Animal Archive Preview

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Since we revamped our Player Companion line last August, we've been able to play with a lot of different ideas and themes in coming up with overarching concepts for the latest Player Companions. Coming up is one of our most exciting new releases in this line, a content-packed volume called Animal Archive, available starting on the 20th of February. This Player Companion is chocked full of awesome new tips, tricks, items, archetypes, spells, and feats for you and your bestial buddy. Oh, and did I mention there'd be a ton of new animal companions and familiars too?

While of course I could never betray the llama animal companion as my favorite new addition to the Pathfinder stables, I think the platypus familiar is particularly well suited for a preview blog. I'm not sure if Seoni shares my sentiment, though...

Illustration by Roberto Pitturru

Platypus CR 1/6

XP 65
N Tiny animal
Init +3; Senses electrolocation 30 ft. (while underwater); Perception +1 (+5 while underwater)


AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 size)
hp 3 (1d8–1)
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +1


Speed 10 ft., swim 40 ft.
Melee spur +4 (1d3–4 plus poison)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.


Str 2, Dex 14, Con 8, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 11
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 6 (10 vs. trip)
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Swim +15; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception while underwater


Environment temperate or tropical rivers
Organization solitary
Treasure none

Special Abilities

Electrolocation (Ex) While underwater, platypuses can sense the tiny electrical currents that trigger muscle movement. This allows them to locate living prey and to distinguish it from inanimate objects. Treat electrolocation as blindsight 30 feet, but platypuses can sense only living creatures, and it functions only underwater.
Poison (Ex) Spur—injury; save Fort DC 9; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1 nonlethal damage; cure 1 save.
Semiaquatic (Ex) Platypuses can hold their breath underwater for up to 5 minutes before they must start attempting Constitution checks to avoid suffocation.

This little guy is just one of the four new familiars you'll find in Animal Archive, and just one of eight brand-new animals total! In addition to these all-new beasties and a host of new rules options, you'll find expanded information and rules on some of Golarion's most famous endemic creatures, including the razorcrow, ether frog, firefoot fennec, and more!

So dust off the old feedbag and clean out your kennel, because Pathfinder Player Companion: Animal Archive hits shelves later this month!

Patrick Renie

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Pathfinder Player Companion Roberto Pitturru Seoni
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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Awesome. Fun fact: only the males are poisonous. If it's a male she's holding then she's holding it the wrong way. They have poison spurs in their back feet.

Well, I was sort of close.

Will there be any archetypes in here inspired by the hound master? Or like it?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is one of the most anticipated player companions for my players coming up.

Awesome! I'm eagerly anticipating this one. Also, I didn't realize how much I missed these little previews until this showed up today.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Fun fact: The British thought that the platypus body sent back to England was a hoax. They thought someone had stitched together a duck and a beaver.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

But the real question is:

Is there a Llama?

Das Bloginator 9001 wrote:
While of course I could never betray the llama animal companion as my favorite new addition to the Pathfinder stables

Nope, the llama was just added to the PF Stables, not the Animal Archive book.

Dark Archive

Llamas? Pshaw.

Armadillos. Namely, if the Intelligence score for said critter is above 1. That is the question.

Do the core Rangers get a few new animal companions added to their list of choices?

The Exchange

Swiftbrook wrote:
Do the core Rangers get a few new animal companions added to their list of choices?

I heard there'll be a cooshee in there for elven rangers...

its about time an RPG made THE best animal into a familiar.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I consider every day a plus to spend it with this platypus. I'm super ecstatic cause it's Semiaquatic (Ex).

There better be rabbits. How rabbits have no shown up yet is stunning.

Liberty's Edge

This is pretty damn awesome, but I have absolutely no idea how a tiny little animal with backwards-facing spurs on its back flippers manages to attack with a +4. :P

Feminism at work too, we have equal opportunity poison spurs in Golarion's platypus population... ;)

I now need to play an awakened, anthropomorphic platypus with levels as Investigator Rogue, maybe Bard for a my own tune. Then again, I might need Monk to cover the martial arts.

On a serious note, I wish we knew what bonus it gave it's master so that it could actually be used right now.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Wow, can't wait. Having a platypus familiar seems like its a little underwhelming though...I mean, it's a platypus...they don't do much.

Corny references aside, I'm eagerly awaiting to see what they have set up for new familiars and animal companions, and details about Golarion's fauna ought to be very interesting indeed.

Okay, one more...if you do make an awakened platypus, it needs a hat of disguise...preferably in a fedora-shape...I'll sit down now...

