Community Card Creator and Errata Decks

Tuesday, February 25, 2015

Paizo and DriveThruCards have been cooking up a couple of delicacies for the Adventure Card Game connoisseur. Steve Wieck of DriveThruCards has details below!

Card Creator

Paizo and DriveThruCards are delighted to announce their partnership and today's release of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Community Card Creator. That's quite a mouthful isn't it? Even making it an acronym, PACGCCC, isn't much better. Let's call it the Card Creator.

So what is the Card Creator? It's a web application at DriveThruCards that lets you create, print, and share your own cards ideas for PACG. You can check it out here!

The Card Creator allows you to:

  • Create your own cards
  • Purchase your created cards in print for $0.50/card.
  • Keep your card private.
  • List your card publicly on DriveThruCards, allowing other PACG fans to see your card, comment on it, and purchase it.

Using the creator is easy. Just choose your card type, and then upload some card art.

We've worked with Fiery Dragon Productions and Fat Goblin Games to make an array of stock art available to you as a micro-license for $0.40. You can also upload your own art or public domain art. Then create your card text and attributes before finalizing the card.

We've gone to Herculean effort to match the card backs as closely as possible to the Skull & Shackles cards, so that cards you create and print can be shuffled in seamlessly with your existing cards. To avoid any confusion, though, all community created cards are clearly indicated as such. The traditional expansion icon in the upper left corner of the card is replaced with a Community Created Card logo.

This clearly differentiates the official cards designed by Mike Selinker and the card game team from the unofficial cards designed by the community. Speaking of Mike Selinker, now might be a great time to review Mike's post that offers a guidelines on creating PACG cards.

Then, please come and give the card creator a try or check out the cards the community is already creating with this new tool!

Errata Decks

Today we're also releasing errata decks on DriveThruCards for any PACG fan who wants to play with fully corrected Rise of the Runelords cards. There are a few different errata decks, and you'll want to check the printing of your cards to know which errata deck is for you. The first Runelords printing was manufactured in China and the second was done in the USA. The card backs produced by each printer vary a bit in color, so to have errata cards most closely match your existing cards, you should get the errata decks customized for your printing. Not sure if you have a first printing or second printing? Check the fine print on the back of your box. The first printing will read, "Printed in China" and the second will say, "Printed in the USA."

Naturally, there are more errata cards for the first printing, as many cards were corrected in the second printing. The first printing errata cards are available in three separate decks or as one bundle of all the cards. The second printing errata cards come all in one deck.

Tanis would like to add that the Adventure Card Guild cards created exclusively for the Season of the Shackles will soon be uploaded to the Card Creator, so you can play your way through that story without proxies.

We hope you enjoy using the Card Creator and updating your Rise of the Runelords collection with the Errata Decks!

Steve Wieck

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Paizo Employee Developer

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Wow! One of the great things about Paizo growing and expanding into more than just RPG publishing is that I occasionally find myself surprised by a development from another department. This is just such an instance! Very excited to see what the community comes up with and get professionally printed copies of new cards to expand the game beyond its current boundaries.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Whoa! This is awesome!

First World Bard wrote:
Whoa! This is awesome!

Yes, I would say beyond awesome!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Yay! With the card creator and the errata packs, I'm kind of glad there isn't a PACG product in March, since this will be using up my allotted PACG budget.

The only bad thing about this is is really makes me want to think about buying a whole entire 2nd printing copy of RotR so that I can get the 2nd printing errata deck and have a perfectly matched complete set. Plus that is the only real way you can say you own every officially released product. Or at least that is what I tell my wife when I bring up the idea.

Thanks for the super awesome Card Creator Steve. And thanks Paizo for working with a 3rd party to make something like the card creator possible.

Also looking forward to those card guild scenario cards.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

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If I purchase a community-created card, does the community member who designed that card earn a percentage of that sale?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

It is very cool to finally see this happen. It should be fun to see what folks come up with. Just from the testing, there are a fair number of cards already.

The errata cards have been eagerly anticipated. I plan to order the full set. Now I am eagerly anticipating the Organized Play cards.

Any chance of a Skull & Shackles errata set becoming available?

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

I like the idea of personal cards; if I played this, I'd totally make a card special for each player.

CEO, DriveThru

Epic Meepo wrote:
If I purchase a community-created card, does the community member who designed that card earn a percentage of that sale?

No, at least not at this time.

One of our future feature sets will be to allow for that to happen, but this wasn't part of our initial release scope coding.

