Majuba |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Thanks for the repost for the volunteer link (but the link is broken FYI).
A conservative estimate of time needed to reach 5* is 650 hours!
I've heard this a couple times, and it seems to me a rather conservative estimate.
Hmm... That would be 1 hour of prep for 50 scenarios, run three times each, in an average of only 4 hours.
More reasonably: let's say run each scenario an average of two times, with three hours of prep time (including reading, minis, maps, travel, setup), so 225 hours of prep. 150 runs at 4.5 hours would be 675 hours, for a total of 900.
If you take three hours to read, two hours for minis and maps, and run 100 different scenarios, that's 500 hours of prep. If you tend to run up to five hours, that's another 750, for 1250 hours.
If you run each scenario just once, spend an extra two hours building/selecting terrain (on average), and one hour painting/modding a miniature, you're up to 1200 hours of prep. If you run on leisurely gamedays/homegames and spend a good six hours average per scenario, that's 900 hours of running, for 2100 hours total.
Quite the potential range!
Hmm |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
We’ll have Tonya there! We’ll have Thursty there! Now, all we have to do is lure John, Linda and Mark there sometime!
Hmm pulls out a can of Leshy treats, and shakes it. Shake-a-shake-a-shake!
(Yes, I know that may only work for one of the three... But maybe we can promise John and Mark lots of scheming, fabulous roleplay and chances to torment Minnesotans and our guests at a singularly delightful charity convention.)
Congratulations to the new Five Stars! It was a long journey but think about how much joy you’ve given all of us players!
Tonya Woldridge Organized Play Manager |
Tonya Woldridge Organized Play Manager |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
You forgot to add Andreas Frederiksen from denmark, who also turned 5 star, around november, :D
I didn't forget. He was blogged last month! Blog link
Tonya Woldridge Organized Play Manager |
Don’t forget about DunDraCon, starting February 16th in San Ramon, CA (Bay Area)!
I don't have DunDraCon's event support request, which is where I get my list of upcoming events. Can you chat with the team and see if it was submitted (if so, please resend) or if it is inbound? Thanks!
Dennis Muldoon |
Dennis Muldoon wrote:Don’t forget about DunDraCon, starting February 16th in San Ramon, CA (Bay Area)!I don't have DunDraCon's event support request, which is where I get my list of upcoming events. Can you chat with the team and see if it was submitted (if so, please resend) or if it is inbound? Thanks!
Will do.
maldar |
Have fun at MarsCon. I have been twice and it is a nice little con that keeps growing. The PFS Group there is awesome and even though I am no longer in that area, I still keep in touch with them. They also run games at the local anime convention NekoCon each year as well. I have been wanting to visit friends in that area and I plan to attend that con as it crosses over for most of my friends.
Evil Horse |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hmmm I see that Thurston wrote 9-13 The Lion's Justice.. I wonder if I could somehow entice him to take the long way home and run it in Omaha.. Only a few short hours from SkalCon....
Leg o' Lamb |
allvaldr wrote:Is there a website available for ConFusion con in Utrecht, Netherlands? It's within traveling range for me, but I hadn't heard about the con before seeing it pop up in this list, and can't find it on Google.Relevant info is up on
I'll shoot you a private message too.
I look forward to help spread the crazy at ConFusion.
Tonya Woldridge Organized Play Manager |
@Tonya - I sent an email last month regarding this and other things pertaining to Organized Play, but never received a response. Should I resend it? If not in 2019, we’d definitely love someone to come visit one of our cons in 2020.
I've had some email issues due to some infinite loop auto-replies. Please resend.
kevin_video |
kevin_video wrote:@Tonya - I sent an email last month regarding this and other things pertaining to Organized Play, but never received a response. Should I resend it? If not in 2019, we’d definitely love someone to come visit one of our cons in 2020.I've had some email issues due to some infinite loop auto-replies. Please resend.
Will do. Appreciate that.