Rocking Horse

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52 posts (325 including aliases). 1 review. 1 list. No wishlists. 2 aliases.


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YouTube integration now working on our FGG Discord.

Twitch Integration now working on our Discord :)

FGG twitter feed now working in our Discord =)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Greetings All!

Currently all information about things like upcoming releases, opinions and discussions are spread across a multitude of social media sites and forums. Therefore, I set up an official Discord Server for Frog God Games to make it easier to obtain said information. If you are not familiar with Discord it’s like TeamSpeak and Skype rolled up into one, and FREE!

Discord is an all-in-one voice and live text chat for gamers that is free, secure, and works for Windows, Mac, Android, IOS, and Linux. It’s built specifically for gamers in mind. I personally use it to host my two games I run each week, in conjunction with Roll20 for Grimmsgate and The Lost City of Barakus.

Zach has kindly given his permission to run the official FGG Discord channel. Goals with Discord are as follows:

1.) To combine all resources in one, easy to access place. Both through links as well as the Discord pin system.
2.) Provide separate channels for discussion of S&W, PF, and 5e.
3.) To get real-time chat with FGG players from around the world.
4.) Products, special offers, and kickstarters announced in one combined spot.
5.) Get the Frogs involvement for live chats and voice, as well as some of the content creators/reviewer folks.
6.) Get website, facebook, twitch, and twitter integration going synced with Discord.

I’ve already added in all the Free Products FGGs makes available to us as well as a few of Greg’s blog post for ease of reference and access.
So how do you get to Discord? Follow the directions down below and welcome to the community!

Step 1.) Go here Download
Step 2.) Click which is best for you Windows, Mac, Android, IOS, or Linux and download it.
Step 3.) Once it has finished downloading click the + button surrounded by a dotted circle on the left hand side
Step 4.) Click the Join a Server button and copy and paste this into it
Step 5.) Say something :P

Note: If you don’t want Discord starting every time you start up your computer. Go down to your system tray (near your clock), and find the Discord icon in the currently running programs list and right click it. Uncheck “Run Discord when my computer starts up”.

Also curious as .@silverhair2008 mentioned about player maps without traps and secret doors

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I don't like mint either guess I'm evil :P

Well I'm about to run this for a group. I was wondering if the sequel was still in layout since the last update on here seems to be 7 months back from the time of this postings. I was wondering when us non-kickstarter folks could get our grubby hands on it?

When you guys and gals get a chance I would take a gander at the syrinscape forums lots of cool convo's going on in the development of Syrinscape.

Some Noteworthy topics include:

Modern Horror Sounds
User Sound Sets
And Much More

Link: Click Me I'm Magical

Simple Solution James Jacobs.......Clones!


We are open to stuff that has been created for or translated to. We don't want to have to convert the content as a general rule of thumb sorry if that wasn't so clear in the guidelines sections. If I could go back and edit to make it more defined I would.

Had Rise of the Drow on there in the #9 slot.

Had Palace of the Lich Queen in the #36 slot.

I added the others you mentioned and will update the list this afternoon in the thread.

.@Firstbourne corrected thank you.


Anymore people should make the list please feel free to reply.

Second Darkness

.@captain yesterday

No one asked you to do a complete 100 list I asked you and the community to provide one's that are missing off the list. As you can see at the bottom of the list if you looked, we have places for about 7 others to complete the list and "Placeholders for Paizo Adventure Paths" will be filled in over time.

My gaming group and I sat down and tried to put together a master list of Adventure Paths and Campaigns to complete before we die. We were not able to finish the list, but we would like some input from the community on some things we can tack onto the current list that we might have missed.


~Must be Pathfinder Compatible. Having a fan made conversion is fine, but please provide said conversion link.
~We are trying to steer clear of modules though a few did make our list.
~We are trying to have about half be directly from Paizo Publishing as you will see on the list lots of placeholders for them.
~If it's part of a series or linked in someway it counts as 1 item on the list.

Now the list~!

1.) Rise of the Runelords

2.) Second Darkness

3.) We Be Goblins!//Jade Regent//We Be Goblins Too!

