Thaine Hepler's page

Goblin Squad Member. ***** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 40 posts (42 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 37 Organized Play characters.



Does this have any impact on characters, either existing or new, for the PF1 Campaign?


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I would like to third (fourth at this point?) Mystic Gunner. And maybe some other "skill swaps" for starship combat skills
Maybe Athletics for piloting (something like Legend of the Rangers), Medical for Computers/Science Officer, and im sure a few more can be imagined.

The "Season One" Boon, and maybe some new checklist boons for the other seasons. Though those should have a scaling cost similar to "Year of the Scoured Stars"

The corruption boons are not available and need the fame cost to buy off removed

Second Seeker Roheas is not available to players.

And i had suggested elsewhere that the Manifold Host's current capstone (Manifold Host Exemplar: "your Personal boon slot is no longer filled by a species boon") seems inadequate and not fitting for a faction all about friendship. Unlike every other Capstone this one affects the current character, not a new one. By level 7-8 when you qualify for it (assuming you rush) you may not have a spare personal boon. And the Wayfarers Capstone lets a new character do this from level one.
So instead i propose this be changed to a non capstone (maybe even reduce it to tier 3) and introduce a new Capstone- unlock ixtli


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1) What happened to the old PF1 end of game replays? Are they still around, being recalculated, or totally replaced? Will the old number be displayed again for those who don't track everything in spreadsheets?
2) Another SF issue to building solutions for is the ExoGuardian Theoretical Historian boon. While not actually a "replay", presumably its reported through the same mechanism. My current usages i just reported with 1 GM rep for tracking purposes


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While planning out my Manifold Host character, I realized there were some odd interactions with "Manifold Host Exemplar"

For every other faction, the Capstone boon is available at Tier 4 (usually Level 8ish) and applies to a new character (regardless of the faction chosen)

Manifold Host Exemplar is different because it applies to the character who hit Tier 4, not a new one.
Since a character can only benefit from one capstone, you cannot start a character with another capstone and also apply Exemplar.
This also discourages the player from starting a "nufriend", which seems out of character for the Host.
And it only applies to characters who are using an admittance boon, limiting the race selections that can fully benefit from Host.

I would suggest making "Manifold Host Exemplar" no longer a capstone, though leave it a T4 purchasable boon.
Then introduce a new Boon for a capstone for Host. Maybe something similar to Wayfinders and unlock a new race, as that would fit with the Host's mission to make friends.

There's a certain rabbit like race currently not accessible that has limited contact with the wider galaxy, this would be a great way to introduce playable Ixtli

Is this going to be openly repeatable, or have restrictions (say once 1-4 and once 5-8)?

Is the expected price accurate? Current bounties are $4.99


And one reminder for all the new StarFinder Orcs- in SFS you do not get the attribute bonus from Conditioned Focus


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Alternatively why not just have bounties reward 1 Rep each?
Playing all 4 would put you 1 rep ahead of playing a faction aligned mission, though at the current release rate and the hard lvl 1 restriction I dont see this adding up to a huge advantage, maybe a character hits Capstone at lvl 7 rather than level 8.

I see its been updated more recently, which cures the problem with too many Second Seekers.

However the new PF1 instructions do not include the Concordance Faction Pin skills

Could you change the "Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)" Pin benefit to apply to all Second Seekers? Or alternatively produce new pins for all the second seekers?


Thanks, that clears up the Admittance boon. Though the adventure boon doesn't list as an admittance anywhere in the text


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While putting the finishing touches on my REDACTED for next season, and plotting around my wayfinder capstone, I realized the text doesnt actually state it uses a personal boon slot. After looking at my Astriapi boon i saw the same gap.
This seems to be rather new, as even Friend to Ghorans stated it was a personal boon

Astriapi admittance (the straight 120 ACP version)

Boon Details:
You may play a character of an uncommon species: an astriapi (Starfinder Alien Archive 4 13), beginning at level 1 as normal.
Other than access to this additional race, all character creation rules are the same as those outlined in the Guide to Organized
Play: Starfinder Society. This Chronicle Sheet must be the first Chronicle Sheet for the given character, and you must bring a
copy of Starfinder Alien Archive 4 to all sessions in which you play this character as if access to this race selection were granted by the Character Options page.

