Meet the Iconics: Enora

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Today we introduce the next of the new iconic characters from the Advanced Class Guide: Enora the arcanist. Enora will also be a playable character in the not-yet-announced Pathfinder Adventure Card Game set due for release in February 2015.

Illustration by Wayne Reynolds

Like many halflings, Enora has always been driven by an unlikely pairing of curiosity and luck. Her parents, both professors at Manaket’s premier arcane institution, the Occularium, fostered in their only daughter a hunger for knowledge that was rivaled only by her optimism and determination. Perhaps the result of her parents’ own mastery of magic, Enora had always possessed a natural understanding of the mystical inner workings of magic, and combining this with her fastidious research skills and intuition, she quickly rose to the top of her class.

When she came of age, Enora came out atop a pool of nearly a hundred applicants for a coveted governmental position researching some of the Occularium’s most valued magical treasures from the ancient Jistka Imperium. In this role, Enora found the perfect fit for her curiosity, drive, and magical acumen. But years of study of even the most esoteric and enigmatic of Jistkan relics wasn’t enough for Enora, and countless hours in the Occularium’s library aroused in her an uncontrollable sense of wanderlust.

To combat her growing frustration with the limits she felt her job placed upon her ability to uncover lore, and longing to study artifacts beyond just those of the Jistkans, Enora took a leave of absence, intending to perform research abroad on other ancient magical empires. Her request was granted, and she was given a year to learn what she could before returning to continue her work in the Occularium.

Enora’s destination was the ruins of Lirgen—one of the two nations completely subsumed by the Eye of Abendego just over a century earlier—where she hoped to find recently lost information about their mastery of astrology. The journey south along the coast of Rahadoum was uneventful, but the harsh and unforgiving swamps of the Sodden Lands and the less than welcoming inhabitants of the marshes therein provided Enora ample opportunities to use her magical skills merely to survive. The excitement of adventure grabbed the halfling during this journey, and she thought even in the earliest weeks of her sabbatical of how very different the arcane libraries of the Occularium would feel upon her return.

Yet it was a discovery she made in a half-drowned temple dedicated to the magic god Nethys—the worship of whom was forbidden in her homeland—that truly set Enora’s life on a new path. Within the dank and moldering sanctuary, Enora uncovered a stone tablet that radiated a magical aura unlike anything she had ever encountered before, even amid the most powerful of Jistkan artifacts under her charge in the Occularium. Setting her hand upon the arcane writing and reaching forth with her innate arcane abilities, Enora touched the very fabric of the magical energy that pulsed through the artifact, unraveling it ever so slightly to better understand it.

Immediately, her mind was flooded with magical revelations, knowledge beyond her wildest dreams, and a sense of a much vaster world of magical discovery to be explored than she had ever imagined. When she pulled her hand away, as much in shock as in fear of overwhelming her mind, Enora had a new understanding of the potential for learning that existed beyond the strictly secular libraries and laboratories of Rahadoum. A combination of rage and sadness overwhelmed her as she realized that her own rejection of Nethys and other gods of magic had been holding her back from attaining the knowledge she’d always yearned for. How could she return to Manaket and her governmental position knowing that so much more information remained beyond her grasp, simply because it was held in libraries dedicated to deities her nation had shunned?

Enora traveled east into the Mwangi Expanse and found passage down one of the region’s many rivers to the Arcadian Ocean, the entire time assessing her options. Her year of research was quickly drawing to a close, and she had to decide where she would go next. In the end, she wrote to the magistrate who oversaw her work at the Occularium and extended her period of study abroad, then boarded a ship set for Sothis, where she knew one of the largest temples of Nethys to be located.

Enora chose the pursuit of knowledge over the security of the life she’d known, and now lives a life on the edge of two worlds. She works continually through carefully worded letters to maintain her good standing with the Occularium in order to preserve her access to its myriad magical and academic resources, but is afraid to return home, lest her newfound respect for the power of the gods brings punishment upon her head. Now, Enora travels the Inner Sea in search of a better understanding of the inner workings of magic and the secrets of lost empires whose magic surpassed that of even the most powerful modern archmages, utilizing whatever resources she can gain access to, be they religious or secular in nature.

Enora is singularly driven in her search for knowledge, but isn’t above working with others in order to achieve common goals. She remains cheerful and optimistic about most things, yet holds deep-seated anxiety about the conflict she will inevitably face should she return to Manaket and be outed as a follower of Nethys. She doesn’t talk much about where she came from, but knows that one day her travels will take her back to Rahadoum, and she’ll be hard pressed to keep her secret.

