Since the launch of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set and Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path, we’ve wanted a way for Pathfinder Adventure Card Society characters to use more new cards from those sets. Version 6.1 of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Society Guide gave you access to Core or Curse versions of existing Class Deck cards, and Adventure Path rewards from The Dragon’s Demand PACS Sanctioning Document and the Curse of the Crimson Throne PACS Sanctioning Document provided access to a small set of cards when playing scenarios using those sets. Fortunately, the designers of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game came up with a solution that goes beyond simply letting characters use more cards, adding a whole new layer of customizability to your game. I’ll pass it over to them to explain how it works.
Linda Zayas-Palmer
Organized Play Lead Developer
For the past several months, we’ve been internally examining and testing a concept dubbed “adventurer’s packs,” which divides the Core and Curse boons into 10 packs of cards each about half the size of a usual Class Deck. The basic rules are fairly simple:
- Instead of a Class Deck, you can take one adventurer’s pack.
- Instead of an Ultimate Add-On Deck, you can take two adventurer’s packs.
- Instead of both a Class Deck and Ultimate Add-On Deck, you can take three adventurer’s packs.
- You cannot take multiple copies of the same pack.
Let’s look at some examples.
Edward is playing Ezren with the Wizard Class Deck. Following the PACS Guide, he had added the cards from Ultimate Magic Add-On Deck. Edward has the following new options:
- Replace the Wizard Class Deck with one adventurer’s pack and keep using the Ultimate Magic deck.
- Keep using the Wizard Class Deck and replace the Ultimate Magic deck with two adventurer’s packs.
- Replace the Wizard Class Deck and the Ultimate Magic deck with three adventurer’s packs.
Helen is playing Hayato with the Ultimate Combat Class Deck. Following the PACS Guide, she had added the cards from the Barbarian Class Deck. Helen has the following new options:
- Replace the Barbarian Class Deck with one adventurer’s pack and keep using the Ultimate Combat deck.
- Keep using the Barbarian Class Deck and replace the Ultimate Combat deck with two adventurer’s packs.
- Replace the Barbarian Class Deck and the Ultimate Combat deck with three adventurer’s packs.
(Remember that the PACS Guide requires that any specific cards listed on the back of your character card must be in your deck, so if Helen gives up the Ultimate Combat deck, she would still keep Hayato’s cohort Jinfu from that deck.)
Of course, nothing is ever quite that simple; those rules alone could result in players building decks that aren’t suited to their characters, so we need to provide a couple more rules to ensure that everybody’s character stays legal.
- The decks and packs you select must collectively provide enough cards of each type to create a valid deck for your character. For example, the Arcane, Nature, and Occult packs collectively have only 2 level 0 weapons; if your Tier 0 character needs 3 weapons, you cannot select that combination of packs.
- You cannot gain a card feat if you do not have a legal card of the appropriate type to add to your deck. For example, if you gain a feat for your Tier 3 character and do not have any level 3 or lower weapons available, you may not choose a weapon card feat. (Usually, you can just choose a different type of feat, but if you are unable to do so, you do not gain a feat.)
These rules need to be tested by a much broader audience, so today we’d like to invite everyone to join us in trying out these packs in official PACS play. You must have access to a Core Set and a Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path that are not used in the scenario you’re playing. You can build all 10 adventurer’s packs simultaneously from a single set of Core and a single set of Curse, so as long as no two characters want to use the same pack, that set can supply packs for several characters, even among multiple players if you so choose.
- If you would like to use adventurer’s packs for a new character, add the rules above to the existing rules for modifying your class deck in the PACS Guide. Note that since you can now replace the deck your character came from, you technically no longer need a Class Deck to create a PACS character as long as you have the appropriate character sheet. (If your character’s deck list names a specific card, though, you will need access to either that card or a card with the same name and type.)
- If you would like to use adventurer’s packs for an existing character, first record the level and type of each card in your deck. Next, replace your entire Class Deck and/or Ultimate Add-On Deck in your deck box with one or more adventurer’s packs in accordance with the rules above. Then, for each card you recorded in the old deck, choose from your deck box a card of the same type of the same level or lower and add it to your deck. For example, if you had a level 2 weapon in your old deck, you’ll choose a level 0, 1, or 2 weapon for your new deck. (If your character’s deck list names a specific card, you may replace it only with a card that has the same name and type.)
As a result of your feedback, we may need to make some adjustments to these rules, and it’s likely that we’ll need to shift a small number of cards from one pack to another. When we’re finished, we’ll issue an updated PACS Guide; you’ll be able to make adjustments to bring your character in line with the finished rules, and you’ll also have the option to switch back to your original deck(s) if you like.
