Introducing Adventurer’s Packs for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

Friday, January 31, 2020

Since the launch of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set and Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path, we’ve wanted a way for Pathfinder Adventure Card Society characters to use more new cards from those sets. Version 6.1 of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Society Guide gave you access to Core or Curse versions of existing Class Deck cards, and Adventure Path rewards from The Dragon’s Demand PACS Sanctioning Document and the Curse of the Crimson Throne PACS Sanctioning Document provided access to a small set of cards when playing scenarios using those sets. Fortunately, the designers of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game came up with a solution that goes beyond simply letting characters use more cards, adding a whole new layer of customizability to your game. I’ll pass it over to them to explain how it works.

Linda Zayas-Palmer
Organized Play Lead Developer

For the past several months, we’ve been internally examining and testing a concept dubbed “adventurer’s packs,” which divides the Core and Curse boons into 10 packs of cards each about half the size of a usual Class Deck. The basic rules are fairly simple:

  • Instead of a Class Deck, you can take one adventurer’s pack.
  • Instead of an Ultimate Add-On Deck, you can take two adventurer’s packs.
  • Instead of both a Class Deck and Ultimate Add-On Deck, you can take three adventurer’s packs.
  • You cannot take multiple copies of the same pack.

Let’s look at some examples.

Edward is playing Ezren with the Wizard Class Deck. Following the PACS Guide, he had added the cards from Ultimate Magic Add-On Deck. Edward has the following new options:

  1. Replace the Wizard Class Deck with one adventurer’s pack and keep using the Ultimate Magic deck.
  2. Keep using the Wizard Class Deck and replace the Ultimate Magic deck with two adventurer’s packs.
  3. Replace the Wizard Class Deck and the Ultimate Magic deck with three adventurer’s packs.

Helen is playing Hayato with the Ultimate Combat Class Deck. Following the PACS Guide, she had added the cards from the Barbarian Class Deck. Helen has the following new options:

  1. Replace the Barbarian Class Deck with one adventurer’s pack and keep using the Ultimate Combat deck.
  2. Keep using the Barbarian Class Deck and replace the Ultimate Combat deck with two adventurer’s packs.
  3. Replace the Barbarian Class Deck and the Ultimate Combat deck with three adventurer’s packs.

(Remember that the PACS Guide requires that any specific cards listed on the back of your character card must be in your deck, so if Helen gives up the Ultimate Combat deck, she would still keep Hayato’s cohort Jinfu from that deck.)

Of course, nothing is ever quite that simple; those rules alone could result in players building decks that aren’t suited to their characters, so we need to provide a couple more rules to ensure that everybody’s character stays legal.

  • The decks and packs you select must collectively provide enough cards of each type to create a valid deck for your character. For example, the Arcane, Nature, and Occult packs collectively have only 2 level 0 weapons; if your Tier 0 character needs 3 weapons, you cannot select that combination of packs.
  • You cannot gain a card feat if you do not have a legal card of the appropriate type to add to your deck. For example, if you gain a feat for your Tier 3 character and do not have any level 3 or lower weapons available, you may not choose a weapon card feat. (Usually, you can just choose a different type of feat, but if you are unable to do so, you do not gain a feat.)

These rules need to be tested by a much broader audience, so today we’d like to invite everyone to join us in trying out these packs in official PACS play. You must have access to a Core Set and a Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path that are not used in the scenario you’re playing. You can build all 10 adventurer’s packs simultaneously from a single set of Core and a single set of Curse, so as long as no two characters want to use the same pack, that set can supply packs for several characters, even among multiple players if you so choose.

  • If you would like to use adventurer’s packs for a new character, add the rules above to the existing rules for modifying your class deck in the PACS Guide. Note that since you can now replace the deck your character came from, you technically no longer need a Class Deck to create a PACS character as long as you have the appropriate character sheet. (If your character’s deck list names a specific card, though, you will need access to either that card or a card with the same name and type.)
  • If you would like to use adventurer’s packs for an existing character, first record the level and type of each card in your deck. Next, replace your entire Class Deck and/or Ultimate Add-On Deck in your deck box with one or more adventurer’s packs in accordance with the rules above. Then, for each card you recorded in the old deck, choose from your deck box a card of the same type of the same level or lower and add it to your deck. For example, if you had a level 2 weapon in your old deck, you’ll choose a level 0, 1, or 2 weapon for your new deck. (If your character’s deck list names a specific card, you may replace it only with a card that has the same name and type.)

As a result of your feedback, we may need to make some adjustments to these rules, and it’s likely that we’ll need to shift a small number of cards from one pack to another. When we’re finished, we’ll issue an updated PACS Guide; you’ll be able to make adjustments to bring your character in line with the finished rules, and you’ll also have the option to switch back to your original deck(s) if you like.

