Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
MeridiaCreative wrote:
Their ship is far too large to land in the spire. The entire structure would collapse.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Standard party needs for ALL Starfinder APs should be good groundwork to cover this AP:
The skill DCs scale quickly so it's important to have at least one character with real investment in each of these skills, not just a token rank. Spoiler stuff:
In addition, this AP(especially Book 2) includes much more investigation and social interaction than the others(Temple of the Twelve gets close). An Envoy would get much more out of this AP volume than the others.
Diplomacy Bluff Intimidate *Starship combat spoiler stuff: Book 2 does not have any starship combat and the starship combat in Book 3 could be narrated directly into Event 4. I don't have book 1 with me to look at the starship combat content.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The social media and playing to the audience parts of this were a lot of fun, but as a GM, I had some serious issues with this scenario. 1) When are the PCs supposed to realize they are in a simulation chamber? It's one of the potential questions to ask the dwarves about. There's no direction for skill checks or descriptions of the areas that I can find that would lead to this conclusion until they find the terminal in area D. 2) Some read aloud descriptive text of each area would have gone a long way. I was tempted to just read what's written, but it slides into spoiler territory for the players immediately. 3) The layout for this scenario is really bad. The map placement in relation to the encounter details and stat blocks. The scaling sidebars being on a different page than the stat blocks. Art of an NPC next to the stat block of a different creature from a completely different area. This encounter was extremely difficult to run from the digital source.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I ended up with one ticket to 1-00 for Friday at 2PM and one ticket to 1-03 for Saturday at 2PM. Is there anyone who has a ticket to either of these events that would be willing to trade me for the other? I would prefer to play only one scenario with a friend than to play both by myself. The exchange can happen at GenCon. I don't want to deal with trying to swap them in the GenCon ticketing system.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Gisher wrote:
Someone get Erik Mona to make a deal with Build-A-Bear.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I want to say a huge thanks to all the organizers, HQ staff and especially the GMs.
As someone who has traded their convention to run organized RPGs for the entire weekend, I can fully appreciate the current schedule from the GM perspective. As a player, I'm willing to play a later game to make sure the people who spend days preparing and even more hours GMing to make sure the rest of us have an enjoyable experience can get some time to walk around and get proper nourishment. Almost every game run in the morning slot was also run in an afternoon slot, so players have lots of flexibility if they want to sleep in. I had a great time and I can't say enough good things about the awesome people who helped make it happen.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
If you're like me you think the Vigilante class is pretty sweet and you want to make one right away. Unfortunately, the way the talents are laid out in Ultimate Intrigue makes picking Social and Vigilante talents more cumbersome than other class options. Making matters worse for vigilante class talents is that any prerequisites are listed at the end of the talent description. Feats, for example, usually come with an excellent table that lists the feat, any prerequisites, and a brief description. I really like the way feats are presented in a nice, concise table. So I put all the vigilante and social talents into an excel spreadsheet that is able to be sorted and filtered. And since my friends and I all found it quite helpful, I figured I should share it with the rest of the Pathfinder players. There is a tab for social talents and a tab for vigilante talents. you can sort and filter by any of the columns. I tried to keep the descriptions short and accurate. Enjoy!
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I'm actually fine with it needing to be close, but I really wish there was a way to move more than a few squares each round while the Shade is out. Even some feat help to increase the range or some action economy changes for manifesting the shade would have been nice.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Luna Shiratori wrote: Yah, if I need to do that I will even if I need to go to Kinko's or something to scan it. I just found out that my printer/scanner doesn't work for some reason the other day when I tried to use it for an unrelated issue. Do you have a phone with a camera? Another option is to type the information. |