Pathfinder Second Edition Character Sheets

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Many of you are probably already dreaming up characters for Pathfinder Second Edition, writing them down in journals, carving them in ancient stones, or maybe even incanting them to the darkest corners of the Abyss. Others might be waiting on the official character sheets to begin their journey. Fortunately, that wait is over. You can grab both the full-color and printer-friendly version of the character sheet today!

If these aren’t quite what you’re looking for, you might instead opt for the Character Sheet Pack, which releases August 1st! This handy folder contains custom character sheets for all 12 classes, with expanded sheets for every detail you might want to record about your character, from the location of their gear to the name and stats of their animal companion. You can get the Character Sheet Pack right here on or at your favorite local game store starting August 1st!

I mean... you can still inscribe your statistics on ancient stone if you want; just don’t ask us to help drag it to your game table.

Jason Bulmahn
Director of Game Design

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Alright! Done with 5 pages. The last two are just for spell casting (the last one is just more spaces for spells in fact). This is will be my last version of it before GenCon, so after I've had a chance to give it a try myself I'll see about any edits.

Enjoy, and thanks for using it!

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Uchuujin wrote:

Alright! Done with 5 pages. The last two are just for spell casting (the last one is just more spaces for spells in fact). This is will be my last version of it before GenCon, so after I've had a chance to give it a try myself I'll see about any edits.

Enjoy, and thanks for using it!

Very nice!

I have a request when you come hence from Gen Con with visions of a revision in your skull - a color version, in the deep red & gold of the PF2 logo.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Uchuujin wrote:

Alright! Done with 5 pages. The last two are just for spell casting (the last one is just more spaces for spells in fact). This is will be my last version of it before GenCon, so after I've had a chance to give it a try myself I'll see about any edits.

Enjoy, and thanks for using it!

Hmm, on one hand, I can see why you might've done it, on the other hand, putting the Item box in between the Prof and TEML boxes creates a weird break, and disassociates the two oddly.

Also, genuinely curious: Why is almost no one, including Paizo, putting "+"s anywhere? That also makes it weird to read.

VestOfHolding wrote:
Uchuujin wrote:

Alright! Done with 5 pages. The last two are just for spell casting (the last one is just more spaces for spells in fact). This is will be my last version of it before GenCon, so after I've had a chance to give it a try myself I'll see about any edits.

Enjoy, and thanks for using it!

Hmm, on one hand, I can see why you might've done it, on the other hand, putting the Item box in between the Prof and TEML boxes creates a weird break, and disassociates the two oddly.

Also, genuinely curious: Why is almost no one, including Paizo, putting "+"s anywhere? That also makes it weird to read.

I was just following Paizo's lead on a few things here. Going to see how it works out in practice and decide what needs altered. Already realizing I missed a box for ability on spell attack rolls, and the coin circles are too small.

I will be posting an update to my hack of the official B/W character sheet tonight or tomorrow. Its taking a while since there are a billion fields. It will be form-fillable and have some auto-calculation.

I will add the ability to add half level and full level to untrained checks through a toggle that won't print. Apparently there are feats that add this.

Most auto-calc stuff will be on the first page. I will add inventory/bulk calculation in a later release.

The spell area is not to my liking at all. I may do a complete redesign in the future.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I modified the sheet so that it calculates proficiency! You can download it here

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey gamers! I redid the first page of the 2E character sheet for my own use. It's not perfect, but the main goal was to be utilitarian while also being easier on my (not great) eyes. Figured I'd post it for anyone who might want to use it.

My attempt

Sovereign Court

RH wrote:

Hey gamers! I redid the first page of the 2E character sheet for my own use. It's not perfect, but the main goal was to be utilitarian while also being easier on my (not great) eyes. Figured I'd post it for anyone who might want to use it.

My attempt

I like it! Any chance you'll redo the other pages to match?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
RH wrote:

Hey gamers! I redid the first page of the 2E character sheet for my own use. It's not perfect, but the main goal was to be utilitarian while also being easier on my (not great) eyes. Figured I'd post it for anyone who might want to use it.

