Ralanr's page
45 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
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A up close combat light armored class?
Putting it on my to play list.
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I wanna see her punch a dragon in the face.
Note to self: Start writing some poetry or learn some songs to sing or hum when playing a skald.
Edit: Get better at writing poetry.
Well this class is on my to play list. Tied with Bloodrager.
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My one question is this: With the Arcanist around, what reason is there to play a wizard or sorcerer?
Other than that go crazy magic rule breaking!
And that gave me goosebumps.
I love getting goosebumps when reading!
Ross Byers wrote: Torbyne wrote: New idea for an archetype: Bloodrager who specializes in electric based magic. Bloodtrocuted! The iconic bloodrager has the Air bloodline, which has ties to the Electricity damage type. Where can I find that. Cause the iconic Bloodrager isn't up from where I see.
master_marshmallow wrote:
Also I blame the point buy system, because it is the devil.
My group and I prefer to use the random rolls approach. But my DM has a houserule that allows a player one score of 18 if they have no 18's or all there scores are below 13. Granted a lot of us were new and we've only played for about two years, but we've kept the same rule.
Blackpowder Witch wrote: I can see giving Fighters a break and giving them more skills to represent their training. What I fail to see is in what sane world does it make sense to give Clerics(Arguably the 2nd strongest class in the system) more skill points?
Blehuie, I'm getting off topic. From what I've read so far, I'm really excited for Warpriests. Can't wait to see what kind of divine gun platform I can make it into.
I wonder. If you pick a blessing that results in a glowing weapon, do the bullets also glow when you fire them and not the gun? Or just the gun?
Jeez it'd be like playing paintball...except the balls are lead and glowing, and also lethal.
Nor do I. But if I did bring any up then I apologize for that was never my intention.
It seems like we are also ignoring the sacred weapon damage and the fervor mechanic.
Tels wrote: Ralanr wrote: TerminalArtiste wrote: Deadmanwalking wrote: Ralanr wrote: TerminalArtiste wrote: Maybe the fancy horse is related to one of the blessings? A paladin-style mount would make sense for the Animal domain, actually.
In any case, I'm now a little more excited about the warpriest now that it's mechanics are cleared up. I think that removing the restriction for Sacred Weapon to be your deity's favoured weapon could allow for some interesting character concepts. Wait I'm confused. I thought the sacred weapon didn't have to be your deity's favored weapon. It doesn't. However, it did in the first playtest version, though not the second. Argh, should have worded that better. If you didn't I wouldn't have gotten the ninja chuckle. So I for one am glad for the mess up.
Also, where did they say that sacred weapons can be weapons you have weapon focus with? I don't remember reading that in the second playtest. It's the second sentence of Sacred Weapon:
Warpriest wrote: Sacred Weapon (Su): Weapons wielded by a warpriest are charged with the power of his faith. In addition to the favored weapon of his deity, the warpriest can designate a weapon as a sacred weapon by selecting that weapon with the Weapon Focus feat (if he has multiple Weapon Focus feats, this ability applies to all of them). Whenever the warpriest is wielding a sacred weapon, he treats his warpriest level as his base attack bonus for attacks made with that weapon, stacking with any base attack bonus from other classes or racial Hit Dice. Obviously I am blind.
TerminalArtiste wrote: Deadmanwalking wrote: Ralanr wrote: TerminalArtiste wrote: Maybe the fancy horse is related to one of the blessings? A paladin-style mount would make sense for the Animal domain, actually.
In any case, I'm now a little more excited about the warpriest now that it's mechanics are cleared up. I think that removing the restriction for Sacred Weapon to be your deity's favoured weapon could allow for some interesting character concepts. Wait I'm confused. I thought the sacred weapon didn't have to be your deity's favored weapon. It doesn't. However, it did in the first playtest version, though not the second. Argh, should have worded that better. If you didn't I wouldn't have gotten the ninja chuckle. So I for one am glad for the mess up.
Also, where did they say that sacred weapons can be weapons you have weapon focus with? I don't remember reading that in the second playtest.
So many ninjas. Didn't realize the class was that popular.
TerminalArtiste wrote: Maybe the fancy horse is related to one of the blessings? A paladin-style mount would make sense for the Animal domain, actually.