Also we (Paizo and DriveThru) want to keep the pricing of these cards as low as possible to keep them accessible to the community, so even when we develop that "royalty" capability/feature, it's unknown if we'd implement it here or not.


If we design our own cards outside of the Card Creator in say, Photoshop, can DriveThruGames print those, assuming they adhere to the Paizo Community Use Policy?

Errata card 1st edition complete is 23 USD and USPS first class shipping to germany is 18 USD.

Come on! This sucks!

USPS first class international envelope is usually 6.50 USD...

Why is the shipping here so expensive?
Please use standard envelopes and NOT Golden ones.
... And adjust international shipping to reasonable values.

CEO, DriveThru

Myfly wrote:

USPS first class international envelope is usually 6.50 USD...

Why is the shipping here so expensive?

You cannot fit over 200 cards into an envelope. Each such rate class has many restrictions which you can find in the fine print on the USPS website.

The rates we charge for postage are the rates the USPS charges us plus about $1.25 for packaging and handling that our card print facility charges us per order.

I regret the postage is so high, but I cannot change the post office's rates.


Already at least three Hawkmoon-themed cards. =D

Idea: could PAIZO buy a few of these drivethu bundles, e.g. 1st edition errata complete set and ship it with the usual PACG subscription to germany.

This would save me and all other international customers 18 USD for shipping!

Other idea:
Will this english errata card pack be available here in germany thru "ullisses game company" which sells the PACG in german language??

Please come up with a reasonable solution for the distribution internationally...
I am willing to pay 23 usd for the errata cards... But so much for shipping...
At this price i almost could purchase the 3rdprinting of RotR!

Are the hawkmoon themed cards done by hawkmoon or even Mike selinker?
Card Owner is here PAIZO?!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

This is exciting news. I really look forward to getting the Season of the Shackles without proxies.

This is fantastic news! Fixed RotR cards, the chance to create quality cards for the PACG Adventure Guild scenarios, and an easy-to-use product for custom adventures. Once I finish the official content, I can start brainstorming what a campaign against the Runelord of Wrath might look like....

Sovereign Court

Wow, that was the last thing I thought the surprise would be (which is weird, it seems like the obvious answer). Definitely looking forward to being able to print physical copies of the Organized Play cards so proxies aren't needed.

Any idea when the custom character cards will be available?

Question regarding the Community Use Policy, images from the Paizo Blog/Fiction, and the new card editor:

Are we allowed to use the artwork found on the blog/serials in our custom cards? I would assume that making the cards public would definitely be off limits, but what if the cards are kept private (assuming also you're also printing them for resale)?

CEO, DriveThru

JT Jones wrote:
Any idea when the custom character cards will be available?

I don't have a reliable enough date on that yet to offer one.

CEO, DriveThru

Flat the Impaler wrote:
Are we allowed to use the artwork found on the blog/serials in our custom cards? I would assume that making the cards public would definitely be off limits, but what if the cards are kept private (assuming also you're also printing them for resale)?

Early testers used some art from Paizo blogs. Per Community Use policy.

You may use any of the text or artwork published in the Paizo Blog at, with the exception of excerpts of Planet Stories publications, Pathfinder Comics, and any logos and icons that aren't also in the Community Use Package.

And such cards can be public. For example I believe this Demilich card uses art from a Paizo blog (but I could be wrong).

I suggest reading up on the Community Use policy for details.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

I presume most of the cards we see currently were created by Paizo folks, so they get to use Paizo artwork.

One minor quibble - I'm pretty sure that the actual name of a "Woolly Rhinoceros" uses the British spelling, not the US "Wooly". That's certainly the spelling used in the Bestiary.

I've noticed that the spelling used in the card game is inconsistent; we get 'Armor', but there's a 'Hat of Glamour' in the Fighter deck, and the OP scenario 0-2A is entitled "Love's Labours Lost"

I seem to recall reading once that there was a (slight) size difference between the first printing and second printing. Will the errata cards for the first printing match the card size of the first printing?

And if not, is the size difference in the length or the width?

The size of all errata deck will match the second printing of RotR (which is also tohe same size as S&S). The difference is in length (height) and the RotR first printing is .5mm larger than all other cards.

Link for confirmation.

Steve Wieck wrote:
I suggest reading up on the Community Use policy for details.

I am familiar with the CUP, but uncertain how the following condition applies in this case:

To use Paizo Material under this Policy you must include the following notice in plainly legible and accessible form in each product or on each website that uses any Paizo Material...

Since we're not able to fit the required blurb onto the card, I'm not sure how we can comply with that requirement. I wasn't sure if there was a loophole in that this is an official app and not a fan app.

