Gen Con 50 Events

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Last week, I previewed some of the offerings in store for PaizoCon 2017 attendees. The lottery ran and we are in the open event selection period until next Monday. If you have May 26-29 free and want to travel to beautiful Seattle, you can still pick up a badge in-person at the PaizoCon Convention store.

While most of our focus is on PaizoCon, the Gen Con catalog of events went live on their website last Sunday. Attendees may browse the offerings and compile wish lists in preparation for ticket sales starting May 28. With so many games and events, I wanted to highlight some of the key Paizo offerings.

Starfinder Society

Starfinder is the buzzword for Gen Con, and the Sagamore Ballroom will buzz with sounds of the future all weekend. Events kick off with the Starfinder Quest: Into the Unknown. While we are running free quests throughout the convention, both in the Exhibition Hall and the Sagamore Ballroom, participation entails waiting in line, playing one of the six offerings, then returning to the line. During the first two slots of the convention, Thursday 8:00 AM-1:00 PM and 2:00 PM-7:00 PM, we offer a ticket version of the Quests, which eliminates the waiting in line and gives attendees the chance to finish the entire quest series in one sitting. These quests utilize 1st level pregenerated characters available onsite.

Thursday evening is the premier of the Starfinder Society Special #1-00: Claim to Salvation. This event uses 4th level versions of the Starfinder iconic characters, which James Sutter and the Starfinder team is currently previewing Friday's on this blog. The in-world Starfinder Society needs firepower to complete a mission and turn to the iconics to provide assistance. After Thursday evening's launch, the Gen Con schedule includes tables of this event most slots.

The schedule is set up so that an attendee may play Starfinder all Thursday with pregenerated characters, pick up a copy of the Starfinder Core Rulebook from the Paizo booth in the Exhibition Hall, then make their own character and return Friday ready to play Starfinder Society Scenarios #1-01: The Commencement, #1-02: Fugitive on the Red Planet, and #1-03: Yesteryear's Truth. Of these offerings, #1-01 is a replayable scenario and #1-02 and #1-03 are for 1st to 4th level characters. Product pages are not yet available on, but will be posted soon.

Pathfinder Society

If Starfinder isn't your focus, there are plenty of Pathfinder Society offerings. Starting with Pathfinder Society Scenario #8-07: From the Tome of Righteous Repose, we offer every subsequent Season 8 scenario, including one table most sessions of Pathfinder Society Scenario #8-25: Unleashing the Untouchable a scenario for level 12-15 characters. We also have a few older scenarios, such as Pathfinder Society Scenario #01: Silent Tide and #7-99: Through Maelstrom Rift

Friday night is the debut of the Season 9 multi-table interactive special, Pathfinder Society Scenario #9-00: Assault on Absalom. This event takes over the Sagamore, with 160 tables of the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild and 20 tables of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild playing the same scenario simultaneously. The Gen Con event system lists tickets for this event by sub-tier, so there are five different roleplaying event entries for the same event. We will monitor ticket sales and adjust the number of tables in each sub-tier as necessary, but at the event players will be required to play a character in the sub-tier for which they hold a ticket. As a note, 9th level is not listed for sale. This is the gap level and players of 9th level characters may purchase tickets for tier 7-8 or tier 10-11. We will have copies of the pregenerated iconic characters available for player use. The pregenerated characters only go to level 7, so there are no iconic pregenerated characters available for subtier 10-11. The Season 9 scenario offerings start Saturday morning at 8:00 AM. As with prior years, the first three scenarios of the season are on offer. We round out our special event offerings with the new multi-table modular special, Pathfinder Society Scenario #8-99: The Solstice Scar, scheduled for Saturday evening from 8:00 PM-1:00 AM.

The Adventure Card Guild has a full stock of events spanning all seasons of organized play, including Season of the Shackles, Season of the Righteous, and Season of the Runelords, Season of Plundered Tombs. We are putting final touches on the next season and hope to announce more information soon. As well as seasonal play and participating in the aforementioned Pathfinder Society Scenario #9-00: Assault on Absalom, Gen Con sees a return of the Open Tournament. Starting Thursday with qualifying rounds, the tournament event spans the entire convention, with finals on Sunday at noon. Gather your teammates and come reign victorious!

