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Perhaps I wasn't clear. I'll admit, whether the monk can TWF with unarmed strikes might be up for debate (I think he can, and that the "no such thing as an off-hand attack" bit just means he never takes off-hand penalties), but that's been pretty heavily debated in the other thread.
What I'm asking for is why you believe Two-Weapon Fighting with unarmed strikes is prohibited in general. I don't see anything in the rules that would indicate a fighter or a rogue can't do it, and there's at least one rage power based on TWFing with unarmed strikes.
Plus, like I said earlier, magic fang implies it by limiting you to enchanting one unarmed strike.
If you can TWF with unarmed strikes, then any item that enhances all a character's unarmed strikes will need to be priced higher than a single weapon enchantment. Otherwise, the unarmed striker is getting more bang for his buck than the weapon user.

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Because the AOMF is intended for monks and not other classes, making it obsolete for monks in effect makes it obsolete for everyone. Just as an item that made a robe of the archmagi obsolete for sorcerers and wizards in effect makes it obsolete for everyone.
Respectfully, I believe the AOMF is intended for classes that fight with natural weapons, which include monks, druids, animal companions, eidolons, some rangers and barbarians, etc...and of course not to mention all the monsters with natural attacks...
The monk needs something to increase attack bonus that doesn't remove a slot. If you want the AOMF to be the only way to add a full enhancement bonus, I get that. But the monk is lagging when they can't increase the attack bonus on their fists in a world of presumptions of weapon bonuses for melee combat. They get a damage bonus, but it does not matter if you can't hit anything.
I agree with your concerns about brass knuckles and wraps, but there should be some process, if even a monk specific process, that increases attack bonus for unarmed strike without forcing them to choose between an armor amulet and an attack amulet.
Other melee classes don't have that penalty.

LoreKeeper |

Something to keep in mind regarding a monk mixing unarmed strikes and weapons into his flurry: improving the unarmed strike to +1 is 5000gp, and improving the weapon is 2000gp. So for 7000gp the monk gets to be as awesome as the 4000gp that a normal two-weapon-fighting process would cost.
By +2 the costs would be 28000gp vs 16000gp.
By +3 the costs would be 63000gp vs 36000gp.
By +4 the costs would be 112000gp vs 64000gp.
By +5 the costs would be 175000gp vs 100000gp.
For a monk, mixing unarmed and weapons into a flurry is prohibitively expensive. He'd be better off focusing on either weapons or unarmed attacks.
Now assume he uses unarmed strikes, the cost is still 25% higher to keep up with the two weapon user. Now assume he uses two weapons, he only gets to chose from relatively sub-par monk weapons (or spends feats on exotic proficiencies).
Keep in mind that the power level of monk weapons when they were designed in 3.5, was on the basis that they could be used for all attacks in the flurry. By removing that basis, the monk is left with the ability to flurry with two not-so-good weapons, or with his fists (which comes at a cost-premium).

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
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Rules for "leveling" a magic item with a character could be interesting.
I did that in one of my campaigns, just kind of winged it -- it was really fun to come up with the weapons. It did get hard to keep balanced but the PCs loved having their signature item that they kept with them from 2nd level to 13th (where the campaign ended).

LoreKeeper |

The intention of the revised flurry of blows in Pathfinder is to increase the damage for the monk. I thought I'd quickly see what the net effect of the rulings are; comparing a level 12 monk using the PF and 3.5 flurries respectively - and equipping the PF monk with two +2 kamas, and for about the same cost a single +3 kama on the 3.5 monk.
Surprisingly the 3.5 monk wins the damage race (albeit by only a small margin). But exact details vary from level to level - as additional attacks get unlocked for the PF monk quite frequently, but as the math shows, the PF low iteration attacks simply don't have a big impact and are balanced against the 3.5's monk higher enhancement bonus to his weapon.
Typical CR 12 foe: AC 27
20-point-buy human monk level 12 (PF rules)
Str 22 = 16 + 2 racial + 2 levels + 2 item
Dex 16 = 14 + 2 item
Con 14 = 12 + 2 item
Int 10
Wis 15 = 14 + 1 levels
Cha 8
base flurry 10/10/5/5/0
uses two +2 kama
weapon focus (kama)
highest attack: 19 = 10 + 6 strength + 2 kama + 1 feat
damage per hit: 1d6 + 8 = 6 strength + 2 kama
full two +2 kama flurry: 19/19/14/14/9 (1d6 + 8)
expected DPR: 27.16875
2 * 0.65 * 11.5 * 1.05 + 2 * 0.4 * 11.5 * 1.05 + 0.15 * 11.5 * 1.05
base flurry 9/9/9/4
uses one +3 kama
weapon focus (kama)
highest attack: 19 = 9 + 6 strength + 3 kama + 1 feat
damage per hit: 1d6 + 9 = 6 strength + 3 kama
full one +3 kama flurry: 19/19/19/14 (1d6 + 9)
expected DPR: 30.84375
3 * 0.65 * 12.5 * 1.05 + 0.4 * 12.5 * 1.05
assuming various additional buffs: haste, +3 inspire courage
PF expected DPR: 62.4225
3 * 0.85 * 14.5 * 1.05 + 2 * 0.6 * 14.5 * 1.05 + 0.35 * 14.5 * 1.05
3.5 expected DPR: 65.1
4 * 0.85 * 15.5 * 1.05 + 0.6 * 15.5 * 1.05

