Greetings from Hellywood

Friday, June 10, 2016

As I write this blog, I'm sitting in a writer's room in Hollywood working on a secret Pathfinder project. Everyone here thinks I'm taking notes, but in fact I'm making good on my mission to provide you, the Miniatures Fiend, a weekly preview of upcoming Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures from October's Deadly Foes set. It'll be a short update this week—it's an exciting meeting—but excitement is no excuse for no update at all.

Here we have a wicked Bearded Devil, one of countless elite warriors in the legions of Hell. WizKids did a fantastic job with the sculpt on this one. His face (and beard) is particularly charming. The Bearded Devil is a Medium, uncommon figure.

Last week some folks said they wanted to see more of the NPCs in Deadly Foes, so here we have a very important one—Barzillai Thrune, one of the primary antagonists of the Hell's Rebels Adventure Path. Your players will already hate him as they play the campaign, so why not let them see the source of their loathing? Barzillai Thrune is a Medium, Rare figure.

See you next week!

Erik Mona

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Tags: Deadly Foes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles
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I love them!

I was kind of hoping the Bearded Devil would be a common, but it looks so good I'll deal with the price from buying more on the aftermarket!

You reasserted the October release date, does that mean to the best of your knowledge the release date isn't being pushed back like many of us had feared?

Silver Crusade Contributor

Awesome previews! ^_^

Dark Archive

Pathfinder animated movie?

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Pathfinder tv series?!

I cannot express in words how happy I am to see that bearded devil. Impressive. And it's an uncommon, so 4-5 in a case!

As for mr thrune, he will make a very nice addition to the evil npcs section of my collection. Two more down and I'm still 100% on this set (from the digitals at least),Awesome

Dark Archive

The Bearded Devil is the first mini that hasn't the right rarity.
At CR 5 it should be a common.
3-4 in a case is ok, but 5-6 would be better.
Great sculpt though!

I don't like the cape on BT but the rest is ok. Rarity is right and the BBE for Hell's Rebels is a nice mini to have.

I still don't believe Wizkids will publish a D&D set in september and a Pathfinder set in october.
That way collectors wouldn't buy a case of both.
But we'll see.

Thx for taking the time, Erik and best of luck with the Pathfinder series/movie.
If it is anything like your Hollow Mountain comics, it will be great! :-)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'll just point out he didn't say the word "California."

Vic Wertz wrote:
I'll just point out he didn't say the word "California."

In honor of that, I give you...THIS!

Best Cali

What kind of weapon or object is Barzillai Thrune holding? It is interesting but I'm not sure what it is supposed to be.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Incognito wrote:
What kind of weapon or object is Barzillai Thrune holding? It is interesting but I'm not sure what it is supposed to be.

It's a flaming heavy mace. ^_^

These particular minis look great, though they don't push any particular buttons for me.

I do, however, suddenly find that I really wish we had some minis for Razmiran cultists. If you can do a set with cultists in 3 different robes for acolytes, priests, and heralds, that would be awesome. And given how popular cultists are on the secondary market, I'm sure they would have use for campaign worlds other than Golarion too.

While I'm at it, I've long wished we had a few NPC minis that were old, obese, disabled, etc. Not just hale and hearty people in the prime of life. A couple street urchins would be welcome too!

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I have not received any official word from WizKids of a set delay.

That doesn't mean there won't be one, just that I have not received word that there will be one.

If that changes, I'll change the release month in my blogs. Until then, or if I never do, I won't. :)

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

5 people marked this as a favorite.

A mini of the iconic spiritualist would cover the old and disabled requests in a single figure.

The occultist is also obese, or at least "quite fat."

So it would be awesome to have minis of the Occult Adventures iconics, that's for sure!

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:

I have not received any official word from WizKids of a set delay.

That doesn't mean there won't be one, just that I have not received word that there will be one.

If that changes, I'll change the release month in my blogs. Until then, or if I never do, I won't. :)

I know you are too busy right now (and with Gen Con round the corner and your Hellywood career that is understandable ;-)) but is there any ETA on the Paizo Product Catalogue 2016?

