Meet the Iconics: Adowyn

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Today we introduce the next of the new iconic characters from the Advanced Class Guide: Adowyn the hunter. Adowyn will also be a playable character in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Wrath of the Righteous set due for release in February 2015.

There’s always a need for a skilled hunter, someone who can track down a threat and put an end to it. And when a quarry is particularly dangerous or elusive, there’s only one hunter the people seek: Adowyn.

Born to a pair of skilled woodworkers in the quiet town of Crowstump on the northern border of Nirmathas, Adowyn was always a wild child, more comfortable sneaking around in the mud chasing the town rooster than practicing her letters or learning to carve. She grew up surrounded by peoples from far-away lands, merchants and traders who had come to make deals with her parents. Fascinated by their stories, Adowyn was eager to see the world beyond, and when a journey with her father finally gave her that chance at the age of 14, she was overjoyed.

Illustration by Wayne Reynolds

That joy was short-lived, however. Not a day after Adowyn and her father left home for the dark forest trails of the Fangwood, a diseased bear charged into their camp, savaging Adowyn’s father before she could even cry out. Using the bow her father had carved for her, she sank arrow after arrow into the beast, tears streaming down her cheeks. At last the bear fell. The creature was dead—but so was her father.

Lost in the woods, Adowyn found herself in the Blight, an area of the Fangwood where the trees grew thick with disease and rot. Worse still, she found that no matter which direction she walked, all paths led back to her meager camp. She spent six months alone there, hunting and scavenging what food she could find and honing her skills at the hunt. The beasts of the Blight were cunning and deadly, and making her the prey nearly as often as she was the predator. Yet all of that changed when she found Leryn.

Wounded by a fight with a rotting treant, the lean gray wolf was limping through a clearing when Adowyn chanced upon him. She knew right away that the wolf was not from this place, but rather was trapped in the Blight like she was. She approached him with a scrap of meat from her most recent kill, earning his trust. Over the following month, she nursed the wolf back to health and named him Leryn, after her father. She soon found that she could sense his mood, knowing instinctively when he was hungry, angry, or excited. They shared much with each other in those first months. She exulted in his feral appetites, his thrill of the hunt, and he learned to calm his urges, gaining her patience and determination.

Years passed, and the two became an inseparable team, learning to anticipate each other’s moves and hunting together as one. Now the whole of the forest was their prey, but still they could not escape the Blight. Indeed, the rot in the wood seemed to be growing worse by the day, and neither hunter could shake the sense of something just beyond their reach, stalking them but never revealing itself.

For months the tension grew. Adowyn and Leryn slept in shifts, keeping watch over their small hovel. Finally, in the dead of night, their mysterious watcher revealed itself, smashing the side of their home while unleashing a terrifying howl. Rolling out of the debris, Adowyn and Leryn rose to face the threat.

A gigantic bear rose up before them. Like the beast that killed her father, this one too was poxed, but it was far larger, with a sickly green foam spilling from its lips. Leryn leapt upon it, clawing and biting at its flank while Adowyn drew forth her bow. Taking aim, she sunk a shaft deep into its left eye. With an agonizing growl, the bear shook loose the wolf and tore off into the woods, with Adowyn and her friend in hot pursuit.

The chase lasted until dawn, when the Leryn's fangs finally managed to sink into the bear’s throat, bringing it down. The pair stopped over their kill to admire their work, and it was only then that they realized they were no longer in the Blight.

It was by sheer chance that they found their way to Crystalhurst, a community of druids in the southern Fangwood. They stayed there for a while, regaining their strength and sharing what they had learned with the druids, who swore to put an end to the Blight. The druids thought that Adowyn might make a fine disciple for their order, but her bond to Leryn perplexed them, as it was stronger than any they had ever known. In the end, they excitedly concluded that the pair must be something new entirely, and were eager to study them. Yet while Adowyn learned a great deal in her short time there, Crystalhurst was not a place she meant to stay. Soon, she and Leryn set out once more, intent upon returning home to see Adowyn’s mother and sister.

The young woman who returned to Crowstump was nothing like the girl that had left. The townsfolk kept their distance from her and the fierce wolf that padded along behind her. Returning to her home, she found only strangers. It seems that her mother and sister, heartbroken after the loss of Adowyn and her father, had left years ago to start a new life somewhere less troubled by painful memories.

