Pathfinder Battles—Deadly Foes

4.30/5 (based on 6 ratings)

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Featuring friends and foes from the world of Golarion, Deadly Foes introduces 52 unique figures for your Pathfinder Battles miniatures campaign. Deadly Foes follows the lead of popular Pathfinder Battles sets like Dungeons Deep to provide a legion of high-utility monsters and heroes suitable for any fantasy roleplaying campaign. From fearsome hobgoblins to evil soldiers, slavers, and monstrous giants to rare "dungeon dressing" inserts that add realism and fun to your fantasy gaming, Deadly Foes is packed the adversaries your game is looking for.

Pathfinder Battles: Deadly Foes miniatures come in three product configurations:

  • Four-figure boosters each containing 1 Large figure and 3 Medium or Small figures
  • Bricks containing 8 boosters (32 figures total)
  • Cases containing 4 bricks (128 figures total)

Purchasers should get no to very few duplicate figures in a brick. Buyers who purchase factory-sealed cases should get a nearly complete set of figures. (As with any randomized product, collation is not guaranteed.)

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Battles Case Subscription.

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Average product rating:

4.30/5 (based on 6 ratings)

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The Best Set Yet


In terms of quality, this is the best set yet.

- All humanoids (even the commons!) are as good or better than rare minis of prior sets. Their faces were especially good.

- The dungeon dressing was extremely well done in terms of both sculpt and paint. (Rope Trick, Book of the Damned). Most importantly, the book and pillar will be used!

- Minor gripe, the Invisible Guardian should have been made of clear plastic. Instead he looks like an elemental. I liked that it was common though and wished the bearded devil was common.

- The clockwork dragon and spawn were too specific for me to bother purchasing.

Great work, I look forward to the next set.

A tie for 2nd best set yet!


1 star minis: 1 (Keketar Protean)
2 star minis: 6
3 star minis: 10
4 star minis: 16
5 star minis: 17!

All 13 common minis get between 3 and 5 stars!
A lot of often needed monsters are in this set.
The best human faces yet, even better than the Rusty Dragon Inn set!

2 minis were missing in my case.
Too dark paintjobs on quite a lot minis.
While Wizkids finally seems to have the faces nailed, the sturdiness has taken a step back in the wrong direction.

The rare Protean is the size of a medium creature on a large base, it has the wrong eye color (according to the Bestiary entry ALWAYS the same) and it doesn´t look as cool as the Bestiary 2 color-scheme.

This is a set where a case is recommended!

Strongly Recommend an Entire Case


This set is mostly comprised of aberrations, Chelaxians, evil/good outsiders, hobgoblins and dungeon dressing. While the paint work is impressive, it is a little bland on a few minis, holding it back from five stars (wish I could give 4.5). I can see myself using just about every mini, which is important to me. As a whole, I really love the set and think it is well worth an entire case purchase. Cheers to Wizkids and Paizo :)

If you do order a case, carefully consider the Clockwork Dragon & Spawn of Cthulhu add-on. They are well done, but rare/specific.

Full case break down - Deadly Foes


Got my case today. I got at least one of every mini. Dungeon dressing was two per brick for a total of eight pieces. I got two candles and pillars (one of the rest).

1, 3, 4, 6, 13, 14, 16, 26, 27 and 31. 4 copies of each mini.
2, 5 and 10. 5 copies.
7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 17, 19-23, 25, and 28-30. 3 copies.
15, 18, 24 and 32. 2 copies.
Rest of minis only 1 copy.

Initial impressions: I really like the set and the vermin for swarms. Yes, the rope trick does look neat. Favorite would be pit demon and fire diabolist. Close is the gynosphinx. Would like next set to continue dungeon dressing and have more minis for player characters. Especially for newly allowed PFS player races.

The best set so far


Great figure selection ( really love the Lemur)
Got a full set in a case
Pulled two rope tricks and two pillars
Paint jobs are great ( but could se a wash)
The dressing pieces are all useful to me at least.

Way to many unicorns although a quick snip and I had two unicorns and two white horses.
Three broken figures including my Cthulhu
Not enough crabs ( only three) nitpick
The wings on both my pit fiend and clockwork dragon didn't fit and had to be trimmed.

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Hoping this is going to come close to the last set. Very encouraged with direction of this mini line. I would love to see Geniekin (there just aren't minis for these), dungeon dressing and well...more harlots.

