Last week we announced the Year of Shattered Sanctuaries, and this week we’re taking a closer look at the three scenarios releasing when the new season launches. Those of you who have had the opportunity to play our new intro scenarios for Starfinder Society, which debuted at PaizoCon Online in May, already have some idea of what’s coming! We’re taking the same approach for this upcoming series of Pathfinder Society intro scenarios. Let’s take a closer look at each of these adventures, as well as an exciting new friend your characters get to meet!
Artist: Marko Horvatin
Pathfinder Society Intro #1: The Second Confirmation, by our own Thurston Hillman, is an introduction to the Pathfinder Society for 1st- and 2nd-level characters. In this adventure, the Society assigns the characters to a Confirmation, a mission designed as a “final test” for new Pathfinder agents. Their mission? Rescue another initiate who went missing during their own Confirmation! This adventure is repeatable, so it includes several randomized elements and some character choices that allow players to enjoy it multiple times. It should serve as an excellent introductory offering for many events for the foreseeable future.
Pathfinder Society Intro #2: United in Purpose, by veteran adventure author Brian Duckwitz, is intended as the follow-up to Intro #1, and is also for 1st- and 2nd-level characters. Now that they’ve been introduced to the Pathfinder Society as a whole and completed their Confirmation, the characters undertake short missions for each of the Society’s four major factions (Envoy’s Alliance, Grand Archive, Horizon Hunters, and Vigilant Seal). Like Intro #1, this scenario is repeatable and includes randomized elements to keep it fresh and fun. Two upcoming Pathfinder Bounty releases supplement this scenario with missions from the Society’s minor factions (Radiant Oath and Verdant Wheel). These bounties are also repeatable!
Pathfinder Society Intro #3: Year of Shattered Sanctuaries (also known as PFS #3-01), by Mike Kimmel, is the true introduction to the metaplot of Year 3. A group of Pathfinders at the Grand Lodge is handling a sudden deluge of troubling correspondence from lodges across the Inner Sea region when they learn of an urgent matter in Absalom requiring the Society’s immediate attention. As they tackle this mysterious dilemma, they uncover a disturbing truth—but to learn more, you’ll have to play the adventure, and to thwart the Society’s enemies, you’ll need to stick around for the rest of the Year of Shattered Sanctuaries!
This three-part, repeatable Intro arc provides enough experience to bring a brand-new character up to 2nd level while teaching the character (and the player) about the Pathfinder Society’s factions and objectives. Intros #1 and #2 are intended to serve this introductory role for new players for the foreseeable future, while each year’s Intro #3 will be a fresh scenario to introduce all players to the new season’s metaplot.
We hope these scenarios are fun, useful, and instructive. All three scenarios will launch at PaizoCon Europe Online 2021 (August 19–22), kicking off the Year of Shattered Sanctuaries!
Come back next week for a preview of June’s scenario releases.
Explore! Report! Cooperate!
Mike Kimmel
Pathfinder Society Developer
Pathfinder Society Intro Scenarios
Thursday, June 17, 2021