Steve Michael's page

2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Aaron Shanks wrote:
Steve Michael wrote:
I realize that this decision was made but wanted to express my sadness to it along with others. Online for my group isn't an option and I am trying to grow Pathfinder 2e in my area and was REALLY hoping to learn the system more at Gencon. That won't happen this year unfortunately. Most of the groups I know have or is planning on just doing D&D 5e and that saddens me as I think this is a good system. On the FB Gencon page you can see a lot of people really wanted to play PF 2e this year and are sad like me. I respect your decision but wanted to echo what a lot of people in my area are thinking.

Thanks for your interest. We'd be happy to help them learn Pathfinder Second Edition through online play. In fact, we've been using Pax Online to do so all this weekend. During the day, we are focused on demos and bounties to engage new players to try out a session. After the show floor closes, we’ve got full scenario blocks planned, focusing on low-level scenarios and scenarios with included pregens.

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I appreciate this help and understand you are in a difficult position. Unfortunately online play really isn't an option for me our my group.

I realize that this decision was made but wanted to express my sadness to it along with others. Online for my group isn't an option and I am trying to grow Pathfinder 2e in my area and was REALLY hoping to learn the system more at Gencon. That won't happen this year unfortunately. Most of the groups I know have or is planning on just doing D&D 5e and that saddens me as I think this is a good system. On the FB Gencon page you can see a lot of people really wanted to play PF 2e this year and are sad like me. I respect your decision but wanted to echo what a lot of people in my area are thinking.