I do see at the end of the card creation process that you (the creator) agree to transfer ownership over to Paizo, so that might cover it and also open up the public option when using Paizo's content. It's their content and IP; it's probably a question best left to them to decide.

However, this opens up the question of rights with regards to images to which you have the right to use but not transfer to others.

BTW, I think this is an awesome tool. Kudos!

Having trouble following the ins and outs of this - is there a place that community-created cards are public/available on Drivethru?

OK - Community created Cards

So - fans create this content. Who receives payment for these if purchased, and who "owns" the rights - even if you use your own art?

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I was part of the testing for this project before it went public, and almost all of the cards I created (and are now publically available, there are about 30 of them there) use images from the Paizo Blog. I never got any pushback from any Paizo folks about using that artwork on the cards, so I think they're fine with it, but of course I'm no lawyer.

As far as Paizo blog images (and I'm not a lawyer either), the cards themselves contain an associated community use notice in the bottom. With that and the agreement you make at the end of the process, I think you are fine to use blog images.

Scarab Sages

Myfly wrote:

Are the hawkmoon themed cards done by hawkmoon or even Mike selinker?

Card Owner is here PAIZO?!

Two of them are Hawkmoon's own (the man with the staff and the codex); the other one was mine.

I'm pretty pumped about the PACGCCC. I currently play RotR with Class Deck cards mixed in, but since the CD's cards are all boons, I can tell when its safe to explore.

I think I'm going to purchase ~10-15 Proxies for the Monsters and the Barriers to they have the same shape/coloring as the Class Decks. Maybe take an opportunity to make the game harder:

Monster Card said wrote:

Shapeshifting Horror

Monster B

Draw and encounter a random Monster whose deck number equal to the current Adventure Deck

Barrier Card said wrote:

Side Quest

Barrier B

Draw and encounter a random Barrier whose deck number equal to the current Adventure Deck

and for my play group:

Barrier Card said wrote:

Road-Side Tavern

Barrier B

Draw a random Barrier and encounter it. Instead, draw a round of Drinks from the fridge and have another character encounter the random barrier.

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Must resist temptation to make an custom card...

Name : HawkMoon
Type : Henchman
Check to defeat : Knowledge 25 then Dexterity 20
Image : see Hawkmoon's avatar
Trait : Construct, Magic, Rulelawyer, NiceAmericanGuy, Elite
Text :

If the card on top of the blessing deck is a Blessing of Paizo, the check to defeat is increased by 269.

Before you act, examine the top card of a random open location. The difficulty of a/any/all check(s) to defeat Hawkmoon is increased by the number of times the words "use", "play", "bury", "display", "banish", "recharge", "shuffle", "remove" and "hold-that-thoughts" appear on the examined card.

If undefeated, each character must summon and encounter the Henchman Mike, then each character must summon and encounter Villain Vic.

If defeated, you may immediately attempt a check to close the messagethread this card came from.

Must resist...

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Is there a list of this errata (Rise of the Runelords)anywhere, or is the only way to get it to have the cards printed?

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Frencois wrote:

Trait : Construct, Magic, Rulelawyer, NiceAmericanGuy, EliteParamount

Fixed. Don't want him being removed from the messageboards EVER!

Darrell Impey UK wrote:
Is there a list of this errata (Rise of the Runelords)anywhere, or is the only way to get it to have the cards printed?

I believe all of the Errata Deck changes are include in the RotR FAQ

Balkar wrote:
Frencois wrote:

Trait : Construct, Magic, Rulelawyer, NiceAmericanGuy, EliteParamount

Fixed. Don't want him being removed from the messageboards EVER!

Total respect Balkar, my first custom card gets FAQed even before it's printed and even even before Hawk reacted to it : you made my day!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Does being a henchman mean I'm evil? And actually, I think it should be that if I am defeated you have to summon Mike and Vic. That seems more appropriate.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

cosined wrote:
Darrell Impey UK wrote:
Is there a list of this errata (Rise of the Runelords)anywhere, or is the only way to get it to have the cards printed?
I believe all of the Errata Deck changes are include in the RotR FAQ

Occasionally you'll find a change elsewhere. For example, the Daggerlikes are all here on the Skull & Shackles FAQ. There are also a couple of changes that haven't made their way to the FAQ yet, and the new version of Runeforged Weapons isn't an errata change at all, just an attempt to bring it more in line with our new terminology for support cards.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

OK, thanks. Have to say though that this makes it a bit difficult to implement without printing new cards. I don't suppose that there is any possibility of having a "changes" list produced separately, is there please?