I rather like these... :-)

Erik Mona wrote:

A mini of the iconic spiritualist would cover the old and disabled requests in a single figure.

The occultist is also obese, or at least "quite fat."

So it would be awesome to have minis of the Occult Adventures iconics, that's for sure!

Is that a hint? That sure sounds like a hint to me. :)

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I now need a Barzillai Thrune mini.

I was not excited when this set was announced, but now that I'm seeing all the diabolic goodies, I'm picking up a bunch of the minis for my next Hell's Rebels run.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I know that it's another paint step, but shouldn't Barzillai Thrune's shoulder plates be metailc?

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Bearded Devil looks fantastic!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vic Wertz wrote:
I'll just point out he didn't say the word "California."

He must be kicking himself that we misunderstood.

Not rude if you're Australian, but possibly rude if you're not:

Darrell Impey UK wrote:
I know that it's another paint step, but shouldn't Barzillai Thrune's shoulder plates be metailc?

adamantine, thus not gleaming?

Dark Archive 941554654079_7134412192557105881_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=247aa4249087 7d45fe1e545fc927f5e0&oe=58020320

miniature #45 from D&D Icons 5 confirmed to be HUGE!!!

#45 King Hekaton (Storm Giant) on a 5,5 Huge base and #15 Bandit on a 1,1 medium base!

The numbering (#45) suggests that THIS is the CASE INCENTIVE and not "Chief Guh", as the set consists of 44 miniatures plus Invisibles (unnumbered) and the Case Incentive (45)...

Dark Archive

Wizkids just answered my question:

"King Hekaton is one of the 44 minis in the blind boosters and is an average sized Storm Giant."

HUGE minis on HUGE bases confirmed!

I'm not quite convinced about this. But I did get the link to work for those who want to form their own opinion:

Storm Giant Comparison

If he's 5 1/2" tall, that base is not a 3" base...

Dark Archive

Berk the Black wrote:
If he's 5 1/2" tall, that base is not a 3" base...

The base is DEFINETLY huge.

Just take a medium base and a huge base you own and hold them against the screen - same size.

You may be right about the 5 1/2 thing though (not sure because i count in centimeters). ;-)

Size-wise a huge base with miniature glued to it fits within the D&D boosters - i tried it, no problem.

Also in 5th edition ALL giants are huge size.

Let´s hope for the best. :-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I will be thrilled if they are huge. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Definitely a huge on a huge base. If you scale him up to 5.5" the base is definitely a 3". Excellent news for huge minis, but I'm a little sad that wiz kids have been unable to do it for the pathfinder line. This means the d&d line has managed huge minis in boosters without a marked increase in price, well assuming the info in circulation is correct anyway. Huge step forward for them. Here's hoping it works and the paint details are good. Then we may well see more of the huge minis, and who knows, for the first time Paizo may follow what wotc/habro has done :(

And Marco sadly Chief Guh is the incentive and it will be the first I have absolutely no intention of buying, it's truly horrible.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Steve Geddes wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
I'll just point out he didn't say the word "California."

He must be kicking himself that we misunderstood.

** spoiler omitted **

As an Australian I'm going to say "huh"? Did I miss something?

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I live on the east coast of the United States and am equally confused.

I'm a bit lost as well. Alabama, California, Florida, Maryland and South Carolina all have a Hollywood, but I don't think any but the CA one are notable for much.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Marco Massoudi wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

I have not received any official word from WizKids of a set delay.

That doesn't mean there won't be one, just that I have not received word that there will be one.

If that changes, I'll change the release month in my blogs. Until then, or if I never do, I won't. :)

I know you are too busy right now (and with Gen Con round the corner and your Hellywood career that is understandable ;-)) but is there any ETA on the Paizo Product Catalogue 2016?

I rather like these... :-)

I'll be working on the catalog this week and the next, with an eye toward getting it out at Gen Con.

Fingers crossed!

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

I have not received any official word from WizKids of a set delay.

That doesn't mean there won't be one, just that I have not received word that there will be one.

If that changes, I'll change the release month in my blogs. Until then, or if I never do, I won't. :)

I know you are too busy right now (and with Gen Con round the corner and your Hellywood career that is understandable ;-)) but is there any ETA on the Paizo Product Catalogue 2016?

