Let (Im)mortal Combat Continue!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

We've got the results in from Round 1, and we're ready to show off Round 2 of our Bestiary 5 previews—not to mention a chance for you to win a copy of Bestiary 5!

Without further ado, let's show off our winners from Round 1!

Illustrations by Bryan Sola and Ben Wootten

Thought Eater CR ??

A nimbus of glowing, intangible matter envelops this strange skeletal creature with a birdlike beak.

N ??? aberration (extraplanar)


Ecology any (Ethereal plane)

Organization solitary or group (1–3)

Treasure none

With your votes, the Thought Eater beat out the Monstrous Humanoid it was paired against! Back into the ocean with you, Monstrous Humanoid! The Though Eater might have some problems with its new opponent, though...

Wyrmwraith CR ??

This ghostly, skeletal creature appears to once have been a dragon, but it is now something far less noble.

CE ??? undead (incorporeal)


Ecology any

Organization solitary or cadre (1 plus 2–4 dread wraiths)

Treasure double

The Wyrmwraith crushed the Fey by one of the wider margins in the contest. Sharp-eyed fans may have noticed a glowing green dragon on the cover of the Advanced Class Guide, but now it has stats (and if it has a statblock, you can kill it...right? Guys, where did you go?)

Adam Daigle (Developer): "Dwarfed by the wyrmwraith, the thought eater is going to have to be clever to win this battle of the strange skeletons!"

Mark Seifter (Designer): "A lot of people have been saying that the wyrmwraith's phenomenally greater power level will cinch this fight, and it does have the ACG cover on its side, but fundamentally, this is a creature that detests its own existence, whereas the thought eater, while humble, has a go-getter attitude and isn't afraid to team up with adventurers."

Illustrations by Tomasz Chistowski and Subroto Bhaumik

Deep Merfolk CR ??

This gaunt mermaid has a long, semitransparent tail with a vivid red crest and caudal fin.

N ??? humanoid (aquatic)


Ecology any oceans (trenches)

Organization solitary, family (2–4), or tribe (10–15)

Treasure standard (spear, other treasure)

Orthos correctly guessed that the humanoid was an "eel-humanoid mermaid-like thing", and the Deep Merfolk won against Outsider C. No love for creatures of the heavens, it seems—mortalkind wins again! But can it win a second time?

Twilight Pitri (Barhisad) Manasaputra CR ??

Cerulean light surrounds this towering four-armed figure in a vibrant corona.

LG ??? outsider (extraplanar, good, lawful, manasaputra)


Ecology any (Positive Energy Plane)

Organization solitary

Treasure none

The Twilight Pitri Manasaputra is not the only manasaputra in Bestiary 5, and many of her abilities tie heavily into elements from Occult Adventures—but to see which ones, she'll have to make it to future rounds!

Ashley Kaprielian (Accountant): "Let's hope that the Twilight Pitri can slap some enlightenment into this Deep Merfolk before she's unmade. The Deep Merfolk is cool, calm, and elusive under pressure though, so this will be an epic battle between these paragons of light and darkness!"

Mark: "Let's face it, I have to give the twilight pitri credit for surviving the destruction of the previous Multiverse, and it could deep freeze the deep merfolk in an instant, but the deep merfolk is a mortal humanoid, so I think she's got this by just exploiting the pitri's aversion to meddling in mortal affairs. The pitri would have done better against the wyrmwraith or pakalchi."

Illustrations by Brynn Metheney and Jose Parodi

Su CR ??

This emaciated quadruped has a mouth full of jagged teeth and a cluster of bald, mewling offspring clinging to its back.

CE ??? magical beast


Ecology any forests

Organization solitary, pair, or troop (3–6)

Treasure incidental

Alas, John, the Su stomped Magical Beast A by nearly twice the votes, offering no quarter and certainly no mercy. The fight between "who's art is creepier" is gonna be a tough one with its next opponent...

Pakalchi Sahkil CR ??

Thorny vines with tiny red flowers grow from this emaciated woman and flow like a train behind her.

NE ??? outsider (evil, extraplanar, sahkil)


Ecology any (Ethereal Plane)

Organization solitary, pair, or plot (3–7)

Treasure standard

DeciusNero was the first to identify Outsider B as a sahkil fiend, and this particular variant is the pakalchi! I would say this creature is spooky good...but there is nothing "good" about any sahkil!

Adam: "Dragons are always tough contenders, so I'm glad that my pakalchi sahkil beat it in the silhouette round. Now that she's squaring off against the su, a beast one of my PCs squared off against recently, she has to bring it to make it to the next round. I'm confident she'll strike fear into her opponent and pull off a win."

Ashley: "It's a good thing the Pakalchi Sahkil can fight blind, because those whelps have a face only their mother could love. I would be angry all the time too if I had six kids clinging to me. The level of malice in this ring is enough to make even Zon-Kuthon take notice."

Mark: "This one's a slam dunk: The su brings its whole family to bear, using its young as psychic batteries for its magic, but the pakalchi specializes in breaking the bonds between loved ones, so this is the perfect match-up for her."

Illustration by Joshua Meehan and Daniel López

Roiling Oil CR ??