4.) Curse of the Crimson Throne

5.) Shattered Star

6.) Hell's Rebels

7.) Hell's Vengence

8.) Coliseum Morpheuon

9.) Rise of the Drow-Prologue: The Darkness Arrives//Rise of the Drow//Rise of the Drow: The Commander of Malice

10.) Rappan Athuk

11.) Way of the Wicked

12.) The Grande Temple of Jing

13.) Iron Gods

14.) Barakus

15.) Giantslayer

16.) Slumbering Tsar

17.) The Black Monastery

18.) Legacy of Fire

19.) Thone of Night

20.) Council of Thieves

21.) The Lost Lands: Stoneheart Valley

22.) Kingmaker

23.) Zeitgeist The Gears of Revolution

24.) Serpent's Skull

25.) War of the Burning Skys

26.) Carrion Crown

27.) The Lost Lands: Sword of Air

28.) Skull and Shackles

29.) Zeitgeist The Gears of Revolution

30.) Reign of Winter

31.) To Slay a Dragon

32.) Mummy's Mask

33.) Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms

34.) Age of Worms

35.) Tomb of the Lich Queen//Machine of the Lich//Queen Palace of the Lich Queen

36.) Savage Tide

37.) Rhune: Dawn of Twilight

38.) The Shackled City

39.) Tomb of Horrors

40.)(Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

41.) Tome of Horros Complete

42.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

43.) Razor Coast//Razor Coast:Fires as She Bears//Razor Coast:Heart of the Razor

44.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

45.) Holdfast

46.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

47.) Orin Rakatha

48.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

49.) The Sinking

50.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

51.) Purple Mountain (7 Book Series)

52.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

53.) The Road to Revolution: The Campaign

54.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

55.) The Sinking 2

56.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

57.) Santiago Adventure Path

58.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

59.) Cyclopean Deeps Volume 1//(Placeholder for Book 2)

60.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

61.) Dunes of Desolation

62.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

63.) Quests of Doom Complete

64.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

65.) The Reaping Stone Deluxe Adventure//Bleeding Hollow Deluxe

66.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

67.) NeMoren's Vault

68.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

69.) Midgard Tales

70.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

71.) Courts of the Shadow Fey

72.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

73.) Dark Deeds in Freeport

74.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

75.) Halls of the Mountain King

76.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

77.) Shadowsfall: Temple of Orcus

78.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

79.) Gothic Campaign Compendium

80.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

81.) All Stars take on the Super Dungeon

82.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

83.) Adventure Quartely (#1-#7)

84.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

85.) Curse of the Golden Spear (Part 1-3)

86.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)


88.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)


90.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)


92.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)


94.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)


96.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)


98.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)


100.) (Placeholder for Paizo Adventure Path)

whoops & corrected

Thanks Kalindlara

I did find this by using the mighty Google Adventure Path Timeline

If anyone else has an opinion or advice on the matter I'd love to hear it since the posting is a couple of years old things might have changed.

With that being said .@Kalindlara

Rise of the Runelords

Second Darkness

Jade Regent

Curse of the Crimson Throne

Shattered Star

All others any order?

My group is about to head out on a long quest to do all the adventure paths, but we would like to do them in continuity order as far as in game years,dates,and major events occur. Does someone have a source link to how I can figure this out?

I concur with some of my other posters here. Please do more articles like these they help out in a big way.

Fire the LASERS!

Pew PewPew PewPewPew

.@Silverhair2008 Thank you very much for the map!

.@Auxmaulous Ahh ok will move my convo over there.

Greetings All

I'm about to run my group through RA via, and I was wondering if people knew of some maps for RA without the labels on them. Or Player Made maps etc.

Another question I had is we are using the Volume 1 expansion to start at low level. My plan is just sandbox the whole thing and let the players go where they may. I was wondering what XP track the players should be on slow,medium, or fast?

Any other DM advice anyone wants to throw at me for running RA is more than welcome.

Thank you for your time ladies and gentlemen.

Maybe I am missing something, but are there flip mats or map packs that go along with the module without the labels in them?

It's hard for my group not to metagame with a big dotted T square labeled for traps and that sort of thing etc... I have the ground floor map without labels, but what about all the other maps?

2 people marked this as a favorite.


Power creep has been going on since forever. And the answer to justify is oooo magic.

That's neither here nor there. This is unchained designed "to give" or "not to give" more options. And as Mr. Paizo Employee Mark Seifter Designer has been saying take what you want from unchained and make it your own. Evaluate what you think "power creep" is, and toss it out. That's the beauty of Pen and Paper. They are all guidelines and we the players and the DM/GM decide what we want or don't want in our games.

