New Options

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Year of the Sky Key, Season 6 of the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign, is approaching, and that means the new Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play is on its way. It's still a few weeks before we preview the new guide, but we can share a few new options available at the start of Season 6. In fact, there's something for players and something for GMs and organizers.

I imagine you've already spotted the art and guessed that expanded race access is one announcement—spot on. Just as non-standard race access is a hot topic on the messageboards, it's a common talking point during our meetings. It's tough to balance the lure of race boons for conventions against letting as many people as possible play the types of characters they want. Add to that the heated discussions about whether or not some non-standard races are overpowered and the concerns about the so-called "cantina effect." That's a lot to juggle when making a decision, but we decided that introducing a few new options would be best for the campaign. Beginning August 14th 2014 at Gen Con, three new races will be available for play without requiring a special Chronicle sheet: kitsune, nagaji, and wayang. These races have been in circulation through extra Chronicle sheets for nearly three years now, and even though some players have had an opportunity to create these characters, we want newer players to have new options to enjoy. Like other race options, it is still necessary that a player have a book or watermarked pdf reference for the race, such as from Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Dragon Empires Gazetteer, Pathfinder Player Companion: Dragon Empires Primer, Pathfinder RPG: Advanced Race Guide, or Pathfinder RPG Bestiary: Bestiary 4.

Illustration by Eva Widermann

So let's see... seven core races plus three Bestiary races plus three Dragon Empires races. That equals 13, right? Well, there's one piece missing from that equation. We're also removing two races.

For several years, aasimar and tieflings have enjoyed a prominent role in the Pathfinder Society, but as the organization concludes its work in Mendev—where numerous pit-born fight for recognition and heaven-blooded warriors wage holy war—it's time for them to step back. Beginning on August 14th, creating an aasimar or tiefling character will require a special Chronicle sheet, as was the case years ago. The exception is any aasimar or tielfing character with at least 1 XP; these characters are grandfathered into the campaign.

Does this mean you can create several new characters, play a scenario with each, and have several native outsiders waiting for when you need them? Well, we debated long and hard whether to require 4 XP per character, as at that point one is past the free rebuilding stage. However, we also recognized this as unnecessarily punitive to casual players who may only be able to play once or twice in the next month. To answer your question, yes, you can make 10 aasimars and play The Confirmation an equal number of times, but we're trusting you'll exercise some good taste and respect a decision made with the larger community in mind.

Now that we've covered the more controversial news, let's wrap things up with something outright awesome.

We (both Mike and John) both have experience as venture-officers and event coordinators, and we understand that sometimes it's tough to convince a new player to commit to a full 4-5 hour experience. Some events just are not conducive to running a full game, whether that's because it's a weeknight with lots of folks who need to get to bed early or because the location is only open for a few hours. What do you do when a scenario just isn't short enough?

For years the answer has been quests, one-hour mini-adventures intended to last an hour or less. They're great little adventures, but they're a little difficult to schedule for a few reasons. First, there's no easy way to tell a bigger story by connecting a few quests together. Second, the quests—though replayable—offer no gold, XP, or Prestige Points, giving them a reputation of risk for little reward. The most difficult hurdle is that there are only two of them in print (not counting the Goblin Attack demos or Beginner's Box Bash demos).

This year at Gen Con, we're debuting six new 1st-level Pathfinder Quests that take place in and around the River Kingdoms. Each one is a standalone adventure, but they are all loosely tied into a common plot thread, allowing a GM to combine anywhere from two to all six to make a larger adventure as suits the needs of the group and event location. Play them in any order—one can even play the finale quest early—and earn a Chronicle sheet with rewards that scale based on the number of adventures you played.

John Compton and Mike Brock
Developer and Global Organized Play Coordinator

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My own opinions is that I really like the removal of Aasimar and Tieflings, aside from the balance issues mentioned I really like the cycling. It allows people access to more and more races but by cycling them back out again we dont't just keep growing, instead we get to keep a nice stable base of the core races plus a small amount of non-core that are currently in-cycle.

Also I understand the problems of people with boons etc, but this is the first complete cycle done (Aasimar and Tiefling in then out again), so for those who have boons for kitsune etc they can probably keep them for when THEIR turn comes to cycle out, or take whatever alternative John Compton ends up deciding on.


A few ideas:

For players with boons allowing access to kitsune, nagaji, or wayang, now that the races are "open" to all, for PCs created on or after August 14th the boon could allow:

1) +1 to one non-race adjusted stat.

2) A bonus 'race' trait.

3) The "open" race access only allows access from Advanced Race Guide. The boon opens options from the "Blood of" books.