In any case, I'm now a little more excited about the warpriest now that it's mechanics are cleared up. I think that removing the restriction for Sacred Weapon to be your deity's favoured weapon could allow for some interesting character concepts.
Wait I'm confused. I thought the sacred weapon didn't have to be your deity's favored weapon.
I'm glad weapon damage scaling stayed, it was actually my favorite aspect of the warpriest. In my mind there are a lot of weapons that don't get much use in play. With this we can see characters using weapons not normally used and still be able to catch up.
Which means I'm probably going to abuse the scythe. Go warscythe!
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On the topic of Warpriests: I am so going to enjoy playing this class. Oloch is also pretty damn awesome.
Man I love Wayne Reynalds artwork.
I'm gonna be in suspense for the others. That I can guarantee.
Guy St-Amant wrote: Adjule wrote: Silence among Hounds wrote: Looks like there isn't a Suave Male Dwarven Arcanist like I had hoped for but at least there was some good facial hair in the mix.
They already have a male dwarf (Harsk the Ranger), and it looks like they are going for 1 of each of the non-Human CRB races (male gnome summoner, female gnome druid, male halfling bard, female halfling ?, male dwarf ranger, female dwarf ?, male half-orc warpriest, female half-orc inquisitor, male half-elf magus, female half-elf swashbuckler, male elf arcanist, female elf rogue. all others are humans). Gunslinger is Half Elf female, Alchemist is Elf male...
Wait...but that swashbuckler looks like a half-elf female. So...are we getting two female half-elves?
Kudaku wrote: Ralanr wrote: ...Monk/Paladin.
I want to infuse my fists with the power of my god and punch dragons in the face with it.
Have you seen the Iroran paladin archetype? It does a good job of combining monk and paladin mechanics.
If I'm not mistaken it's in the Inner Sea Combat. I get most of my info on this stuff from the srd. So I don't know about a lot of the other stuff out there, just the basics.
Monk/Cleric, Monk/Paladin.
I want to infuse my fists with the power of my god and punch dragons in the face with it.
Evan Tarlton wrote: Where do those cards come from? I'm trying to uncover alignment info, but the zooming renders the text even more illegible. Sadly the technology to zoom and enhance does not fully exist...shame really.
On the more serious side I have no answer to your question.
I ended up changing a few things and doing a final edit. The gnolls became a sub race of gnolls so they have some differences (IE stats). I also ended up writing up lore, but I'm not going to post that cause that is about three pages worth.
The Doa Gnolls
Female: +2 Str, +2 Wis, -2 Int. Female gnolls are strong and have a pragmatic way of looking at things, but are rather simplistic.
Height- 7-7'6, weight 260-300
Male: +2 Cha, +2 Wis, -2 Con. Male gnolls are equally pragmatic but less intimidating, but are smaller and physically weaker
Height 6'5-7, weight 220-260
Normal speed (30ft)
Languages: Gnoll and Common, smart gnolls can learn Abyssal, Giant, Infernal, Orc, undercommon, Catfolk
Doa gnolls share many similarities with regular gnolls. The only difference is that their fur always has a spotted pattern. Their eyes are than green or yellow. Doa gnolls also live longer but age slower than normal gnolls due to the fact that they have no demonic taint within them. Their lifespan is actually very similar to that of half-orcs, reaching adulthood at age 14. (Shares starting ages with half-orcs).
Plagueborn: +2 saving throws to disease, nausea, ingested poisons, and sickened.
Desert Runner: +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and exhaustion, as well as running, forced march, starve, thirst, hot and cold environments.
Bite: 1d4 bite damage
Darkvison: Darkvison 60ft
Carrion sense: Scent like ability for corpses or badly wounded creatures (25% or fewer hit points)
Scavenger: +2 racial bonus on Appraise and Perception checks to find hidden objects (traps and secret doors), determine whether food is spoiled or identify a potion by taste.
Yes Males have different stats, I really wanted to implement that there is a big difference between the females and the males. My DM really liked the race and put it in the new world she is making.
Also. Anyone else notice how both the half-orc Iconics are divine classes?
