Advanced Class Guide Preview: Slayer

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Into every generation, a slayer is born. The slayer is a hunter, a stalker, and a killer, with enough power to fight fairly and win, but the inclination to fight unfairly and win by an even wider margin. The slayer combines the stalking and combat styles of the rogue and the ranger with none of the ranger's nature focus. Basically, the slayer is Ezio from the Assassin's Creed series, the quintessential assassin and the last person you want to see leaping out at you from the shadows.

The slayer is a full BAB class with a slower sneak attack progression than the rogue, talents at even levels, and its own prime feature, favored target (which is now called studied target). Studied target is the slayer's spin on favored enemy. Instead of hating a particular type of creature, the slayer studies any target he wants (hey, no wonder it's called studied target!), gaining bonuses against that target until he switches targets. Since this bonus also applies to Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival (and later Disguise, Intimidate, and Stealth), clever slayers can also gain a substantial boon from this feature in a variety of non-combat situations as well by studying NPCs during social encounters too. Favored target has unlimited daily uses, and who knows—if the old lady suddenly starts attacking, then you're even ready to fight back right away!

Illustration by Ramon Puasa Jr

In the original version, there were 16 choices for slayer talents with 8 additional advanced talents available at level 10. Playtesters had trouble finding enough talents that they wanted to take for their builds, so for the second playtest, this increased to 24 talents and 10 advanced talents, including the powerful combat style talent that could be taken three times, essentially granting the ranger's combat style feats to the slayer, and allowing the slayer the potential to amass a small army of feats at his disposal. Additionally, playtests had shown that the slayer's 4+Int bonus skill points were insufficient to pick up all the sorts of skills he needed to successfully slay, so he bumped up to 6+Int skill points.

The final version of the slayer as it appears in the Advanced Class Guide is quite similar to the second playtest version, so pull up your playtest document (or download it now) for an excellent preview of the class. The most exciting change is in the action economy of studied target—at low levels (before 7th when you can study as a swift action), melee slayers were finding the move action to study a target was really cramping their ambushes. So now, starting from level 1, if you hit and deal sneak attack damage, you can apply your studied target as an immediate action, and it even applies the favored target bonus to damage for that same attack. That way, you can ambush all you like and get right to the slaying!

The slayer screams out for archetypes that capture all the different facets of the iconic image of the slayer. The slayer archetypes in this book are really nice in that they give you what you're looking for with a relatively light touch, generally switching out a few of your talents for thematic abilities and losing very little else. The bounty hunter is your Boba Fett, bringing back criminals and debtors alive with combat maneuvers and an incapacitating death attack. The cleaner is the guy you send in to make sure those darned investigators don't figure out what happened, with a special ability to force any would-be detectives to beat the cleaner's Disguise or Stealth in order to find clues. The cutthroat is even more like Ezio, losing outdoorsy skills for city-based powers and skill bonuses that will help you leap off buildings instead of out of the shadows. The grave warden goes back to my intro quote with a kickass undead slayer, gaining an at-will self-only death ward at level 7 (it does cost 4 holy waters) and the ability to death attack an undead. But I'm sure you've been wondering "Mark, when are you going to get to that glowy purply shadow guy. He looks awesome!" That, my friends, is the stygian slayer, a killer imbued with the darkest shadows. He can cast invisibility, use wands and scrolls of a few thematic spells without a Use Magic Device Check, and turn into an inky black cloud that obscures vision. And that's just 5 of the 8 slayer archetypes in the final book! But wait—people have been asking for a thrown weapon ranger combat style for a while, right? Yeah, we have that too!

So you've got the rogue. You've got the ranger. Why should you be excited about the slayer class? Because those other classes serve a few masters when it comes to their design, but the slayer unashamedly serves only one—he wants to be the best at slaying, eliminating a chosen foe or foes. And he serves his master well. Even a fighter's offense can't keep up with the slayer, so if you prefer a style that emphasizes guile, stealth, and strong offense over defense, the slayer is the class for you.

As I'm typing this last paragraph, I've noticed that the slayer has some kind of a curved dagger to my throat, and he's made a few demands, so I want you to know, completely not under duress, that the slayer is my personal hero and is the best at all things. In fact, we're going to put out an entire book dedicated only to slayer options, and—aaaaaargh.

Mark Seifter

Editor's Note: After shooing the raptors away from the scene, we found this blog on a USB drive clutched in the hand of the remains of designer Mark Seifter. After a resurrection spell, he's fine now and back at work on Pathfinder Unchained, but he's still jumpy any time anyone mentions the slayer class. He defies anyone who claims that if he was dying, he wouldn't have bothered to have typed "Aaaaargh", he'd just say it.