As for your PFS concerns dunno if that will hurt the meta/spirit of it or not or if it will even make an appearance at all in PFS.

"The essence of a role-playing game is that it is a group cooperative experience"-Gary Gygax

"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is they don't need any rules"-Gary Gygax

7. Chat Support (Phone Support has always been stellar much love for you guys and gals)

8. Product Filter
a.) I wish their was a way to hide what I already own both in digital and tangible product filters.
b.) Would like some more filter options on the download section. Show Paizo products, hide all free stuff are a couple examples.

So Paizo Employee Mark Seifter Designer you are working on Pathfinder Unchained 2 for next year release correct? *insert sad puppy dog eyes here*

Better late then never welcome aboard.

Just remember all your loot belongs to me!

Why yes, Chris Lambertz I do =)

6.C Being able to go back and edit my post before it is offically locked down and can't edit after x mins have past. Forgive me I don't know the exact time, but I do know it happens after x mins have past.

6.D Being able to have a signature (image or quote would be snazzy) or tagline if we select to.

6.E Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down voting would be nice fluff, but should probably be a last thing to do.

6.F Another Fluff item a post count under our avatar pics Like displaying how many posts we have made.

6.G We have titles right now next to or under our names. Some of them are just walls of text cause people have done so much. Maybe a forum badge/image setup so when you hover over them it tells you what that particular badge/image is suppose to represent.

6.H Another Fluff item but being able to change the color of name or be rewarded for for contributing to the forums. I like the reward method better personally.

6.I Forum Polls

5 people marked this as a favorite.

So I just picked up the melee toolbox and here are my thoughts on it.

There are some more versatile options, good art woork, some new weapons and armor, a few new spells, and a pretty sweet diagram of weapons.

So I read through the book and all though I love getting more options big or small I just felt the book was hugely on the small side for me. There was nothing whiz bang about it imho.

And it made me feel some of the text in the book alluded, that martial classes are just there to let wizards kill things.
"Dedicated spellcasters and archers can appreciate the excitement of engaging an enemy and understand the virtues of a well-planned assault, but they often need someone else to force the foe into close combat to prevent such threats from reaching them." That's great if we playing a themed class of sit there and take damage class why everybody else kills it concept.

Also a lot of things in the book are based around the "teamwork" feats which imho is broken already and we usually disallow all together in our groups games. (More of a personal problem I know)

I was hoping for this book to be "the book" to bring martial classes maybe not on par with spell casters, but a bit more balanced. Cause past lvl 10 Skills and Combat Maneuvers don't mean a whole lot.

Sure there are certain builds to min/max damage or some crazy combo that's amazing for martial classes, but I don't want to go that route every time I play just to keep up. I just feel that martial classes need a boon of some kind.

The Unchained book is coming out next month and that may bring some stuff, but just seems like some other classes are getting the nerf bat and some more options that may or may not be impressive. Have to wait and see on that I could be totally off base.

What I am basically trying to say is can Martial Classes get a Companion or Handbook that makes them on par or close to with the Spell Casters?

I understand the mentality that casters should just get everything cause oooo magic. Just seems like a holdover from D&D 3rd edition.

Thank you for reading Ladies and Gentlemen.

3.B So you are correct. It displays when I go to my account, but not when I click on myself on the forums. Good catch dunno how I missed that.

6.B Yep, but it's still annoying. It's not clean at all as it should be.


1.A I don't have to pay an arm and a leg for netflix dvds comes with my subscription. I pay amazon 60 dollars a year for "free" shipping. What I am getting at is there are other avenues/models to go down than kicking the shipping cost direct to the consumer i.e. you and me.

3.B Yes, it's stored there, but what I was getting at as I would like it to display below my the avatar pic on our postings.

6.B I will agree to disagree with you. Nesting Threads so they open up when you go into them is much more clean. If I want to see threads on Player Companion books I go there.

These 3 forums are 10x better looking than what we have here currently:

I dunno if they had a reason or not. Probably did the best they could with the resouces and knowledge they had at the time.

Here is my wishlist for website fixes I would like to see.

1.) Shipping
a.“Paizo will pay the first $10 in shipping and handling for any shipment of products totaling $100 or more”. That’s pretty cool & all, but why isn’t shipping free? I found when I make physical orders I have to pay an arm & a leg for shipping. A few months back I had an order for a bunch of your posters it cost me almost $50 dollars in shipping after the 10 dollars you took off. I appreciate the $10 dollar savings don’t get me wrong, but with a lot of online retailers now a days shipping is usually free all together.