Thanks in advance for any feedback and testing you provide. We hope you enjoy the (fairly ridiculous) number of new character customization options this adds.

Chad Brown, Keith Richmond, Liz Spain, and Mike Selinker
Adventure Card Game Designers

Alchemy Pack

Core Item Elixer of FocusCurse weapon Flaming ShortbowCurse spell Dragon’s Breath

A ton of potions and bombs, and a lot of fun with Fire, Poison and other energies.

Level 0
ArmorArmored Coat
BlessingsIncitation, Incitation, Sands of the Hour
ItemsAcid Flask, Antiplague, Blast Stone, Elixir of Energy Resistance, Elixir of Healing, Elixir of Love, Noxious Bomb
SpellsAcid Arrow, Immolate
WeaponsLight Crossbow, Sword Cane
Level 1
AlliesClockwork Servant, Tinker
ArmorSlick Leather
BlessingsIrori’s Mastery, The Carnival, The Forge, The Inquisitor, The Lost, The Publican, The Sickness, The Snakebite, The Waxworks
SpellsFire Bolt, Toxic Cloud
WeaponFlaming Shortbow
Level 2
AllyFlensing Jelly
ArmorGrounded Studded Leather
ItemsElixir Of Focus, Liquid Courage, Plaguebringer’s Mask, Tangleburn Bag, Twitch Tonic
SpellsFull Pouch
WeaponVenomous Hand Crossbow
Level 3
BlessingsBlackfingers, The Prince of Pain
SpellsDragon’s Breath, Poison Blast
WeaponAcidic Bolas
Level 4
ItemBottled Lightning
SpellAcid Rain
Level 5
AllyPegg and Louie
ItemWyvern Poison
SpellQuickened Ray
Level 6
ItemFuse Grenade
SpellCorrosive Storm

Arcane Pack

Curse spell Chain LightningCore item Circlet of Mental AcuityCore item Sage’s Journal

Your favorite Arcane spells and books and magical gadgets.

Level 0
AlliesAcadamae Student, Harrowed Society Student, Sage
BlessingsIncitation, Sands of the Hour
ItemsCodex, Sage’s Journal, Spellbook
SpellsAcid Burst, Detect Magic, False Life, Force Missile, Infernal Healing, Lightning Touch, Phantasmal Minion, Sleep
Level 1
AllyBound Imp
BlessingsNethys’s Duality, The Eclipse, The Fiend, The Foreign Trader, The Hidden Truth, The Rakshasa
ItemsWand of Acid Burst, Wand of Force Missile
SpellsFrost Ray, Invisibility, Knock, Life Drain, Mirror Image
Level 2
AllyKorvosan House Drake
BlessingsAsmodeus’s Tyranny
ItemsCirclet of Mental Acuity, Ring of Protection
SpellsDimensional Jump, Enervation, Lightning Bolt, Vampiric Touch
Level 3
AllyAcadamae Scholar
BlessingThe First
ItemsWand of Enervation
SpellChain Lightning, Harrowing, Magical Mansion
Level 4
AllySalvator Scream
ItemFireball Beads
SpellDeath’s Touch
Level 5
SpellsDisintegrate, Scrying
Level 6
AllyToff Ornelos
ItemStaff of Greater Necromancy
SpellMeteor Swarm

Divine Pack

Core spell CureCore item Sacred CandleCurse armor Angelic Armor

A host of Divine spells, blessings, and gifts from the gods.

Level 0
AlliesAcolyte, Merchant
ArmorsChain Mail, Light Shield
BlessingsBenefaction, Orison, Prayer
ItemsHoly Symbol, Holy Water
SpellsCure, Detect Evil, Divine Insight, Enchant Weapon, Frozen Touch, Sanctuary, Viper Strike
WeaponsMace, Warhammer
Level 1
AlliesBodyguard, Priest of Pharasma
ArmorMagic Chain Mail
BlessingsAbadar’s Law, Desna’s Freedom, Gozreh’s Growth, Iomedae’s Justice, Nethys’s Duality, Pharasma’s Knowing, Sarenrae’s Light, The Empty Throne, Torag’s Power
ItemSacred Candle
SpellsCommune, Holy Light, Remove Disease
WeaponsGlorious Warhammer
Level 2
ArmorGray Maiden Plate
BlessingUrgathoa’s Gluttony
WeaponsFlaming Mace
Level 3
AllyAusio Carowyn
ArmorLion’s Helm
BlessingsGrandmother Nightmare, The Healing Light
SpellsDivine Fortune, Wall of Light
Level 4
AllyLyrune-Quah Truthspeaker
ItemWand of Restorative Touch
SpellDivine Blaze
Level 5
ArmorAngelic Armor
SpellSteal Soul
Level 6
AllyDarb Tuttle

Finesse Pack

Core weapon Keen RapierCurse armor Sable Company LeathersCurse item Bloodroot Poison

All the things an urban adventurer might need.

