Maelwys0's page

Organized Play Member. 95 posts (1,823 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters. 10 aliases.


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I'm easy on promo cards, whatever you're most comfortable with!

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I'd join, if you're still looking for more. No idea who I'd play though, I'm open to waiting to see what others play and then filling in aftwrwatds.

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The first scenario is correct. When you increase # by one, you do that for every instance of # (so monsters with ## are increased by 2).

Typo report: Amli's roles both have the Arcane proficiency, which should be the Armor proficiency instead.

Thanks everybody that has contributed, this is an awesome project and I'm glad to see it coming to fruition!

Another error I've noticed for your error log:
Summoner Class Deck
Zetha - Gloomwalker role
[] - When you play Ahtez for your combat check, add 1d6 ([] 1d6).

(second checkbox should be 2d6)

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I just got my shipping notification for my complete set of Apocrypha. Since we've long since finished all of the PACG campaigns, and all of the Gloomhaven adventures, this will be a welcome addition to our set of Legacy games. ;-) Can't wait for Tuesday!

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wkover wrote:
Does anyone have an app with all possible locations for distance play? That would even be a help in physical games, as location text is small, far away, and difficult to see (and remember).

I think this should be all of them:

What card is allowing her to add d6 for her Strength to a Dexterity check?
How does an extra die to her strength have any impact on a Dexterity check?
What does weapon proficiency have to do with any of it?

If the monster card calls for a Dexterity check, she can make a Dexterity check, using her Dexterity. That's not a combat check, its not a Strength check, and it doesn't use a weapon. It's a Dexterity check. Using her Dexterity. That is all.

You do need to try to defeat a bane that you encounter, you can't just "skip" it. What Frencois was referring to was that if at the start of Valeros' turn you don't have any weapons in hand, then maybe you shouldn't be exploring at all. Skip your turn, discard some stuff you don't need to clear hand space, and then draw some more cards in hopes of drawing a weapon into hand. If that fails, Enora can give you a weapon at the start of her turn (if you started at the same location).

Basically, if you want to be ready for battle make sure you're ready for battle before you "kick down the door", or just don't explore. It requires some real time strategic decision making to figure out what the best way is to spend your turn. Don't kick in the door, find a monster on the other side and then say "Oh shoot, I left my sword in my other belt!"

Can I use a mythic charge(I am playing wrath of righteous) to check off a new feat?

Do any rules or cards say that you can use a mythic charge to check off a new feat?

Does getting a cohort mean you have to discard a card?

Do any rules or cards say that you need to discard a card?


In wrath do I first draw an adventure, then play each scenario until we have completed the scenario card and then move on to the next adventure card?

What about the location? when do I pick that?

In Wrath (and all of the other pre-core adventures paths) you start with the Adventure Path card. That will tell you what the first Adventure is. Find that card, that will tell you what Scenarios you need to play (in what order). Then you can go through each of those scenarios in order, when you complete them you get the Adventure Reward for the adventure you finished, and then you can move on to the next Adventure on the Adventure Path.

The Scenarios have a list of Locations on the back of them. Use the appropriate ones for the number of characters that you're playing with (so if you have a 3-character party, get out all of the named location cards next to the numbers 1, 2, and 3). Those are the locations that you'll use.

He's not saying either of those things. He's literally saying:
"After the scenario, look at the cards you have (both the ones that were already in your deck, and the ones you've acquired during the scenario). For each type of card, you must return to the number of cards of that type listed on your character sheet, but you may choose from any of the cards you have currently - not just the ones that were already in your deck. By finding new cards and keeping them, you will be able to slowly improve your deck."

You're not taking any cards out of the vault at this point, only rebuilding a deck by choosing which cards you want from within either the cards that you acquired that game, or the cards that you started with.

Yes, you can mix and match characters between any of the games. There are some conversion rules if you're using old-style (Skulls or Runelords) characters with the new (Dragon's Demand/Curse) games. And generally speaking characters that come in the box are going to be best in that box (because each box has its own specialized game mechanic, and the characters from it are often designed to work with that mechanic). But once you get good at the game and want to mix/match a bit, you can certainly do that.

Poison trait is ... a trait. Just like every other trait. It only means something if a card says it means something.