Mark Moreland

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Tags: Arcanist Iconics Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds
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5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

A beautiful Halfling with a stable life and great skill & focus. And her need for adventuring is more political than emotional. Very cool!

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I assume you fine folks are working with Reaper on sculpts for the new iconics. Any chance you might let slip, oh say at Paizo Con, when such miniatures might be headed to market?

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.

An interesting backstory; have we had a Rahadoumite iconic before?

The revelation of Nethys' hidden knowledge is one that certainly justifies her leaving her home country, but I would have expected this plot element to be reserved for the iconic Mystic Theurge. Better leave town, now you've got the 'taint' of faith!
Unless the class has some means to tap the divine (maybe through archetypes, like the 'white mage'), I would expect the knowledge, of how to hack the rules of magic, to come from some primal arcane source, such as happened to Balazar, staring into the abyss.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

Since the Inquisitor is buddies with a bunch of clerics of Pharasma, I'd think not.

Enora sounds great! I love this. Interesting route for them to go with the first Iconic from Rahadoum.


Very cool.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Wow, a healthy home and family background. I'm impressed. :)

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DarthPinkHippo wrote:
Enora sounds great! I love this. Interesting route for them to go with the first Iconic from Rahadoum.

The iconic oracle is Rahadoumi.

11 people marked this as a favorite.

What's this? Parents are (assumed) alive? No dark and angsty past? Well done, Paizo.

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Kryptik wrote:
What's this? Parents are (assumed) alive? No dark and angsty past? Well done, Paizo.

Rocks Fall, Her Parents Die.

There, back to base line ;P

10 people marked this as a favorite.
Jiggy wrote:
Wow, a healthy home and family background. I'm impressed. :)

And a halfling without a slavery storyline!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

sweet a new Iconic and it's a female halfling and she doesn't have a sad back story


4 people marked this as a favorite.

Some things I like about this iconic:
— She's a spellcaster who doesn't feel the need to show off her midrift.
— She's a non-human 9th-level spellcaster. (Lini is the only other one of those we've got.)
— Her background, both in terms of halflings and other iconics, is pretty atypical. No dead parents, no angst-driven past, not a slave. Pretty cool, all around. I especially like the contrast she has with Lem, who has all of those things.
— She wears CLOTHES! Honest-to-goodness CLOTHES! Not some sort of magical thinly-cut fabric that requires constant castings of prestidigitation to remain on her body.

Some things I don't like about this character:
— Her face looks awkwardly rounded under that hood.
— Her stance under that robe looks weird. Almost like WAR wanted to show off at least one foot so he was sure that we knew that Enora was a halfling.
— I'm not 100% sure how those earrings (they're earrings, right?) are staying attached to her body. Maybe Enora learned Seoni's rags to regalia spell to keep them on or something.

I like this background story.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

In Rahadoum, parents kill YOU.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

For just a second there I thought she was a dwarven female and I got all excited. >.<

Alexander Augunas wrote:

Some things I like about this iconic:

— She's a spellcaster who doesn't feel the need to show off her midrift.
— She's a non-human 9th-level spellcaster. (Lini is the only other one of those we've got.)
— Her background, both in terms of halflings and other iconics, is pretty atypical. No dead parents, no angst-driven past, not a slave. Pretty cool, all around. I especially like the contrast she has with Lem, who has all of those things.
— She wears CLOTHES! Honest-to-goodness CLOTHES! Not some sort of magical thinly-cut fabric that requires constant castings of prestidigitation to remain on her body.

Some things I don't like about this character:
— Her face looks awkwardly rounded under that hood.
— Her stance under that robe looks weird. Almost like WAR wanted to show off at least one foot so he was sure that we knew that Enora was a halfling.
— I'm not 100% sure how those earrings (they're earrings, right?) are staying attached to her body. Maybe Enora learned Seoni's rags to regalia spell to keep them on or something.

those earring could be hair ornaments

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Alexander Augunas wrote:
Almost like WAR wanted to show off at least one foot so he was sure that we knew that Enora was a halfling.