Level 0
AlliesBurglar, Mouse, Spider
ArmorStudded Leather Armor
BlessingsOrison, Prayer, Sands of the Hour
ItemsMagnifying Glass, Spider Venom, Thieves’ Tools
WeaponsDagger, Kukri, Rapier, Shortsword, Starknife
Level 1
AlliesGang Enforcer, Priest of Abadar
ArmorArmor of Insults
BlessingsCayden Cailean’s Revelry, Desna’s Freedom, Irori’s Mastery, Shelyn’s Song, The Crows, The Demon’s Lantern, The Joke, The Locksmith
ItemsGem of Physical Prowess, Smoke Bomb
WeaponsElven Curve Blade, Keen Rapier, Snakebite Dagger
Level 2
AllyNaval Hero
ArmorGlamered Leather Armor
ItemsBelt of Physical Prowess
WeaponsHumanbane Rapier, Keen Starknife
Level 3
AllyCerulean Mastermind
ArmorSable Company Leathers
BlessingMaster of Masters, The Eternal Rose
ItemBloodroot Poison
WeaponsShock Kukri, Venomous Dagger
Level 4
AllyJasan Adriel
ItemSilver War Paint
WeaponsBlackjack's Rapier, Limning Starknife
Level 5
WeaponKeen Spiked Chain
Level 6
ArmorGreater Bolstering Armor
ItemThe Lost Harrows
WeaponsDancing Dagger, Shocking Sawtooth Saber

Nature Pack

Core ally Riding AllosaurusCurse armor Shoanti Barbarian HideCurse spell Shapechange

A menagerie of animals to join you (or for you to become), and other things to help you in the wild.

Level 0
AlliesBat, Dog, Frog, Porcupine
ArmorHide Armor
BlessingsIncitation, Prayer, Sands of the Hour
ItemsBalmberry, Spiked Gauntlet
SpellsBurst Bonds, Frostbite, Levitate, Revitalize
Level 1
AlliesDroogami, Giant Slug
ArmorMagic Hide Armor
BlessingsErastil’s Eye, Gozreh’s Growth, Sarenrae’s Light, The Cricket, The Owl, The Rabbit Prince, The Tangled Briar, The Unicorn, The Wanderer
ItemsBoots of Friendly Terrain
SpellsBloodscent, Elemental Treaty, Sonic Blast
WeaponAllying Dart
Level 2
AllyRiding Allosaurus
ArmorShield of Resistance
BlessingsLamashtu’s Madness
SpellsAspect of the Monkey, Heat Metal
WeaponFrost Longspear
Level 3
ArmorSable Company Hide
BlessingsThe Wind and the Waves, The Worldbreaker
SpellsIce Strike, Volcanic Storm
Level 4
AllyFirepelt Cougar
ArmorShoanti Barbarian Hide
WeaponReturning Totem Spear
Level 5
SpellIcy Prison
Level 6
WeaponFury’s Trident

Occult Pack

Curse item Zellara’s Harrow DeckCore spell Locate Objecte Curse item Third Eye

For the subtle occult arts of divination and mental mastery.

Level 0
AlliesCard Caster, Harrower
ArmorQuilted Cloth Armor
BlessingsIncitation, Sands of the Hour, Sands of the Hour
ItemsBracers of Protection, Flame Staff, Luckstone
SpellsCandlelight, Confusion, Fiery Glare, Magic Eye
Level 1
AlliesFox, Leech
BlessingsThe Betrayal, The Idiot, The Marriage, The Midwife, The Mute Hag, The Peacock, The Queen Mother, The Theater, The Tyrant
ItemGem of Mental Acuity
SpellsCharm Person, Harrowstrike, Locate Object
WeaponQuarterstaff of Vaulting
Level 2
AlliesBound Homunculus, Fortune-Teller
ItemsWand of Flame, Zellara’s Harrow Deck
SpellsFly, Twisted Space
Level 3
AllyDream Spider,
BlessingsLady Luck, The All-Seeing Eye, The Lady of Mysteries
ItemFate-Reader Lenses
SpellsClairvoyance, Mistform
Level 4
ItemDust of Revealing
SpellInstrument of Agony
Level 5
ItemHeadband of Mental Superiority
SpellMajor Harrowing
Level 6
AllyVenster Arabasti
ItemThird Eye
SpellDominate, Sadomasochism

Ranged Pack

Core weapon Deathbane Light CrossbowCore item Cape of Escape Curse armor Moon Maiden Armor

The best ranged weapons and tools for characters who might sometimes want to be at range.