I rather like these... :-)

I'll be working on the catalog this week and the next, with an eye toward getting it out at Gen Con.

Fingers crossed!

Thank you, Erik! :-)

How do you like this: ehemoth-2016

I think the "Behemoth/Tarasque" looks great in the finished painted versions video!

Greetings from Germany

Dark Archive

D&D Icons of the Realms: Storm King’s Thunder includes 11 unique Giants plus 4 with alternate weapons measuring from approximately 4” to over 5 ½” in height!

left to right:

-045: King Hekaton (huge Storm Giant)
-0xx: female huge Cloud Giant
-0xx: male Frost giant
-048: Lymrith (female huge Storm Giant)
-027: Fire Giant (male)
-0xx: male huge Cloud giant
-0xx: female Frost Giant
-0xx: Stone Giant
-0xx: Hill Giant (male)
-0xx: female Fire Giant (box art)
-0xx: hill giant

The comparison miniature is the medium sized

-015: bandit

also there are:

016: Thri-Kreen(spear)
020: Kleef Kenric

The numbering is either because the set

-was advertised with 55 minis before,
-includes 10 invisible variants
-because of the 4 giants with alternate weapons.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I can always use more Giant minis! NO, update on new minis this week (must be at Origins then?) Keep up the GREAT WORK Erik and look forward to next week!

Silver Crusade Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I wish you guys would make a separate thread for the D&D stuff... it's disappointing every time I come into these threads and there's nothing about Pathfinder.

That said, I'm glad that the D&D product line will have a ton of giant minis.

Dark Archive

Kalindlara wrote:

I wish you guys would make a separate thread for the D&D stuff... it's disappointing every time I come into these threads and there's nothing about Pathfinder.

That said, I'm glad that the D&D product line will have a ton of giant minis.

The problem is, that both lines are manufactured by the same company and have a direct impact on each other, especially concerning their publication date.

Also the issue of D&D now (presumably) making HUGE minis before PFB - which was advertised much earlier - is a big thing i think.

But i can understand your frustration, i like PFB better too.

At least this way we get some minis news. ;-)

if huge works with D&D, maybe we can have some more (not AP specific) too

Scarab Sages

Even though I don't but much of the D&D line other than one-offs here and there, I do find the discussion of that line of minis informative to the PFB line in terms of WizKids likely trying to minimize similar figures occurring in both lines.

Dark Archive

davrion wrote:
Even though I don't but much of the D&D line other than one-offs here and there, I do find the discussion of that line of minis informative to the PFB line in terms of WizKids likely trying to minimize similar figures occurring in both lines.

Me too.

But what´s funny is: often the same creature is in both line´s releases close to each others.
I don´t mind because the PFB version is superior almost every time and that way i have 2 minis to represent more of the same creature. :-)

I also like, that wizkids is doing "variant weapon" versions of their giants (instead of invisible variants?).
That way i can have two giant brothers attacking the PCs with an axe and a sword, like in the movie "The Barbarians". ;-)

Of course PFB did it first: In their very first set "Heroes & Monsters" the large Frost Giant had an interchangeable hand with either axe or sword!

The interchangeable thing is a little gimmicky to me. I just get a whole bunch of fiddly bits I can lose with little gain in utility.

I much prefer repaints as a way to broaden the available figures without incurring huge costs.

Dark Archive


The release date for D&D Icons 6: Storm King's Thunder is September 1st.
That's fact.

The expected release date for Deadly Foes is late october at the moment, which would make it the 26th of october.
That's subject to change.

That would be 8 weeks between the two sets.

Personally i would buy a case of both releases if that is true.
But i expect that Wizkids will push back the release date for Deadly Foes a month or two to give people more time between releases.

Silver Crusade Contributor

How many times have they altered release dates for that reason?

Dark Archive

Kalindlara wrote:
How many times have they altered release dates for that reason?

This year alone?

2 times. ;-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kalindlara wrote:
How many times have they altered release dates for that reason?