Shadow Lodge

Don't know I'm a little worried since they've stated here that there will only be 8 new animals and I would like to have some that also feel serious. I mean the platypus is great in all but with us knowing we will get a panda, platypus, armadillo, and llama that doesn't leave us a lot of room for some bigger or less oddball animals. Like I would love to see giant salamanders, some more reptiles, maybe even some other bird options like say marabou storks or other not eagle birds of prey. Also would like to see some more fantastic ones based on specific races like dwarven tunnel hounds or orcish wolf dogs that play a bit with the stats for the baseline animals or even new creatures all together. Other thing is do the razor crows, firefoot fennecs, and other creature count as templates over preexisting creatures, whole new creatures, or will they be like those trait ones from knights of golarion?


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cuàn wrote:

I now need to play an awakened, anthropomorphic platypus with levels as Investigator Rogue, maybe Bard for a my own tune. Then again, I might need Monk to cover the martial arts.

On a serious note, I wish we knew what bonus it gave it's master so that it could actually be used right now.

Ask and ye shall receive!

Platypus Bonus:

Master gains a +3 bonus on Swim checks.

We get the platypus, cool.

I am suprised about no rabbits.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I for one welcome our Platypus overlords...

Grand Lodge

I'd absolutely play a witch with a rabbit familiar.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Call me crazy, but from what I've heard of the real poison - the version statted there seems way too weak. I know it can't be higher for gameplay purposes, but I was expecting something a bit more potent.

From TV Tropes:
Averted for anyone who's been the victim of platypi venom, one of the most potent venom on Earth. While it won't generally kill you, it will make you wish it had as the venom goes to your pain receptors and cranks them Up to Eleven. One victim of the venom had been shot in World War II and said without any hesitation that the platypus sting was far more painful.

Starfinder Superscriber

I can't wait!

Dragon78 wrote:

We get the platypus, cool.

I am suprised about no rabbits.

•New animal companions and familiars, from innocuous squirrels and rabbits to bizarre platypuses, armored armadillos, and powerful pandas.

ShadowFighter88 wrote:

Call me crazy, but from what I've heard of the real poison - the version statted there seems way too weak. I know it can't be higher for gameplay purposes, but I was expecting something a bit more potent.

From TV Tropes:
Averted for anyone who's been the victim of platypi venom, one of the most potent venom on Earth. While it won't generally kill you, it will make you wish it had as the venom goes to your pain receptors and cranks them Up to Eleven. One victim of the venom had been shot in World War II and said without any hesitation that the platypus sting was far more painful.

From wiki

Although powerful enough to kill smaller animals,[2] the venom is not lethal to humans. However, it produces excruciating pain which may be intense enough to incapacitate the victim. Swelling rapidly develops around the entry wound and gradually spreads outwards. Information obtained from case studies shows that the pain develops into a long-lasting hyperalgesia that can persist for months but usually lasts from a few days to a few weeks.[3][8] A clinical report from 1992 showed that the severe pain was persistent and did not respond to morphine. There have been no reported human fatalities.[3] In his book "An Ancestor's Tale", evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins suggests that the venom does indeed work directly on the brain's pain receptors. He goes on to suggest that its resistance to the effects of morphine is of great interest to researchers studying ways to mitigate the intense pain associated with some cancers.

Sovereign Court

I like this. Inventive and original.

Alice Margatroid wrote:
This is pretty damn awesome, but I have absolutely no idea how a tiny little animal with backwards-facing spurs on its back flippers manages to attack with a +4. :P

Well, that would be from the +2 size bonus to attack rolls and the other +2 from Weapon Finesse for having a Dex of 14.

And I'm personally pretty excited about this book. Thanks, Paizo!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
GM Master "D" wrote:
I like this. Inventive and original.

I daresay that's what the first Englishman to spy a platypus said of the occasion.

So does this mean I can have a Platypus Familiar named Perry?

And PFRPG has Llama stats!? Where!?

Silver Crusade



looking forward to this :)

Grand Lodge

Will we finally see a chicken/rooster familiar?

So where in Golarion would you get a platypus? Or a llama for that matter?

Mikaze wrote:



I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought that.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Cuàn wrote:

I now need to play an awakened, anthropomorphic platypus with levels as Investigator Rogue, maybe Bard for a my own tune. Then again, I might need Monk to cover the martial arts.

On a serious note, I wish we knew what bonus it gave it's master so that it could actually be used right now.

[Doofenschmirtz] Curse you Perry the Platypus!!! [/Doofenschmirtz] :)

Sovereign Court

This is, indeed, one book I definitely want to get. I've been wanting to build a Sohei Monk who can ride an animal that doesn't suck, and this may be just the thing.