Pathfinder Society Academy is back this year, bigger and better than ever. Aimed at providing youth ages 6-17 a positive gaming experience, we set aside space specifically for them and their families. Programming includes the three modules of lessons: Beginner, Advanced, and Transitions, which introduce the game from the ground up and prepare the players for running characters in the Pathfinder Society, as well as Pathfinder Society Scenarios selected from prior season's catalogs. Adults are welcome at Pathfinder Society Academy tables as long as they accompany a youth. For their safety and enjoyment, children ages 6-12 must have a parent who remains at the Pathfinder Society Academy area. Youth ages 13-15 must have a parent in the Sagamore Ballroom and youth aged 16-17 need a way to contact a parent onsite in case of emergency.

If playing games doesn't pique your interest, consider attending one of the Paizo panels. The first seminar starts Thursday at 11:00 AM and run through Sunday at noon. Topics include returning favorites like Ask the Paizo GMs, Writing for Paizo, Pathfinder Rules Q&A, and Aunty Lisa's Story Hour. New offerings this year include Making your First Starfinder Character, Starfinder Rules Design Workshop, Secrets of the Pact Worlds, and Starfinder Adventure Path Q&A. Come learn all the secrets of your favorite games!

Whew! I knew we offered quite a few activities at Gen Con, but it wasn't until I was trying to select which to highlight in this blog that I realized how great programming is available. I couldn't touch on everything, so I urge you to check out the Gen Con catalog and search keyword Paizo.

Over the past couple of weeks, we had some changes in Sagamore Ballroom leadership. Jon Cary, a stalwart presence for many years, stepped back from the role and Bob Jonquet is spearheading efforts. We added Walter Sheppard to the team to make up for Jon's departure. Rounding out the executive team is Lucas Servideo and Todd Morgan. Thank you to Jon for his many years spent planning and executing Pathfinder Society events at Gen Con. Enjoy seeing the show this year!

For those whose travel plans are undecided, we still need GM assistance, including a handful of Tier 1 positions. The team and I spent the past weeks contacting those that already signed up and are working on scheduling those individuals for events. You should have schedule information before ticket sales go live on the 28th. Watch your inbox for correspondence. If you are interested in GMing at the event, complete the questionnaire and we will be in contact shortly.

Also for GMs, Origins Game Fair is also still looking for individuals to fill some slots at the convention held June 14 to 19 in Columbus, Ohio. Interested volunteers should sign up by sending Venture-Captain Michael McNerney an email at

I look forward to seeing many of you at PaizoCon in just over a week. If you're attending, please stop by the Grand Ballroom and say hi! Just remember, there are few strangers in gaming, but many friends you haven't met yet!

Until next time—Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Tonya Woldridge
Organized Play Coordinator

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Adventure Card Guild Conventions Gen Con Gen Con 2017 Pathfinder Society Starfinder Society
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Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Awesome news! Hope I get selected to run a table for Starfinder event on Thursday!

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

I hope you get selected too!

Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

Maybe I should look into GMing. I'm still not sure that I want to commit to going, though...

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Gary Bush wrote:
Awesome news! Hope I get selected to run a table for Starfinder event on Thursday!

A little mouse sneaks in the forum and squeaks, "There may be more Starfinder than just Thursday night on your schedule."

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

2 people marked this as a favorite.

For those interested in volunteering their time at GenCon, we are still in need of GMs, especially those with open availability, particularly for Thursday/Friday/Saturday PM, and those willing to GM Starfinder events.

We still have Tier 1 rewards available. At this point, finding a hotel anywhere near downtown Indy is likely impossible or ridiculously expensive. Tier 1 rewards include a shared hotel space.

Get those applications submitted NOW!. Don't wait until the last minute and miss your chance to attend the Best Four Days in Gaming because there's no where to rest your head.

Explore! Report! Cooperate!

2/5 5/5

Just signed up for tier 1 and looking forward to running as much Starfinder as you've got!

I've already signed up as a Tier 6 Volunteer, and definitely wouldn't mind if one or more of those were Starfinder games. :D

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Bob Jonquet wrote:
Gary Bush wrote:
Awesome news! Hope I get selected to run a table for Starfinder event on Thursday!
A little mouse sneaks in the forum and squeaks, "There may be more Starfinder than just Thursday night on your schedule."

And does that mouse want a cookie???!!!

Less than 90 days right? lol

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

James Addink wrote:
I've already signed up as a Tier 6 Volunteer, and definitely wouldn't mind if one or more of those were Starfinder games. :D

If this year is any thing like last year, you can likely upgrade your Tier if you want. I started at 6 and ended at 4.