My attempt

I like it! very clean. my only negative feedback is that melee strikes can use dex or str.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Phaye wrote:
I like it! very clean. my only negative feedback is that melee strikes can use dex or str.

Thanks! I was not aware of that! I just purchased the rule book pdf so haven't had a chance to dig in yet, but I was going by what Paizo had listed on their sheets.

Samurai wrote:
RH wrote:

Hey gamers! I redid the first page of the 2E character sheet for my own use. It's not perfect, but the main goal was to be utilitarian while also being easier on my (not great) eyes. Figured I'd post it for anyone who might want to use it.

My attempt

I like it! Any chance you'll redo the other pages to match?

Thank you! Not any time soon for a full redo of the other pages, it took me a while on my spare time to do this. I actually don't mind the other sheets as much (well, the B&W ones), they don't hurt my eyes like the original main sheet! Looking at them, I may just edit the pdf to change shading from black to gray or something.

For other options check out what Uchuujin and Viemexis made, I like theirs as well. They're also in this thread, not hard to find.

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I will be updating my character sheet in THIS THREAD in the homebrew forum.

It is now form fillable and has auto-calc. The tabbing was screwy earlier but is now good.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So while I appreciate fillable PDF sheets, has anyone put together a character sheet in Google Sheets yet that uses dropdowns for class names and things like that?

I used a very complicated (but awesome!) one for PF1 and swore by it, but I don't play enough RPG (I'm an Adventure Card Game guy now, mostly) to put in the work of rebuilding it for PF2.0 myself...

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I used this one: wItMlKQ8/edit#gid=700969085

to make a few Playtest characters. The original creator might make an updated version for PF2e, but it could be a while.

In the meantime, I'm making my own sheet, although it's likely not going to be *nearly* as good. Although, one thing I want to do differently than most others is the spell sheet. I'm not a fan of how it is now. Makes showing prepared spells a little difficult. People making the PDF sheets seem to think the Prep note should be a check box like in 5e. It'd be much better as a text box to show amount prepared.

Has anyone else noticed the fighter has all the class abilities past like 7th level in the wrong places, the abilities are listed in the feats section which stop me being able to write the feats out in the character sheet. I love the new character sheets but fighter isn't going to be easy to use until it gets fixed

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
cartmanbeck wrote:

So while I appreciate fillable PDF sheets, has anyone put together a character sheet in Google Sheets yet that uses dropdowns for class names and things like that?

I used a very complicated (but awesome!) one for PF1 and swore by it, but I don't play enough RPG (I'm an Adventure Card Game guy now, mostly) to put in the work of rebuilding it for PF2.0 myself...

I believe Malk_Content did exactly that; I'm not sure where his thread is but it's around here somewhere.

The sheet I made.

Because I'm kinda iffy on a lot of things, I won't bother making it's own thread for right now.

No Companion tab yet because that's gonna take *work*. But, I've made it, so I might as well show. If there's any feedback I can have on it, I'd be happy to hear.

The Spellcasting and Equip are the things I'm most iffy on.

However, I also see that Charon Onozuka might be releasing their within the month, and I really liked their Playtest version, so once that's out, I might just retire mine. Mostly, I just had a lot of time on my hands ^^;

EDIT: Don't ya just love finding mistakes on something right after releasing it?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
cartmanbeck wrote:
So while I appreciate fillable PDF sheets, has anyone put together a character sheet in Google Sheets yet that uses dropdowns for class names and things like that?
Knight of Whispers wrote:


I used this one: wItMlKQ8/edit#gid=700969085

to make a few Playtest characters. The original creator might make an updated version for PF2e, but it could be a while.

In the meantime, I'm making my own sheet, although it's likely not going to be *nearly* as good. Although, one thing I want to do differently than most others is the spell sheet. I'm not a fan of how it is now. Makes showing prepared spells a little difficult. People making the PDF sheets seem to think the Prep note should be a check box like in 5e. It'd be much better as a text box to show amount prepared.