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ramon Puasa Jr Slayer
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11 people marked this as a favorite.
Blackvial wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
K177Y C47 wrote:
You do not preview the slayer... the slayer previews you..
maybe you should stop wearing that female raptor in heat scented cologne?

Oh I'm not afraid of those little scavengers. They just smelled the scent of blood, but when I'm at my full strength...Wait, is one of the raptors disabling my crossbow trap? Clever girl...

13 people marked this as a favorite.

I really don't get all this howling about the Fighter being shortchanged. If it truly is underpowered compared to a HOST of other classes, is the solution to make every new class as "underpowered" as the fighter?

I think not.

If that's true, then the needed fix is to strengthen the fighter, not to gimp several other classes. I'd rather that new classes cohere to the "New Normal" than have it lower itself to the fighter's perceived lack of power, especially since many of the people complaining about it aren't using the Fighter anyway because they DO perceive its relative weakness.

10 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Seifter wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
K177Y C47 wrote:
You do not preview the slayer... the slayer previews you..
maybe you should stop wearing that female raptor in heat scented cologne?
Oh I'm not afraid of those little scavengers. They just smelled the scent of blood, but when I'm at my full strength...Wait, is one of the raptors disabling my crossbow trap? Clever girl...

Unawakened animals can take the Rogue's niche confirmed confirmed

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mark Seifter wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
K177Y C47 wrote:
You do not preview the slayer... the slayer previews you..
maybe you should stop wearing that female raptor in heat scented cologne?
Oh I'm not afraid of those little scavengers. They just smelled the scent of blood, but when I'm at my full strength...Wait, is one of the raptors disabling my crossbow trap? Clever girl...

Well yoru first mistake was using a crossbow... we all know that Longbows are obviously superior...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Arachnofiend wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
K177Y C47 wrote:
You do not preview the slayer... the slayer previews you..
maybe you should stop wearing that female raptor in heat scented cologne?
Oh I'm not afraid of those little scavengers. They just smelled the scent of blood, but when I'm at my full strength...Wait, is one of the raptors disabling my crossbow trap? Clever girl...
Unawakened animals can take the Rogue's niche confirmed confirmed

Final nail in the coffin...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Seifter wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
K177Y C47 wrote:
You do not preview the slayer... the slayer previews you..
maybe you should stop wearing that female raptor in heat scented cologne?
Oh I'm not afraid of those little scavengers. They just smelled the scent of blood, but when I'm at my full strength...Wait, is one of the raptors disabling my crossbow trap? Clever girl...

you forgot the one rule of dealing with raptors, there is never just one of them so watch your flanks and behind you

2 people marked this as a favorite.
The Rot Grub wrote:
If that's true, then the needed fix is to strengthen the fighter, not to gimp several other classes..

Well, yes, that have been requested from a long time, but that would be powercreep, and apparently every figther related powercreep is bad.

K177Y C47 wrote:
Final nail in the coffin...

This have been said soooo many times.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
K177Y C47 wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
K177Y C47 wrote:
You do not preview the slayer... the slayer previews you..
maybe you should stop wearing that female raptor in heat scented cologne?
Oh I'm not afraid of those little scavengers. They just smelled the scent of blood, but when I'm at my full strength...Wait, is one of the raptors disabling my crossbow trap? Clever girl...
Well yoru first mistake was using a crossbow... we all know that Longbows are obviously superior...

I asked if we had budget for a trap that creates simulacra of various literary and mythical figures to summon Odysseus so he can string and fire a longbow, but Chris Self denied that request, so all I've got is a bunch of rope, pulleys, and levers, as well as several 10-ft. poles. Have a good way for me to set all that up to shoot a longbow at whoever opens the office door?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
K177Y C47 wrote:
Arachnofiend wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
K177Y C47 wrote:
You do not preview the slayer... the slayer previews you..
maybe you should stop wearing that female raptor in heat scented cologne?
Oh I'm not afraid of those little scavengers. They just smelled the scent of blood, but when I'm at my full strength...Wait, is one of the raptors disabling my crossbow trap? Clever girl...
Unawakened animals can take the Rogue's niche confirmed confirmed
Final nail in the coffin...


Nicos wrote:
K177Y C47 wrote:
Final nail in the coffin...
This have been said soooo many times.

Well this coffin sure has a lot of nails...