2.) Third Party Products
a. Looking at the home page on the right hand side it’s hard to find the 3rd party stuff. There should be an entire section for 3rd party. Doesn’t have to be a cascaded breakdown like you have your own Paizo products. Just something clear and understandable. Example Main Category 3rd Party. Sub Categories Campaigns, Campaign Settings,Companion Books, Accessories, Core Books.

3.) My Account
a. Order History. There should be some kind of sort button for oldest, newest, pending. It gives me a royal headache when trying to look up my pending orders cause there is no way to sort for it.
b. Messageboard Settings. I would like to be able to add my city and state (or the appropriate information depending on where you live) and would like to be able to display that info if I selected to. Some of us are proud of where we live and want to show it off.

4.) Shopping Cart
a. When adding pdfs it seems to crawl to a snails pace when trying to add more than 30+ pdfs to the shopping cart. Also website browsing also seems to slow way down when I have bunches of items in my shopping cart.
b. Half the time I get a receipt half the time I don’t for purchasing stuff online sent to my email. I should always get an email confirmation 100% of the time.

5.) Home Page for
a. It’s way to “busy” on the Home Page, feels like it’s cramp. I like all the information that’s available to me. I just wish there was a better way to display it where it doesn’t feel like the text gods spewed all over my screen. And every other thing is hyperlinked (sometimes a good thing sometimes a bad thing)

6.) Messageboards
a. I believe they need a complete overhaul. It’s 2015 folks. The “how to format your text” feature of hardcoding like making things bold or adding in a link is completely archaic. I get it was probably cheaper do it this way, but it’s 2015 now and you guys have been in business a while now. Give the message boards some much needed love.
b. There’s too many threads! Condense them down and make sub threads. And when a topic gets closed move it to an archive of some kind so people don’t have to scroll for miles looking at dead closed threads. If they want to look at inactive stuff they can go to the archive folder or whatever storage house you want for it.

I thy humble s'rvant Pexx beseech thou to giveth myself & the awesome community a much desir'd spoil'r. I thanketh thou f'r thy timeth Ladies & Gentlemen.

p. s.
Make it a good one pleaseth =)

Well it has been over a month since I asked my question/suggested an idea to revitalize the project. I'm assuming the staff doesn't care enough to respond. Which is understandable given the current state of this project. I do however thank the players for responding as I have enjoyed reading your replies. I will just assume the project is officially dead. Thank you for your time ladies and germs.

That will be covered in the Catfolks book :P

So I just picked up the melee toolbox and here are my thoughts on it.

There are some more versatile options, good artwoork, some new weapons and armor, a few new spells.

So I read through the book and all though I love getting more options big or small I just felt the book was hugely on the small side for me. There was nothing whiz bang about it imho.

And it made me feel some of the text in the book alluded, that martial classes are just there to let wizards kill things.
"Dedicated spellcasters and archers can appreciate the excitement of engaging an enemy and understand the virtues of a well-planned assault, but they often need someone else to force the foe into close combat to prevent such threats from reaching them.

Also a lot of things in the book are based around the "teamwork" feats which imho is broken already.

I was hoping for this book to be "the book" to bring martial classes maybe not on par with spell casters, but a bit more balanced. Cause past lvl 10 Skills and Combat Maneuvers don't mean a whole lot.

Sure there are certain builds to min/max damage or some crazy combo that's amazing for martial classes, but I don't want to go that route every time I play just to keep up. I just feel that martial classes need a boon of some kind.

The Unchained book is coming out next month and that may bring some stuff, but just seems like some other classes are getting the nerf bat and some more options that may or may not be impressive.

What I am basically trying to say is can Martial Classes get a Companion or Handbook that makes them on par or close to with the Spell Casters?

I understand the mentality that casters should just get everything cause oooo magic. Just seems like a holdover from D&D 3rd edition.