4) The boon can be used for a free or 1/2 price raise dead for the PC.

5) Player choice for any of the above.

Just My Thoughts

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Jeff Merola wrote:
Honestly disappointed that they're removing Aasimar and Tiefling as legal options for new players.

All I can say after seeing the flood of generic aasimars and tieflings created solely for the mechanical benefits of outsider immunities, is that it's about time.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

I'm quite excited about wayangs, there's a lot of different classes that work well with those. And the grandfather clause is sufficiently liberal for me.

3/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

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I'm a bit worried that removing previously legal races will quickly lead to hurt feelings, as new players see others playing with Aasimars and Tieflings, only to find out that they missed the boat in being able to play one too. How much worse will the cries of "I can't play the race I want because I can't get a convention boon!" be when they know that most people didn't even need one?

Plus, I'm sure I'll be kicking myself in a few months, thinking "D'oh! That's an awesome character concept! If only I'd thought of it earlier..."

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
RainyDayNinja wrote:

I'm a bit worried that removing previously legal races will quickly lead to hurt feelings, as new players see others playing with Aasimars and Tieflings, only to find out that they missed the boat in being able to play one too. How much worse will the cries of "I can't play the race I want because I can't get a convention boon!" be when they know that most people didn't even need one?

Plus, I'm sure I'll be kicking myself in a few months, thinking "D'oh! That's an awesome character concept! If only I'd thought of it earlier..."

Rainy Day, no matter what change you make in a campaign there will always be some who will gnash their teeth.

And to those who feel that they missed the boat with their "great character concept", I would challenge them to make a concept just as great with the new setup.


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*floating on air at the removal of Tieflings and Aasimar*

Lantern Lodge 3/5

Dan Houser wrote:
If this announcement had involved - Hey, as GM, you can have more leeway to have accurate interactions with these lovely 8 CHA players, I.E. they go into a town without a bag on their head, and the townsfolk are ready with pitchforks and torches -- or it's just basically the same old/ same old.

Just because a PC has a low Charisma score does not necessarily warrant a peasant rising against said PC.

Furthermore, how does one distinguish the line between a low Charisma score coupled with a high Diplomacy skill?

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I'm okay with this. I guess I need to get around to making a Tiefling character though...

5/5 *****

Lormyr wrote:

Just because a PC has a low Charisma score does not necessarily warrant a peasant rising against said PC.

Furthermore, how does one distinguish the line between a low Charisma score coupled with a high Diplomacy skill?

Indeed. Both my sorcerer and wizard have a charisma of 7 but both are entirely capable of selling snow to an eskimo.

5/5 *****

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Majuba wrote:
*floating on air at the removal of Tieflings and Aasimar*

I have to ask, why would you take quite such delight in the removal of options which other people clearly enjoy? Seems like a bit of a dick move to me.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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Rorary Prisock wrote:

Well at least a Separatist Cleric with Domains Fate Inquisition and Trickery still meets the 2nd level arcane/divine requirements for Mystic Theurge at 1st level regardless of race. 2 Ranks of wizard and BOOM mystic theurge at level 4. I'm betting the new races will allow new ways to min/max to the hilt and build different abominations than the ones that already exist.

Respectful correction: that hasn't been the case since September of last year.

"For spell-like abiities gained from a class, use the spell type (arcane or divine) of that class to determine whether the spell-like ability is arcane or divine. If the class doesn't cast spells, use the above rule for spell-like abilities from race or type."

1/5 * RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

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Huh? They remove aasimar and tieflings, but then introduce even more monstrous races? I can understand kitsune, who shapeshift to adapt to human societies, but wayangs and nagaji?

Grand Lodge 3/5

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I'm glad the aasimar and tiefling races are going back to boons only. It was annoying to have 3+ of these races at the table; I would venture to say over half the players using them took the race simply for the race benefits, not giving a damn about backstory.

Now I only hope the table isn't made up of furries...

So, touching on the primary in-game effect of Aasimars and Tieflings:

Are all the new races considered "humanoids" and affected by Charm, Enlarge, etc.?


Calybos1 wrote:

So, touching on the primary in-game effect of Aasimars and Tieflings:

Are all the new races considered "humanoids" and affected by Charm, Enlarge, etc.?



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Does this mean Paizo will refund the cost of my Blood of Angels player companion PDF?

Scarab Sages 2/5 **

I support these options.

I have both angels and fiends books and will play out those characters; no regrets.

cya at Gencon

The Exchange 4/5

I already have a lvl 6 Nagaji & a lvl 4 Kitsune in play with boon sheets. Now they may not be as unique to be seen at a table. Glad to know I can start my new Tiefling character before the deadline.