Its like that one zombie that just refuses to die (de-animate?) no matter how much you shoot it xD.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mark Seifter wrote:
K177Y C47 wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
K177Y C47 wrote:
You do not preview the slayer... the slayer previews you..
maybe you should stop wearing that female raptor in heat scented cologne?
Oh I'm not afraid of those little scavengers. They just smelled the scent of blood, but when I'm at my full strength...Wait, is one of the raptors disabling my crossbow trap? Clever girl...
Well yoru first mistake was using a crossbow... we all know that Longbows are obviously superior...
I asked if we had budget for a trap that creates simulacra of various literary figures to summon Odysseus so he can string and fire a longbow, but Chris Self denied that request, so all I've got is a bunch of rope, pulleys, and levers, as well as several 10-ft. poles. Have a good way for me to set all that up to shoot a longbow at whoever opens the office door?

can never go wrong with a 10-ft pole

Mark Seifter wrote:
K177Y C47 wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
K177Y C47 wrote:
You do not preview the slayer... the slayer previews you..
maybe you should stop wearing that female raptor in heat scented cologne?
Oh I'm not afraid of those little scavengers. They just smelled the scent of blood, but when I'm at my full strength...Wait, is one of the raptors disabling my crossbow trap? Clever girl...
Well yoru first mistake was using a crossbow... we all know that Longbows are obviously superior...
I asked if we had budget for a trap that creates simulacra of various literary figures to summon Odysseus so he can string and fire a longbow, but Chris Self denied that request, so all I've got is a bunch of rope, pulleys, and levers, as well as several 10-ft. poles. Have a good way for me to set all that up to shoot a longbow at whoever opens the office door?

I guess all the money when into the ressurection... hm..

Blackvial wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
K177Y C47 wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
K177Y C47 wrote:
You do not preview the slayer... the slayer previews you..
maybe you should stop wearing that female raptor in heat scented cologne?
Oh I'm not afraid of those little scavengers. They just smelled the scent of blood, but when I'm at my full strength...Wait, is one of the raptors disabling my crossbow trap? Clever girl...
Well yoru first mistake was using a crossbow... we all know that Longbows are obviously superior...
I asked if we had budget for a trap that creates simulacra of various literary figures to summon Odysseus so he can string and fire a longbow, but Chris Self denied that request, so all I've got is a bunch of rope, pulleys, and levers, as well as several 10-ft. poles. Have a good way for me to set all that up to shoot a longbow at whoever opens the office door?
can never go wrong with a 10-ft pole

funny thing is that I think the 10 ft pole does more damage...


1 person marked this as a favorite.
K177Y C47 wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
K177Y C47 wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
K177Y C47 wrote:
You do not preview the slayer... the slayer previews you..
maybe you should stop wearing that female raptor in heat scented cologne?
Oh I'm not afraid of those little scavengers. They just smelled the scent of blood, but when I'm at my full strength...Wait, is one of the raptors disabling my crossbow trap? Clever girl...
Well yoru first mistake was using a crossbow... we all know that Longbows are obviously superior...
I asked if we had budget for a trap that creates simulacra of various literary figures to summon Odysseus so he can string and fire a longbow, but Chris Self denied that request, so all I've got is a bunch of rope, pulleys, and levers, as well as several 10-ft. poles. Have a good way for me to set all that up to shoot a longbow at whoever opens the office door?
I guess all the money when into the ressurection... hm..

Better a pound of cure covered by the insurance than an ounce of prevention that isn't.

Mark Seifter wrote:
K177Y C47 wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
K177Y C47 wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
K177Y C47 wrote:
You do not preview the slayer... the slayer previews you..
maybe you should stop wearing that female raptor in heat scented cologne?
Oh I'm not afraid of those little scavengers. They just smelled the scent of blood, but when I'm at my full strength...Wait, is one of the raptors disabling my crossbow trap? Clever girl...
Well yoru first mistake was using a crossbow... we all know that Longbows are obviously superior...
I asked if we had budget for a trap that creates simulacra of various literary figures to summon Odysseus so he can string and fire a longbow, but Chris Self denied that request, so all I've got is a bunch of rope, pulleys, and levers, as well as several 10-ft. poles. Have a good way for me to set all that up to shoot a longbow at whoever opens the office door?
I guess all the money when into the ressurection... hm..
Better a pound of cure covered by the insurance than an ounce of prevention that isn't.

Words to live by right here



I currently have a ninja / ranger cohort who sounds EXACTLY like the stigyian slayer.