Thanks in advance for any feedback and testing you provide. We hope you enjoy the (fairly ridiculous) number of new character customization options this adds.
Chad Brown, Keith Richmond, Liz Spain, and Mike Selinker
Adventure Card Game Designers
Alchemy Pack
Level 0 Ally Snake Armor Armored Coat Blessings Incitation, Incitation, Sands of the Hour Items Acid Flask, Antiplague, Blast Stone, Elixir of Energy Resistance, Elixir of Healing, Elixir of Love, Noxious Bomb Spells Acid Arrow, Immolate Weapons Light Crossbow, Sword Cane
Level 1 Allies Clockwork Servant, Tinker Armor Slick Leather Blessings Irori’s Mastery, The Carnival, The Forge, The Inquisitor, The Lost, The Publican, The Sickness, The Snakebite, The Waxworks Spells Fire Bolt, Toxic Cloud Weapon Flaming Shortbow
Level 2 Ally Flensing Jelly Armor Grounded Studded Leather Items Elixir Of Focus, Liquid Courage, Plaguebringer’s Mask, Tangleburn Bag, Twitch Tonic Spells Full Pouch Weapon Venomous Hand Crossbow
Level 3 Blessings Blackfingers, The Prince of Pain Item Ambrosia Spells Dragon’s Breath, Poison Blast Weapon Acidic Bolas
Level 4 Item Bottled Lightning Spell Acid Rain
Level 5 Ally Pegg and Louie Item Wyvern Poison Spell Quickened Ray
Level 6 Item Fuse Grenade Spell Corrosive Storm
Arcane Pack
Level 0 Allies Acadamae Student, Harrowed Society Student, Sage Blessings Incitation, Sands of the Hour Items Codex, Sage’s Journal, Spellbook Spells Acid Burst, Detect Magic, False Life, Force Missile, Infernal Healing, Lightning Touch, Phantasmal Minion, Sleep
Level 1 Ally Bound Imp Blessings Nethys’s Duality, The Eclipse, The Fiend, The Foreign Trader, The Hidden Truth, The Rakshasa Items Wand of Acid Burst, Wand of Force Missile Spells Frost Ray, Invisibility, Knock, Life Drain, Mirror Image
Level 2 Ally Korvosan House Drake Blessings Asmodeus’s Tyranny Items Circlet of Mental Acuity, Ring of Protection Spells Dimensional Jump, Enervation, Lightning Bolt, Vampiric Touch
Level 3 Ally Acadamae Scholar Blessing The First Items Wand of Enervation Spell Chain Lightning, Harrowing, Magical Mansion
Level 4 Ally Salvator Scream Item Fireball Beads Spell Death’s Touch
Level 5 Ally Andachi Spells Disintegrate, Scrying
Level 6 Ally Toff Ornelos Item Staff of Greater Necromancy Spell Meteor Swarm
Divine Pack
Level 0 Allies Acolyte, Merchant Armors Chain Mail, Light Shield Blessings Benefaction, Orison, Prayer Items Holy Symbol, Holy Water Spells Cure, Detect Evil, Divine Insight, Enchant Weapon, Frozen Touch, Sanctuary, Viper Strike Weapons Mace, Warhammer
Level 1 Allies Bodyguard, Priest of Pharasma Armor Magic Chain Mail Blessings Abadar’s Law, Desna’s Freedom, Gozreh’s Growth, Iomedae’s Justice, Nethys’s Duality, Pharasma’s Knowing, Sarenrae’s Light, The Empty Throne, Torag’s Power Item Sacred Candle Spells Commune, Holy Light, Remove Disease Weapons Glorious Warhammer
Level 2 Ally Magistrate Armor Gray Maiden Plate Blessing Urgathoa’s Gluttony Spell Deathgrip Weapons Flaming Mace
Level 3 Ally Ausio Carowyn Armor Lion’s Helm Blessings Grandmother Nightmare, The Healing Light Spells Divine Fortune, Wall of Light
Level 4 Ally Lyrune-Quah Truthspeaker Item Wand of Restorative Touch Spell Divine Blaze
Level 5 Armor Angelic Armor Spell Steal Soul
Level 6 Ally Darb Tuttle Spell Boneshatter
Finesse Pack
Level 0 Allies Burglar, Mouse, Spider Armor Studded Leather Armor Blessings Orison, Prayer, Sands of the Hour Items Magnifying Glass, Spider Venom, Thieves’ Tools Weapons Dagger, Kukri, Rapier, Shortsword, Starknife
Level 1 Allies Gang Enforcer, Priest of Abadar Armor Armor of Insults Blessings Cayden Cailean’s Revelry, Desna’s Freedom, Irori’s Mastery, Shelyn’s Song, The Crows, The Demon’s Lantern, The Joke, The Locksmith Items Gem of Physical Prowess, Smoke Bomb Weapons Elven Curve Blade, Keen Rapier, Snakebite Dagger
Level 2 Ally Naval Hero Armor Glamered Leather Armor Items Belt of Physical Prowess Weapons Humanbane Rapier, Keen Starknife
Level 3 Ally Cerulean Mastermind Armor Sable Company Leathers Blessing Master of Masters, The Eternal Rose Item Bloodroot Poison Weapons Shock Kukri, Venomous Dagger
Level 4 Ally Jasan Adriel Item Silver War Paint Weapons Blackjack's Rapier, Limning Starknife
Level 5 Ally Risibeth Weapon Keen Spiked Chain
Level 6 Armor Greater Bolstering Armor Item The Lost Harrows Weapons Dancing Dagger, Shocking Sawtooth Saber
Nature Pack
A menagerie of animals to join you (or for you to become), and other things to help you in the wild.