The Quests sounds like an interesting idea but not sure how excited I am about that yet. Have to see how it works...

Scarab Sages

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Avatar-1 wrote:

So glad to see tieflings become a limited choice, and saying goodbye to aasimar at the same time is a very small price to pay.

I'm not a huge fan of using tengus, but they seem to always provide some hilarity during play.

"What do we say to aasimar PCs?"



Horizon Hunters 4/5 5/5 ***

Grooven wrote:
Does this mean Paizo will refund the cost of my Blood of Angels player companion PDF?

Why would or should they? It is still usable.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

2 people marked this as a favorite.

While I'm disappointed at the removal of Teifling and Aasimar, I'm quite happy with the way they are doing it.

Shadow Lodge

Rorary Prisock wrote:
Dylos wrote:

I completely understand the desire to remove Tieflings and Aasimars, with blood of angels/fiends they are very powerful for just about every class, also their removal means that the only race that can early entry into Eldritch Knight (base Aasimar) is now a boon race once again.

I'm slightly disappointed about the announcement that Kitsune/Wayang/Nagaji will be legal since I just traded for a boon of them, but I suppose I can let it collect dust until such time that they are no longer openly available.

Well at least a Separatist Cleric with Domains Fate Inquisition and Trickery still meets the 2nd level arcane/divine requirements for Mystic Theurge at 1st level regardless of race. 2 Ranks of wizard and BOOM mystic theurge at level 4. I'm betting the new races will allow new ways to min/max to the hilt and build different abominations than the ones that already exist.

Actually, as Sammy T mentioned, spell likes from class abilities count as the same type as that class, that means that you would cover the divine, but still need an arcane, and the kicker is Aasimar and Tielfling are the races that can give a second level arcane spell-like as well.

A Scryer Wizard can early entry into Eldritch Knight though.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Grooven wrote:
Does this mean Paizo will refund the cost of my Blood of Angels player companion PDF?

Would you expect a refund for all the books youve bought if they announced they were going to release a new edition?

Grand Lodge 5/5

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andreww wrote:
Majuba wrote:
*floating on air at the removal of Tieflings and Aasimar*

I have to ask, why would you take quite such delight in the removal of options which other people clearly enjoy? Seems like a bit of a dick move to me.

It most certainly is not a dick move. If Majuba doesnt like those options being in the campaign, he is more than welcome to be happy with their removal. He is just as entitled to his feelings on the matter as you are, even if you dont agree with him.

If you mean the dick move is on Paizo's part for restricting the races again, well, I'll have to disagree. They are trying their best to find out what works best for the campaign. Those races have been open access for 3 years, and are now being put back on the shelf to give another set of races a chance to shine. Perhaps this is the beginning of a cycle with these sets and the elementals. One set open access, one set boon-only but no boons being given out, and one set as boon-only convention boons.

Sovereign Court 2/5 *

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So basically the reasoning for the removal is because lots of people made them because of the ruling Paizo itself made on them regarding of SLA's?


Grand Lodge 5/5

Im quite happy with the race change-out, and am very happy to see the scalable quest chronicle idea see use! :D

Grand Lodge 5/5

Cylyria wrote:

So basically the reasoning for the removal is because lots of people made them because of the ruling Paizo itself made on them regarding of SLA's?


Paizo rules team =/= PFS team.

And no.

Lantern Lodge

Jeffrey Fox wrote:
Great stuff all around.

OH HELL YES! Finally! I've been wanting to play a kitsune since i started before i started pfs, but was crushed when i looked through the rule and found that they were not legal for play without the special boons. While that's not a horrible idea, it severely limits people from even gaining access to them as i believe they are convention only boons, where I could never make my way to the conventions to do the special quests that give you the race boons.

This is awesome to hear, I think this is a great idea to cycle through non-standard races, allowing those of us not lucky enough to secure spots at the convention tables to not be completely shut out. It always felt to me that the casual and semi casual players were being shut out because they couldn't afford/arrange to go to the con's.

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I have one problem with this, otherwise, I like what I read.

Many people have already invested in expensive travel and hotel costs for Gencon. They may have had the intention of beginning a new Aasimar and/or tiefling at the con. Not everyone can game every month. Even if we can play between now and then, it might be a high level game and having to use a pregen to apply credit to a brand new PC instead of a real character we designed ourself is not a best solution. The month notice is much nicer than only a week or weekend. I still think the whole gencon convention weekend should be open to both of the races leaving, a fair well send off.