Hopefully there's a Monk archetype in here that grants an animal companion *and* that will be compatible with the Sohei archetype...


Silver Crusade

Just realized I had no idea what a platypus sounds like.

Go remedy that real quick when you get the chance. It's cute. :)

Mikaze wrote:
It's cute. :)

Yeah when you know the Platypus is there. When it surprises you it is creepier than something from The Shining.

Patrick Renie wrote:
some of Golarion's most famous endemic creatures

FWIW, I recommend "autochthonous" over "endemic", because the latter has "infestation" connotations for me. ;)

Sameple Usage wrote:
The Kurds are an autochthonous people in the Middle East, growing from the soil that they now dwell upon; but it was the practice of the European imperial powers to draw lines splitting a tribe between several different nations, while also lumping several different ethnicities into the same country, in order to weaken them and make them easier to dominate. That is the source of much (but by no means all) of the endemic strife in Africa and Arabia.

Unless you meant to imply that those beasties are pests, in which case never mind! :)


Fredrik wrote:
Patrick Renie wrote:
some of Golarion's most famous endemic creatures
FWIW, I recommend "autochthonous" over "endemic", because the latter has "infestation" connotations for me. ;)

Ah, how I do enjoy a good new word! Now you'll undoubtedly see "autochthonous" pop up in one of the next books I develop. ;]

I think I read that there will be a rabbit familiar.

Shalafi2412 wrote:
I think I read that there will be a rabbit familiar.

**** Yes! If this is true I can finally have my Fighter with Eldritch Heritage to get his Bunny Familiar!

Even better if I can make a Viking with a Bunny named Fluffy, The Ripper! (Nerd Reference off to Port!)

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

So, Mike Brock is visiting our friendly neighborhood gaming convention, OwlCon, this weekend, and yesterday I got the chance to play in a game run by him (since I'm a GM at the con). He gave me a preview of the Animal Archive, and I've gotta say there is SO MUCH MORE in that book than I thought possible!

-Animal companion and familiar ARCHETYPES. That's right, you get to trade out some of the standard companion or familiar abilities for other ones, to suit your taste!

-Archetypes for the Cavalier (that one is actually mount-less, which I know will thrill some players), Rogue, and... one other I can't remember at the moment.

-New feats for your Companions (duh) but also some new feats for interacting with companions, such as the metamagic feat "Familiar Spell"

-New tricks you can teach your companion, such as "flanking"

-Spells pertaining to companion critters

-Magic item slots for every companion and familiar! Some of them have more slots than others (for example monkeys have all the same slots as humans, but snakes have only three)

If you didn't plan on getting this book, I'm telling you right now, plan to pick up that PDF the moment it's available this coming week, or even better just order the hard copy! It's seriously the best book to come out of the Player Companion series, and I can't WAIT to rebuild my Sylvan Sorcerer's dinosaur companion with these rules. :-D

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Fun fact: The British thought that the platypus body sent back to England was a hoax. They thought someone had stitched together a duck and a beaver.

A lot of us Brits still consider the platypus to be a fraud. In fact, I have my doubts over many of these antipodean beasties.

Pig-footed bandicoot?
Musky rat-kangaroo?
Southern hairy-nosed wombat?

All lies!

Daniel Rust wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Fun fact: The British thought that the platypus body sent back to England was a hoax. They thought someone had stitched together a duck and a beaver.

A lot of us Brits still consider the platypus to be a fraud. In fact, I have my doubts over many of these antipodean beasties.

Pig-footed bandicoot?
Musky rat-kangaroo?
Southern hairy-nosed wombat?

All lies!

They are all real.

I love the fact that at Christmas we have changed the story so Santa's sleigh is pulled by six big white male kangaroos (male Kangarroos are called Boomers) because it's too hot for Reindeer.

We also have the Easter Bilby rather than than the Easter bunny because rabbits like cats and foxes, are destroying our native wild life.

I cant post the images, look up Bilbies, Quolls, Sugar Gliders, Tree Kangaroos, and numbats.

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

I want a sugar glider for a pet. I need to wait until I can afford one. I also need to wait until I no longer have a dog.

Sugar Glider can be evil... My ear still hurts from my friend's Sugar Glider...

Regarding the Charger (Companion Archetype) on page 20 there is a problem.

It lists the Mounted Challenge ability as being for Cavaliers but it replaces Share Spells which a Cavalier's mount does not get.

Regarding Bleed for your Master it lists that the Master gains cover against area affects. The next paragraph it states that the spell does not apply to area affects.

- Gauss

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