That might have been part of the art direction. That sort of detail makes it clear she's a halfling and not a dwarf or gnome.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Awesome picture, still 'meh' on the class.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Blackvial wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:
— I'm not 100% sure how those earrings (they're earrings, right?) are staying attached to her body. Maybe Enora learned Seoni's rags to regalia spell to keep them on or something.
those earring could be hair ornaments

They kind of look like they're clipping her hair to her hood, or possibly her hood to the rest of her clothes.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I was kinda hoping the iconic arcanist would be the dwarf, as I don't think I've *ever* seen any dwarf in ANY kind of arcane role. Oh well, she's still really cool.

And yes, both her parents are alive and she had a happy home life. Can we please please PLEASE stop bringing this up in every new iconic thread now? :p

10 people marked this as a favorite.

Not until the iconic commoner, who decides to give up on his dreams of becoming an adventurer, for his living parents and stable home life.

Silver Crusade

15 people marked this as a favorite.

Who else expected "Desnan" when they first saw her artwork? ;) That design is adorable.


Something that sticks out to me is how Enora and Ezren have followed almost opposite spiritual paths. Neat parallel going on there.

Mikaze wrote:

Who else expected "Desnan" when they first saw her artwork? ;) That design is adorable.

(raises hand)

Really great story, love it!

I think I'm in love.

I really like this one. It's hard to choose between her and Quinn.

I am looking forwards to seeing her in various action poses. Also as pointed out above it is an interesting take to see someone coming to religion via magic.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nate Z wrote:

I was kinda hoping the iconic arcanist would be the dwarf, as I don't think I've *ever* seen any dwarf in ANY kind of arcane role. Oh well, she's still really cool.

And yes, both her parents are alive and she had a happy home life. Can we please please PLEASE stop bringing this up in every new iconic thread now? :p

You should check out Neverwinter nights 1 expansion: shadows of undrentide, not only is there a dwarf wizard, but it's a dwarf wizard that mentors your PC and his/her three friends.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Welcome, Endora. I'm sure Durwood--err, Darren--will regret crossing you.

What's that? Ohh, ENORA. My bad.

Paizo Employee CEO

16 people marked this as a favorite.
Galnörag wrote:
I assume you fine folks are working with Reaper on sculpts for the new iconics. Any chance you might let slip, oh say at Paizo Con, when such miniatures might be headed to market?

Last I heard, Reaper was aiming to have all the new iconics available at GenCon.


Any stats or anything?

love the backstory, love the art!
Happy Hafling, cool!!!

6 people marked this as a favorite.

First thought. She is ADORABLE!

Sorry guys, but my first thought was her saying "Senpai Senpai! Lets go discover ancient arcane knowledge together! Senpai I released an arcane horror onto the world >.< agoe*! (or whatever sound girls make in animes I dont know)

Really, I am seeing her as more serious funnily enough. I suppose we will see if she gets into one of the audio adventures.

So any ideas who and what the next Iconic is going be?

Blackvial wrote:
So any ideas who and what the next Iconic is going be?

Well we know what the other iconics are (the gender and races), but hopefully they'll reveal the Shaman next.

Kinda hoping for another Evil iconic, I know that evil characters can be bothersome, but so far only the Magus is the evil one, at least one more can't harm. The iconics are, after all, supposed to represent both the class as well as the players.

Si why is this thread not with the others?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm torn.

On the one hand, very interesting story, and I like it.

On the other the cynical side of me wants to use the fact that she is the only Iconic (so far as I know) to have what most people would call a good life currently as "proof" that the Arcanist is very very definitely Paizo's pet class. Yes, she's embroiled in a web of deception, but she comes from a loving family, holds a comfy government position, and so forth. Compared to "Parents are dead, exiled from home, and wandering aimlessly" it's a big step up.

legolizard wrote:

First thought. She is ADORABLE!

Sorry guys, but my first thought was her saying "Senpai Senpai! Lets go discover ancient arcane knowledge together! Senpai I released an arcane horror onto the world >.< agoe*! (or whatever sound girls make in animes I dont know)

I believe you mean "~uguu".

Silver Crusade

Rynjin wrote:
On the other the cynical side of me wants to use the fact that she is the only Iconic (so far as I know) to have what most people would call a good life currently as "proof" that the Arcanist is very very definitely Paizo's pet class. Yes, she's embroiled in a web of deception, but she comes from a loving family, holds a comfy government position, and so forth. Compared to "Parents are dead, exiled from home, and wandering aimlessly" it's a big step up.

Ugh, not this thread too. :-/

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rynjin wrote:

I'm torn.

On the one hand, very interesting story, and I like it.