In the years since that day, Adowyn has wandered the Inner Sea with Leryn at her side, working as bounty hunter. She’s stalked a naga through the bleak wastes of Osirion, brought back a master thief from the sewers of Oppara, and even managed to recover the tail feathers of the elusive Jade Hawk without harming the reclusive bird. The only quarry she hasn’t managed to track down is her own family, but that search never ends—one day, she’ll be reunited with her loved ones.

Adowyn is never found without Leryn by her side. To others, she is quiet and brooding, but she can frequently be found having animated conversations with her wolf, as if he were responding in kind. She wears the armor and garb of the rangers of Nirmathas, a gift she was given after hunting down a patrol of Molthuni regulars that were stalking behind the lines terrorizing small villages. The bow she carries is her father’s, a weapon she treats with reverence. In battle, Adowyn and Leryn single out their foes with grim determination.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

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Tags: Hunter Iconics Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds
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Paul Watson wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Lamontius wrote:
what does this symbol mean? its on my phone in the smiley menu, my wife and i assumed it was the symbol for dick and balls:) i'm assuming thats not right...
It's a heart. Turn the monitor sideways and squint and you can sorta see it.

i like our interpretation better i think:)

She's pretty interesting, and I like her design, very practical.

Although I get the feeling that other artists won't like those studs, haha.

And now I want to know more about this Jade Hawk!

Lemartes wrote:
Generally not a fan of Wayne Renolds art.

... you wot?

Lefty X wrote:
Lemartes wrote:
Generally not a fan of Wayne Renolds art.
... you wot?

It's a style thing. I could elaborate but this is probably not the place.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Anybody else notice this in the messageboard feed?

the messageboard feed wrote:
Paizo Blog: Meet the Iconics: Adowyn, Thu, Aug 21, 2014, 05:32 PM by James Sutter

Sutter is a time traveler!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

i did notice that, i'm not really surprised about him being a time traveler, i am surprised he left proof of his travails tho:)

Maybe that explains why this thread doesn't want to show new posts...

Paizo Employee

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Sutter's time traveling post is about how the wolf's name was changed to "Leryn" and it wasn't updated properly in the GenCon crunch. Seems to be right in the text now.


Shadow Lodge

Iconic Hunter Preview wrote:
Born to a pair of skilled woodworkers in the quiet town of Crowstump...

Given all that happens in Crowstump, I'm not sure it should be called quiet.

Especially with that devil rooster.

Paizo Employee Lead Designer

wakedown wrote:
Iconic Hunter Preview wrote:
Born to a pair of skilled woodworkers in the quiet town of Crowstump...

Given all that happens in Crowstump, I'm not sure it should be called quiet.

Especially with that devil rooster.

I was wondering when someone would pick up on that. :)

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

TerminalArtiste wrote:

And now I want to know more about this Jade Hawk!

A lot of the details here, and ESPECIALLY the Jade Hawk detail, is from Jason's Monday night weekly Pathfinder campaign (which I am also in). Adowyn is loosely based on the druid character of Jason's girlfriend, Eleanor.

You'll have to ask them about how the druid managed to convince the Jade Hawk to give up those feathers. I am sworn to secrecy.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Isn't the original Adowyn a Half-elf Druid with an ape companion? Was she used as inspiration for the story?

EDIT: Answered by Eric Mona! Thank you! :)

Scarab Sages

And is it just me, or does the 8 on Leryn's forehead remind you of the 13 on Red's shoulder in FF7?

Paizo Glitterati Robot

Removed a post and reply. Baiting posts like this really don't help.

I have a question -- no one-true-way-ism intended (express or implied) -- for folks who interested in this class: Is it strictly the chance to see some new mechanics that you find appealing, or does this class fill a conceptual niche for you that you feel a ranger (or maybe a druid/ranger) doesn't?

Edit: Very nice art. One of the rare WAR pieces that doesn't shout XXXtreme!!!11!! to me.

I'll admit, with every single iconic they've come out with thus far Paizo hasn't disappointed. This last one has cemented my love for the iconics. I wonder if they'll be doing iconics for the various wizard arcane schools though?

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Removed a post and reply. Baiting posts like this really don't help.

Ah, c'mon. This is getting ridiculous.

