Paizo's Gen Con 2021 Update

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Paizo will not have a physical presence at this year’s Gen Con Indy. Instead, like last year, we will focus our efforts on supporting Gen Con Online with hundreds of Pathfinder and Starfinder games suitable for all players on a variety of virtual tabletop platforms. We’ll also have several special game streams and Paizo-focused seminars to choose from. We will release more information about our plans as we get closer to the show’s September 16–19 dates. We look forward to returning to an in-person Gen Con in 2022!

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Grand Lodge

medtec28 wrote:
It was indicated on the Paizocon discord that the rollover date was emailed to badge holders, but not in the press releases. That is probably the only answer that will be given. Anything more would invite criticism that they don’t seem able and/or willing to endure

I think that idea was more suggested than confirmed. I say that because I did not have a badge that needed to be rolled over or used, but I did receive the email notification about the deadline for doing so.

Scarab Sages

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I'm quite disappointed in this decision. I'm not a fan of online gaming, it's the personal interaction that brings RP to life. Baldman will be there and we'll jump to that...

Horizon Hunters

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Anyone want to have a meetup where we play the specials together akin to the lan parties of yore? Maybe even try to get in the same table(s) to simulate the in person experience with a virtual GM?

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CrystalSeas wrote:
Xathos of Varisia wrote:
Those of us who did get fully vaccinated now have had something we were looking forward to taken away.

I'm really glad Paizo decided not to do GenCon in person this year.

I'm fully vaccinated.
I don't feel like anything has been taken away from me.

The vaccine is not 100% effective, so there's no way of knowing whether you're going to become ill because someone who is not vaccinated is at your table. Personally, I'm glad I don't need to deal with the unvaccinated people who refuse to wear masks, and expose me to the virus.

I really appreciate that Paizo didn't put staff and volunteers in the position of having to choose whether or not to accept those risks.

Obviously my mileage varies a great deal from yours.

I agree with you largely, but if you want to attend gencon in the future, that is a decision you'll have to make unfortunately. This virus isn't going anywhere, and neither are those sorts of people :(

Paizo will have to make that decision for their volunteers and staff as well next year.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

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Dirk Ehrhardt wrote:
CrystalSeas wrote:
Xathos of Varisia wrote:
Those of us who did get fully vaccinated now have had something we were looking forward to taken away.

I'm really glad Paizo decided not to do GenCon in person this year.

I'm fully vaccinated.
I don't feel like anything has been taken away from me.

The vaccine is not 100% effective, so there's no way of knowing whether you're going to become ill because someone who is not vaccinated is at your table. Personally, I'm glad I don't need to deal with the unvaccinated people who refuse to wear masks, and expose me to the virus.

I really appreciate that Paizo didn't put staff and volunteers in the position of having to choose whether or not to accept those risks.

Obviously my mileage varies a great deal from yours.

I agree with you largely, but if you want to attend gencon in the future, that is a decision you'll have to make unfortunately. This virus isn't going anywhere, and neither are those sorts of people :(

Paizo will have to make that decision for their volunteers and staff as well next year.

Pretty much this. I don't foresee much difference between September 2021 and August 2022 at this point, at least for US vaccination levels in adults. We're already pretty much at the stage where anyone can make an appointment today to get the vaccine tomorrow. Everyone who wants it will be able to have it. And it's not 100% effective, but nothing is. I could trip on level ground and die from the impact tomorrow. From what I've read, my vaccinated risk of serious illness or death is less than my risk of driving 200 miles to get to Gen Con, and those are risks I find acceptable. YMMV of course.

Obviously Paizo can do as they like, but I suspect this might have as much to do with the date change and lower attendance as it does the ongoing pandemic situation. My main event draw from Paizo at Gen Con was the card game anyway, so with that being done I'm not really missing out on anything I'd planned on doing except picking up my subs in person.

Horizon Hunters

Well, it’s not just Paizo. Fantasy Flight, True Dungeon, and Asmodee aren’t attending in person, either (based on some postings I saw on FB.)

So, sounds like Paizo is one of many who won’t be in physical attendance at Gen Con.