So if a card has the poison trait, and a monster says it's immune to poison, then you can't play that card to fight it. But it only matters when something makes it matter, it doesn't have any built in "meaning".

Like almost everything in this game, a scourge lasts exactly as long as it says it lasts.

If a card tells you to remove it, you remove it. If the scourge says something like "when you heal, you can instead remove this scourge" then, when you heal you can remove the scourge. Otherwise, it stays on the character and has an effect on that character.

And regarding the decks, what I said was that at the end of the scenario you get to pick up all of your cards (deck, discard, bury, hand) and combine them into a single pile, that you then use to rebuild your new deck. But you still need to meet the deck guidelines before you start your next scenario (which at Level 1 starts as 15 cards, broken down between card types based on the character card). So if you acquired 2 items, a spell, and a weapon during your first scenario then you'll probably need to remove 2 items, a spell, and a weapon from your deck when you do the rebuild. You can keep the ones you picked up (since they might be better than what you started with), but you still need to remove that number of cards to make space for them. So if your deck has 1 weapon in it, and you started with a Light Crossbow. Then during your first scenario, you manage to acquire a Deathbane Light Crossbow along the way. When you rebuild your deck at the end, you can only pick 1 weapon to start the next scenario in your deck. The Deathbane Light Crossbow is an improvement on the plain non-magical Light Crossbow, so you put the Light Crossbow back in the Vault, and keep the Deathbane in your deck. So your gear will be gradually improving over time as you find better gear, but you can't just keep constantly growing your deck to immense sizes, you need to keep it trimmed down based on your character's card list.

Based on the last thread (and the Hangout chat), somebody is going to play Varian, and both Nathan and I are interested. Since it looks like Nathan wants to play mostly casters, and I don't think we need two casters, I'll leave Varian to him and I'll take one of my other options instead.

So I'm good with playing either Kess (as the muscle) or Maznar (as the healer again). Both of them can help the party (Kess can boost checks against monsters, once he gets his Bruiser role, and Maznar can help with all checks all the time). So I'd be perfectly happy playing either of those.

Question for Yewstance - I haven't looked much at which packs/decks I'd use with Kess if I were playing him, but I noticed on your last post you mentioned playing him with Finesse and Wilderness. The Wilderness in particular caught me a bit by surprise, was there a particular reason you chose that Ultimate deck? It's not the one I would've expected for him (without doing research yet, my instinct is that I would've probably gone Intrigue for all the items and allies).

But Maelwys0 on one location card it says to succeed at an intelligence or craft check. How do I do that(perform a craft check)?

Craft is just another skill, like Melee, Disable, and Perception.

If you have the Craft skill, roll it and try to get equal to or higher than the target number.
If you don't have it, you can roll a d4 as untrained Craft, or just make an Intelligence check instead.

You need to read your notes better, that one's already been answered. ;-)

Sorry but I have another question----how do you close a location? Do you have to kill all the monsters or just the bandit and henchman??

When you defeat a "Closing Henchman" (labeled as such in the scenario setup), you can attempt the "To Close or Guard" text. If you succeed at whatever it asks you to do there, the location is closed. Banish anything that was left in it (unless there's a villain there, then put him back under, banish the rest, and the location stays open).

If you defeat a Villain at a location, the location is automatically closed (banish anything that was left there).
If you empty out the all of the cards in the pile without having closed it already (if you failed your check to close after defeating the henchman, or there was no closing henchman there), then once your explorations are complete for the turn you can attempt the "To Close or Guard" text to close the location.

I am waiting until tomorrow for my next game. If thee is no villain but there is a barrier in it's place what is my goal? Defeat the barrier AND it's 4 henchmen?

If there's no villain then the scenario itself will tell you what your goal is. Look under the text that says "During this Scenario".

Is one paladin, one fighter and one sorcerer too much for 3 locations? If so how may for 3 characters?

If you look in the scenario book, it will tell you for each scenario how many locations (and which ones) you should use, based on the number of players.