Shadow Lodge

Jason Bulmahn wrote:
I was wondering when someone would pick up on that. :)

I hear its a wonderful place since those nice Razmirans dropped by to clean it up and help take care of people...

Silver Crusade

I really like the story, and the picture is excellent as always ^^

Gorbacz wrote:
*puts his tent out, cleans his flame-thrower and waits for the 'At least I hope the Hunter will be some 90G cup size gal in a harem slave outfit' people*

Now now, let's wait with that one for pathfinder unchained. Seems kinda fitting for a gender swapped valeros unarmored figher variant ^^

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Charlie Bell wrote:

Anybody else notice this in the messageboard feed?

the messageboard feed wrote:
Paizo Blog: Meet the Iconics: Adowyn, Thu, Aug 21, 2014, 05:32 PM by James Sutter
Sutter is a time traveler!

Maybe if I send James the money now, he can send me back the PDFs that don't go on sale until August 14th?

He's probably too busy taking notes from Capaldi/Twelve for future adventures and critter ideas.

I look forward to the mini of this. There are few really good archer minis for PCs in my opinion.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I just read over this and I love the character and the story. While it's not exactly original, it does seem very fitting for the concept of this character.

I can't wait to see Adowyn and (hopefully) her animal companion, Leryn, in the newly announced Iconics miniatures line!!!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I don't know if it was intentional or not, but I love the nod to Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, what with naming the sick, diseased, dying part of the forest the Blight. It's straight from the first book, The Eye of the World, and, in my opinion, a classy tip of the fantasy hat to the late, great author.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Catharsis wrote:
Is this just a phase or has Paizo finally left its teenage phase of cleavage windows and bare belly buttons behind? Both this Hunter and the girls in the Iron Gods Player's Guide look totally badass and functionally dressed. If anything, that makes them hotter.

Teenage phase? Really?

Childish comment aside, you act like Paizo is doing anything differently here. Let's completely ignore Lini, Seelah, Kyra from the very beginning who all had neither cleavage windows nor belly exposed. Perhaps you'll also note that Kess, the new iconic Brawler, has her belly completely exposed.

It bothers me that I even felt the need to defend this sort of thing, but sometimes the puritanical beliefs some people try to force on others really irks me, and even more so when they think flinging insults helps to back their position.

I think Adowyn here looks fantastic. But I also think characters like Amiri look just as amazing (and completely fit the lore of barbarians who relied on their own natural strengths instead of armor). Paizo has never had a problem of dressing their women in full armor when it's appropriate or giving them more revealing attire if it fits the character. I don't see their art direction having changed at all (nor do I wish it to).

My apologies if I come across as a jerk here or sound angry. It's not my intention at all, and I'm just a little annoyed more than anything. But we're all here as fans of Pathfinder, or we wouldn't be bothering to post at all, so this is all I'll say on the matter. :)

Eric Apfel wrote:
Catharsis wrote:
Is this just a phase or has Paizo finally left its teenage phase of cleavage windows and bare belly buttons behind? Both this Hunter and the girls in the Iron Gods Player's Guide look totally badass and functionally dressed. If anything, that makes them hotter.
My apologies if I come across as a jerk here or sound angry. It's not my intention at all, and I'm just a little annoyed more than anything. But we're all here as fans of Pathfinder, or we wouldn't be bothering to post at all, so this is all I'll say on the matter. :)

there is no need for an apology

2 people marked this as a favorite.

All Dogs (and Wolves) go to Heaven!

Pharasma, Lady of Graves wrote:
All Dogs (and Wolves) go to Heaven!

what about worgs?

The artwork looks really great, but good luck drawing an arrow off that front shoulder.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
thomas dunne wrote:
The artwork looks really great, but good luck drawing an arrow off that front shoulder.

Why do you say that? Is the quiver strapped on too high?

EDIT: And I suppose it's on the wrong side too. Aren't you supposed to reach directly behind you when retrieving an arrow, rather than across?

(Or better yet, reach for the quiver hanging down from your waist.)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ravingdork wrote:
thomas dunne wrote:
The artwork looks really great, but good luck drawing an arrow off that front shoulder.

Why do you say that? Is the quiver strapped on too high?

EDIT: And I suppose it's on the wrong side too. Aren't you supposed to reach directly behind you when retrieving an arrow, rather than across?