I'll be starting to fully work on my Google Sheet Character Sheet this weekend and am hoping to release version 1 within the next 1-2 weeks or so at worst (darn life & work getting in the way). Afterward, I'll be working on an updated GM sheet that can auto-pull info from multiple Char Sheets along with being a sort of digital GM Screen and note/tracking aid. (Using Playtest versions as a base for both)


Also, have to say that I love seeing all the people providing variations of character sheets that others can use already. Even if I won't be using them personally - I hope they help others who prefer a different style and love looking at them to think about how to improve formatting on my own sheets. (Such as how the new official sheets put wounded & dying tracking right next to HP, which seems so stupidly convenient that I'm a bit ashamed to have never thought of it while running the playtest.)

Knight of Whispers wrote:
EDIT: Don't ya just love finding mistakes on something right after releasing it?

Every. Single. Time. I post or release anything... xD

Found a bunch of mistakes on mine after release but its ship shape now.

I will be making all the feat boxes bigger next. They are way too small for me since I like most feat text there to avoid flipping through the book. I will also increase the size of the inventory section, add bulk calculation and check boxes for invested. This will all add a page but all feats will be on opposing pages, so should be cool.

@Charon Onozuka

Your Playtest sheet is absolutely fantastic! Only thing I'd say is that the extra weapon proficiency section is *way* too tiny. Other than that, I'd imagine you could just change the math and remove and add a few things to your sheet for the final version and you'd be golden.

But, if you're gonna do it from the ground up, that'll be great too! Looking forward to it!

Is anyone else making a Google Sheets or Excel character sheet?

I'm gonna be redoing how you put in Proficiency in my sheet. The way I have it is more compact, but the check boxes are just way more visually appealing.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Knight of Whispers wrote:


I used this one: wItMlKQ8/edit#gid=700969085

to make a few Playtest characters. The original creator might make an updated version for PF2e, but it could be a while.

In the meantime, I'm making my own sheet, although it's likely not going to be *nearly* as good. Although, one thing I want to do differently than most others is the spell sheet. I'm not a fan of how it is now. Makes showing prepared spells a little difficult. People making the PDF sheets seem to think the Prep note should be a check box like in 5e. It'd be much better as a text box to show amount prepared.

That one is EXACTLY the type of thing I was looking for. Thank you! I've linkified it below.

LInkified sheet from Charon


No problem! Keep in mind, that sheet's for the Playtest. If you modify it enough, it should work for the final version, but Charon's gonna make a version for it anyway.

In the meantime, I've modified my own sheet.

Gonna make a couple test characters with it.

Mark Seifter wrote:
Hope you guys enjoy!

I bought 2 packs of the characters sheets, however I thought they would be setup by class and not general sheets. They are nice sheets, but I must say I am disappointed they are only general character sheets and not class designed.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey guys. About a couple weeks ago I decided to jump on the modified Character Sheet bandwagon, and I made some modifications to the original sheet from first edition. I'm almost done, I'm just combing through the entire book for anything that I missed before I try my hand at a form-fillable version.

Here's a link to the updated version if you are interested. Please let me know if it doesn't work for you.

Also, let me know if there are any mistakes or any changes I should make. I'm trying to keep it all as compact as the originals were, and retain its simplicity.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

It would be super fantastic if the pdf files get links on the Downloads link from the Pathfinder-Rulebooks-Downloads dropdown in the top ribbon, because in a month, I'll never find them again, I fear.


Switched the item and prof box locations, and added plus signs between the boxes where ever there was room (sorry skills).

Increased size of circles for tracking coinage.

Condensed magical traditions space.

Added Key ability modifier to spell attack roll.

Added spells per day.

Added a spot for spell casting actions / metamagic.

Added a focus component option for each spell. This increased how much room each spell takes up, but gives more room to describe each spell.

Added a spot for rituals.

-- To Do --

Add level to spells descriptions.

Add a companion sheet.