For your ...of Golarion series

Ellves of Golorian
Half Elves of Golorian
Aasimars of Golarion
Androids of Golarion
Catfolks of Golarion
Changelings of Golarion
Dhampirs of Golarion
Drow of Golarion
Duergars of Golarion
Fetchlings of Golarion
Ghoran of Golarion
Gillmen of Golarion
Gripplis of Golarion
Hobgoblins of Golarion
Ifrits of Golarion
Kitsune of Golarion
Kobolds of Golarion
Lashunta of Golarion
Merfolks of Golarion
Monkey Goblins of Golarion
Nagaji's of Golarion
Oreads of Golarion
Ratfolks of Golarion
Samsaran of Golarion
Strix's of Golarion
Suli's of Golarion
Svirfneblin of Golarion
Sylphs of Golarion
Tengus of Golarion
Tieflings of Golarion
Undines of Golarion
Vanaras of Golarion
Vishkanyas of Golarion
Wayangs of Golarion

.@Vic Wertz & Other Paizo Staff working on this Project

Any thoughts about Kickstarting this project so that It can rise from the grave?

I for one am using atm and though good, we have been waiting for Paizo Gamespace to come out of the woodwork for several years now. We would like to switch over to it full time.

Goblinworks did it for the Pathfinder Online project twice, & both went very well. I am sure if the rewards were good, you would get the funding you need to push this out the gate.

Any chance for a Eidolon Player Companion book in the future?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It was pretty good. A little slow at times, but fun all around. I just wanted to point out that views went up when Bonny took her hoodie off :P


Moobot is full of Lies~!

Anyone have a link handy to one of the streams that will be available for tonight?


Are you new? I am newish to Pathfinder Online yes.

Have you read the 2.5 years of the blog? I have read the majority of them yes.

Are you looking to buy into the game? I've already pony upped the cash for it.

Would you be interested in watching live twitch 10 PM Friday of alpha with limited implementation? I would be yes

Thanks for the resource link had no idea it existed.

I understand there is tons to do in the game, but I don't know what idea would sit well with me just the communist XP system I kind of shuddered at when I read it. I dunno if I can purpose something that is better. I like being rewarded for time other than gold I like to see my character progress and not just given to be just cause I want do the work for it.

Mainly pulling my question from this blog post

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this. But I figured it warranted some discussion somewhere.

"So after an initial period of "being the new character," starting at the beginning of character advancement, you'll find that you'll soon close any perceived power gap with older characters. Late starters will eventually be just as powerful, though not as versatile, as those who have subscribed since day one."

So xp is universal as long as you made an account Day 1 you will have the same amount of xp as an offline player who made an account when you started on day 1 and have been playing semi religiously every day. So where does the person that plays more in the game get rewarded if not xp and developing their character? Am I missing something huge? Is it just gold and completing pre-req quests for feats and what not?

I understand the need for wanting to keep on the same page with everyone else, but I think their should be a benefit in the character development aspect for people regularly playing than just gear, gold, and getting quests done.

As I mentioned in another post I am starting a new Campaign in early October. I had a couple questions regarding experience.

Before I delve into that though a few things you should know.

1.) I have 9 players in the party.
2.)I am streamlining Modules and Scenarios together.
3.)I plan on keeping the experience for killing off Monsters and PCs and just dividing what they are worth by 9.

Now onto my Question!!!!

How do I adjust experience for a party of 9 players on a slow experience track with content for Level 1 consisting of about 4 Modules and 12 Scenarios. This is typical in my outline per levels 1-20 for having 4 mods and 12 or so scenarios for each level. Go Big or Go Home!!!

I don’t know if the slow experience track is too fast or not for what we have going on.

I don’t know if I should double or triple the experience total needed to gain a level

Is there a rule of thumb for adding a Module or Scenario to a campaign on how you should adjust the experience.

I am starting up a new campaign where I'm adding in Mods and Scenarios as the primary experience. The only thing I am having trouble with is why they suddenly appear in a new location.

I went the cliche' route and decided a long lost god/diety is observing the party teleporting the PCs at his whim once a particular mod or scenario wraps up that he has greater plans for them later. The party gets to interact with him briefly, but as soon as they start asking too many questions or the right questions he snaps his fingers and the PCs re-materialize to the next adventure setting.

We are starting at the beginning of October and I was wondering if this is a good enough reasonable story hook of why the PC's are bouncing all over the map.

If you have a better story hook or solution I would love to hear it. Any advice or suggestions are welcome.

Thank you in Advance,


I was thinking about picking this up for more group, but the Harrow Cards can't be purchased anymore? Any solutions to this?

Beyond Adventure Paths will modules be able to be added as well at some point? And can we expect a 2014 release date?

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