Awesome! Now I can finally implement my idea of character-specific companions (allies) that scale according to the adventure deck number.

Grand Lodge

What about printing errata cards from S&S? The images on the cards are not Community Use, but I'd like to be able to replace the daggers, et al. in my Class Decks with updated versions.

Wow, that was easier than I thought. If anyone would like to see my first card and give feedback, it's here:

Grand Lodge

LowIQGenius wrote:
Wow, that was easier than I thought. If anyone would like to see my first card and give feedback, it's here:

Couple of thoughts:

1) Love the design. :)

2) Whoa, that's powerful. Maybe TOO powerful, even restricted to just Ezren, considering it's a B.

3) Adding to either Intelligence or Arcane is redundant if only Ezren can play the card. I'd just put Intelligence.

Maybe limiting Koios' powers to just Arcane checks would be better, but that's just my $0.02.

Even if you nerfed it to be "add 1 per adventure deck number" instead of 1d4 I think it'd still be too powerful for a reveal. By AP6 I'd sure as heck take a card that revealed to add 6-24 to most of my relevant checks.

In light of that, the recharge power is actually kinda useless. +6d4 Ezren isn't gonna fail many recharge checks. :D

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

This is awesome! My one question is if this capability can be expanded to reprint official cards. For example, a Smuggler of mine got bent out of shape in my S&S box, and even when sleeved it is pretty noticeable due to the sleeve being thicker than usual. I'd love to be able to print a replacement card with the S&S logo in the top left as opposed to Community Created Card (plus I couldn't find the artwork for it with a quick search through card creator).

JohnF wrote:

I've noticed that the spelling used in the card game is inconsistent; we get 'Armor', but there's a 'Hat of Glamour' in the Fighter deck, and the OP scenario 0-2A is entitled "Love's Labours Lost"

Glamour is spelled with 'u' even in American English (well known for its consistency). The second is Shakespeare (though even he spelled it without 'u' on occasion).

Dave Riley wrote:

Even if you nerfed it to be "add 1 per adventure deck number" instead of 1d4 I think it'd still be too powerful for a reveal. By AP6 I'd sure as heck take a card that revealed to add 6-24 to most of my relevant checks.

In light of that, the recharge power is actually kinda useless. +6d4 Ezren isn't gonna fail many recharge checks. :D

Thanks for the feedback. My intent wasn't to add another d4 per deck level, but simply plus one to the check (e.g. 1d4+1)

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

Glad you guys are loving it. May I suggest that specific cards created on the Card Creator be discussed in the Homebrew forum?

The Knight Argent wrote:
LowIQGenius wrote:
Wow, that was easier than I thought. If anyone would like to see my first card and give feedback, it's here:

Couple of thoughts:

1) Love the design. :)

2) Whoa, that's powerful. Maybe TOO powerful, even restricted to just Ezren, considering it's a B.

3) Adding to either Intelligence or Arcane is redundant if only Ezren can play the card. I'd just put Intelligence.

Maybe limiting Koios' powers to just Arcane checks would be better, but that's just my $0.02.

I appreciate the two cents. I was hoping that the benefits of the card would be somewhat mitigated by the fact that it would be extremely rare to come across (there's only one, and the card isn't basic)

How about this update:
1) Reveal this card to add the Adventure Deck number to an Intelligence check.

2) Discard this card to automatically succeed at your check to recharge a spell with the Arcane trait.

3) Only Ezren may play this card.

4) Succeed at an Arcane 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.


Mike Selinker wrote:
Glad you guys are loving it. May I suggest that specific cards created on the Card Creator be discussed in the Homebrew forum?

Ah, sorry about that. I need to refresh my browser more often -_-

[edit:] I started a thread here:

CEO, DriveThru


Day 1 of the Card Creator being live has been great.
We had over 1,000 cards start creation!

However, only 90 of those new cards made it past the Art stage and only about 10 of those cards got finalized, with just a few of those 10 being made public.

That 90% dropoff at the art stage indicates there's a lot of folks stymied at the art resources end of this, so if you're among those struggling for art to use, then I'd suggest:

1. We've licensed 4 art pieces from artist Nicholas Avallone that you can use in the card creator for free:




and dream up a new Villain/Henchman/Monster/Ally card with that art.

2. There's over 1,500 pieces of art in the Card Art Collection that you can use for the card creator for a microlicense payment to the artist of 40 cents.
Easiest to navigate the collection using the subcategories for each card type in the left column.

We're glad folks are enjoying it and hope to see more finished cards.

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