Add a Pathfinder Society sheet.


Please leave any more suggestions or requests.

As a note I have Microsoft Office Publisher available to work on this sheet, not Adobe, so have different tools available and have not yet figured out how to make a form fillable version just yet.

Sovereign Court

So I rolled up my second P2 character tonight, an Elven Seer Rogue. I question how to do the skill feats, since Rogues get one every level instead of every other level. Should there be Rogue-specific character sheets with 20 slots for Skill feats instead of 10? How did the pre-printed Paizo character sheet pack handle Rogues? Well, I'll just ignore the listed level numbers and it should be good until 10th level at least.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
BlueJay64 wrote:

Hey guys. About a couple weeks ago I decided to jump on the modified Character Sheet bandwagon, and I made some modifications to the original sheet from first edition. I'm almost done, I'm just combing through the entire book for anything that I missed before I try my hand at a form-fillable version.

Here's a link to the updated version if you are interested. Please let me know if it doesn't work for you.

Also, let me know if there are any mistakes or any changes I should make. I'm trying to keep it all as compact as the originals were, and retain its simplicity.

I really like the retro sheet, probably because I'm so used to the old PF1 sheet. Aside from familiarity issues, it just feels clearer and easier to read than the new sheets.

A few remarks:

The AC box should specify AC = 10 + Armor Bonus + DEX + Proficiency

I'd rather see the spell attack DCs at the top of the magic collumn than mixed in with weapon and armor proficiencies.
There should also be a spot to track focus spells and focus points near the top of the spell collumn.

I'm not sure it's a good idea to mix perception with the other skills, since that will encourage unknowing new players to select it as a skill at character creation.

Samurai wrote:
So I rolled up my second P2 character tonight, an Elven Seer Rogue. I question how to do the skill feats, since Rogues get one every level instead of every other level. Should there be Rogue-specific character sheets with 20 slots for Skill feats instead of 10? How did the pre-printed Paizo character sheet pack handle Rogues? Well, I'll just ignore the listed level numbers and it should be good until 10th level at least.

Exactly the reason I made sure to give 10 lines for bonus feats.

I am having a hard enough time with the colour coding and icons in the CRB, this really makes my eyes water. I will be sticking with typing up PCs similarly to the monster format.

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Wheldrake wrote:

I really like the retro sheet, probably because I'm so used to the old PF1 sheet. Aside from familiarity issues, it just feels clearer and easier to read than the new sheets.

A few remarks:

The AC box should specify AC = 10 + Armor Bonus + DEX + Proficiency

I'd rather see the spell attack DCs at the top of the magic collumn than mixed in with weapon and armor proficiencies.
There should also be a spot to track focus spells and focus points near the top of the spell collumn.

I'm not sure it's a good idea to mix perception with the other skills, since that will encourage unknowing new players to select it as a skill at character creation.

Thanks so much for the feedback!

"Armor Bonus" is actually a term I made up for this sheet, meant to mirror "Attack Bonus" because you calculate it the exact same way as Attack Bonus (Prof + Dex + Item Bonus). I used that further down in the rows for weapons and armor. But I can see how that can be confusing now.
I'll change the note for the AC field to say: 10 + Prof + Dexterity Mod + Item Bonus. And I'll remove the one for for the armor rows.

I can put the spell DCs at the top of the column for spells. That makes a lot of sense, actually. I was actually using the "Class Technique" proficiency as a stand-in for Spellcasting and Martial techniques, both to be used with Class DC or Spell DC as applicable. But that can be a bit tricky when you get into multiclassing (as you have multiples of those).

I had my doubts about Perception as well. Personally, considering Perception as anything OTHER than a skill is a head-scratcher. But I understand that the mechanics are different and folks might be confused. I figured that putting an annotation would be sufficient. I'll have to figure out if I can do something else with it. Perhaps move it somewhere else.

Thanks again! I'll make adjustments and update soon.