1/5 5/5

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Tonya Woldridge, Organized Play Coordinator wrote:
The schedule is set up so that an attendee may play Starfinder all Thursday with pregenerated characters, pick up a copy of the Starfinder Core Rulebook from the Paizo booth in the Exhibition Hall, then make their own character and return Friday ready to play Starfinder Society Scenarios #1-01: The Commencement, #1-02: Fugitive on the Red Planet, and #1-03: Yesteryear's Truth.

Okay, I'm a *little* confused on this, and am requesting clarification.

The Dealer Hall is open 10AM-6PM on Thursday, but the Starfinder events being offered on Thursday (all day) would seem to preclude a visit to the Dealer Hall.

How is this being accounted for, when typical Thursday 'first release lines' can run upwards of 3-4 hours?

Apologies in advance if this seems a misguided or befuddled question.

Dark Archive 4/5 *

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Tonya Woldridge, Organized Play Coordinator wrote:
The schedule is set up so that an attendee may play Starfinder all Thursday with pregenerated characters, pick up a copy of the Starfinder Core Rulebook from the Paizo booth in the Exhibition Hall, then make their own character and return Friday ready to play Starfinder Society Scenarios #1-01: The Commencement, #1-02: Fugitive on the Red Planet, and #1-03: Yesteryear's Truth.

Okay, I'm a *little* confused on this, and am requesting clarification.

The Dealer Hall is open 10AM-6PM on Thursday, but the Starfinder events being offered on Thursday (all day) would seem to preclude a visit to the Dealer Hall.

How is this being accounted for, when typical Thursday 'first release lines' can run upwards of 3-4 hours?

Apologies in advance if this seems a misguided or befuddled question.

You can order the PDF, which will be available on Thurs of GenCon, or get someone with early dealer hall access to get it for you before the lines happen.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Paizo has developed a quest product for SFS akin to the Pathfinder line that can serve as an intro to Starfinder. We overloaded the schedule with these on Thursday AM & afternoon knowing the high level of interest in the campaign and game mechanics. They will be running throughout the convention. We also will have custom demos being run in the exhibit hall that will focus on a quick reveal of the basic rules. Either offering will provide enough insight into the game to allow moving on to the full-length scenarios ncluding the Thursday night special event.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 Venture-Captain, Massachusetts—North Shore

I will run as much Starfinder as you will let me Bob :)

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Yes... good... drink from the Starfinder Society cup, DRINK!!!! MWAH HA HA HA HA HA HA!

Or, ya know, GM for us. Because we really appreciate all our GMs (and players) who make the journey out to Gen Con.

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Bob Jonquet wrote:
Paizo has developed a quest product for SFS akin to the Pathfinder line that can serve as an intro to Starfinder. We overloaded the schedule with these on Thursday AM & afternoon knowing the high level of interest in the campaign and game mechanics. They will be running throughout the convention. We also will have custom demos being run in the exhibit hall that will focus on a quick reveal of the basic rules. Either offering will provide enough insight into the game to allow moving on to the full-length scenarios ncluding the Thursday night special event.

The Quests in PFS have a 'sliding scale' of rewards depending on 'how many' one completes.

Is this a single 'one or two hour Quest for maximum reward' deal, or will sitting at six separate one hour tables (after waiting in line if unable to acquire tickets for the 'full deal') be required for a complete chronicle?

Is this concern making sense?

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

The Quests in PFS have a 'sliding scale' of rewards depending on 'how many' one completes.

Is this a single 'one or two hour Quest for maximum reward' deal, or will sitting at six separate one hour tables (after waiting in line if unable to acquire tickets for the 'full deal') be required for a complete chronicle?

Is this concern making sense?

I see what you're saying here, and what the concern is: Hey do I get some benefit if I only manage to snag 2-3 of the quests instead of doing all 5 of them?

The answer is... I can't really give an answer right now! That's just because the even and associated Chronicle sheet hasn't been completed yet. I would suspect that we'll include some options for players partaking only in some of the quests... exactly how this will work, well, expect more news on this in the coming months.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

You will be signing up for a Quest Series, Wei Ji, so you'll be able to do the whole series.

Thursty's post on this:

Thurston Hillman wrote:

'Into the Unknown' is the first Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild quest pack. It runs 5 quests (roughly 45-60 mins each) in length.

This is one of our first attempts at putting up the Quest Packs as sign-in events, rather than just as walk-up demo tables. This is for a few reasons: first, we suspect that Starfinder should be pretty popular at Gen Con and we want players to get a chance to get a guaranteed introduction to the game. Secondly, the quest pack has a cohesive narrative between all the quests, so having a set slot to run through all 5 of them helps with the narrative element.