So it'll have a table that shows something like this:
1 Boat
1 Fishery
1 Reading Room
2 Alley
3 Docks
4 Office
5 Storehouse
6 Spider Nest

This shows the number of characters, followed by the name of the location to use. So if you have 1 character, you use the Boat, Fishery, and Reading Room. If you have 2 characters, you use those three plus the Alley. If you have 3 characters, also add the Docks. And so on down the chart.

So for this scenario, if you have 3 characters you'd have 5 locations (Boat, Fishery, Reading Room, Alley, and Docks).

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Not too much to add to what the other guys said, this was a blast. I did want to point out the significance of one of these stats though:

redeux wrote:

  • 5 Trolls encountered
  • 1 Troll defeated in combat
  • The reason this stat is important, is because through the entire adventure not a single one of us ever had a single Fire or Acid card stocked in our decks. So it was basically impossible to ever beat a Troll in combat. The one that we did manage to beat only happened because on the previous turn Lem happened to have acquired a Fire spell from a location (Eruption, I believe), and so he was able to take one of the two combat checks and ensure the Troll stayed defeated. The rest of them we just shuffled out of the way and made sure we closed those locations before needing to encounter them again. So when we hit a Troll on our last scenario, in the Siege deck, with no possibility of acquiring any cards to defeat it, and no possibility of shuffling it out of the way and closing locations around it... well, luring it to the Glade to replace it with a Wight the second time we encountered it turned out to be our only hope of winning.

    And now, since I'm taking this Kyra onwards into a Curse campaign, and swapped out her Cleric class deck for the Divine adventure deck, the first deck upgrade I'm going to look for is a Flaming Mace. ;-)


    I died playing six locations so I took the liberty of trying again using 3 locations!! That isn't cheating--------I am still a novice

    How many characters are you using? If you've only got one character playing, then 3 locations is usually the correct answer (occasionally 2). The scenario setup will tell you which locations to use depending on how many characters are in your party, usually you use 6 locations only if you've got a party of 4 different characters.

    Frencois, If you fail a scenario is the character dead?

    If you can't reset your hand at the end of your turn (because you don't have enough cards left in your deck), then your character is dead.

    If you fail the scenario because you've run out of cards in the hourglass, or some other reason built into the scenario rules then your character is not dead. You don't earn a hero point, but you can still do your deck upgrades (using any cards acquired during the scenario). And then you can reattempt the same scenario with your upgraded deck, and keep trying until you complete it.

    One more please. If I lose a fight with a villain what next? And why is a proxy card shuffled into the location deck instead of the creature it represents(Dire wolf for example)?

    If you lose a fight with a villain, the villain "runs and hides" somewhere. You count the number of open/unguarded locations on the table, and draw one fewer than that number of blessings from the top of the hourglass. Shuffle the villain in with those cards (so now you should a pile with a number of cards equal to the number of unguarded locations). Then randomly deal one card into each location, and shuffle all of the location decks up with the new card in each one. So now you have no idea where the Villain is anymore, and need to start all over finding him. Plus, you have less time to do it in because your hourglass just got smaller.

    (if you win a fight with the villain you do something very similar: except this time the blessings come from the vault instead of the hourglass so it doesn't cost you turns; also, you automatically close the location that you defeated the villain at before you do the count, so it's one fewer place to look)

    Proxies are generally used when you need to put the same card in multiple places, but only have one copy of it. For example, there's only one copy of each henchman card. But for a lot of scenarios, there'll be one common henchmen that is in most of the locations (everywhere except where the villain is). So you put proxies in all of those locations and then leave the actual henchmen card aside on the table. So anytime you encounter a proxy, you can refer to the real card to see what it does.
    Also, there are a couple cases where the scenario rules might change the definition of a proxy mid-game. So it starts off saying "Proxy A is Jimmy the Henchman" and then later there'll be text saying "When {this} happens, Proxy A becomes Billy the Henchman instead".


    I looked up leveling up and read page 4 in the rule book and got nowhere!

    If my character gets through a scenario does he/she gain a level?

    I have sheets printed for checking advanced feats.