I haven't seen any official confirmation that the two lines releases impact on one another. I mean it makes sense that they would in a perfect world, but they used to move around a fair bit anyhow when PF Battles was on its own, so it doesn't seem to me that Wizkids have quite the control they'd like over that aspect of their business.

I actually suspect the delays are due to supplier problems and shipping/customs delays rather than some carefully orchestrated release schedule across the two product lines.

Dark Archive

I remember it differently.

While Wizkids never makes an official statement why it moves release dates, it is clear the do it often enough.

Remember when "The Rusty Dragon Inn" got moved from november 2015 to january 2016?

Then 3 months later in april 2016 "Monster Menagerie" came out.

Deadly Foes had been advertised as "Summer Release" by Paizo at first.
Then the D&D Icons 5 set was announced.
Deadly Foes got moved to october.
Now "Storm King´s Thunder" is announced for september 1st.
On Paizo´s "Product catalog and schedule" page Deadly Foes is now listed as a "late october" release, which would make it an october 26th release with the rest of the Pathfinder releases.
That would be 8 weeks (55 days) later than "Storm King´s Thunder".

Let´s take a look at the time between releases in the past:

REIGN OF WINTER - june 2014

TYRANNY OF DRAGONS - august 2014

LOST COAST - november 2014

ELEMENTAL EVIL - march 2015

DUNGEONS DEEP - june 2015

RAGE OF DEMONS - august 2015

THE RUSTY DRAGON INN - january 2016


STORM KING´S THUNDER - september 2016

DEADLY FOES - october 2016???

Never has a release been 1 month later, the closest thing was 2 months.

Wizkids are not dumb, they know there is a certain percentage of customers collecting both lines.

So i expect Deadly Foes to be moved at least to november 2nd. ;-)

I was more questioning your claim that previous delays have been due to managing the two lines, rather than taking a view about things going forward. (I have no idea what will happen). I'm certainly not claiming they don't move things around. However, I think what your analysis misses is that the same was true before they were producing D&D Minis.

It would make sense to spread the two lines out, in my view - however the fact things shifted so much prior to the second line existing makes me suspect they don't have a lot of control over the timing. I've heard that manufacturing in China is unquestionably cheaper but notoriously unreliable in terms of deadlines and projected shipping dates/transit times.

I'm pretty sure I remember hearing that Wizkids is quite a small outfit - as such, I doubt they have either the cash reserves or the warehousing capabilities to sit on stock for long periods waiting to release them at the perfect moment. I would think that once the product hits the US, they'd be looking to ship it out to distributors ASAP (who also won't be set up to hold stock for protracted periods waiting for the 'optimal' release date).

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Erik Mona wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

I have not received any official word from WizKids of a set delay.

That doesn't mean there won't be one, just that I have not received word that there will be one.

If that changes, I'll change the release month in my blogs. Until then, or if I never do, I won't. :)

I know you are too busy right now (and with Gen Con round the corner and your Hellywood career that is understandable ;-)) but is there any ETA on the Paizo Product Catalogue 2016?

I rather like these... :-)

I'll be working on the catalog this week and the next, with an eye toward getting it out at Gen Con.

Fingers crossed!

Thanks for the update, Erik!

I understand that you are super-busy at the moment and didn't have time for another preview last friday.

Would it be less work for you if you would show us only one mini?

The Keketar Protean or Aasimar Paladin/Aram the Golden Heart would be a good choice, since we have already seen drawings when Wizkids anounced the set.

Best of luck, i hope to hear from you tomorrow. ;-)

Dark Archive

Only about half an hour left for a preview post... :-O

Marco Massoudi wrote:
Only about half an hour left for a preview post... :-O

where do you get this number from? In the past they have been posted at least as late as 19:23 pacific time - never give up hope ;)

Dark Archive

Isil-zha wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Only about half an hour left for a preview post... :-O
where do you get this number from? In the past they have been posted at least as late as 19:23 pacific time - never give up hope ;)

I am in germany and here it is saturday 2:30 in the morning.

The post is normally online between 2:00 and 3:00, so we still have a few minutes. ;-)
I can stomach a week of no news but 2 is too much. :-)

Dark Archive

No mini news for the second week.
Not from D&D, not from Pathfinder.
This sucks. :-(

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