Welcome Julie Iaccarino!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

As any good secret society knows, a cult just isn't a cult without a regular influx of fresh me... er... dangerously motivated new team members. As such, I am pleased to announce the newest member of Paizo's technology team Julie Iaccarino! Julie amazed us with her technical savvy, enthusiastic personality, and daunting knowledge of gaming essentials.

Hello fellow humans and non-humans!

I'm the newest program-code-maker and my name is Julie Iaccarino! Some people might also know me as "Muse," "biscuitWizard," or "Hey, you!" I'm absolutely thrilled to be working with Paizo, and hope to make the awesomest of things.

For the basics, I defer to excerpts from a review written by a friend:

  • Pros: She cooks, she's got a fun sense of humor, and her grunts and gestures form a simple yet elegant language, beautiful in its own way.
  • Cons: She emits a steady ultrasonic whistle that causes dogs to bark, whine, and find religion. We think there's something wrong with her mechanical brain. Hitting her upside the head with a wrench doesn't seem to work. It's like pulling teeth getting her to listen to your mix tape.

Besides all that, I've been playing tabletop games since 2006 (my first being Dungeons & Dragons 3.5e!) There are many hobbies I enjoy, including programming games for game jams, reading, wrenching on things, electronics hacking, and cooking things.

Julie Iaccarino
Software Developer

Join me in handing her a lovely hooded robe (bedazzled for +3 to technomancy) and welcoming her to the Paizo technology team!

Cort Odekirk
Technology Manager

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Paizo

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You had us at ultrasonic whistle...welcome aboard!

Customer Service Representative

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Howdy Julie! Welcome aboard!

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uh obviously she was not there the last time MY mixtape dropped

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

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Welcome, Julie. Try not to get us all killed on Friday night, please.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Welcome Julie. And remember to not feed Robot Chris after midnight.

Software Developer

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanks, everybody!

@Tanis: We're all doomed and we're all going to die on Friday. I HAVE MAGIC.


P.S. In case they forget to tell you, don't touch Cosmo. He's concentrated evil. One drop could turn you into a hermit crab.

Welcome, Julie!

Have you considered using your ultrasonic whistle as a defense against Cosmo? Though I suspect he's already found religion... his.

Software Developer

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I promised Cosmo that he has permission at ANY time to come to my desk and throw handfuls of glitter at me. It's too late for me, save yourselves.

Paizo Employee Developer

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Julie, we have to get you an avatar on here. There's like a law or something against Paizo staff not having custom pictures next to their names.

Project Manager

Hi Julie! Make sure to come visit Editorialand!

Paizo Employee Developer

Welcome, Julie!

Paizo Employee Developer

Welcome to Paizo!

Liberty's Edge

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Wilkommen, bienvenu, welcome!

Software Developer

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Question: Does visit mean 'bring a nerf gun to editorial staff' day? I have a small arsena-.. collecti-.. I have a couple.

I just want to be friends!

Working on selecting a profile image. In situ.

Thank you for the welcome, everybody!


Technology team expanding? Is the standoff between editors and developers causing other areas to feel threatened? Or is this preparation to fill in the power vacuum left over after mutual destruction of editors and developers alike?

Are you the secret tech team weapon to prevent/finish the war?

Webstore Gninja Minion

Operations must maintain the Neutral Zone.

Dark Archive

Welcome aboard Julie Iaccarino

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

./' A mix tape! He made a mix tape!
./' He was thinking of me which shows he cares
./' Sometimes when someone has a crush on you
./' They'll make you a mix tape to give you a clue

Liberty's Edge

Welcome aboard, Julie!!!

Counter of Magic Beans

Glad to have you here Julie! :D

Welcome, Julie!

"...playing tabletop games since 2006." God I feel old.

Community Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Damon Griffin wrote:
"...playing tabletop games since 2006." God I feel old.

...right? ;_;

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cons: She emits a steady ultrasonic whistle that causes dogs to bark, whine, and find religion. We think there's something wrong with her mechanical brain. Hitting her upside the head with a wrench doesn't seem to work. It's like pulling teeth getting her to listen to your mix tape.

