Out of the Bottle

Monday, May 13, 2019

By now, you might have noticed an interesting trend in the Alien Archives of the first few volumes of the Dawn of Flame Adventure Path. As is appropriate to the subject matter of these adventures, Fire Starters introduces efreet and ifrits to the Starfinder universe. In case you are unfamiliar, an efreeti is a genie from the Plane of Fire, while ifrits are native outsiders who can trace their heritage to such beings or other similar fiery entities. Really, no surprises for an Adventure Path that takes place on (and in) the sun!

But then perhaps you noticed that Soldiers of Brass features jann—genies whose nature is split across the four elements—as well as sulis—native outsiders whose ancestors have connections to the jann. Plus, this volume also includes sylphs—native outsiders who are descended from beings from the Plane of Air, including djinn. But the stats for djinn are nowhere to be seen... until you check out the Alien Archives of Sun Divers that is!

Illustrations by David Franco Campos

If you're counting, that just leaves the Planes of Earth and Water, and their respective genies and planar scions. Unfortunately, you'll have to wait for the upcoming Dawn of Mud Adventure Path for those!

Just kidding! You'll find the marid and shaitan genies, as well as oreads and undines, in the upcoming volumes #17—Solar Strike—and #18—Assault on the Crucible.

Illustrations by Graey Erb and Nicolas Espinoza

Similar to the aasimar and tiefling planar scions introduced as playable species in Alien Archive 2, all the elemental planar scions will also be available as options for players. Each one provides slightly different ability score adjustments. For examples, sylphs are bit more dexterous, while oreads have powerful muscles. And each offers a different type of energy resistance; you won't be surprised to know that ifrits are somewhat resistant to fire. But what sets the planar scions apart from one another is that each receives a unique ability tied to the elemental plane they can trace their ancestry to. Usually, this is a simple spell-like ability, such as the undine's ability to cast energy ray at will, though it can only deal cold damage. However, as sulis have an affinity for all elements, they get a special ability that allows them to alter the type of damage any weapon they wield can do for 1 round. A suli can set her boring tactical doshko aflame and have it briefly deal half fire damage; she can even do the same for her fist!

Illustration by Mirco Paganessi

With the inclusion of genies and elemental planar scions, we've added a healthy heaping of fantasy to Starfinder's science-fantasy setting. We hope you enjoy them, and we can't wait to see some cybernetically enhanced undines and power armor-wearing ifrits out there!

Jason Keeley

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Dawn of Flame Starfinder Starfinder Adventure Path

I dig it!

Silver Crusade

I have been looking forward to these ^^

Shadow Lodge

I've always wanted to play as an ifrit who feels like they have to keep reminding people that they aren't a tiefling, and that picture fits what I had in mind.
Also, as much as the sylph looks all fun and whimsical, it also looks like she's slipping on a wet floor.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Now I want to see the Dawn of Mud Adventure Path . . . .

The Shifty Mongoose wrote:

{. . .}

Also, as much as the sylph looks all fun and whimsical, it also looks like she's slipping on a wet floor.

That is the floor where the Undine was just a few moments ago.

Oreads are apparently DONE MESSING AROUND!

Silver Crusade

I was just wondering about support for playing an Undine. Excellent news!


2 people marked this as a favorite.

That is all fabulous art, and I hope some elemental planar scion boons for Starfinder Society start making their way around!

Maybe that Dawn of Mud AP builds upon the Mud Sorcerer's Tomb. :)

Paizo Employee Franchise Manager

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Bellona wrote:
Maybe that Dawn of Mud AP builds upon the Mud Sorcerer's Tomb. :)

I wish! But since MST was a "Dungeon" adventure, it's wholly owned by WotC now, and not something we'd be likely to be able to expand upon in either Pathfinder or Starfinder.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The undine is my favourite geniekin, even in the unfathomable future.

These are all fantastic. I just want confirmation that undines can breathe underwater on launch and I will be happy.