    Everytime you successfully complete a scenario, you gain a Hero Point. You can use these hero points to enhance one of your feats (Power, Card, or Skill), or save it for a reroll later. You can only have a number of feats of each type less than or equal to the number of the adventure that you're playing. So when you play 1A, you get a hero point and use it on something (maybe a Power feat). Then when you play 1B you get another hero point and use it somewhere else (any feat EXCEPT another Power Feat, because you already have one and you're still on Adventure 1). When you finish 1C you get a third, and can use it wherever you didn't already spend one. When you finish 1D, you'll get a fourth... and now you need to save it for a reroll because you've no legal feats left to take. But then when you "level up" and start adventure 2, after completing 2A you again can use it on your second of any type of feat, and continue that way.

    Sorry but I have another question----how do you close a location? Do you have to kill all the monsters or just the bandit and henchman??

    When you defeat a "Closing Henchman" (labeled as such in the scenario setup), you can attempt the "To Close or Guard" text. If you succeed at whatever it asks you to do there, the location is closed. Banish anything that was left in it (unless there's a villain there, then put him back under, banish the rest, and the location stays open).

    If you defeat a Villain at a location, the location is automatically closed (banish anything that was left there).
    If you empty out the all of the cards in the pile without having closed it already (if you failed your check to close after defeating the henchman, or there was no closing henchman there), then once your explorations are complete for the turn you can attempt the "To Close or Guard" text to close the location.

    No I have read them but I have trouble understanding it. If a blessing hour card says"on another character's check to defeat-discard to add d12" does that mean the card goes to your fellow character on the other character's turn?

    If you're referring to the top blessing of the hourglass, then you ignore most of the text on that card. When a blessing is atop the hourglass the only thing that matters is the "When this is the hour:" text.

    If you have a blessing in your hand that says that, then you can discard that card (into your own discard pile) at any time that another character is making a check, to give them +1d12 bonus on their check. Normally that will indeed be during the other character's turn, though there are some situations where somebody else might be making a check to defeat on your turn.

    If you aqquire a new card and your hand is already full do you put it in your deck and shuffle?

    You only check your hand size at the end of your turn. So if you acquire a new card, it goes in your hand. Then at the end of your turn when you reset your hand if you still have too many cards in hand, you need to discard down to your hand size. If you have too few, you need to draw up to your handsize.

    And a combat check is showing a weapon?

    A Combat check can be a lot of things. Most monsters have a check to defeat of "Combat X" (where X is a number). When you encounter those, you can play any card that says "For your combat check, ...". Those might be weapons, or spells, or even occasionally an item or armor. The card that you play will tell you what to do with it and what skill to use (a weapon might say "For your combat check, reveal to use Strength or Melee...", a spell might say "For your combat check, banish to use Arcane or Divine...", etc).

    Most of the questions that you've been asking are answered pretty directly in the rulebook. Have you had a chance to read through it yet, or are you just trying to learn the game by looking at the cards? If you haven't read through the rulebook yet, I'd recommend doing that at least once. There's a lot of terms that are specifically defined there, that should help to figure out the game a lot faster, and make sure that you're playing it correctly.

    What is "discard to bless"?

    "Bless" means add an additional die of whatever is the main die you're using to make the check. So if you're doing a Combat check using Melee + 1d8, and your Melee is Strength +2, and your Strength is 1d10, then you would be rolling 1d10+2+1d8. If you "Bless" the check, you're now rolling 2d10+2+1d8 instead (because you get to add an extra 1d10, your Strength/Melee die).

    A Craft check is a check using the Craft skill. If your character card doesn't have the Craft skill, then you would have to roll 1d4 (the standard die for any "unskilled" checks)

    You get cards back from the discards when something tells you to. It may say "shuffle X cards from your discard pile into your deck" or "recharge an ally from your discard pile" or "heal 1 card" or something like that. Also, if you complete one scenario you can pick up your discards and use them to rebuild your deck for the next scenario.

    If you fight a monster with an 11 on the card and only roll 3 do I subtract and lose 8 cards from my character's personal deck?

    Discards are always from hand, unless something specifies otherwise.

    So in the case of your example, you would need to discard 8 cards from your hand. If you only had 4 cards in your hand at the time, that's okay. Just discard your entire hand (you don't need to discard extra cards from deck to make up the difference, or anything like that).