Grand Lodge 4/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
andreww wrote:
Majuba wrote:
*floating on air at the removal of Tieflings and Aasimar*

I have to ask, why would you take quite such delight in the removal of options which other people clearly enjoy? Seems like a bit of a dick move to me.

The same reason you take delight in the addition of options which other people clearly do not enjoy.



Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kyle Baird wrote:
Yes, play The Confirmation 10 more times in the next month.

Mr. Baird, you should petition for the chance to run your scenario as often as you like at Gencon, as the last official chances to play open access Aasimar and tieflings.

5/5 *****

TriOmegaZero wrote:
andreww wrote:
Majuba wrote:
*floating on air at the removal of Tieflings and Aasimar*

I have to ask, why would you take quite such delight in the removal of options which other people clearly enjoy? Seems like a bit of a dick move to me.

The same reason you take delight in the addition of options which other people clearly do not enjoy.

Where did I do that?

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Cylyria wrote:

So basically the reasoning for the removal is because lots of people made them because of the ruling Paizo itself made on them regarding of SLA's?


No, lots of people made Aasimar/Tiefling characters LOOOOONG before that ruling. Heck, I haven't personally seen a single PC made for use with that ruling.

So no, that's not why.

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
andreww wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
andreww wrote:
Majuba wrote:
*floating on air at the removal of Tieflings and Aasimar*

I have to ask, why would you take quite such delight in the removal of options which other people clearly enjoy? Seems like a bit of a dick move to me.

The same reason you take delight in the addition of options which other people clearly do not enjoy.
Where did I do that?

That was the general you, not the specific.


3 people marked this as a favorite.

man I want to either get angry or excited about this
but since my PFS characters are Human, Human, Human, Human, Human, Human, Human, Human, Human and Tiefling then maybe this is just is not for me and I am okay with that

4/5 *

3 new races and 10 new classes should offer a lot of new choices for everyone, and no one's existing characters are affected by this change - that's a much better situation than previous examples where options have been removed. Good job, Paizo. And thank you for phasing out the two races which were out of balance with all the other choices.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
andreww wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
andreww wrote:
Majuba wrote:
*floating on air at the removal of Tieflings and Aasimar*

I have to ask, why would you take quite such delight in the removal of options which other people clearly enjoy? Seems like a bit of a dick move to me.

The same reason you take delight in the addition of options which other people clearly do not enjoy.
Where did I do that?
That was the general you, not the specific.

We prefer the "royal we".


Mark Moreland wrote:
Benjamin Falk wrote:
Kitsune are so much more^^
What? I can't even... WHY!?!?!?!

There´s no why, it´s just one aspect of the japanese origin^^

Don´t go search for a translation if you don´t understand it though, it gets only more shocking.

And if i would rock that with 200 watts, my head would probably explode haha!

Liberty's Edge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rasmarr wrote:
"Rasmarr is excited about fellow Nagaji joining Pathfinders. It might mean his people are finally throwing off bonds of slavery. They should join Rasmarr in Liberty's Edge to show other Nagaji that one who serves a master, even one as great as the Naga, is still a slave."

"I agree that liberty and freedom are noble causssesss, worthy of my sssword. Though I've jussst returned to Absssalom after my firssst visssit to Andoran sssincsse pledging my sssword to their caussse, and I wasss quite disssappointed to find corruption in their democratic government.

But to be able to return home to Nagajor, to live a sssimple life ssserving the Naga, will alwaysss be my greatessst wish."


SCPRedMage wrote:
Dan Houser wrote:
If this announcement had involved - Hey, as GM, you can have more leeway to have accurate interactions with these lovely 8 CHA players, I.E. they go into a town without a bag on their head, and the townsfolk are ready with pitchforks and torches -- or it's just basically the same old/ same old.
Do you also make the halfling with 8 Strength carry all the gear, too?

Well no, of course I wouldn't. But there ARE cases in modules where having an 8 Strength WILL definitely affect a situation. There are very few cases where an 8 Charisma affect anything. There is no risk/reward for taking an 8 Charisma but there TOTALLY is by taking an 8 in any of the combat related stats.

That's the point, actually. As a GM, I wouldn't make the 8 Charisma fellow perform the social rolls for the group, but see, there aren't any penalties for breaking the game in this way, or at least any drawbacks for taking low stats in either INT or CHA. Or at least, there don't seem to be - outside of needing a party to group with.

In a game like Fallout, having a low intellect hampers your ability to comprehend what's going on. In Pathfinder Society, having a low Intelligence is the way you make the most effective martial character. There is no penalty for what would be a VERY disadvantageous position. For example, could 8 INT Fighters even complete their faction missions? They're usually handed a note. Or, are they able to read as well? But, I'm sure this never came up, for the sake of friendly play.