What time is it? REBUILD TIME!

Now I'm even MORE excited for this book.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm glad we have a new simple class that simultaneously replaces the Fighter and Rogue. Happy times :)

Alex Mack wrote:
I bet they axed either the Ranger Combat Styles or the bonus feat talents cause the playtest Slayer was already a much better fighter. If Mark claims they are now toe to toe and they improved favored target something likely had to go.

Its still mechanically a worse ranger though it may be on par with it now if they didnt nerf anything.

Its better than Fighter which means its worse than equal to or greater than a Ranger.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Alexander Augunas wrote:


I currently have a ninja / ranger cohort who sounds EXACTLY like the stigyian slayer.

What time is it? REBUILD TIME!

Now I'm even MORE excited for this book.

i was about to say peanut butter jelly time

IRONxTrueblood wrote:
I hadn't realized the multi-class restriction was gone. I wonder well a Rogue (Scout) / Slayer would do. Charge + sneak attack + studied target.

it would totally suck, to many levels in rogue you have to take to get the charge feature, you are better off strait slayer.

Having play test a slayer. I found it one of the better class in the book, it was very well thought out and balanced classes it did not need a lot of adjustment. Sounds like the fixed the main complaint. With study target just taking too long at lower levels. Even at higher levels as swift action, it eats up your swift action economy not allowing you to do other things with it but it is not a total waste of using because you want to use it and also help out side of combat. It is really nice and I prefer it to rangers favored enemy bonus due to it flexibility. Don’t let sneak attack fool you it is still situational at best. Unless something major has changed in the slayer it is not going to out damage the fighter consistently. Despite that line in the blog. Sneak attack has the potential to cause that to happen, but as stated and everyone knowing sneak attack is situational at best. As you try to make it less situational by added feats or other abilities you end up sacrificing feats and end up with less feats in the long run by paying in feat taxes or loss of levels. As in the scout charge feature example. It balances the class out nicely in some instants he is going to out damage the fighter but he not going to do it all the time. Weapon training and Weapon specialization or if you have a spell like ability and can take arcane strike and you quickly make up for offset damage and to hit difference between fighter and slayer. It is a great battle buddy for a fighter and you team up together taking stuff out quickly. This class is the new Rogue. The way the Rogue was meant to be. Also this class is a bit more MAD then it looks, as you need STR,DEX,CON,CHA,and INT as some of it talents are based of that.cha just to help support it skill set. It also the perfect class to do solo adventure for it is that well balanced.

You only need 4 levels, and only lose 1 BAB. In exchange, you get offensive defense, and something else that's maybe good.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
The Rot Grub wrote:

I really don't get all this howling about the Fighter being shortchanged. If it truly is underpowered compared to a HOST of other classes, is the solution to make every new class as "underpowered" as the fighter?

I think not.

If that's true, then the needed fix is to strengthen the fighter, not to gimp several other classes. I'd rather that new classes cohere to the "New Normal" than have it lower itself to the fighter's perceived lack of power, especially since many of the people complaining about it aren't using the Fighter anyway because they DO perceive its relative weakness.

It's the fact that it's a "New Normal" that is my main cause for concern—that steps in this direction weaken the ability of the Core Rulebook to be the core for the game, self-sufficient.

I like having a CRB that's a strong baseline that doesn't need additional products.

This is especially nice to have when introducing new players to the game. The barriers to entry are already incredibly high, no need to make that problem worse by asking them to learn *multiple* hardcovers' worth of character options.

LoneKnave wrote:
You only need 4 levels, and only lose 1 BAB. In exchange, you get offensive defense, and something else that's maybe good.

still think knife master is better for "assassin" type builds.

K177Y C47 wrote:
LoneKnave wrote:
You only need 4 levels, and only lose 1 BAB. In exchange, you get offensive defense, and something else that's maybe good.
still think knife master is better for "assassin" type builds.

what if you don't want to kill something with a knife?

so are we really just going to sweep fighter/rogue/monk under the rug and just replace them with the newer models instead of fixing them? over page-count? sigh.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
K177Y C47 wrote:
LoneKnave wrote:
You only need 4 levels, and only lose 1 BAB. In exchange, you get offensive defense, and something else that's maybe good.
still think knife master is better for "assassin" type builds.

Why not both? They stack.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Joe M. wrote:
I like having a CRB that's a strong baseline that doesn't need additional products.