I hope we'll have more info about this set soon!..

Dark Archive

Yes, Erik you have been skipping previes for 2 weeks.
Enough with the lazyness. ;-)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Marco Massoudi wrote:

Yes, Eric you have been skipping previes for 2 weeks.

Enough with the lazyness. ;-)

Marko, it's ERIK, not ERIC.

Dark Archive

Gorbacz wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:

Yes, Eric you have been skipping previes for 2 weeks.

Enough with the lazyness. ;-)
Marko, it's ERIK, not ERIC.

Oops, you're right. Thx, Gorbacz.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Sure no probs. Everybody is mispronouncing Erik Monna's name so often, it has become a running joke.

Dark Archive

I hope and think we get a name for this on friday.

As with all updates, we will get one "soon."

Dark Archive

Duncan7291 wrote:
As with all updates, we will get one "soon."

How soon is now? ;-)

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

I think we passed it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

No sir? I didn't catch you playing with your minis [dolls] again.

Dark Archive

We should know more in 13 hours...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber
Duncan7291 wrote:
No sir? I didn't catch you playing with your minis [dolls] again.


*looks around warily*

Grand Lodge

I hope we will get a Woodlands theme one day. Plant and fey creatures. I suspect some occult minis will make an appearance.

Mr_Outsidevoice wrote:
I hope we will get a Woodlands theme one day. Plant and fey creatures. I suspect some occult minis will make an appearance.

I'd love this. Also my wife just yelled "YES. Make that!" from downstairs when I mentioned it. So that's 3 for, 0 against!

Make it so!

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

It would appear that had revealed the name and incentives, as well as the release date - October!?

Here's the ICv2 article for those who want spoilers.

Dark Archive

So i guess we are gonna get an article tomorrow?!

That sounds very good, but it should come out in july (latest august) not october.
It isn't called "Summer Relase" for nothing.
The case incentives (if true) are well chosen, even if not the ones that most people wanted but i imagine they will appeal to most buyers/collectors.

From the art i recognize:

-Barbed Devil
-a priest of Asmodeus from Hell's Rebels
-a Bodak (i think)
-Elf with flaming sword (i know the image but don't remember where it's from - Second Darkness maybe?)
-Keketar Protean (finally)

A shame that another site has spoiled the surprize but that is what happens when there is no Pathfinder Battles preview for 4 weeks...

Silver Crusade Contributor

You should probably spoiler that. ^_^

That's not an elf, it's the "iconic-ish" aasimar paladin, Aram the Golden-Heart. See Ultimate Equipment, Inner Sea Races, and the cover of Blood of Angels.

I don't think it's a bodak, but I couldn't tell you what it is.

Marco Massoudi wrote:
A shame that another site has spoiled the surprize but that is what happens when there is no Pathfinder Battles preview for 4 weeks...

This is a wizkids product (despite how closely they work with Erik). Personally, I don't think them making an upcoming product announcement is unreasonable.

Kalindlara wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Is it one of those aquatic ghoul things?
Silver Crusade Contributor

Steve Geddes wrote:
Kalindlara wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

A lacedon? Maybe... I've never seen the art before, but the tongue says ghoul. The art might come from one of the Pawn sets.
Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am more interested in the listed case incentive...

Clockwork Dragon AND Spawn of Cthulhu!?

Tasty! I'll definitely be picking up a few of those :-)

Silver Crusade Contributor

Luke_Parry wrote:

I am more interested in the listed case incentive...

** spoiler omitted **

Tasty! I'll definitely be picking up a few of those :-)

I haven't yet decided how I feel about that...

The dragon is exciting, but I don't know yet how much use I'll have for the Star-Spawn.

That said, I'm excited for the idea itself, and I can't wait to see how it's used in future releases. ^_^

Scarab Sages

Steve Geddes wrote:
Here's the ICv2 article for those who want spoilers.


I'mma buy a case! I'mma buy a case!

Maybe. Gotta see what the whole set is.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

doppelgänger I believe

Silver Crusade Contributor

Cat-thulhu wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

It could be that, actually. Good call! ^_^

Liberty's Edge

I think the blue and white guy is a

mini spoiler:
Keketar Protean

That's pretty nifty!

Silver Crusade Contributor

jhallum wrote:

I think the blue and white guy is a

** spoiler omitted **

That's pretty nifty!