Level 0
AlliesArcher, Guide, Lookout
ArmorChain Shirt
BlessingsBenefaction, Prayer
ItemsCompass, Spyglass
WeaponHeavy Crossbow, Longbow, Shortbow
Level 1
AlliesCrow, Gentleman Explorer
ArmorArcher’s Kite Shield, Magic Chain Shirt
BlessingsCalistria’s Sting, Erastil’s Eye, The Cyclone, The Twin, The Uprising, The Vision, The Winged Serpent
ItemsCape of Escape, Helpful Haversack
WeaponsDeathbane Light Crossbow, Returning Starknife, Returning Throwing Axe, Seeking Shortbow
Level 2
AlliesEries Yelloweyes, Sergeant-at-Arms
ArmorMithral Chain Shirt
BlessingNorgorber’s Shadow
ItemsIron Shackles, Ring of Evasion
SpellUnearthly Aim
WeaponsFrost Longbow
Level 3
AlliesRaccoon, Sable Company Marine
ArmorImpervious Chain Shirt
BlessingOld Deadeye, The Savored Sting
ItemRed Mantis Mask
WeaponSeeking Longbow
Level 4
AllySkoan-Quah Boneslayer
ArmorMoon Maiden Armor
BlessingAchaekek’s Claws
ItemBelt of Physical Might
Level 5
ItemBrooch of Protection
WeaponDeathbane Sling, Deathbane Throwing Axe
Level 6
ItemRing of Energy Resistance
WeaponGuardian Bow

Smash Pack

Core Weapon Giantbane GreataxeCurse armor Magic Spiked Full Plate Curse ally Pit Gladiator

Big weapons. Big armor. Spikes. Smash.

Level 0
AlliesKorvosan Guard, Soldier
ArmorsHelm, Spiked Breastplate
BlessingsBenefaction, Orison, Prayer
ItemsCrowbar, Horn of Battle Clarity, War Drum
WeaponsBattleaxe, Dogslicer, Longspear, Scythe
Level 1
AllyPriest of Asmodeus
ArmorsMagic Spiked Breastplate, Spiked Half-Plate
BlessingsCalistria’s Sting, Gorum’s Iron, The Avalanche, The Bear, The Beating, The Mountain Man, The Survivor, The Trumpet
ItemsStaff of Minor Healing
WeaponsCold Iron Greatsword, Earthbreaker, Giantbane Greataxe
Level 2
AllyPit Gladiator
ArmorHelm of the Valkyrie
BlessingRovagug’s Destruction
ItemWhite War Paint
WeaponsShock Glaive, Vicious Scythe
Level 3
AllyHellknight of the Nail
ArmorMagic Spiked Full Plate
BlessingsLady Despair, Our Lord in Iron
ItemDrums of Panic
WeaponsDragonbane Greatsword, Wounding Spear-Axe
Level 4
AllySklar-Quah Thundercaller
ArmorBearskin Armor
ItemRed War Paint
WeaponThundering Earthbreaker
Level 5
ArmorStone-Shard Breastplate
ItemRing of Immolation
WeaponSpeed Battleaxe
Level 6
ArmorHellknight Plate
WeaponsAshbringer, Commander’s Falchion

Support Pack

Curse item Mist HornCore spell Good Omen Curse spell Breath of Life

Everything a support character needs, and more than a few things everyone else wishes every character took

Level 0
AlliesCat, Troubadour
ArmorLeather Armor
BlessingsBenefaction, Orison, Sands of the Hour
ItemToken of Remembrance
SpellsAid, Deflect, Enhance, Soothing Word
Level 1
AllyKorvosan Dandy
ArmorMagic Leather Armor
BlessingsIomedae’s Justice, Pharasma’s Knowing, Shelyn’s Song, The Big Sky, The Courtesan, The Dance, The Juggler, The Liar, The Paladin
ItemsHarrow Deck, Mist Horn
SpellsFool’s Gold, Good Omen, Minor Harrowing
Level 2
ArmorMagic Mithral Chain Mail
BlessingZon-Kuthon’s Pain
ItemsDrums of Haste, Horn of Blasting
SpellsDisable Mechanism, Enlarge
WeaponLucky Starknife
Level 3
ArmorMaiden’s Helm
BlessingsLady of Valor, The Gold-Fisted
ItemPersona Mask
SpellRestorative Touch
Level 4
AllyLandshark Whelp
SpellsGiant Form, Safe Haven
Level 5
ArmorMantle of Life
ItemWhisper of the First Lie
SpellBreath of Life
Level 6
AllyFormian Myrmidon
ArmorMantle of Faith
ItemsLyre of Storms, Staff of Greater Healing

Tank Pack

Core armor Covering Heavy ShieldCore item Banner of the Ancient Kings Core weapon Wyrmsmite

Shields, heavy armor, solid melee weapons, and everything else a defender needs.