This viscous heap slides like an inky spill. It's the color of a starless night sky, and a thick odor permeates the air around it.

N ??? ooze


Ecology any underground

Organization solitary

Treasure none

No tempura for me, alas! The Vermin gets to scuttle back to the ocean in peace and comfort, while the Roiling Oil will slither along to face its next victim!

Lotus Leshy CR ??

A plant whose body resembles a blooming lotus flower exudes an air of serenity.

N ??? plant (leshy, shapechanger)


Ecology warm lakes or ponds

Organization solitary

Treasure standard

Dragon78 also correctly identified the Lotus Leshy as our representative flora of Bestiary 5! It's definitely winning in the cute department, but will it be enough?

Mark: "Roiling Oil is an unintelligent ooze and lotus leshy is an adorable plant possessed of mystical wisdom. The ooze might be able to resist the leshy's dream pollen attack, but the leshy is smart enough to keep out of the slower ooze's way and find something to slash it with from afar."

Now that you've seen the entrants for Round 2, head on over to the Voting Booth to place your bets! If you vote on a winning creature, you'll increase your chances to win a signed copy of Bestiary 5, or be one of four winners of a digital version! The second round of voting closes at 12:00 PM Pacific time on November 4th, 2015, and remember, each round will give you more chances to win!

Vote Now!

What's that? You want more creatures in this feature? Well, alright then! Here's a few representatives from the creature types that didn't make it into Round 2.

Illustrations by Ertaç Altınöz, Aleksey Bayura, and Jose Parodi

Until we meet again,

Liz Courts
Community Manager

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Aleksey Bayura Ben Wootten Bestiary 5 Bryan Sola Brynn Metheney Community Contests Ertaç Altınöz Jose Parodi Joshua Meehan Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Subroto Bhaumik Tomasz Chistowski
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I like these feminine guy creatures, now we have two, Fossegrim and Veela (well I asked for a female, but I really like this too), both of which I asked for (sorry Dragon78)

There are still two to go, Gancanagh and Katsura-Otoko (which is the most feminine-looking guy in the history of mythology, at least their artwork are on internet) Maybe the Encantado can be another one.

I'm more into bulky guys, i'm attracted to the muscular guys, so I call those pretty, of these feminine guys i'm just a fan, I love their behavior and appearance in games, movies and everything else, but I never understand why females find them more attractive than the muscular army dudes, but everyone its own preferences in guys of course :-p

And i'm kinda sated (as there are so many already) with the pretty females as well, that's why the Philippino Batibat must be in this book!

The ooze won? what the hell (i like oozes but when in the first pool inotrememberthenameoftheuser show the image i voted for the shrimp mantis).

The Su looks awesome (thanks Brynn for your art), i voted for Magical Beast A but im happy with this. I can wait to read why it youngs are more human than wolf/monster. In the myth the creature has human face but here not, i like that, thanks Paizo for make it beasty.

I asked for Veela/Vila as well but as female and more then likely never see a female version in art. I mean I am still haven't seen a male nixie or a female pixie art that wasn't a pencil drawing.

Any reason why they named it just Su? It just makes it sound like a nick name for Susan.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:

Any reason why they named it just Su? It just makes it sound like a nick name for Susan.

Apparently it is based on the monster called sú.

Milo v3 wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:

Any reason why they named it just Su? It just makes it sound like a nick name for Susan.

Apparently it is based on the monster called sú.

Sú or Succarath

Yeah, but why not call it Succarath?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My votes were:

Thought Eater- Its a flying, psionic, platypus-skeleton aberration. I had to pick it.

Deep Merfolk- Awesome aquatic humanoid or generic blue multi armed woman. No contest

Su- You turned a rather stupid looking mythical beast into something horrifying. Its amazing.

Roiling Oil- Ooze beats leshy anytime.

Ok Paizo really needs to make Vilderavn, like i will buy the book just for him, DUDE!

Love the art for the Twilight Pitri (Barhisad) Manasaputra!

Dragon78 wrote:

Yeah, but why not call it Succarath?

I wonder that myself too, I never liked the name Su, same with the carnivorous Unicorn named Bo...

Succarath is an awesome name, but maybe it is mentioned in the fluff. I think they went with Su to link it with the Su-Monster of D&D. But this creature is FAR more interesting than the D&D red-limbed howler monkey's.

Zilfrel Findadur wrote:
Ok Paizo really needs to make Vilderavn, like i will buy the book just for him, DUDE!

Dude! You're in luck! The Vilderavn IS in bestiary 5! This is an artpreview for the book.

So now you have to buy it! :-p

Silver Crusade

Xethik wrote:
Steven Simmons wrote:
I'm seeing a little Dark Souls inspiration in one of those creatures (The vilderavn).

Hah yes. The Vilderavn looks VERY much like Artorias of the Abyss.

I mean that in a good way, too.

The Abysswalker?!?!


Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Also Deep Merfolk for. The. F$~+ing. WIN.

And dat Veela! Mmmm, sexy beast...

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

The roiling oil looks a bit like the creature that killed Tasha Yar.