It definitely is - that's the art they've used for it both times. ^_^

I've been waiting for that one for a long time - I hope they can do it justice!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Definitely buying a case. What I could really use is

a Spawn of Yog-Sothoth.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber

Heck, if we're shooting for that sort of thing:

a Shoggoth.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Does that show up in a Pathfinder Module? :)

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber

Not yet. But we can always hope...


Silver Crusade Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Does that show up in a Pathfinder Module? :)

At least three. ^_^


Crucible of Chaos
Serpent's Skull, Book 5 or 6
Shattered Star, Book 5

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber

*checks PDF copies*

Bravo! I had forgotten about those! :D

Dark Archive

I see Paizo removed the preorder option as well as the "expected july" text.

That means october is probably accurate.

So please remove the summer release and "coming soon" text too.

9 months between sets is just too long.

Even hardcore pathfinder battles addicts (like me) need to look to the D&D Monster Menagerie set in april to pass the time, which is a little sad.
And after i have a case of those, i still will have to wait 6 months?

I hope we get a boxed set or 2 in between...

Silver Crusade Contributor

I'm glad to have a bit of a delay. The schedule was draining my wallet dry.

I wouldn't mind a boxed set or two, though. ^_^


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kalindlara wrote:
jhallum wrote:

I think the blue and white guy is a

** spoiler omitted **

That's pretty nifty!

It definitely is - that's the art they've used for it both times. ^_^

I've been waiting for that one for a long time - I hope they can do it justice!


Yeah, I need one of those, like right now.

Product description wrote:

Bricks containing 8 boosters (32 figures total)

Cases containing 3 bricks (128 figures total)

The math seems off here. Should it be 4 bricks to a case like the other sets, or 96 figures to a case for three 32-figure bricks? Or something else?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
Garrett Guillotte wrote:
Product description wrote:

Bricks containing 8 boosters (32 figures total)

Cases containing 3 bricks (128 figures total)
The math seems off here. Should it be 4 bricks to a case like the other sets, or 96 figures to a case for three 32-figure bricks? Or something else?

I believe that this was a typo and should really read "4 bricks" instead of "3 bricks". If you look at all other previous Battle Case releases, they are always 4 bricks to a case. Being the weekend, it will be more than likely somebody will correct this mistake early next week when they return to work.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

I just want to see the hobgoblins and the monstrous Giants - please let it be an ash giant or eve enter a shadow giant! Oh and it's definitely a doppelgänger, matches some artwork perfectly. I'm extremely curious about what the dressing theme will be, I know there's been speculation about traps.

Dark Archive

Cat-thulhu wrote:
I just want to see the hobgoblins and the monstrous Giants - please let it be an ash giant or eve enter a shadow giant! Oh and it's definitely a doppelgänger, matches some artwork perfectly. I'm extremely curious about what the dressing theme will be, I know there's been speculation about traps.

Traps seem very likely as they are part of the unpainted line in Quartal 4 of 2016.

The unpainted line seems to have some all new sculpts as well as some old ones.

So i guess we could get the 5 dressing pieces from Dungeons Deep, the 6 from The Rusty Dragon Inn, the 6 from Deadly Foes as well as some brand new ones!

And in orange-brown a lot of these work without needing to paint them further!

Is it Friday yet? (waiting for/hoping for another update)

Dark Archive

New release date is november 2016.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Marco Massoudi wrote:
New release date is november 2016.

Where is that stated? The case in my shopping cart still says October.

David knott 242 wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
New release date is november 2016.

Where is that stated?

The latest minis-preview blog.

I just preordered my case. Oct/Nov, doesn't matter too much. Seeing how last one sold out so quickly I wanted to get order in early.

Dark Archive

The Rusty Dragon Inn has been reprinted by Wizkids.
But i certainly agree with the decision, it is shaping up to be the greatest set yet in my opinion.
As soon as the Diamond Previews for november is out (august 31st i think), i will pre-order a case and two incentive sets (if i can get them).
Then, being in europe, i have to wait till december before i get it.

Never before has a set eliminated so many creatures from my most wanted list!

Dark Archive

This should be in the new Diamond Previews from today. :-)

Dark Archive

Release date seems to be wednesday, november 23rd in the USA & Canada.

10 weeks to go!

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