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I apologize that our messaging came out after the rollover deadline had expired and caused many of you unnecessary heartache. Honestly, since exhibitor badges work totally different than attendee badges, the rollover deadline wasn't even on our radar. We simply made our decision and chose to release the details when we did. If we would have realized there was a rollover deadline looming, we would have pushed to get our message out earlier.

Since our announcement, Gen Con has had two more big companies release similar messaging and they've announced that they're extending the rollover deadline to June 25th, 2021. This should allow those of you that still want to rollover your badges to next year's show to do just that.

We look forward to gaming online with some of you this year and we look forward to seeing the rest of you next year in Indy!


Jeff Alvarez wrote:

I apologize that our messaging came out after the rollover deadline had expired and caused many of you unnecessary heartache. Honestly, since exhibitor badges work totally different than attendee badges, the rollover deadline wasn't even on our radar. We simply made our decision and chose to release the details when we did. If we would have realized there was a rollover deadline looming, we would have pushed to get our message out earlier.

Since our announcement, Gen Con has had two more big companies release similar messaging and they've announced that they're extending the rollover deadline to June 25th, 2021. This should allow those of you that still want to rollover your badges to next year's show to do just that.

We look forward to gaming online with some of you this year and we look forward to seeing the rest of you next year in Indy!

Came to share this, you beat me to it!

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ryric wrote:
From what I've read, my vaccinated risk of serious illness or death is less than my risk of driving 200 miles to get to Gen Con, and those are risks I find acceptable.

Risk is not a single number, and in part depends on the level of community transmission. If you're vaccinated but the virus is raging unchecked in everyone around you, you may be at greater risk than if you're unvaccinated but community transmission is low.

Paizo, like other corporations, are making decisions based on aggregated data, not individuals. It's not "is it safe for Employee X to go," it's "is it safe for Paizo if employees go."

Dark Archive

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Of course, this bums me out but I completely respect any company's decision to prioritize safety over attending a con. I knew this year's Gencon was going to be a diminished version of previous years and that is okay. It is expected given any reasonable amount of consideration, imho. Just my two cents.

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I think there's also a Colts game that weekend which also limits the amount of space available.

Jeff Alvarez wrote:
Honestly, since exhibitor badges work totally different than attendee badges, the rollover deadline wasn't even on our radar. We simply made our decision and chose to release the details when we did. If we would have realized there was a rollover deadline looming, we would have pushed to get our message out earlier.

Thanks Jeff - that's all the explanation I was looking for. I totally understand the decision, and look forward to seeing you back in Indy next year!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

From what is going on with Indianapolis combined with the overall confusion from the political infighting from the capitol, I understand the decision to delay a return to in person gaming at the convention in the city. I don't agree with it, either this upcoming GenCon or when it was done at the last GenCon in 2020, but do understand the perception that is prevalent with the overall state of this situation.

I will forgo attending the convention this year, though I might be able to attend a satellite store if one participates. I also do not plan to take part in the online part of the convention, and have not the resorces to actually DM an online game. (Roll20 is specifically annoying, having to be in a game as a GM to actually use APIs to port characters over from Herolab Online, having to pay for the privilege to do so)

I look forward to seeing you all again in 2022.

So, since they extended badge roll over to June, do we need to have a physical badge to attend Paizo events online thus year? Or will it work like last year?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
PMSchulz wrote:
So, since they extended badge roll over to June, do we need to have a physical badge to attend Paizo events online thus year? Or will it work like last year?

GenCon Online badges are free, and separate from GenCon “Live” badges.

Scarab Sages

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Out of curiosity, will there be any plans to run in-person tables at any Pop-up GenCon events at any local stores that will allow in person gaming?

Mercurywolf wrote:
Out of curiosity, will there be any plans to run in-person tables at any Pop-up GenCon events at any local stores that will allow in person gaming?

This has been asked a few times between OPF Major Cons Planning discord server as well as the paizo organized events discord server. The gist of it is as far as I can tell is "no"-- At least not sponsored, sanctioned, or endorsed by Paizo or the Organized Play Foundation.