Level 0
AlliesHorse, Pig, Teamster
ArmorsHalf-Plate, Heavy Shield, Klar
BlessingsBenefaction, Orison, Sands of the Hour
ItemsCaltrops, Plague Mask
WeaponLongsword, Scimitar, Throwing Axe
Level 1
AlliesCraftsman, Standard Bearer
ArmorsCovering Heavy Shield, Full Plate, Tower Shield
BlessingsAbadar’s Law, Cayden Cailean’s Revelry, Gorum’s Iron, The Brass Dwarf, The Desert, The Keep, The Teamster, Torag’s Power
ItemBastion Boots
WeaponCruel Longsword
Level 2
AllyTayce Soldado
ArmorsBrute Force Shield, Magic Full Plate, Magic Klar
ItemBanner of the Ancient Kings
WeaponCleaving Battleaxe
Level 3
AllyRuan Mirukova
ArmorVoidglass Armor
BlessingsThe Father of Creation, The Lucky Drunk
ItemMarked Cards
WeaponsSawtooth Saber, Wyrmsmite
Level 4
AllyHippogriff Fledgling
ArmorTotem Klar
ItemBlue War Paint
WeaponsVerminbane Warhammer
Level 5
AllyLyrune-Quah Moon Maiden
ArmorDread Helm
ItemScabbard of Keen Edges
WeaponsBanudor, Horrorbane Heavy Pick
Level 6
ArmorKazavon’s Shield
WeaponsUkwar Axe
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This is fantastic news! I am very excited to start looking through to see what improvements I can start making to some of my characters, and this blows the doors wide open for brand new OP characters.

Silver Crusade 2/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

4 people marked this as a favorite.

All these new options definitely render my big 'ol graph of character deck options much less useful, but I'm SUPER excited that we can start using these options!

Alchemy has no Level 2 cards. Just checking that this wasn't a mistake?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

This is a really neat idea! I'll get this circulated to our local PACS players asap!

Lone Shark Games

3 people marked this as a favorite.

There are some errors that will likely be fixed soon, but in the meantime:

Level 1 should not have an Items line
All of Level 2 is missing:
Level 2
Ally Flensing Jelly
Armor Grounded Studded Leather
Blessing Rovagug’s Destruction
Items Elixir of Focus, Liquid Courage, Plaguebringer’s Mask, Tangleburn Bag, Twitch Tonic
Spell Full Pouch
Weapon Venomous Hand Crossbow

Level 2 and 3 should not have Item lines

Level 1 allies should be Gang Enforcer, Priest of Abadar

Level 3 ally should be Cerulean Mastermind, armor is Sable Company Leathers

Level 2 is entirely wrong, should be
Level 2
Ally Fortune-Teller
Blessings Lamashtu’s Madness, Zon-Kuthon’s Pain
Items Wand of Flame, Zellara’s Harrow Deck
Spells Fly, Twisted Space

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Great reason to buy a second copy of Core and Curse!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Zellara's Harrow Deck is pictured with the Occult Pack but isn't in the list. Since it's Loot I'm guessing it's not supposed to be in the pack but wanted to confirm.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Woohoo!!! AWESOME news. I have been waiting for this since I first played Core!
Quinn thanks you :-)

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Look like Alchemy Pack Level 0 and 1 have the same list of Items.

In the Divine pack, Sacred Candle appears as an AD1, AD2, and AD3 card. It's only an AD1, so I assume the rest are copy/paste errors (and there are no items available at those levels)?


Very excited about this!! Can't wait to see some of the character concepts that people come up with!

So happy I bought 2 core and 2 curse ! Question : It I play a new character ( example : from core), how many pacs would I add if I only want to use core/curse cards ?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
Jayjazz99 wrote:
So happy I bought 2 core and 2 curse ! Question : It I play a new character ( example : from core), how many pacs would I add if I only want to use core/curse cards ?

3: one to replace the class deck and two to replace the ultimate deck. You would also want to ensure the character you want to play is legal for OP (although I believe all of the Core characters are).

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
skizzerz wrote:
Jayjazz99 wrote:
So happy I bought 2 core and 2 curse ! Question : It I play a new character ( example : from core), how many pacs would I add if I only want to use core/curse cards ?
3: one to replace the class deck and two to replace the ultimate deck. You would also want to ensure the character you want to play is legal for OP (although I believe all of the Core characters are).