    This is how Fighters are more resilient than other classes, with a very small hand size (often starting at just 4) they can take several "killing blows" before they actually die. Compare to Wizards who might start with 6 (and end up with 8 or more by late game) cards in hand, where taking that much damage more than once will basically end them. So it's a constant trade-off, having a bigger hand gives you more options during your turn, but also makes you more vulnerable to damage (because you can lose more cards at once, and make it harder to reset your hand at the end of your turn; and not being able to reset your hand by drawing to your hand size means you die)

    When playing a boon (for example a weapon attack) do you discard the card into the discard pile or keep it somehow like reloading or recharging? Thank you!!

    The card itself will always tell you what to do with it.

    If it says "Recharge this card to..." then you recharge it. If it says Reload, reload it. If it says "Reveal" (as most weapons do) then all you need to do is show it from your hand, and then it goes right back into your hand and you can continue using it on the next combat.

    When do you attempt to recover a boon that's been converted?

    Specifically, I'm asking in regards to Myrtle's updated power:

    When you attempt to recover an Alchemical or Liquid boon, you may instead attempt a Knowledge check with a difficulty of 7 (☐ 5) plus the card's level. If you succeed, recharge it (☐ or shuffle it into your deck); if you fail, discard it.

    According to the conversion guide, Alchemical Items that don't have a recovery roll can gain one, which is nice and straightforward. But what about Alchemical non-items?

    Anesthetizing Slime says:

    After playing this card, you may succeed at a Craft 7 check then discard a card that has the Alchemical trait to recharge this card instead of banishing it.

    This is a recovery roll, so I have a choice. I can make a Knowledge 7 check, or a Craft 7 check. But if I use Craft (which is usually easier) I need to also discard another Alchemical card... fair trade off I guess. I believe I'm playing this one properly.

    But here's another example that I'm a lot less sure about:
    Parade Armor

    At the end of your turn, banish this card. If proficient with light armors, you may bury it instead.

    It has a banish, with a possible bury instead... so is that a form of recovery? Do I get to make a Knowledge check to keep the armor around later (recharge, discard, or reshuffle), or is it a one-trick pony for Myrtle? At least she's now considered "proficient with light armors" I guess, so it's only a bury instead of a banish. But I'd still rather have a chance to bring it back later.

    All of the other alchemists have some version of "During recovery, you may [recharge/discard] Alchemical boons instead of banishing them". How would this work with them? Clearly, this is an Alchemical boon that I'm banishing. But am I banishing it during recovery? It doesn't seem to have recovery text on it, so maybe I'm just banishing it at the end of my turn, and nobody else could save it either? The transition rules for recovery say:

    "If a card you banish to play has a check that can allow you to do something other than banish it, put it in a recovery pile and attempt that check at the end of the turn. You should also put it in a recovery pile if you have a power on your character card or on a displayed card that can allow you to do something other than banish that card."

    Parade Armor doesn't have a check to allow you to do something other than banish it (since simply being "proficient with light armors" isn't a check, just a change of status). But how does the second sentence apply? I have a power that allows me to do something other than banish it, but only if it's already in recovery... and I can only put it in recovery if I have a power that allows me to do something other than banish it... and now I feel like this is just a catch-22 along the same lines as Varian and his Sword-Cane. ;-)

    OR, can I classify the "if proficient" text as "a power on a displayed card that can allow you to do something other than banish that card"? Then it's own text allows me to consider it recovery-able, which allows me to make my Knowledge check (and allows Damiels/Cogsnap to auto-recharge/discard)?

    So... anybody know if that logic-loop is valid, or unneeded? Or am I just out of luck here?

    I'm pretty flexible on things. Right now a short highlight of folks that I'm considering in no particular order:
    Kess - Because I haven't played him yet.
    Varian - Urban bard is good for Curse.
    Maznar - Free 1d4 to ALL local checks is pretty powerful in post-Core play where you tend to group up anyway

    In the Divine pack, Sacred Candle appears as an AD1, AD2, and AD3 card. It's only an AD1, so I assume the rest are copy/paste errors (and there are no items available at those levels)?

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    Because you're not trying to fight the plague, you're trying to help somebody else fight the plague.

    Antiplague is basically a vaccine (that's why it displays in front of you once you've drunk it). That means that it only protects you, you can't share it with anybody else. So it doesn't do any good helping the poor kid. But if you fail to help him, then at least it will help stop you from getting the same thing that he has (when you summon Blood Veil).