If someone wanted to put something like this together they would need to figure out what they'd need directly from Gen Con and whatever venue the games were being hosted at. VO's couldn't use their status as a VO to advertise the event and OPF's name couldn't be in the advertising either. It would have to be advertised as, for example, "Mercurywolf's Fun Pathfinder Times"

This was gathered from the OPF Major Cons Discord server and specifically from this comment from Alex Speidel (requires to have joined the discord server in order for that 2nd link to work)

Scarab Sages

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Thanks for the reply, Redeux! I didn't think to ask on Discord as Im not on Discord all that much. It was just something I was curious about.

Paizo Employee Organized Play Associate

Redeux has it correct. If you want to coordinate "Jimothy's Fun PFS Games" in your garage or "Starfinder Society at Friendly Local Game Store" that weekend, you totally can just like any other weekend, but they won't get any extra rewards, scenarios or event support from us. There's also nothing stopping you from going to Indianapolis and grabbing an open table to run a Bounty. You'd have to be clear that it was just you as a GM doing it, not an officially-sanctioned event from Paizo or the OPF.

We're also not officially participating in Pop-Up Gen Con this year; their focus was on board games and the like, so we're not involved. You are, of course, welcome to coordinate with the stores involved to schedule tables if you like, though again, they wouldn't be officially part of Pop-Up Gen Con.

Physical tables of the new interactive specials are not permitted per our agreements with Gen Con. They will be available to request as part of any organized event after September 20, 2021.

Dark Archive

Alex Speidel wrote:

Redeux has it correct. If you want to coordinate "Jimothy's Fun PFS Games" in your garage or "Starfinder Society at Friendly Local Game Store" that weekend, you totally can just like any other weekend, but they won't get any extra rewards, scenarios or event support from us. There's also nothing stopping you from going to Indianapolis and grabbing an open table to run a Bounty. You'd have to be clear that it was just you as a GM doing it, not an officially-sanctioned event from Paizo or the OPF.

We're also not officially participating in Pop-Up Gen Con this year; their focus was on board games and the like, so we're not involved. You are, of course, welcome to coordinate with the stores involved to schedule tables if you like, though again, they wouldn't be officially part of Pop-Up Gen Con.

Physical tables of the new interactive specials are not permitted per our agreements with Gen Con. They will be available to request as part of any organized event after September 20, 2021.

Thanks Alex, I'll respond in the other thread I made.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

I don't think anything would stop a player from going to physical Gen Con, while also signing up for Gen Con online and choosing to do online Paizo events from their hotel wi-fi or phone hotspot for a few hours. Might be a decent compromise.


ryric wrote:
I don't think anything would stop a player from going to physical Gen Con, while also signing up for Gen Con online and choosing to do online Paizo events from their hotel wi-fi or phone hotspot for a few hours. Might be a decent compromise.

This is actually something that Gen Con expects to occur and they shouldn't have any issues with it.

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On a related note, is Paizo still planning on being at Origins game fair this year?

Marketing & Media Manager

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Thaine Hepler wrote:
On a related note, is Paizo still planning on being at Origins game fair this year?

I don't believe we have announced plans to be physically anywhere this year, so far.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

What will they use the Sag for this year, I wonder? It's been Paizo's for so long that it would be odd to me to see a different use in there!

Grand Lodge

I just hope that whatever agreement/contract Paizo has with Gen Con is not invalidated because they are not exercising their rights to the Sag. I would hate to return in 2022 and find that Baldman games or some other group had grabbed it out from under Paizo. I know there were A LOT of upset people when Wizards "lost" it.


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TwilightKnight wrote:
I just hope that whatever agreement/contract Paizo has with Gen Con is not invalidated because they are not exercising their rights to the Sag. I would hate to return in 2022 and find that Baldman games or some other group had grabbed it out from under Paizo. I know there were A LOT of upset people when Wizards "lost" it.

There's no need to speculate on this topic as we've already had the discussions with Gen Con. We will have the first right of refusal on the Sag for 2022.