No, I'm not vindictive about this situation. Just feel like it's clearly just abusing a system where there's nothing 'against the rules' with it, and there's no rule or system in place that makes the behavior inherently risky for the reward of having high physical stats.

Good question, though.


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I guess the best part of this is that I do not have to talk to players anymore who want to explain to me for ten minutes straight why fox people should be allowed and how many tails their fox person would have if they were allowed to play a fox person


they get their fox person and I do not have to listen to why they think they should have their fox person

I had run out of boons awhile ago to give out in order to quiet pro-foxers down, so this is timely


5 people marked this as a favorite.
Seth Gipson wrote:

Would you expect a refund for all the books youve bought if they announced they were going to release a new edition?

We're all gamers here. And we all know the answer to that question. :)

Grand Lodge 4/5

Dan Houser wrote:

No, I'm not vindictive about this situation. Just feel like it's clearly just abusing a system where there's nothing 'against the rules' with it, and there's no rule or system in place that makes the behavior inherently risky for the reward of having high physical stats.

Good question, though.

You haven't played some of the scenarios I have then. Individual Cha-based checks, monsters with Cha damage/drain abilities, there are risks to having a 5 Cha and watching your dwarf barbarian go comatose thanks to a good roll on the ability damage die.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Raymond Lambert wrote:

I have one problem with this, otherwise, I like what I read.

Many people have already invested in expensive travel and hotel costs for Gencon. They may have had the intention of beginning a new Aasimar and/or tiefling at the con. Not everyone can game every month. Even if we can play between now and then, it might be a high level game and having to use a pregen to apply credit to a brand new PC instead of a real character we designed ourself is not a best solution. The month notice is much nicer than only a week or weekend. I still think the whole gencon convention weekend should be open to both of the races leaving, a fair well send off.

I agree. More than a month notice would have been good, for those who can't play as regularly. Giving people a chance to start their tiefling or aasimar PC at GenCon this year would be good to partially make up for the short notice. But that's my only minor complaint about this.

Personally, I was already signed up to play The Confirmation for the first time in two weeks, and now I know I'll have to play it using the tiefling idea that I've been bouncing around, but haven't actually created yet. I don't have an aasimar character, and now it looks like I never will.


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Norowareta Nagagorjo wrote:
Rasmarr wrote:
"Rasmarr is excited about fellow Nagaji joining Pathfinders. It might mean his people are finally throwing off bonds of slavery. They should join Rasmarr in Liberty's Edge to show other Nagaji that one who serves a master, even one as great as the Naga, is still a slave."

"I agree that liberty and freedom are noble causssesss, worthy of my sssword. Though I've jussst returned to Absssalom after my firssst visssit to Andoran sssincsse pledging my sssword to their caussse, and I wasss quite disssappointed to find corruption in their democratic government.

But to be able to return home to Nagajor, to live a sssimple life ssserving the Naga, will alwaysss be my greatessst wish."

If you play your character with that voice at the table, eventually the other players are going to toss you out for the 4,923,845,853 times you unintentionally spit on them during the session

Silver Crusade 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Dan Houser wrote:

No, I'm not vindictive about this situation. Just feel like it's clearly just abusing a system where there's nothing 'against the rules' with it, and there's no rule or system in place that makes the behavior inherently risky for the reward of having high physical stats.

Good question, though.

You haven't played some of the scenarios I have then. Individual Cha-based checks, monsters with Cha damage/drain abilities, there are risks to having a 5 Cha and watching your dwarf barbarian go comatose thanks to a good roll on the ability damage die.

Even without cha drain, it can be a "combat stat", depending on the character. My gnome prankster bard uses his charisma almost every single round of combat, and his 7 strength has never had any negative impact on his life.

Dump stats are a part of the game. There are times they become a liability, but most of the time, it's not that bad. Personally, I've never dumped intelligence on any of my PCs, because I like having skill points. Wait, I take that back. My human barbarian dumped int to 8, but he still got 4 skill ranks per level.

Horizon Hunters 4/5 5/5 ***

I am asking this question in all sincerity, so if my post comes across as snarky or whatever, I really do apologize up front.

Aasimar and Tiefling have been allowed to be played without a boon for how long? Someone told me it has been since Season 3. But, let's just say it's been two years.

If people wanted to make characters of those races, they certainly have had plenty of time, haven't they? Why is it a problem for them now?

And really, I'm just trying to understand that because I don't.


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because not everyone has been playing for those two years or longer

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