Thought Eater, Deep Merfolk, Lotus Leshy and the sahkil.

Seriously Bestiary 5 cant come out soon enough

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I am glad I have a subscription for this one so that I can see everything in it in a week or so!


1 person marked this as a favorite.
David knott 242 wrote:

I am glad I have a subscription for this one so that I can see everything in it in a week or so!

For monster cool factor, art, and weird but cool abilities, I really like the set of monsters we have in Bestiary 5. I think the coolest thing I learned about it was while working on the least interesting section to write (the appendices): This book has a much higher percentage of "Special" monsters than any other Bestiary; those are the monsters that can't easily fit into the categories of brute combat / spellcaster with equivalent casting to a caster class / sneaky skillsy guy / animal intelligence or below.

I can't wait to see what Veela's abilities are.

I hope wind dancing, those blades can be really dangerous in a wind dance.

I think the word "special" gets thrown around to much these days. But with that being said thanks for the info Mark.


Dragon78 wrote:
I think the word "special" gets thrown around to much these days. But with that being said thanks for the info Mark.

Here I just mean the monster role named Special. It doesn't actually mean they are necessarily special, just that they are unusual enough not to fit in other roles.

I know what you meant;)

So, can anyone give us more information on the veela? I'm certainly looking forward to more pretty boys. :3


I'm actually getting really excited about this, which is kind of funny, because when I first heard that it was coming out, I pretty much just dismissed it as a book that was going to bbe full of super weird monsters I'd never heard of. :)

Captain collateral damage wrote:
I'm actually getting really excited about this, which is kind of funny, because when I first heard that it was coming out, I pretty much just dismissed it as a book that was going to bbe full of super weird monsters I'd never heard of. :)

I'd take it you don't like Mythology monsters? Because those are the only ones you could have heard off, new creations nobody ever heard off.

Well Hsigo, Veela, Vilderavn, Su and the Grey, Grim Reaper and Leshy are all from mythology/folklore.

So it is still going to be a book full of weird monsters you never heard of. :D

So what really changed your mind?

Scarab Sages

I'd be interested on how well this sells as the monsters seem to be the oddball/unusual variety...not sure how many monsters would actually be used in a campaign....and other than a few people posting in this thread, not many seem to be talking about it, for good or ill.

Kohl McClash wrote:
I'd be interested on how well this sells as the monsters seem to be the oddball/unusual variety...not sure how many monsters would actually be used in a campaign....and other than a few people posting in this thread, not many seem to be talking about it, for good or ill.

Uhm, many people like Robots, Grey, Aliens, Movie monsters, D&D creatures, Lovecraft and mythology.

I have yet to see any extreme oddballs in these lists? (and the oddballs from mythology are actually the best creatures out there, i'm sick and tired of the endless waves of boring twilight vampires, sexy werewolves, mindless zombies, and D&D mythology such as harpies, hydras, medusa's and minotaurs)

They so far all come from myths, D&D Psychic books, movies, alien-sightings and robots?

I just think not all people are so talky about it, they just buy the book and enjoy it, we here are the hardcore monsters fans. (And I even miss some people in this topic, they probably haven't seen it yet, like WannabeDemonLord, maybe they don't want to get spoilered, very smart... very strong, as I can't do that lol)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've seen the previews, I've just been really, really, busy as of late. Between being barraged with college work and the fact that I'm finally putting the effort in to get my webfiction off the ground, I haven't had much free time to post on the boards.

I will say I definitely like what I see here. Not much negative, and therefore not much interesting, to say other than the fact that I would have personally preferred a female Veela, though I totally understand that having it be male in the artwork is only fair. The Succarath is spot on, the Vilderavn is insanely cool though quite a bit different than my perception of the creature based on the mythology (I guess it won't clash with the possible Nachtkrapp and WereRaven conceptually now), the Thought Eater is pretty damn menacing, and the Deep Merfolk is positively incredible. The Lead Golem looks so awesome that I actually kind of wish the artwork had gone to a race of creatures that all looked like that rather than something customizable like a golem. I may have to rethink how I design my golems.

Anyways, mythological creature collecting wise, I recently received (from another guy who's attempting the same thing as me) a spreadsheet describing a huge number of mythical nasties, including several hundred I hadn't heard of. Lots of weird demon, djinn, and vampire types. I'll send it to you after I get his permission, which I don't think will be an issue. I'd like to send it to MMCJawa as well.

Nice, i'm always up for more nasties to use. Especially the mythological demon side could be added to.

I hope Nachtkrapp is in there too, but I think Vilderavn can shapeshift into this knight form after it ate a heart as its raven form, but i'm not sure of course, I just know it has some raven form, it must be.

Right now I am skimming through a reference on Bantu Mythology, so might post some of my new findings after I process Bestiary 5.

(Goes back to checking email to see when his order get shipped...)

only 24 hours till we know which victims this Mortal Kombat round has made!

GO SU!!!

That last picture "Vilderavn" looks like something i'd expect to show up as a boss in Dark Souls 3.

So tonight we see who won, I wonder which 3 beautiful pictures Liz is gonna share with us as wel!

I hope some from myths!

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