It just now occurs to me that Julie might be one of Soundwave's or Blaster's minicassette bots.

Better late then never welcome aboard.

Just remember all your loot belongs to me!

The Exchange

Welcome Julio from the Gnome GM in Dallas

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Yay! Welcome to the Paizo asylum, Julie! :-)

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Liz Courts wrote:
Damon Griffin wrote:
"...playing tabletop games since 2006." God I feel old.
...right? ;_;

Seriously. I thought playing since 2001 made me young, but nooooo. :P

Welcome aboard, Julie!

Hi Julie! Did you get to go to ECCC last weekend?

Software Developer

Thanks everybody!

Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:
Julie Iaccarino wrote:
It just now occurs to me that Julie might be one of Soundwave's or Blaster's minicassette bots.

In every job before this, I've been known as the token android. Now Robot is here, and I don't know what to do with my life. Or maybe Paizo is just hiring a bunch of machines.

zeroth_hour wrote:
Hi Julie! Did you get to go to ECCC last weekend?

I didn't! I just got to hear neat stories. I've been busy moving things.

I pick the things up then put them back down. But in a different spot than they were previously.

Shadar Aman wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Damon Griffin wrote:
"...playing tabletop games since 2006." God I feel old.
...right? ;_;

Seriously. I thought playing since 2001 made me young, but nooooo. :P

Welcome aboard, Julie!

Everyone is old to me.

Just to remind everyone, 2006 was nine years ago.

10 people marked this as a favorite.
Julie Iaccarino wrote:

...Everyone is old to me.

Just to remind everyone, 2006 was nine years ago.

[WHIPPERSNAPPER JULIE uses FEEL OLD attack. It's super-effective!]

Liberty's Edge

Waidaminnit... 2006 was nine years ago?



2006 is in the 21st century. That's like, the future, or something.

rknop wrote:

Waidaminnit... 2006 was nine years ago?



2006 is in the 21st century. That's like, the future, or something.

We will be flying to Jupiter by that time!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Where's my flying car! >:(




Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Julie Iaccarino wrote:

...Everyone is old to me.

Just to remind everyone, 2006 was nine years ago.

[WHIPPERSNAPPER JULIE uses FEEL OLD attack. It's super-effective!]

Welcome to my favorite RPG!

Slinks off to feel ancient beyond words now, playing since 1st Ed 1985, however feels so much more cheerer when I learn of cooking skills, Never got COOKIES FROM LILTH!

Scarab Sages

Welcome and best of luck with the Paizo gremlins!


Drejk wrote:
rknop wrote:

Waidaminnit... 2006 was nine years ago?



2006 is in the 21st century. That's like, the future, or something.

We will be flying to Jupiter by that time!

And some cleaning lady in New York will win the title deed to planet Earth?

Game Master Scotty wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Julie Iaccarino wrote:

...Everyone is old to me.

Just to remind everyone, 2006 was nine years ago.

[WHIPPERSNAPPER JULIE uses FEEL OLD attack. It's super-effective!]

Welcome to my favorite RPG!

Slinks off to feel ancient beyond words now, playing since 1st Ed 1985, however feels so much more cheerer when I learn of cooking skills, Never got COOKIES FROM LILTH!

2006? Thats roughly yesterday to me. That was the year I renewed my mags sub at paizo, IIRC. Started playing in 1984. The FEEL OLD attack hit me squarely in the face *ouch*.

Oh, and Welcome to the Madness :-) Never mind the old geezers around here, who may be part of the office inventory.

Liberty's Edge

1984? I had been playing for 6 years by then....

Software Developer

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I'm not entirely without a heart (even if the one I have is a dark engine), health potions will be supplied to those who need them after my egregious assault on age. ;)

I look forward to seeing people at PaizoCon (If you're attending!) I'm sure that age thing affords people far more amusing stories than I have.

Though, I do have a picture of lazy harp seal.

Grand Lodge

Harp seals are awesome! Will you be at a table or two at the con, so everyone can bug, erm, chat during game sessions?

Software Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'll be everywhere at Paizocon, yes. I will likely also attend a table if there's room, as I won't be running anything (this year).

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