Unfortunately we don't have that, and barring Pathfinder Unchained, there doesn't seem any interest in redoing it. So we're stuck with the Core including Wizard, Cleric, and Druid... and Monk, Rogue, and Fighter. And the stuff in between.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
AndIMustMask wrote:
so are we really just going to sweep fighter/rogue/monk under the rug and just replace them with the newer models instead of fixing them? over page-count? sigh.

This is a problem with "NPC as players" design. They can't fix the core classes without making them incompatible with the AP stat blocks.

Here's hoping for Unchained.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Joe M. wrote:
The Rot Grub wrote:

I really don't get all this howling about the Fighter being shortchanged. If it truly is underpowered compared to a HOST of other classes, is the solution to make every new class as "underpowered" as the fighter?

I think not.

If that's true, then the needed fix is to strengthen the fighter, not to gimp several other classes. I'd rather that new classes cohere to the "New Normal" than have it lower itself to the fighter's perceived lack of power, especially since many of the people complaining about it aren't using the Fighter anyway because they DO perceive its relative weakness.

It's the fact that it's a "New Normal" that is my main cause for concern—that steps in this direction weaken the ability of the Core Rulebook to be the core for the game, self-sufficient.

I like having a CRB that's a strong baseline that doesn't need additional products.

This is especially nice to have when introducing new players to the game. The barriers to entry are already incredibly high, no need to make that problem worse by asking them to learn *multiple* hardcovers' worth of character options.

The new normal was already prevalent within the Crb with Barbarians and Paladins (especially Paladins) and also druids being far and away better than the Fighter at his beatstick.

Its no surprise that Paizo designed classes are superior to the sacred cows of 3.5 that were chained to desires of backward compatibility.

Also there are useful aids for directing newcomers to the information they seek which includes these forums.

Joe M. wrote:
The Rot Grub wrote:

I really don't get all this howling about the Fighter being shortchanged. If it truly is underpowered compared to a HOST of other classes, is the solution to make every new class as "underpowered" as the fighter?

I think not.

If that's true, then the needed fix is to strengthen the fighter, not to gimp several other classes. I'd rather that new classes cohere to the "New Normal" than have it lower itself to the fighter's perceived lack of power, especially since many of the people complaining about it aren't using the Fighter anyway because they DO perceive its relative weakness.

It's the fact that it's a "New Normal" that is my main cause for concern—that steps in this direction weaken the ability of the Core Rulebook to be the core for the game, self-sufficient.

I like having a CRB that's a strong baseline that doesn't need additional products.

This is especially nice to have when introducing new players to the game. The barriers to entry are already incredibly high, no need to make that problem worse by asking them to learn *multiple* hardcovers' worth of character options.

The "New Normal" does not exist. The classes such as Fighter, Rogue, and Monk showed up in the very same book as Wizards, Clerics, Paladins, and Druids. The CRB was unbalanced in its conception.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Sounds an awful lot like another class I know ;)

Seriously, though - great job, this looks very cool!

Silver Crusade

Several good responses there, thanks folks. I have some particular points I'd like to follow up on, but I'm offline for the rest of the evening.

Generally I don't disagree with the positions stated—generally—, but there are a couple small things and working to get the framing right (along the lines of, new default *nonmagical* class discussion above).

I share the hope that Unchained will give us tools to address at least some of our dissatisfactions with the Core. That would be nice. :-)

7 people marked this as a favorite.





6 people marked this as a favorite.
Nerdrage Ooze wrote:





Posts like this are more effective when there are actually people unhappy with the topic at hand

Just a quick reminder that it's best to flag "jerk posts". Direct reply's get deleted in the clean up and sometimes they can result in vitriol infused arguments before the cleanup.

Also, in case anyone else (who has something relevant/constructive to say) missed it, Sean K Reynolds left Paizo earlier this year - on good terms, obviously. Mark Seifter was hired to help fill the gap. (And even though SKR's shoes are large, he's done a stellar job filling them thus far and I'm excited to see what else he brings to the table.)

5 people marked this as a favorite.

You do realize that this is a long-lived, relatively well-known joke alias posting, right? Or was the name not enough to give it away? ;)

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Joe M. wrote:

I like having a CRB that's a strong baseline that doesn't need additional products.

This is especially nice to have when introducing new players to the game. The barriers to entry are already incredibly high, no need to make that problem worse by asking them to learn *multiple* hardcovers' worth of character options.

I disagree that new players *have* to learn multiple hardcovers. I'm currently running a game for 4 people new to the game using only the CRB, Bestiary, and the Inner Sea World Guide.