(Or better yet, reach for the quiver hanging down from your waist.)

If you're speed shooting in combat, what you're generally doing is grabbing three or so arrows at a time and holding them against the front of the bow while you shoot.

LazarX wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
thomas dunne wrote:
The artwork looks really great, but good luck drawing an arrow off that front shoulder.

Why do you say that? Is the quiver strapped on too high?

EDIT: And I suppose it's on the wrong side too. Aren't you supposed to reach directly behind you when retrieving an arrow, rather than across?

(Or better yet, reach for the quiver hanging down from your waist.)

If you're speed shooting in combat, what you're generally doing is grabbing three or so arrows at a time and holding them against the front of the bow while you shoot.

or have a few stabbed into the ground in front of you

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Blackvial wrote:
LazarX wrote:
If you're speed shooting in combat, what you're generally doing is grabbing three or so arrows at a time and holding them against the front of the bow while you shoot.
or have a few stabbed into the ground in front of you

Ew. Bad enough to be shot with an arrow, but to be shot with an arrow whose fine edge has been blunted by ramming it into the ground, and, to add insult to injury, has dirt on it and is all unsanitary?


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Set wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
LazarX wrote:
If you're speed shooting in combat, what you're generally doing is grabbing three or so arrows at a time and holding them against the front of the bow while you shoot.
or have a few stabbed into the ground in front of you

Ew. Bad enough to be shot with an arrow, but to be shot with an arrow whose fine edge has been blunted by ramming it into the ground, and, to add insult to injury, has dirt on it and is all unsanitary?


expects to see players instructing their animal companion to drop feces before sticking arrows into the ground

Will save DC 5 to avoid taking a negative-one penalty to attack?

>_< War used to be so much easier...

Asking here instead of staring a new thread .. are all these posts about these iconics (and the ones from the other books) going to be collected at some point in a book or other resource?

My wife is interested in the backstories, so looking to see if there are collections or if I need to save each individual blog post for her to read.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
knightnday wrote:

Asking here instead of staring a new thread .. are all these posts about these iconics (and the ones from the other books) going to be collected at some point in a book or other resource?

My wife is interested in the backstories, so looking to see if there are collections or if I need to save each individual blog post for her to read.

I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for a collected biographical tome. Do some cut and pasting and a trip to staple, you can make your wife happy now. And that's always a smart move.

LazarX wrote:
knightnday wrote:

Asking here instead of staring a new thread .. are all these posts about these iconics (and the ones from the other books) going to be collected at some point in a book or other resource?

My wife is interested in the backstories, so looking to see if there are collections or if I need to save each individual blog post for her to read.

I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for a collected biographical tome. Do some cut and pasting and a trip to staple, you can make your wife happy now. And that's always a smart move.

Heh, no, no breath holding, I just didn't want to duplicate effort on the project. I'm happy to print it off and make a nice little supplement for her and myself for that matter. Thanks!

With all of the new background material for the iconics and further feats, classes, archetypes, and tricks available...

Well, this confirms NPC Codex 2! :D

Sorry to dig this up, but was Adowyn's religion and alignment ever brought up?

Shadow Lodge

Blackvial wrote:
Valeros better treat Adowyn right or that wolf of hers will have fighter for lunch

On the other hand, somebody needs to be the mother of Valeros' daughter we saw in Ultimate Campaign.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Blackpowder Witch wrote:
Sorry to dig this up, but was Adowyn's religion and alignment ever brought up?

There's a PFS playable version. It lists her as NG, and a follower of Erastil. So, yeah, that's been mentioned.

Kerney wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
Valeros better treat Adowyn right or that wolf of hers will have fighter for lunch
On the other hand, somebody needs to be the mother of Valeros' daughter we saw in Ultimate Campaign.

Seoni is shown in a wedding dress in that same book. There are a few veiled references from the folks at Paizo that these two things may not be unrelated...

Deadmanwalking wrote:
Blackpowder Witch wrote:
Sorry to dig this up, but was Adowyn's religion and alignment ever brought up?
There's a PFS playable version. It lists her as NG, and a follower of Erastil. So, yeah, that's been mentioned.

Ah thankies, being one of Old Deadeye's was my leading guess, but I wasn't entirely sure if she wasn't a Green Faith follower like Lini.

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