Liberation of Azlanti Allies (the one that started it all)

Boon Details:
Your actions have weakened the grip of the Azlanti Star Empire. You may play a character of an uncommon species: a gathol (The Liberation of Locus-1 60) or tromlin (The Liberation of Locus-1 60), beginning at level 1 as normal. Other than access to this additional race, all character creation rules are the same as those outlined in the Guide to Organized Play: Starfinder Society. This Chronicle Sheet must be the first Chronicle Sheet for the given character.

Is this just a typo and the ACP & adventure boon should have the personal tag?
Is the usage of a personal boon slot just explictly assumed for all non common races going forward? If so you may want to clarify in the guild guide.
Do these two limited races (and maybe others?) just not use a personal boon slot?


Does Time of Crisis have any replayabilty?


And i just realized the Season 5 art is someone (patrha?), Ehu, some buglike person, and Ziggy. Maybe the new faction leaders.
Is the Manifold Host leader already known?


Are any races planned on being moved out of "always" available at this time?
(Asking as someone who started PFS right when Tieflings/Aasimar were rotated out...)

Society Character Options are updated- No scaling cantrips and prepared casting is ACP gated

Is this a combo pack of old flipmats that were sold singularly?
If so can we get a list of which flipmats its reprinting.

And while I can see how multipacks are better for stores (less SKUs), if Paizo is going to combine these going forward can singles be sold on the web store for people just trying to plug gaps in their collection?


Is there an ETA on when the new nanocyte Iconic will be released?


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The "common starships" in the guide still lists just the Pegasus and Drake as the always available choices. This should be updated to include the Azata


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My questions/suggestions for updates:
Are any character options from Devastation Ark or Fly Free or Die available?
How does the +2 from admittance boons interact (if at all) with the +2 from the season one boon?
The guide needs a linkable TOC on the home page. All you see is the "pardon our dust" landing page. If you're a new player who doesn't know what terms to search for it may be daunting to start
Could you add promotional boons to the SF Guide, including the pin skills?
Are their pin skills for Jadunara and Ehu (and Rohrass?). The store page description is just "Starfinder Society Faction Pin: Second Seekers" so it shouldn't be limited to only Luwazi
Could mystic gunnery be added to the ACP purchasable boons? Magic officer is helpful and all, but that allows a useful option for casters in space

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On a related note, is Paizo still planning on being at Origins game fair this year?


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The FAQ is worded very broadly and would apply to ALL boons that require check boxes, not just race boons or end of AP boons.

So what happens if you slot Contractor's Respect, Laotite Training, have a possessed arm, and want to get a skitterbox checked?

Do you choose at the beginning, which can hurt the player if they choose the arm and a crit isnt rolled?
Do you choose at the end which gets the check? Does that mean free uses of Contractor's Respect?

The whole ruling seems to create more problems than it solves, just to prevent someone from filling both Skitter Shot & Skitter Home after 10-30 games, rather than 2x10-30 games

You might want to change "1" squares on each side" to "1" hexagons on each side"


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James Krolak wrote:
Holy cow. The 2nd boon for The Threefold Conspiracy is a horrible one. You have to sacrifice 10 race boons in order to get a boon to play a ** spoiler omitted ** That's a really high cost in order to play a race that's nothing special. I played one for a short while when going through Dead Suns and it felt just a generic as 90% of the rest.

That's only 10 plays of:

Chronicle Sheet spoiler:
The Withering World

I've got 4 chronicles of it already with barely a plan to build one of them, much less 2


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Bret Indrelee wrote:

Expect table variation.

As a GM, I would allow a lawyer to use Cha. In that case, they are going for the emotional appeal. I would have a harder time accepting an Actor wanting to be Wisdom based rather than Charisma based. Vid Caster who is Int based most likely is concentrating on the technical aspects of the production, I would still expect most to be Charisma based.

Wisdom actor would be a method actor, relying more upon empathy and understanding over pure charisma


For Acquisitives you may want to hit 46 by triggering Purveyor of Fortune one last time since it also gives you both an extra fame and rep. And same for Dataphiles etc as well.


If you just want to cast as a kitsune, you can be a psychic caster. Fox shape wouldn't prevent Thought or Emotion components.
If you want to be a full caster the Psychic is Int focused, but uses either Cha or Wis for a secondary. However you can use the Formless Adept archetype to swap to Cha or there is a racial trait to make kitsune +2 Int


They provided Season 10 cards at GenCon this year, which would seem to imply to me that you can still start with S10 cards.
But you know what they say about assuming things....