I realize that this decision was made but wanted to express my sadness to it along with others. Online for my group isn't an option and I am trying to grow Pathfinder 2e in my area and was REALLY hoping to learn the system more at Gencon. That won't happen this year unfortunately. Most of the groups I know have or is planning on just doing D&D 5e and that saddens me as I think this is a good system. On the FB Gencon page you can see a lot of people really wanted to play PF 2e this year and are sad like me. I respect your decision but wanted to echo what a lot of people in my area are thinking.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

What's the "Sag"?

Grand Lodge

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The Sagamore ballroom, which has been the host of organized play for Paizo for the last few years.

Marketing & Media Manager

Steve Michael wrote:
I realize that this decision was made but wanted to express my sadness to it along with others. Online for my group isn't an option and I am trying to grow Pathfinder 2e in my area and was REALLY hoping to learn the system more at Gencon. That won't happen this year unfortunately. Most of the groups I know have or is planning on just doing D&D 5e and that saddens me as I think this is a good system. On the FB Gencon page you can see a lot of people really wanted to play PF 2e this year and are sad like me. I respect your decision but wanted to echo what a lot of people in my area are thinking.

Thanks for your interest. We'd be happy to help them learn Pathfinder Second Edition through online play. In fact, we've been using Pax Online to do so all this weekend. During the day, we are focused on demos and bounties to engage new players to try out a session. After the show floor closes, we’ve got full scenario blocks planned, focusing on low-level scenarios and scenarios with included pregens.

PAX Badge Registration:
Paizo Discord:

Aaron Shanks wrote:
Steve Michael wrote:
I realize that this decision was made but wanted to express my sadness to it along with others. Online for my group isn't an option and I am trying to grow Pathfinder 2e in my area and was REALLY hoping to learn the system more at Gencon. That won't happen this year unfortunately. Most of the groups I know have or is planning on just doing D&D 5e and that saddens me as I think this is a good system. On the FB Gencon page you can see a lot of people really wanted to play PF 2e this year and are sad like me. I respect your decision but wanted to echo what a lot of people in my area are thinking.

Thanks for your interest. We'd be happy to help them learn Pathfinder Second Edition through online play. In fact, we've been using Pax Online to do so all this weekend. During the day, we are focused on demos and bounties to engage new players to try out a session. After the show floor closes, we’ve got full scenario blocks planned, focusing on low-level scenarios and scenarios with included pregens.

PAX Badge Registration:
Paizo Discord:

I appreciate this help and understand you are in a difficult position. Unfortunately online play really isn't an option for me our my group.

Marketing & Media Manager

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Steve Michael wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Steve Michael wrote:
I realize that this decision was made but wanted to express my sadness to it along with others. Online for my group isn't an option and I am trying to grow Pathfinder 2e in my area and was REALLY hoping to learn the system more at Gencon. That won't happen this year unfortunately. Most of the groups I know have or is planning on just doing D&D 5e and that saddens me as I think this is a good system. On the FB Gencon page you can see a lot of people really wanted to play PF 2e this year and are sad like me. I respect your decision but wanted to echo what a lot of people in my area are thinking.

Thanks for your interest. We'd be happy to help them learn Pathfinder Second Edition through online play. In fact, we've been using Pax Online to do so all this weekend. During the day, we are focused on demos and bounties to engage new players to try out a session. After the show floor closes, we’ve got full scenario blocks planned, focusing on low-level scenarios and scenarios with included pregens.

PAX Badge Registration:
Paizo Discord:

I appreciate this help and understand you are in a difficult position. Unfortunately online play really isn't an option for me our my group.

Understood. Remember we are also happy to work with your Favorite Local Game Store via Paizo Organized Play. You can also watch the Pathfinder Beginner Box: Troubles in Otari liveplay to get a feel for Second Edition. It is really easy to pick up the Beginner Box and go. No need to wait for a Con.

Any news on your Twitch stream schedule for GENCON yet?



Will there be any big annoucments from Paizo during this time about the GEN CON 2022 release?

It was hinted at in Paizocon Twitch panels several times that they did hold back some big news just for this GENCON :)


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