Sovereign Court

Uchuujin wrote:
Samurai wrote:
So I rolled up my second P2 character tonight, an Elven Seer Rogue. I question how to do the skill feats, since Rogues get one every level instead of every other level. Should there be Rogue-specific character sheets with 20 slots for Skill feats instead of 10? How did the pre-printed Paizo character sheet pack handle Rogues? Well, I'll just ignore the listed level numbers and it should be good until 10th level at least.
Exactly the reason I made sure to give 10 lines for bonus feats.

Thanks for thinking about that. Unfortunately, while I like it, I can't use your sheet because it is not form-fillable. My writing is almost illegible since my stroke last year, so I can only use fillable sheets. I used Data Lore's sheet. Let us know if you make a form-fillable version.

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.

If you're out there making custom sheets, the Rocky Mountain Pathfinder Society is happy to offer hosting for your sheets. Please reach out to me via PM either here on paizo or on -- I am slate on there.

So I've looked at the column for the spells trying to figure out how to make space for the focus spells and the FP pool and the Spell Attack/DC proficiency. Without scrunching the actual list too much. And I'm wondering, would it be better to just make another page for all the magic stuff?

I mean, I tried to make it resemble the original 1e sheet as much as possible without adding too much, and I liked that you only needed two sheets ever. That that'd still be true for classes that don't use magic (roughly half of them). Would it be a big deal if I increased the number to three and made more room for the feats and items? Maybe even add an entry for formulae and such?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I absolutely adore the colour sheet. The coloursu they chose, the bordering, shapes, lack of white space, and such. It helps soo much with my visual issues with colour shifted eye.

I've always had trouble with that, so this is rather nice.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
BlueJay64 wrote:
So I've looked at the column for the spells trying to figure out how to make space for the focus spells and the FP pool and the Spell Attack/DC proficiency. Without scrunching the actual list too much. And I'm wondering, would it be better to just make another page for all the magic stuff?

Here's what I'd've done, and why.

I(m looking at a modmod on your sheet, put some extra stuff at top (spell attack roll, focus spells) and not put ten levels of spellcasting in the final collumn, but only four, with ten lines for each. Why? I find that by the time a full spellcaster reaches 5th or 6th level, he starts needing multiple pages for his spellbook, and a measly collumn just doesn't cut it any more. Even at first level, you get ten cantrips and 4 1st-level spells in your spellbook, so I'd want ten lines on there.

Supplemental pages for spells are great, once you get a couple levels under your belt and start expanding your spellbook.

That's how you make space.
BTW, check your PMs and email me.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Zwordsman wrote:

I absolutely adore the colour sheet. The coloursu they chose, the bordering, shapes, lack of white space, and such. It helps soo much with my visual issues with colour shifted eye.

I've always had trouble with that, so this is rather nice.

Yes, the colour version's better, but due to my eye condition (Retinitis Pigmentosa), I find the format/layout way too busy, cluttered, makes my eye water and get a headache.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Baby Samurai wrote:
Yes, the colour version's better, but due to my eye condition (Retinitis Pigmentosa), I find the format/layout way too busy, cluttered, makes my eye water and get a headache.

The official character sheet is awful. Busy, cluttered, hard to find stuff, and all these funky shapes that don't have any real purpose.

Which is why I really prefer some version of BlueJay64's retro character sheet. Looks similar to the PF1 character sheet, and once a wee bit of tweaking gets done, it'll be perfect.

Wheldrake wrote:
Baby Samurai wrote:
Yes, the colour version's better, but due to my eye condition (Retinitis Pigmentosa), I find the format/layout way too busy, cluttered, makes my eye water and get a headache.

The official character sheet is awful. Busy, cluttered, hard to find stuff, and all these funky shapes that don't have any real purpose.

Which is why I really prefer some version of BlueJay64's retro character sheet. Looks similar to the PF1 character sheet, and once a wee bit of tweaking gets done, it'll be perfect.

I'll check it out, but over the years I tend to like to format my PCs/NPCs in the monster format (more or less), from whatever edition I am playing/DMing. Its fun, easy fo find stuff, and looks cool (kind of an official feel).