Kate Baker wrote:
That is all fabulous art, and I hope some elemental planar scion boons for Starfinder Society start making their way around!

I think the Online GM RSP Boon gives access to these :)


Dragonkin/Planar Scion

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
CptJames wrote:
I think the Online GM RSP Boon gives access to these :)

The Online GM Boon only grants access to Aasimar / Tiefling from AA2, as it turns out. Were I a betting person, I would posit that elemental planar scions could show up when Dawn of Flame gets sanctioned? Thurston said in the forums that they intend to sanction the AP, but it's just further down the priority queue, given all of the convention stuff coming up over the summer.

Can't wait :)


Kishmo wrote:
CptJames wrote:
I think the Online GM RSP Boon gives access to these :)

The Online GM Boon only grants access to Aasimar / Tiefling from AA2, as it turns out. Were I a betting person, I would posit that elemental planar scions could show up when Dawn of Flame gets sanctioned? Thurston said in the forums that they intend to sanction the AP, but it's just further down the priority queue, given all of the convention stuff coming up over the summer.

Can't wait :)

Sorry! I messed up...I meant for GMing a convention online, my bad!

But yes, only the Aasimar / Tiefling currently you are correct

Paizo Employee Developer

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Sparrowhawk_92 wrote:
These are all fantastic. I just want confirmation that undines can breathe underwater on launch and I will be happy.

I hate to make you unhappy, but undines can't breathe underwater, unless they activate the environmental protections of their armor!

Pathfinder undines were aquatic and amphibious only with an alternate racial trait. Talk to your GM about doing a similar switch!

^Considering that whales and seals can't actually breathe under water (and are explicitly described in Pathfinder 1st Edition as having to hold their breath), this actually makes sense.


Thanks, CptJames and Kishmo! I actually have one of those from GMing for Crittercon, and I look forward to making an aasimar witchwarper when COM comes out! I will definitely be keeping a lookout for the elemental version this year.

Jason Keeley wrote:
Sparrowhawk_92 wrote:
These are all fantastic. I just want confirmation that undines can breathe underwater on launch and I will be happy.

I hate to make you unhappy, but undines can't breathe underwater, unless they activate the environmental protections of their armor!

Pathfinder undines were aquatic and amphibious only with an alternate racial trait. Talk to your GM about doing a similar switch!

Which is why it's time for you to create planet of the Gillmen, MISTER Keeley!

Paizo Employee Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
thecursor wrote:
Jason Keeley wrote:
Sparrowhawk_92 wrote:
These are all fantastic. I just want confirmation that undines can breathe underwater on launch and I will be happy.

I hate to make you unhappy, but undines can't breathe underwater, unless they activate the environmental protections of their armor!

Pathfinder undines were aquatic and amphibious only with an alternate racial trait. Talk to your GM about doing a similar switch!

Which is why it's time for you to create planet of the Gillmen, MISTER Keeley!

We already have kalo! What more do you want from me?!?

Jason Keeley wrote:
thecursor wrote:
Jason Keeley wrote:
Sparrowhawk_92 wrote:
These are all fantastic. I just want confirmation that undines can breathe underwater on launch and I will be happy.

I hate to make you unhappy, but undines can't breathe underwater, unless they activate the environmental protections of their armor!

Pathfinder undines were aquatic and amphibious only with an alternate racial trait. Talk to your GM about doing a similar switch!

Which is why it's time for you to create planet of the Gillmen, MISTER Keeley!
We already have kalo! What more do you want from me?!?



Jason Keeley wrote:
Sparrowhawk_92 wrote:
These are all fantastic. I just want confirmation that undines can breathe underwater on launch and I will be happy.

I hate to make you unhappy, but undines can't breathe underwater, unless they activate the environmental protections of their armor!

Pathfinder undines were aquatic and amphibious only with an alternate racial trait. Talk to your GM about doing a similar switch!

This was something that bugged me about PF Undines too if we're being honest.

Awesome work on updating the elemental races in any case!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I mean, gills cost 95 credits...

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