    I could see an argument for giving it the healing trait (so you could recharge it for a d4 against the sick kid), but that would still require you to be holding it in hand, rather than having already drunk (displayed) it.

    Rhynn Davrie wrote:
    I'm sure there are some times when you wouldn't want to take a feat the first three scenarios...but I'm hard pressed to think of why. I suppose if you really don't want to take any more card feats to prevent diluting that's an option...

    When I knew that Roles were getting close, and I didn't have any more Power feats that I badly wanted from my base class I've passed on taking any power feats for an entire adventure. Then in the following adventure on each of the first two scenarios you can take Power feats for both (to earn an extra role feat) and then take your skill and card feats in scenarios 3 and 4 (or mix those up a bit if you'd prefer, but either way you end up taking feats for each of the first 4).

    It might be purely for Blackjack purposes (see his Rapier)

    I didn't know that adding Curse was an option, but I'm fine for either way.

    For characters, I'm pretty flexible. I agree with Yew, that we definitely need to get a well balanced party, and I'm happy to pick whatever character will help support that. Lem (or any bard) well-played can be extremely strong, and I think they're generally under-rated by people that don't play them proper, so I'm happy to see somebody has already volunteered to take that.

    In my experience with DD (finished first play-through about a week ago), Kyra (Core) is another one that's really useful. Because we ran into a LOT of undead on some of the scenarios, and the fact that her "Turn Undead" power gives a die (1d4/1d6) to any local character fighting an undead, entirely for free, is a great little bonus. Especially if we're playing a party that will stick together (which definitely seems a much stronger strategy now than it ever was before, because so many more characters now give local boosts, plus the Avenger mechanic). My only reservation with Kyra is that with Seelah and Lem already in the party, that's a lot of overlap in Divine which could leave us a lot of gaps in other places (especially Kyra and Seelah have a lot of overlap in skills between them). But in Legendary mode, I'm assuming that if we're going to have overlap anywhere, lots of Cure spells is probably a good place to have it. ;-)

    Full Plate and Half Plate armors appear to be word-for-word almost identical. The only difference I could find was one used a semicolon where the other used a period... but not in a way that appears to change any of the functionality of the card.

    Did I miss something, or is one of these cards this a misprint that should have a different number on it somewhere?

    Seelah's Honor Shield role has a power feat: "When you encounter a boon, you may reveal a Shield armor to evade it (and you may reload it instead of shuffling it into its location)"

    The first part is simple enough, if I don't think I can acquire it, I can put it back to let somebody else try. But if I take the upgrade, it gets fuzzier. My assumption, based on the wording, is that instead of shuffling it in I get to put it back on top, so that the next person knows exactly when to expect to encounter it. The problem is, that's not what it actually says. The rulebook very clearly defines "Reload: Put it on top of your deck." Which means by applying that definition here, I'm not putting the encountered boon back on the top of the location, I'm putting it on top of my deck instead. Which would mean that Seelah with a Shield can auto-acquire every single boon she encounters... which seems pretty strong to me.

    Did I miss a rule somewhere that modifies the "Reload" definition when the card isn't one of "your cards"? Or is that just an overzealous application of the new terms somewhere that they probably shouldn't have been used? Or is Seelah's new role really that powerful?

    Unless it would cause a huge overlap with somebody else here, I'm currently leaning heavily towards playing Yoon, Firestarter. Acrobatics, Stealth, and Fortitude, plus a constant stream of blessings to help out everybody else.

    Here's my ACG Thread:

    Hey guys!

    Any preferences for which character I play? Vika's out, because she's not done her campaign that I was hoping she would be by now. But I have three other Tier 6 characters available. MM Yoon, Zova, or Emil are all possibilities, depending on what fits best with the rest of the party. Any preferences?

    Sorry, I'll get mine up shortly. It's been a busy couple holiday weeks.

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    Doppelschwert wrote:

    While I think that I get where most of the changes in arrangement are coming from, I think switching the sides of the checks to acquire and the traits compared to the current cards is a bad move. I guess that the benefit is in having a left aligned text, but you also have the text of the powers box wraping around the card icon in the lower left corner.