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Still a pass for me.
Unfortunately there is no way to just get the 1e product, and I'm not willing to pay $60 for 2e pdfs ill never use just to add on the bestiary

It looks like the chronicle sheet has an error.

The Variable Rewards only has one column for gold, presumably for level 1 based on the range


ShadowDax wrote:
My downloads still displays the old 1.0 starfinder field guide

It displayed as the old 2017 release in My Downloads as well, but after I downloaded the guide it was the new one and refreshed the date in My Downloads as well.

Anything for Samsaran in the book?


My planned build was a kindred raised half elf. 7/10/11/19/10/18 at first. With extra mental focus starting at 11.5 and gaining 1.5 per level. Though even a less focused b8 can power 3 implements easily


As much as I was looking forward to a Silksworn (and adding Panoply Savant & Trappings of the Warrior to my Reliquarian...) I think the real key is the versatility and total spells per day compared to a Sorcerer over 1-4

A sorcerer knows 2-4 lvl 1 spells over that period and can cast 3-6 per day (+ Stat bonus). On top of this they have 1 or 2 bloodline powers.
Probably a limited use level one spell equivalent (say 7-10 uses a day with good stats) and a small universal buff

A Silksworn has 4-5 lvl 1 spells and can cast 1-3 a day (+ Stat bonus).
So twice as many to choose from, though on average half as many per day.
However for focus your looking at around 8-18 over those levels with a decent stat array
With an easy average of 3 per implement, this would give 4-5 small universal buffs, but even the base focus power can be on par or better than a level 1 spell. So 10-15 extra level one spell equivalents.

At 4th second levels come on line, and the tradeoff begins again (1 spell with 3 uses versus 5 spells with 1 use), though past that the quicker access to high level spells favors the sorcerer.

Over the lower levels (which seems to be most Society play) it just favors the Occultist.
3 Focus in Conjuration at level one alone wipes out the spells per day difference with a combat useful spell. Standard action Summons for 1 minute? Yes please!

Ah well on the bright-side i don't need to buy Inner Sea Races now, and I think I'll start waiting till the Society update hits before I buy new books.
Between the cut content in Psychic Anthology, Heroes of the High Court and Path of the Righteous it just isn't worth buying blind for Society play and hoping it gets legalized

And certain content such as APs can be played with homerules and still qualify for PFS credit and boon sheets.

Thank you. Please send the shirt separately

I wanted to check on my order, as its been 45 days at this point

I would be interested in a compilation of the piratey one, but would also suggest including hooks for a certain froggy adventure path as well.

Please cancel pending order 4129375
Thank you

Hopefully any feedback isn't too late. this is from my first quick read through

Milo of Clyde- his vestigial companion replaces "Pistol proficiency". I assume that should be Lead Slinger.

Al'Kra- Infectious Despair:The callback to the Shatter Defenses Feat seems unnecessarily confusing (at least it was to me). Perhaps just have it make the target flatfooted (either universally, or just to the binder)

The Nieva Nieces- as written you only have a 25% chance of binding the one you "choose", so the better strategy would be to name the one you don't want and just plan on a 22 DC. Perhaps if you make it "Odds/Evens" (50%) or even better yet any number BUT the one you call (75%) you end up with more control (and actually picking the one you want) but a chance of the wrong party slipping in.

Jehotek- Capstone: does the healing occur only if the target is within the Fire from the Heavens area (My guess as to the intent) or can you just wave your hand once a day and heal the appropriate targets as a separate ability (RAW)

Kandisha- Curse of Kandisha. Should their be a limit to how many curses a target is under, or can you layer all of them on a single target with enough time?

Lord Saruga- Saruga's Curse. Is it only a polymorph effect if its temporary? As the first part ("Like a reincarnate spell") is not normally a polymorph i would read it that way, however as part of the second you also include the dispel information which would then imply only the temporary version is dispelable.

Rasputin -Whip Mastery: Should it also grant proficiency with whips (and maybe scorpion whips)?

The Beast that Births- Capstone: As I read it, you can summon one creature from the Summon Natures Ally IX List for four turns, or if you want multiples it functions *as* SNA V- so either 1d3 from SNA IV or 1d4+1 from SNA I-III, and I'm unclear if they last Binder Level turns or 4. And I'm not sure if that is the intent.

The Worglord- Defy Destiny: not italicized