It looks like you can use anywhere from one to three Adventurer's Packs for new characters, though I can't think of a reason why you would use less than three.

Silver Crusade 4/5 ***

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Andrew Warner wrote:
Great reason to buy a second copy of Core and Curse!

If by second you mean third. >.<

Mhuirich wrote:
skizzerz wrote:
Jayjazz99 wrote:
So happy I bought 2 core and 2 curse ! Question : It I play a new character ( example : from core), how many pacs would I add if I only want to use core/curse cards ?
3: one to replace the class deck and two to replace the ultimate deck. You would also want to ensure the character you want to play is legal for OP (although I believe all of the Core characters are).
It looks like you can use anywhere from one to three Adventurer's Packs for new characters, though I can't think of a reason why you would use less than three.

Thanks, I think you're right. I will look at the core character equivalent character deck. If I own that deck and an ultimate, then I can use 3 pacs. For example, If I want to use Fumbus, I can use 3 pacs if I already own the alchemist class deck and an ultimate deck. Cool.


Now my deck construction planning time has become exponential, however...

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

Eliandra Giltessan wrote:
Andrew Warner wrote:
Great reason to buy a second copy of Core and Curse!
If by second you mean third. >.<

I've already got three. I think I may be buying a fourth copy of Core, though ...

(my third Curse box is un-opened, as I've just put together a core-only setup for running introductory tables; coming across one of the Curse blessings with a nasty "When this is the hour" effect can be a bit much for a first-time player!)

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jayjazz99 wrote:
[I will look at the core character equivalent character deck. If I own that deck and an ultimate, then I can use 3 pacs. For example, If I want to use Fumbus, I can use 3 pacs if I already own the alchemist class deck and an ultimate deck. Cool.

I think you can do that even if you don't own any class or ultimate decks - you can just take the three "Adventurer's Packs" you want to use. (There are some exceptions to this if a character needs a specific named card, but that isn't the case for Fumbus).

I took the lists (with Keith's edits) and made up some sheets. They are the same size as the dividers in Core. I plan to print them on cardstock and and glue the front and back together to use as divides for a box.

If anyone else is interested.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber


It looks like Level 2 should have Circlet of Mental Acuity (pictured, a CotCT Level2 item) instead of Gem of Mental Acuity, which is a Core Level 1 item.

Grand Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

YAY!!! I am so excited about this!!

I know a lot of PbP players use the wiki to reference cards as they are making quick card choices, so I made a Adventurer's Pack list page and started adding individual pack pages. I've only got the Alchemist Pack up, but now that I've set up the template, adding the other packs should be quicker.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
Rogue Shindler wrote:

YAY!!! I am so excited about this!!

I know a lot of PbP players use the wiki to reference cards as they are making quick card choices, so I made a Adventurer's Pack list page and started adding individual pack pages. I've only got the Alchemist Pack up, but now that I've set up the template, adding the other packs should be quicker.


Awesome, thanks for this! It's already revealed another potential issue; Alchemy Level 0 should probably have Sword Cane, instead of Sword, which doesn't exist.

Sounds neat :) a few questions though:
*Can you use multiple copies of the same pack for one character?
*Are there going to be any new boons in these packs? (I'd love to see just two or three new cards per pack.)

Also, a Thought: it seems strange that the odd Blessing situation in Curse is kinda getting canonized in what seems like the "basic" adventurer's packs. Not sure there's a lot to do about this though without making a whole set of new high-level blessings...

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Lamashtu’s Madness appears in both Nature and Occult, and Core only has one copy of that card, which makes it impossible to build one of each Pack in a single set. Similarly, Norgorber's Shadow appears in both Finesse and Ranged.

Grand Lodge

Mhuirich wrote:

Awesome, thanks for this! It's already revealed another potential issue; Alchemy Level 0 should probably have Sword Cane, instead of Sword, which doesn't exist.

Yeah, I've been meaning to ask about that. I thought shortsword, but I see that in another pack, and sword cane isn't.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Asmodeus's Tyranny appears in both Arcane and Divine.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Icy Prison (Spell 5) is listed as a Weapon under Nature.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Rovagug’s Destruction appears in both Alchemy and Smash.
Zon-Kuthon’s Pain appears in Occult and Support.
Urgathoa’s Gluttony appears in Divine and Tank.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

I'm going to be running a walk-up table of PACG at an upcoming convention* in under two weeks. I was originally going to be taking along several class decks for players to use, but I now plan on making up one set of the Adventure Packs.