Major_Blackhart wrote: God, all this talk of Anti-Paladin Iconics makes me remember the Aasimar Anti-Paladin of Gorum that organized things for our party in Lastwall. Devoted to Gorum, master of the Thousand Blades (an Inquisition type religious order of Gorum in Lastwall and Belkzen, of which my Inquisitor was a member) and he was in constant contact with Hundux Half-Mann in Wyvernsting regarding supplies and troop movements.
I'd really love to see an Anti-Paladin iconic as an Aasimar. That would be awesome.
And believable! Cause you'd never expect it! Except you would expect it cause you'd never expect it and head rush.
Adjule wrote: Well, for a Champions of Corruption book, I could see them using that example Antipaladin for CE, and making the Slayer be their usage of NE, with the Magus their LE. Makes perfect sense. Fills out everything!
Note to self: Check out those champions books.
Guy St-Amant wrote: Ralanr wrote: If we were going to have a new evil iconic, I think it'd be the slayer, though it seems really obvious to me (he seems to have some evil in his eyes. I could be very wrong though). I'd be surprised if someone else became an evil iconic instead. The Magus is the only confirmed Evil Iconic since there isn't an AntiPaladin Iconic.
Evil Iconics could have some uses, for Pathfinder Players Companion: Champions of Corruption... and for a theoretical Evil AP.
Then who the hell is this guy? I mean I know he doesn't have a name, but still.
I'm voting that the Skald will be CG if not CN.
If we were going to have a new evil iconic, I think it'd be the slayer, though it seems really obvious to me (he seems to have some evil in his eyes. I could be very wrong though). I'd be surprised if someone else became an evil iconic instead.
Oceanshieldwolf wrote: To be clear, I am disagreeing with Tirisfal's assessment. I think the Dwarf, brightly dressed in blue is the Arcanist, and the Human is the Slayer. I was wondering why you sounded confusing. Lack of quote marks.
Yeah it's probably navy blue though.
I don't think the Arcanist is a knife person.
Also the clothing doesn't look that bright, I think it is trying to be navy blue, which is a better stealth color than black.
Brawler better be female. I can only imagine a rivalry between her and Amiri...and her punching dragons in the face.
I have to do that as a brawler...at the correct level of course. But I will happily punch my way there.
Go go female brawler! Punch those dragons in the face!
I'm really hoping the Investigator is a gnome or halfling that pulls off a Sherlock Holmes look.
Peet wrote: The trick with taking a creature with racial HD and retconning it into something that is actually an NPC or PC race is that the base stats of such creatures are different.
As Deadmanwalking pointed out above, the base stats for a monster are all 10s and 11s. On the other hand, Quote: Creatures with NPC class levels have stats in the standard array (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8) So if you are assuming gnolls are an NPC or PC race then you have to reverse engineer the stat block as if it represents a gnoll warrior 2 instead of a creature with racial hit dice.
The Gnoll has scores of: Str 15, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8
If we assumed racial bonuses of +2 STR, +2 CON, -2 INT you could generate a Gnoll with Str 15, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 8. That's close enough to say that this is a reasonable stat bonus array for this race.
BTW, I put the -2 in INT because frankly I think that gnolls should be better sorcerers or oracles than they should be wizards. But if you want to make it -2 CHA instead it works basically the same.
So you get this:
Humanoid (0 RP)
Medium (0 RP)
Speed 30 (0 RP)
Specialized (+2 Str/Con, -2 Int) (1 RP)
Natural Armor (2 RP)
Darkvision 60 (2 RP)
At only 5 RP they definitely deserve a bit of love. I would probably just give them Bite (1RP) and Scent (4RP) and leave it at that. I know normal gnolls don't have scent, but then basic gnolls probably aren't searching for invisible creatures that often. As a GM in a homebrew game I would probably give my gnolls scent anyway to make the encounter more interesting, with an unknown but easily-guessable ability. At the very least gnolls should qualify for the keen scent feat as if they are half-orcs.
BTW you mention something about bite damage, but gnolls should not have a bite as powerful as that of an actual hyena. Regular hyenas do 1d6 (+3 for STR) which is enough to usually kill a 1hd creature or NPC class in one shot. A 1st-level gnoll PC or NPC with a bite would typically do 1d3+3 (or...
That...is very informative and useful. I didn't know the hyena bite strength so I definitely need to lower that damage. I guess I should also make some of the racial traits I choose into more alternate racial traits. I'll ask my DM and see what she thinks, since the setting is her original world.