Level 0 Allies Bat, Dog, Frog, Porcupine Armor Hide Armor Blessings Incitation, Prayer, Sands of the Hour Items Balmberry, Spiked Gauntlet Spells Burst Bonds, Frostbite, Levitate, Revitalize Weapon Bolas
Level 1 Allies Droogami, Giant Slug Armor Magic Hide Armor Blessings Erastil’s Eye, Gozreh’s Growth, Sarenrae’s Light, The Cricket, The Owl, The Rabbit Prince, The Tangled Briar, The Unicorn, The Wanderer Items Boots of Friendly Terrain Spells Bloodscent, Elemental Treaty, Sonic Blast Weapon Allying Dart
Level 2 Ally Riding Allosaurus Armor Shield of Resistance Blessings Lamashtu’s Madness Spells Aspect of the Monkey, Heat Metal Weapon Frost Longspear
Level 3 Ally Wolverine Armor Sable Company Hide Blessings The Wind and the Waves, The Worldbreaker Item Wayfinder Spells Ice Strike, Volcanic Storm
Level 4 Ally Firepelt Cougar Armor Shoanti Barbarian Hide Spell Restoration Weapon Returning Totem Spear
Level 5 Spell Icy Prison
Level 6 Ally Hippogriff Spell Shapechange Weapon Fury’s Trident
Occult Pack
Level 0 Allies Card Caster, Harrower Armor Quilted Cloth Armor Blessings Incitation, Sands of the Hour, Sands of the Hour Items Bracers of Protection, Flame Staff, Luckstone Spells Candlelight, Confusion, Fiery Glare, Magic Eye Weapon Quarterstaff
Level 1 Allies Fox, Leech Blessings The Betrayal, The Idiot, The Marriage, The Midwife, The Mute Hag, The Peacock, The Queen Mother, The Theater, The Tyrant Item Gem of Mental Acuity Spells Charm Person, Harrowstrike, Locate Object Weapon Quarterstaff of Vaulting
Level 2 Allies Bound Homunculus, Fortune-Teller Items Wand of Flame, Zellara’s Harrow Deck Spells Fly, Twisted Space
Level 3 Ally Dream Spider, Blessings Lady Luck, The All-Seeing Eye, The Lady of Mysteries Item Fate-Reader Lenses Spells Clairvoyance, Mistform
Level 4 Ally Nightspear Item Dust of Revealing Spell Instrument of Agony
Level 5 Ally Zellara Item Headband of Mental Superiority Spell Major Harrowing
Level 6 Ally Venster Arabasti Item Third Eye Spell Dominate, Sadomasochism
Ranged Pack
Level 0 Allies Archer, Guide, Lookout Armor Chain Shirt Blessings Benefaction, Prayer Items Compass, Spyglass Weapon Heavy Crossbow, Longbow, Shortbow
Level 1 Allies Crow, Gentleman Explorer Armor Archer’s Kite Shield, Magic Chain Shirt Blessings Calistria’s Sting, Erastil’s Eye, The Cyclone, The Twin, The Uprising, The Vision, The Winged Serpent Items Cape of Escape, Helpful Haversack Weapons Deathbane Light Crossbow, Returning Starknife, Returning Throwing Axe, Seeking Shortbow
Level 2 Allies Eries Yelloweyes, Sergeant-at-Arms Armor Mithral Chain Shirt Blessing Norgorber’s Shadow Items Iron Shackles, Ring of Evasion Spell Unearthly Aim Weapons Frost Longbow
Level 3 Allies Raccoon, Sable Company Marine Armor Impervious Chain Shirt Blessing Old Deadeye, The Savored Sting Item Red Mantis Mask Weapon Seeking Longbow
Level 4 Ally Skoan-Quah Boneslayer Armor Moon Maiden Armor Blessing Achaekek’s Claws Item Belt of Physical Might Weapon Vindicator
Level 5 Item Brooch of Protection Weapon Deathbane Sling, Deathbane Throwing Axe
Level 6 Item Ring of Energy Resistance Weapon Guardian Bow
Smash Pack
Level 0 Allies Korvosan Guard, Soldier Armors Helm, Spiked Breastplate Blessings Benefaction, Orison, Prayer Items Crowbar, Horn of Battle Clarity, War Drum Weapons Battleaxe, Dogslicer, Longspear, Scythe