What (single) Adventure Pack would be a good choice for each of the Core/Curse characters? (Tier 1 only - I'm only planning on offering introductory scenarios). I'd also welcome suggestions for starting decks!

* DunDraCon, at the San Ramon Marriott, over the President's Day weekend.
If you're going to be around the San Francisco Bay Area, we'd love to see you!

Andrew Warner wrote:

I took the lists (with Keith's edits) and made up some sheets. They are the same size as the dividers in Core. I plan to print them on cardstock and and glue the front and back together to use as divides for a box.

If anyone else is interested.

Many thanks! Printing off now

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rogue Shindler wrote:

YAY!!! I am so excited about this!!

I know a lot of PbP players use the wiki to reference cards as they are making quick card choices, so I made a Adventurer's Pack list page and started adding individual pack pages. I've only got the Alchemist Pack up, but now that I've set up the template, adding the other packs should be quicker.


Yup, live on the wiki for pbp play. thanks for setting the page up!

Seems like all core/curse cards are accounted for aside from the Promos.
However, I don't see Bound Homunculus (Ally 2) in any of the packs.

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Sounds spiffy!
I assume there isn't a restriction on multiple loot cards with same name at a table since the cards wouldn't be coming from the game box. Also, I would imagine loot cards in a character's deck doesn't interfere with either someone else taking a loot reward or for the person with the loot card in their pack to use the loot card from the box as well.

Also, it looks like the current rules support going back to original spec. I assume this means you have to go back to what you had before and doesn't allow to change decks for that character even if you have a reward that says you can use deck X with character Y. I also assume that someone can revert back and then choose different pack options for that character in between scenarios to try something different.

BR Zalarian wrote:
I also assume that someone can revert back and then choose different pack options for that character in between scenarios to try something different.

I had this question as well. I was assuming the opposite: The change is irreversible. But perhaps not.

If the changes are one way (i.e., not reversible), can they be staggered?

For instance, I'll be doing packet surgery on Quinn. To start, I may swap out the class deck for the Intrigue packet. He doesn't have any alchemical powers at this point - there was no reason to select them until now - so swapping for the Alchemical packet doesn't make sense yet.

So can I swap out my class deck now (for Intrigue), then swap out the ultimate deck later (for Alchemical + another packet)? Or must both swaps be simultaneous?

P.S. The assumption is that swaps must occur before starting a new scenario. Swapping during a scenario isn't allowed. (This matters for online scenarios, which can take extended periods of time to complete.)

Lone Shark Games

All of the comments above are quite helpful. It took quite the matrix to make this, so it's not surprising that it got a little borked in the transfer to the web. We'll get it all cleaned up soon.


Quick question. Alchemist's Class Deck has Acid Flask. The Alchemist Pack also has Acid Flask. Can I therefore have X2 core versions of Acid Flask in my deck?

Lone Shark Games

Mhuirich wrote:
Zellara's Harrow Deck is pictured with the Occult Pack but isn't in the list. Since it's Loot I'm guessing it's not supposed to be in the pack but wanted to confirm.

I don't see any reason that cards with the Loot trait shouldn't be in the packs. If you run across a card you already have during play, then you already have it.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
BR Zalarian wrote:

Sounds spiffy!

I assume there isn't a restriction on multiple loot cards with same name at a table since the cards wouldn't be coming from the game box. Also, I would imagine loot cards in a character's deck doesn't interfere with either someone else taking a loot reward or for the person with the loot card in their pack to use the loot card from the box as well.

Also, it looks like the current rules support going back to original spec. I assume this means you have to go back to what you had before and doesn't allow to change decks for that character even if you have a reward that says you can use deck X with character Y. I also assume that someone can revert back and then choose different pack options for that character in between scenarios to try something different.

Loot earned in rewards must come from the vault, not a pack. A character can take a loot card from their class deck box as a regular deck upgrade and not clash with loot earned via rewards, however.

The current rules most certainly do not support going back. I’m not sure where you are reading this. Once you make a change it is irreversible because you are replacing the class/ultimate deck cards in your class deck box with the packs.

There is mention of a means of switching back from the playtest rules to the original decks once the version of the Guide that includes these packs is released. That does not currently exist however so for the playtest it’s a one-way street.

Redgar's ACG Characters wrote:
Quick question. Alchemist's Class Deck has Acid Flask. The Alchemist Pack also has Acid Flask. Can I therefore have X2 core versions of Acid Flask in my deck?

RAW says yes and I don't see why you shouldn't be able to. Just as long as you have access to two copies that aren't coming from the vault!

skizzerz wrote:

Loot earned in rewards must come from the vault, not a pack. A character can take a loot card from their class deck box as a regular deck upgrade and not clash with loot earned via rewards, however.