Deadmanwalking wrote: Ralanr wrote: I think maybe I should just make my gnoll stats the stats for a sub-race or a special tribe of gnoll. Go for it. Normal Gnolls are more predatory, while this version are smaller and smarter, and seem to hew closer to their hyena roots as scavengers. That's some solid thematic space to occupy. K. Though I would like to see a link to those stats you showcased earlier. What with the +4 Str.
I think maybe I should just make my gnoll stats the stats for a sub-race or a special tribe of gnoll.
Deadmanwalking wrote: MMCJawa wrote: I don't think the one in front is female...looks like he has a mustache to me. I would also go with Slayer on that. ...maybe. The image is...not good (though having it at all is wonderful). Could just be dark-colored lips and maybe a shadow...or you could be right. I honestly can't tell.
If it is the Slayer, you're likely right given the male pronouns in that section...so you're probably correct, now that I check on it. The black looks a little high to be lips, so it might be a mustache. So looks like slayer is a guy.
Deadmanwalking wrote: Samasboy1 wrote: The ARG stats reflect the stats of Gnolls in the Bestiary, They don't actually. The ARG stats don't give enough Strength, give too much Natural Armor, and don't assign Int or Cha penalties. Those...are not a good representation at all. Agreed. Thus my desire to rework them.
I wonder which Iconic we get to meet first.
Deadmanwalking wrote: Seems silly and counter-intuitive with existing Gnoll stats.
+4 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Cha, +1 Natural Armor, and 60 ft Darkvision (on top of the standard Medium Humanoid stuff) are a perfectly valid set of racial traits all on their own, and create, effectively, actual Gnolls. Why reinvent the wheel?
Let 'em take the Half Orc Feat or Trait if they want a bite attack.
Where are those? Cause the ones I've seen don't have those exact stats.
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I looked at the gnoll race example from the Race builder and I felt that it was very underpowered and not very flavorful to what a gnoll was. So I decided to rework the race. I only gave myself 10 Race points. Please tell me what you think.
(0RP): Humanoid (Gnoll)
(0RP): Medium size
(0RP): Normal speed (30ft)
(0RP): +2 Str +2 Wis -2 Cha. Gnolls are strong and have a good understanding of pack tactics and strength in numbers, but their monstrous appearance and scavenger habits put them at odds with other races (I know people are going to argue with this, I didn't want to give them two physical stats. I felt wisdom could work in a tribal context)
(0RP): Normal language: Starts out with Gnoll and Common. Smart gnolls can learn Abyssal, Giant, Infernal, Orc, and Undercommon (learn does not mean speak).
(1RP): Plagueborn: Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease, ingested poisons, and becoming nauseated or sickened.
(2RP): Desert runner: Members of this race receive a +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and exhaustion, as well as any other ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments.
(2RP): Scavenger: Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on Appraise and Perception checks to find hidden objects (including traps and secret doors), determine whether food is spoiled, or identify a potion by taste.
(1RP): Carrion Sense: Members of this race have a natural ability to sniff out carrion. This functions like the scent ability, but only for corpses and badly wounded creatures (creatures with 25% or fewer hit points).
(2RP): Darkvison 60 ft.
(1RP): Bite 1d6 damage (The guide said 1d3, I'll explain in the next spot)
(1RP): Improved bite 1d8 damage (The guide did say 1d3, but improved bite said to move bite damage up to one size category, but I couldn't find the damage for the next size category (which is probably 1d4 now that I think about it) and since gnolls are humanoid hyenas it would only make sense that they have a strong bite attack. Since hyenas have a bite of 1100 PSI)
So what do you all think?
Deadmanwalking wrote: Linkified.
And one of those is the guy from the cover, who I'm still betting is a Blodrager. The female human in front is almost certainly the Slayer or Brawler (I'm betting Slayer) and the third guy...maybe Skald? Or Hunter, as suggested. He appears Ulfen, whatever he is...which makes me think Skald even more.
Thanks. I only just joined so I don't know how to do the links thing here.
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http://www.crittohit.com/images/resize/w/730/imagestore/articles/5071/P1130 950.jpg
Brawler looks human, so does slayer and whatever that third class is (most likely hunter)