That being said, we'll still be offering tons of quest demos throughout the convention. The ticketed seats just ensure you'll get to play through all the quests in order!

Hope that helps clear up some of the confusion.

ACK! Ninja'ed by the world's most awesome Shirren!


1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Thurston Hillman wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

The Quests in PFS have a 'sliding scale' of rewards depending on 'how many' one completes.

Is this a single 'one or two hour Quest for maximum reward' deal, or will sitting at six separate one hour tables (after waiting in line if unable to acquire tickets for the 'full deal') be required for a complete chronicle?

Is this concern making sense?

I see what you're saying here, and what the concern is: Hey do I get some benefit if I only manage to snag 2-3 of the quests instead of doing all 5 of them?

The answer is... I can't really give an answer right now! That's just because the even and associated Chronicle sheet hasn't been completed yet. I would suspect that we'll include some options for players partaking only in some of the quests... exactly how this will work, well, expect more news on this in the coming months.

Traditional Quest layout requires a 'completionist' approach for maximum benefit.

It's not 'some benefit' it's 'Will I miss out on very awesome and COOL things because I *have* to go stand in line for 3-4 hours to pick up a book so I can create a character to play on Friday?'

I want to support things and play and volunteer to make sure that awesome happens... but if the 'Missed Opportunity' chance is too great...


Grand Lodge 1/5 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Does anyone know when we'll be able to preorder Starfinder to be picked up at genCon?

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
It's not 'some benefit' it's 'Will I miss out on very awesome and COOL things because I *have* to go stand in line for 3-4 hours to pick up a book so I can create a character to play on Friday?

The Quests include pregens so you will not require the full core rulebook to play. They are being developed with the understanding that they will need to accommodate new players due to the nature of the release schedule. But, if you would rather have the rulebook first, we'll have the Starfinder quests running all convention so there is plenty of time. You can always play the demo in the exhibit hall before playing the offerings in the Sag.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Adam Mulder-1 wrote:
Does anyone know when we'll be able to preorder Starfinder to be picked up at genCon?

Starfinder is already available for pre-order. Typically, you can only pick up subscription items at Gen Con, but Paizo is considering whether or not to allow pre-orders of Starfinder product to be delivered/distributed at Gen Con. I suspect that IF they allow it, it will become an option when they activate the option to pick up sub orders there as well.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Can we find out if Starfinder is the book we get as our Tier 1 book reward? I'd love to have the book that weekend, especially if I'm GMing any SFS tables.


Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Paizo is still considering that option, HMM. We may not know the final answer until much closer to the event.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

3 people marked this as a favorite.

If you are a Gen Con participant, watch your email over the next few days. GM schedules will begin to distribute later today! With over 300 to send, all with custom information, it will take a little time even with the assistance of mail-merge :-)

Sovereign Court 4/5 ** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Southwest



Does that mean deadline to volunteer has passed?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
Can we find out if Starfinder is the book we get as our Tier 1 book reward? I'd love to have the book that weekend, especially if I'm GMing any SFS tables.

Your going to be very busy if your doing PSA and SFS.


Andrew Mullen wrote:
Does that mean deadline to volunteer has passed?

I haven't seen anything that indicates it has ended. You have nothing to lose at this point if you try to sign up.

Grand Lodge 4/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Jon-Enee Merriex wrote:


Grand Lodge 4/5

Swiftbrook wrote:
Andrew Mullen wrote:
Does that mean deadline to volunteer has passed?
I haven't seen anything that indicates it has ended. You have nothing to lose at this point if you try to sign up.

Bob already addressed this upthread.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Andrew Mullen wrote:
Does that mean deadline to volunteer has passed?

There is no deadline. We routinely have people cancel their plans due to real-life events and have to replace them with waitlisted. I encourage anyone interested in volunteering at Gen Con to complete the online questionnaire. The worst case is you will be waitlisted, but maybe we can assign you right away.

Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

I still need to talk to some folks, but I'm definitely thinking about it. Hopefully I've got another couple of days before all the remaining spots are filled. (Especially Tier 1.)

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
Thurston Hillman wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

The Quests in PFS have a 'sliding scale' of rewards depending on 'how many' one completes.

Is this a single 'one or two hour Quest for maximum reward' deal, or will sitting at six separate one hour tables (after waiting in line if unable to acquire tickets for the 'full deal') be required for a complete chronicle?