    I really think that the simple change of mirroring the layout already feels much better, as the layout is closer to the original cards, and there is no text wrapping around the corner.

    I'll also second (fifth?) this point. Rearranging where things are on the cards not only will increase the learning curve for people playing with the new cards (looking in a different spot for the same information, re-training our brains where to glance for the keywords for example), but it will also make a jumbled mess when I'm playing an OP deck on a new scenario, and have picked up a few of the new cards. Because now my hand is mixed with cards the easily show the keywords on the top left, and cards that have them hidden down on the bottom right.

    I already get annoyed when I encounter Eder during a game, because he's printed on the digital card template. And I really like the digital card template, but the fact that the information is presented in different places than my other cards throws me off every time I need to look at the card. I can online imagine how much more rough it's going to be if half my cards have an even more drastically different layout...

    Ezren by Proxy
    Turn 13, under the Blessing of Nethys
    Move to Five-Pointed Sun

    Free Exploration - Card #2: Guecubu
    Ezren, why didn't you take the "or Undead" power feat? Then I could hit this guy with Eruption to avoid the curse!
    Nevermind, Ice Storm has the same effect, just took me longer to find the text. ;-)
    Vika recharges Dwarven Earthbreaker for +1d6+1. Steal Soul for +1d4.
    Check to Defeat - Combat 15: 1d12 + 6 + 3d8 + 1d6 + 1 + 1d4 ⇒ (2) + 6 + (6, 6, 1) + (3) + 1 + (3) = 28 - Defeated, and AYA effect is ignored
    Check to Recharge - Arcane 13: 1d12 + 6 + 1d4 ⇒ (12) + 6 + (3) = 21 - Ice Storm is Recharged

    Recharge Life Leech to Ezplore - Card #3: Dusk-Taker
    BYA - Intelligence 10: 1d12 + 4 + 1d4 ⇒ (5) + 4 + (2) = 11
    Discard Dune of Doom for combat. Reveal Binder's Tome for +1d4. Steal Soul for +1d4. Recharge Helm for +1d8+1d4. Vika recharges Greatclub +3 for +1d6+1. And everybody (except Hayato the empty-handed) can throw in a blessing just for the sheer overkillness of it all.
    Check to Defeat - Combat 23: 4d12 + 6 + 3d10 + 1d4 + 1d4 + 1d8 + 1d4 + 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (8, 6, 12, 3) + 6 + (3, 9, 10) + (1) + (1) + (2) + (4) + (5) + 1 = 71 - Yep, I think that'll do it. ;-)

    Characters confirmed so far (just so I can get the starting box setup):
    Matsu Kurisu / Alase (Summoner)
    eddiephlash / Raz (Paladin)
    Deni / Uliah (Warpriest)
    Tomehound / Damiel?

    Tomehound, please confirm your character selection so I can get the box setup. I'll also be posting the starting locations on the Gameplay board shortly. Once I do, please make a post there with:
    1/ Starting location
    2/ Starting hand
    3/ Link to your Deck Handler

    If you have any questions about any of that stuff, please let me know. Thanks!

    I'm still missing Hangout information from a couple people, so if you haven't been invited to the hangout yet please PM me that information.

    Officially it starts tomorrow, but I believe that we technically tomorrow is all setup and we don't actually start Scenario 1 until Tuesday... I'll probably confirm that in the morning.

    First question for you guys to discuss in the meantime: Which scenario to start at! There are two options, one that focuses more on consolidating Absalom’s resources and recruiting help, and the other is a more combat-heavy scenario. Either way you start, you should play each of them at least once so it's just up to person preference.

    So, please discuss these here, and finalize your character choices, and then we're good to go!

    I'm here, running an ACG table.

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    A bit much


    This scenario has promise, but lumps a lot of very dangerous, nigh impossible to detect or stop effects together with 2 tricked out combats in the same essential location. The first can be debilitating, but you are punished if you don't go straight to the 2nd quickly right afterwards.
    Scenarios should challenge players, not actively try their best to murder them.
    It was short, painful, and not that fun. Interesting setting, but poor development. Overall, there was too little interesting and fun parts, and the last 2 encounters are a bit much.