You can make the game as simple or as complicated as you choose. Don't let the books choose for you.

I breathe a sigh of relief as the class is kept largely the same, instead of being nerfed somewhat (as I half feared it would). This is by far my favorite class from the ACG, and I'm having a blast playing one in Age of Worms right now. Those two extra skill points will go nicely with everything else.

The ONLY thing I have a gripe about (because of course, I must gripe about SOMETHING, mustn't I?) is the name change of Favored Target to Studied Target. Studied Target just sounds so laaaaaame. It makes me want to put glasses and a pocket protector on my Slayer. Come on.

Zark wrote:

I’m not overly excited by the inclusion of sneak attack; however I just see that as a bonus.

I continually forget I have Sneak Attack.

Nicos wrote:
TWF with shield master and sneak attack could be a good option.

Next level...

The Seifter wrote:
The bounty hunter is your Boba Fett, bringing back criminals and debtors alive with combat maneuvers and an incapacitating death attack.

No disintegrations?


9 people marked this as a favorite.
Gwaihir Scout wrote:
The Seifter wrote:
The bounty hunter is your Boba Fett, bringing back criminals and debtors alive with combat maneuvers and an incapacitating death attack.
No disintegrations?

Not by default, but let's homebrew one right now--if you want to add that on, I think we could probably stick in a -10 to CMD against swallow whole to balance it, don't you?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

A up close combat light armored class?

Putting it on my to play list.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Arachnofiend wrote:
Nerdrage Ooze wrote:





Posts like this are more effective when there are actually people unhappy with the topic at hand

Cmon Gorbacz, you do better than this.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Honestly, so far all the classes sound like they will be fun additions. I'll certainly hold final judgement for when I have the books, but I can't wait to roll up a Brawler, Swashbuckler, and Slayer.

21 people marked this as a favorite.

So, the Slayer is basically the Angel of Death, capable of Raining Blood down on his Necrophobic enemies? Guess I need to look at the class Piece By Piece, lest I end up Criminally Insane from the awesome. The rogue has been Reborn, and I like it, though I foresee an Epidemic of slayers in PFS when the book is released. I guess the base rogue is Expendable Youth now, one of the Skeletons of Society. Well, I'm part of the New Faith here - I like this class, and all its Seven Faces, which will allow me to spread Hate Worldwide. Cast Down the nonbelievers, Spill the Blood, and may your slayers find Serenity in Murder. Just be careful - with all that killing, they're likely to end up somewhere South of Heaven...

4 people marked this as a favorite.
El Ronza wrote:
So, the Slayer is basically the Angel of Death, capable of Raining Blood down on his Necrophobic enemies? Guess I need to look at the class Piece By Piece, lest I end up Criminally Insane from the awesome. The rogue has been Reborn, and I like it, though I foresee an Epidemic of slayers in PFS when the book is released. I guess the base rogue is Expendable Youth now, one of the Skeletons of Society. Well, I'm part of the New Faith here - I like this class, and all its Seven Faces, which will allow me to spread Hate Worldwide. Cast Down the nonbelievers, Spill the Blood, and may your slayers find Serenity in Murder. Just be careful - with all that killing, they're likely to end up somewhere South of Heaven...

Marry me.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
You do realize that this is a long-lived, relatively well-known joke alias posting, right? Or was the name not enough to give it away? ;)

Nerdrage Ooze is teh roxxorz!!!!

In other news, I really like the concept of the Cleaner. The Disguise/Stealth used against an Investigator (or presumably any other character) check mechanic is kind of cool. I like the idea behind it- essentially (as far as I can tell anyway), using a skill to force another character to make an opposed skill check at a later date.

I can't think of too many other abilities like this in-game currently- there's a Rogue talent similar (Convincing Lie, IIRC), although that one is a little weird in some ways.

13 people marked this as a favorite.

BRING BACK USE ROPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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K177Y C47 wrote:
Remember, the fighter's thing has always been feats... but the ranger and now the brawler AND the slayer can just about match him tit for tat... if not be better than him at it (skipping pre-reqs).. kinda hurts the poor fighter a lot... seeing as he really doesn't have much else (Weapon trainign is ok... armor training is alright... bravery is a joke...)

This class has a different theme than a fighter. Classes aren't about power they are about different play styles and character archetypes. A soldier, knight, or proud warrior isn't going to be a slayer, they are going to be fighters, cavaliers, and similar classes.

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Troodos wrote:
A soldier, knight, or proud warrior isn't going to be a slayer

Why not? (besides heavy armor prof)

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