Is this concern making sense?

I see what you're saying here, and what the concern is: Hey do I get some benefit if I only manage to snag 2-3 of the quests instead of doing all 5 of them?

The answer is... I can't really give an answer right now! That's just because the even and associated Chronicle sheet hasn't been completed yet. I would suspect that we'll include some options for players partaking only in some of the quests... exactly how this will work, well, expect more news on this in the coming months.

Traditional Quest layout requires a 'completionist' approach for maximum benefit.

It's not 'some benefit' it's 'Will I miss out on very awesome and COOL things because I *have* to go stand in line for 3-4 hours to pick up a book so I can create a character to play on Friday?'

I want to support things and play and volunteer to make sure that awesome happens... but if the 'Missed Opportunity' chance is too great...


Both Thurs AM and Thurs Afternoon Starfinder offerings are the Quests. So you can play in one slot, visit the booth in the other slot, then return to the Sagamore for the pregen special. This maximizes scheduling for both playing and getting a copy of the Core Rulebook. It is gorgeous, so I highly recommend getting a physical copy as well as the pdf.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tonya Woldridge wrote:
It is gorgeous, so I highly recommend getting a physical copy as well as the pdf.

Huh, its almost like she has a vested interest :-P

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Question about the Special:

Will it be a 'unified' group event, or is it separate tables a la True Dragons, We Be Aspis, We Be Aspis II, We Be Elementalz?

If these questions are better served in private or on another thread, please let me know and I'll stop dropping them here.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

I just read the long description for the special on Thursday.

Got to say that it really sounds like an exciting adventure!

"....stabilize the Society long enough for a new generation of Starfinders to come to the fore?"

Silver Crusade 4/5

Scenarios 9-00 and 8-99 are both described in the blog post as "multi-table", so that means big group event, with all tables playing together.

Starfinder special 1-00 looks like "We Be Starfinders" to me.

Liberty's Edge *

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm excited and hoping for a good SFS-PFS ratio on my slots.

I really wanna run some Starfinder, and I saved enough slots to be able to play too! Now if only I could remember which ones I volunteered for... oh well, the coming schedule should answer that....


Is the 2:00 AM time slot on Sunday a typo? There are a lot of tables posted for that time slot. I can't imagine a lot of people are going to be awake for that after the Saturday evening special.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Yes, it's for real.

Paizo Employee Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

No one sleeps on Saturday night anyway, so why not?

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

3 people marked this as a favorite.

We are launching a fully supported "midnight madness" slots this year for those people who's normal sleep rotation is nor the standard night time hours. If you are a 3rd shift worker, forcing a change for a few days and having to revert back after the con can be problematic. Here is your chance to play when you want to. So, yes we have a slot from 2am to 7am each night except Sunday.

Note the day the timeframe is attached to is the previous one per Gen Con standard procedures. Meaning the Thursday night slot starts on Friday at 0200. The overnight slot is considered the closing slot of the day and the new "day" of gaming starts with the AM slot.

We hope everyone is responsible enough not to try and game four or more slots in a row just because you can. While sleep is limited at an event like Gen Con, even a few hours is better than none.

Please be responsible! Friends don't let friend play tired" :-D

Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

I'm so absolutely thrilled for Gencon this year.

Starfinder sounds like a blast and the closer we get to August the more excited I am to play it!

Being able to play two multi-table specials is going to make this convention extraordinary!

And thanks to an extra real-estate sale here in Hilton Head, I'll have more money to dump into Paizo's coffers.

Oh, and my VO finally failed her will save and I talked her into joining us!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Not nice to switch out her normal D20 for loaded one. :)

Silver Crusade 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mark Moreland wrote:
No one sleeps on Saturday night anyway, so why not?

Actually, I'd say it's the earlier nights of Gen Con when we stay up too late. Saturday night is the "collapse so you're awake enough to drive home tomorrow" night.


Bob Jonquet wrote:
If you are a Gen Con participant, watch your email over the next few days. GM schedules will begin to distribute later today! With over 300 to send, all with custom information, it will take a little time even with the assistance of mail-merge :-)

Got Mine!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

For Tonya or Bob,

I am schedule for SFS Quest: Into the Unknown (Square). What does the "(Square)" mean?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Square is likely the name of the individual quest you have been assigned. It may also be a group designation, such as what part of the Sagamore you will occupy.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

So I may not be running the entire quest, just one part of it?


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