Level 1 Ally Priest of Asmodeus Armors Magic Spiked Breastplate, Spiked Half-Plate Blessings Calistria’s Sting, Gorum’s Iron, The Avalanche, The Bear, The Beating, The Mountain Man, The Survivor, The Trumpet Items Staff of Minor Healing Weapons Cold Iron Greatsword, Earthbreaker, Giantbane Greataxe
Level 2 Ally Pit Gladiator Armor Helm of the Valkyrie Blessing Rovagug’s Destruction Item White War Paint Weapons Shock Glaive, Vicious Scythe
Level 3 Ally Hellknight of the Nail Armor Magic Spiked Full Plate Blessings Lady Despair, Our Lord in Iron Item Drums of Panic Weapons Dragonbane Greatsword, Wounding Spear-Axe
Level 4 Ally Sklar-Quah Thundercaller Armor Bearskin Armor Item Red War Paint Weapon Thundering Earthbreaker
Level 5 Ally Aerilaya Armor Stone-Shard Breastplate Item Ring of Immolation Weapon Speed Battleaxe
Level 6 Armor Hellknight Plate Weapons Ashbringer, Commander’s Falchion
Support Pack
Everything a support character needs, and more than a few things everyone else wishes every character took
Level 0 Allies Cat, Troubadour Armor Leather Armor Blessings Benefaction, Orison, Sands of the Hour Item Token of Remembrance Spells Aid, Deflect, Enhance, Soothing Word Weapon Sling
Level 1 Ally Korvosan Dandy Armor Magic Leather Armor Blessings Iomedae’s Justice, Pharasma’s Knowing, Shelyn’s Song, The Big Sky, The Courtesan, The Dance, The Juggler, The Liar, The Paladin Items Harrow Deck, Mist Horn Spells Fool’s Gold, Good Omen, Minor Harrowing
Level 2 Ally Noble Armor Magic Mithral Chain Mail Blessing Zon-Kuthon’s Pain Items Drums of Haste, Horn of Blasting Spells Disable Mechanism, Enlarge Weapon Lucky Starknife
Level 3 Ally Djinn Armor Maiden’s Helm Blessings Lady of Valor, The Gold-Fisted Item Persona Mask Spell Restorative Touch
Level 4 Ally Landshark Whelp Spells Giant Form, Safe Haven
Level 5 Armor Mantle of Life Item Whisper of the First Lie Spell Breath of Life
Level 6 Ally Formian Myrmidon Armor Mantle of Faith Items Lyre of Storms, Staff of Greater Healing Spell Repulsion
Tank Pack
Level 0 Allies Horse, Pig, Teamster Armors Half-Plate, Heavy Shield, Klar Blessings Benefaction, Orison, Sands of the Hour Items Caltrops, Plague Mask Weapon Longsword, Scimitar, Throwing Axe
Level 1 Allies Craftsman, Standard Bearer Armors Covering Heavy Shield, Full Plate, Tower Shield Blessings Abadar’s Law, Cayden Cailean’s Revelry, Gorum’s Iron, The Brass Dwarf, The Desert, The Keep, The Teamster, Torag’s Power Item Bastion Boots Weapon Cruel Longsword
Level 2 Ally Tayce Soldado Armors Brute Force Shield, Magic Full Plate, Magic Klar Item Banner of the Ancient Kings Weapon Cleaving Battleaxe
Level 3 Ally Ruan Mirukova Armor Voidglass Armor Blessings The Father of Creation, The Lucky Drunk Item Marked Cards Weapons Sawtooth Saber, Wyrmsmite
Level 4 Ally Hippogriff Fledgling Armor Totem Klar Item Blue War Paint Weapons Verminbane Warhammer
Level 5 Ally Lyrune-Quah Moon Maiden Armor Dread Helm Item Scabbard of Keen Edges Weapons Banudor, Horrorbane Heavy Pick
Level 6 Armor Kazavon’s Shield Weapons Ukwar Axe
Introducing Adventurer’s Packs for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Society
Friday, January 31, 2020