On the other the cynical side of me wants to use the fact that she is the only Iconic (so far as I know) to have what most people would call a good life currently as "proof" that the Arcanist is very very definitely Paizo's pet class. Yes, she's embroiled in a web of deception, but she comes from a loving family, holds a comfy government position, and so forth. Compared to "Parents are dead, exiled from home, and wandering aimlessly" it's a big step up.

legolizard wrote:

First thought. She is ADORABLE!

Sorry guys, but my first thought was her saying "Senpai Senpai! Lets go discover ancient arcane knowledge together! Senpai I released an arcane horror onto the world >.< agoe*! (or whatever sound girls make in animes I dont know)

I believe you mean "~uguu".

the fighter, druid, cavalier, and gunslinger all had good life, hell the fighter became a merc to avoid getting married

1 person marked this as a favorite.
legolizard wrote:

First thought. She is ADORABLE!

Sorry guys, but my first thought was her saying "Senpai Senpai! Lets go discover ancient arcane knowledge together! Senpai I released an arcane horror onto the world >.< agoe*! (or whatever sound girls make in animes I dont know)

Really? REALLY??

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

16 people marked this as a favorite.

So when we got a preview that focused on things that got toned down, people cry "All they did was nerf, nothing got better!"

When we got a preview that focused on things that got buffed, people cry "All the did was boost, nothing got nerfed, so OP!"

When we get an iconic with a tragic backstory, people cry "Why can't we have an iconic with a normal background?"

When we get an iconic with a normal background, people cry "Paizo's showing their favoritism!"

If it weren't for the possibility of the occasional post from Jason or other Paizonians, I'd be tempted to just hide all the blog discussion threads from the get-go.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Jiggy wrote:

So when we got a preview that focused on things that got toned down, people cry "All they did was nerf, nothing got better!"

When we got a preview that focused on things that got buffed, people cry "All the did was boost, nothing got nerfed, so OP!"

When we get an iconic with a tragic backstory, people cry "Why can't we have an iconic with a normal background?"

When we get an iconic with a normal background, people cry "Paizo's showing their favoritism!"

If it weren't for the possibility of the occasional post from Jason or other Paizonians, I'd be tempted to just hide all the blog discussion threads from the get-go.

Haters gonna Hate

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Jiggy wrote:

So when we got a preview that focused on things that got toned down, people cry "All they did was nerf, nothing got better!"

When we got a preview that focused on things that got buffed, people cry "All the did was boost, nothing got nerfed, so OP!"

When we get an iconic with a tragic backstory, people cry "Why can't we have an iconic with a normal background?"

When we get an iconic with a normal background, people cry "Paizo's showing their favoritism!"

If it weren't for the possibility of the occasional post from Jason or other Paizonians, I'd be tempted to just hide all the blog discussion threads from the get-go.

Except it was a case of the Warpriest, possibly one of the weaker classes due to needing *every* stat but intelligence, got a massive nerf. In the playtest threads, we were told that the Warpriest blessings and stuff would get buffed because they were too weak, but even without them, the Warpriest functioned if only because of full BAB, and fervor.

The Arcanist, the strongest class in the playtest, gets a preview about how it got buffed. We were promised the exploits would be fixed and the class gets toned down.

So what do we get? The martial character got nerfed, the arcane character got buffed. The martial character comes from a dysfunctional background of torture, gladitorial combat and exile, the arcane character has a perfectly functional home life, with a cushy job and nice benefits, but still decides to leave home.

There is more than your over-simplified one-liners at work here.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I was waiting for the inevitable post about how her breasts have to be somewhere around a full third of her body weight.

And now I've gone and made it. Crap. :P

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I wonder if we will see a female dwarf iconic anytime soon?

Charles Scholz wrote:

I wonder if we will see a female dwarf iconic anytime soon?

one can hope

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I want to love everything about her.

But I just can't. Rynjin pretty much nails it.

Rynjin wrote:
Yes, she's embroiled in a web of deception

Is there a reason why the Halfling Iconics 'have' to be sneaky/duplicitous?

Lem is an escaped slave from Cheliax, fine. Exactly why, if she doesn't really intend to return to Rahadoum, couldn't Enora make a clean break, tell her superior that she would not be returning for ethical reasons, and then go on her way?
Otherwise, I love everything about her, but it's the proverbial...
Well, I can't think of an appropriate proverb & what I can think of is scatological, so I won't use it, but it's really jarring & it largely ruins it for me.

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