Am I just blind? I scoured the site for character sheets for 2.0 and this thread was all I found for official stuff. I may check out unofficial ones but it seems odd that they're not readily accessible unless I somehow missed them.

Bottleface wrote:
Am I just blind? I scoured the site for character sheets for 2.0 and this thread was all I found for official stuff. I may check out unofficial ones but it seems odd that they're not readily accessible unless I somehow missed them.

Just scroll up to the top of this page, and there is a link to both B&W and colour.

Baby Samurai wrote:
Bottleface wrote:
Am I just blind? I scoured the site for character sheets for 2.0 and this thread was all I found for official stuff. I may check out unofficial ones but it seems odd that they're not readily accessible unless I somehow missed them.
Just scroll up to the top of this page, and there is a link to both B&W and colour.

Yeah I found them in this thread. What I'm saying is that it took a great deal of searching and it would never have occurred to me that the only place to find a character sheet was a random Paizo Blog. I would think there'd be a prominent link to them on the 2e page or something.

Grand Lodge

Sweet nice thank you

Is anyone gathering these sheets in a central location yet, besides this thread?

Also most recent update:

Added a Pathfinder Society tracking sheet for fame, reputation, etc.

Added a companion sheet that probably includes way too much information, but I wanted to try and future proof against cohorts, eidolons, etc.

Find it here.

Comments and constructive criticisms welcomed.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I've put out another preview of Dyslexic Character Sheets here:

Fizzlepop, Gnome Rogue / Bard.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Uchuujin wrote:
Is anyone gathering these sheets in a central location yet, besides this thread?

Not yet.

There's quite a variety of them. How would they best be organised? I'd think:

  • Variants of the Paizo sheet
  • Variants of the Paizo sheet, form fillable
  • Online (Google Docs etc)
  • Original design
  • Original design, form fillable

  • Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

    I've been playing around with BlueJey64's retro character sheet. I don't have his fonts and design capabilities, but I added a thing or two just pasting his elements differently and came up with this:
    Modmod on BlueJay64's Retro Character Sheet

    FWIW, I don't think it's necessary to have the level of each feat you get marked on the sheet as such. When I white in a feat, I preface it with a1, a2... (for an ancetry feat) c1, c2... (for class feats) and so on.

    Perhaps it's from being so used to PF1, but I find it far more readable than the standard PF2 sheet.

    If anyone's interested, I can post a link to the word file, to facilitate inserting a character portrait.

    Final(ish) Version

    Added a Crafting/Formula sheet.

    Gave more generic weapon proficiency slots (got to write small though...)

    Fixed error where the second Lore slot had Dex listed as it's skill.

    Lightened the gray back text in boxes to make it easier to write over.

    Added more armor options to Companion sheet for barding/etc.

    Not planning on any more changes or alterations just yet. If I find anything glaring after using it a few times we shall see.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Wheldrake wrote:

    I've been playing around with BlueJey64's retro character sheet. I don't have his fonts and design capabilities, but I added a thing or two just pasting his elements differently and came up with this:

    Modmod on BlueJay64's Retro Character Sheet

    FWIW, I don't think it's necessary to have the level of each feat you get marked on the sheet as such. When I white in a feat, I preface it with a1, a2... (for an ancetry feat) c1, c2... (for class feats) and so on.

    Perhaps it's from being so used to PF1, but I find it far more readable than the standard PF2 sheet.

    If anyone's interested, I can post a link to the word file, to facilitate inserting a character portrait.

    You'll find that a lot of experienced players use a bit of extra notation - to remember where they got something from. For me, this was especially common with D&D 3.5 due to the *ridiculous* number of sourcebooks to draw from. It was very important to have notes of how I got something, where I got it from, and often times, what I had planned (because sometimes you forget!).

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Okay, I'm going to start putting together a list of all the custom character sheets. I'll try to find all the ones I can, on this forum and elsewhere, but it would help if you drop me a PM letting me know about any I may miss.

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