The current rules most certainly do not support going back. I’m not sure where you are reading this. Once you make a change it is irreversible because you are replacing the class/ultimate deck cards in your class deck box with the packs.

There is mention of a means of switching back from the playtest rules to the original decks once the version of the Guide that includes these packs is released. That does not currently exist however so for the playtest it’s a one-way street.

Oops! Looks like I prematurely read the rules and saw that you have the option to switch back but did not fully notice the conditions on when one could switch back.

Lone Shark Games

Based on comments here in this thread, here are a few more changes we're planning to make.

  • Alchemy level 0 Weapons changes "Sword" to "Sword Cane".
  • Arcane level 2 Items changes "Gem of Mental Acuity" to "Circlet of Mental Acuity".

Our matrix had two copies of each of the six level 2 evil blessings from Core, where it should have only one of each. This made Arcane, Divine, Occult, and Tank get 54 cards where the other six packs have 53. The following changes will bring all packs to 53 cards.

  • Remove Rovagug's Destruction from Alchemy. (This deletes the level 2 blessing line.)
  • Add The Publican between The Lost and The Sickness at Blessings 1 to Alchemy.
  • Remove The Publican from Arcane.
  • Remove Asmodeus's Tyranny from Divine.
  • Remove Norgorber's Shadow from Finesse. (This deletes the level 2 blessing line.)
  • Add Blackjack's Rapier at the start of Weapons 3 to Finesse.
  • Remove Lamashtu's Madness and Zon-Kuthon's Pain from Occult. (This deletes the level 2 blessing line.)
  • Add Bound Homunculus at the start of Allies 2 to Occult.
  • Remove Urgathoa's Gluttony from Tank. (This deletes the level 2 blessing line.)

There are a couple of other small non-functional changes as well. As always, if you see anything else you think needs to change, let us know.


...adventurer's pacs

Ahem. You've got the smash pack description on the support pack as well.

Dark Archive

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Mike Selinker wrote:
Add Blackjack's Rapier at the start of Weapons 3 to Finesse.

Quinn thanks you immensely!

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foxoftheasterisk wrote:

Sounds neat :) a few questions though:

*Can you use multiple copies of the same pack for one character?
*Are there going to be any new boons in these packs? (I'd love to see just two or three new cards per pack.)

Also, a Thought: it seems strange that the odd Blessing situation in Curse is kinda getting canonized in what seems like the "basic" adventurer's packs. Not sure there's a lot to do about this though without making a whole set of new high-level blessings...

I just realized that nowhere does this blog post say that Adventurer's packs will be sold as standalone products. I just assumed that would be the progression, hence these thoughts.

I do think standalone Adventurer's Packs would be a great way to move forward with PACS, FWIW. (Likely with more new boons, though, and perhaps one new character per pack?)

The question about duplicate packs still stands though; is it allowed?

Lone Shark Games

You cannot take duplicate packs.

Also, there's a typo above: Blackjack's Rapier is a Weapon 4.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

Since the ultimate decks are optional anyway, can you run a character with just 2 Adventure packs?

A. Is it legal
B. Is it feasible.

Follow on to that, can anyone recommend a good way to devide up the available decks into 5 sets of 2, for people running Org Play for conventions?


Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

For walk-ups at conventions, stores, etc. I'm only planning on single-pack characters (just as currently I don't loan out ultimate decks); there's enough in a single adventurer's pack for somebody totally new to PACS to make a character (and probably more options than a class-deck character restricted to only B Basic boons).

P.S. Good point about the RAW legality of two-pack characters. I'd just treat them as three-pack characters who haven't yet named their third pack.

Silver Crusade 2/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Jared Thaler wrote:

Since the ultimate decks are optional anyway, can you run a character with just 2 Adventure packs?

A. Is it legal
B. Is it feasible.

Follow on to that, can anyone recommend a good way to devide up the available decks into 5 sets of 2, for people running Org Play for conventions?


I think it would be really tough to do this at any higher level than Tier 1 characters, but if you're trying to run scenarios for new players, I would do something like:

Valeros: Tank + Nature
Merisiel: Finesse + Ranged
Ezren: Arcane + Support
Kyra: Divine + Smash
Fumbus: Alchemy + Occult

I think with these you could run 5 reasonable Tier 1 characters through a single adventure, but in order to continue playing the characters after that, the players would then have to buy a class deck, since there would likely not be enough cards at higher levels to fill out decks sufficiently.

Lone Shark Games

In truth, you can get decent decks out of almost any two combinations if you're pre-picking characters.

For instance, this would also work well:

Arcane - Occult
Alchemy - Ranged
Finesse - Tank
Divine - Support
Smash - Nature

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