Being a teacher in a teacher union, I have greatly enjoyed the collective bargaining.

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Noven wrote:
Zexcir wrote:
Working in a Union was one of the worst working experiences in my life, so I hope if this goes well, good luck.
I think unions largely depend on where you work. Being a teacher in a teacher union, I have greatly enjoyed the collective bargaining.

I would LOVE a union in my workplace. It would be great to have someone to turn to other than management when, say, one of the owners decides hot water is too expensive to keep running in the workshop year round.

Dark Archive

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Master Han Del of the Web wrote:
Noven wrote:
Zexcir wrote:
Working in a Union was one of the worst working experiences in my life, so I hope if this goes well, good luck.
I think unions largely depend on where you work. Being a teacher in a teacher union, I have greatly enjoyed the collective bargaining.
I would LOVE a union in my workplace. It would be great to have someone to turn to other than management when, say, one of the owners decides hot water is too expensive to keep running in the workshop year round.

Workshop? Did you say, "workshop"? I am positive there is a union that would love to represent you all. No time like the present.

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