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I would like to see the Impact enchantment {Keen For Blunt Weapons]
Greater Elemental Enchanment for weapons 2d6 elemental damage
Greater Bane +4 +4d6 for a +3
Weapon and armor enchaments tied to class abilities
Weapon traing for eastern weapons
scrap exotic weapons for characters that are frm Tien XA
more magic cloaks, foot gear

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As with Inner Sea Magic, a follow-up Chronicles or Companion book (Inner Sea Gear?) that has Golarion-specific gear, such as magical holy symbols, weapons and relics (prayer books, holy oils, perhaps even specific types of holy water, etc.) dedicated to the Golarion pantheon of gods.
Items tied into Nidalese shadowcasting, or relevant to Acadamae-style conjuring or Winter Witch ice magic, could also go there.

SImRobert2001 |
I know this might be out of the area of the book, but i would like to see a list of furniture sometime in the future. NOt all of us heroes like to see our homes empty and bare. :)
On that note, how about something along the lines of say, a magical scabbard that magically mends any sword/knife put into it? Or even then, an armor stand that repairs and mends all clothing/armor placed on it, or even gives a temporary boon, such as an enchantment that gives masterwork quality if the armor is left on it for 8 hours? THis could be expanded to include a +1 enchantment that lasts for say, 4 hours, though i'm not sure how powerful it would be.
I would also love to see a Handy Haversack style belt for potions and scrolls.

Staffan Johansson |
A solution to the big six, it doessn´t matter how cool a cloack of the montebank is, Jimmy, nine fingers still has pick a cloack of protection if he wants to survive that medusa´s gaze.
This is one reason I think this book will have trouble out-competing Magic Item Compendium at my table. The MIC actually fixed a lot of issues with the game, or at least reduced them, whereas Ultimate Equipment just seems to add more stuff. Some examples:
- Bonus items not leaving room for cool stuff? Check, by allowing an item to have a static bonus added without punitive cost (that is, the +50% for two powers in one item) as long as the item is in an appropriate slot and didn't already have a static bonus. So a cape of the mountebank and resistance +3 becomes a completely valid item, costing 19,080 gp.
- Lack of interesting low-level items. Check, plenty of those in MIC, especially all the "3 charges per day" items where you could spend more than one charge at once for increased effect (though generally not as much as if you spent them separately). Also weapon/armor crystals that let you add minor benefits to weapon/armor and have them transfer to other gear.
- Treasure table wonkiness. Check, by using "item level" instead of the minor/medium/major item classification. Also fixed treasure tables to have less randomness.
It also added some cool new item types, like the aforementioned armor/weapon crystals and runestaffs (items that let you expend a spell slot or prepared spell of the appropriate or higher level to use a spell from the item instead, usable 3x/day).
Sure, I'll likely get Ultimate Equipment (especially since I have a subscription and all), but it's going to have a hard time outcompeting MIC as the primary source for magic item rules at my table.

Mr. C |

So, I haven't had time to go through all the posts, and we're actually about to start session, thus my time is limited. Alrighty, straight to the point, I'd love to see the return of adventuring kits as presented in probably my favorite 3.5 book, Dungeonscape. Having the kits is really nice for those of us who liked to stock up on bunches of mundane items, but it was/is a real hassle to keep track of all of them. So, a bunch of kits makes it nice and simple when the GM asks where you got the 50 pieces of chalk you can say, "Oh, that's from my labyrinth kit, would you prefer I use my 500 feet of twine?"

wraithstrike |

Joyd wrote:- Mechanically, there's very little difference between an item that's enhancing only a monk's left fist and an item that's enhancing all of a monk's unarmed strikes. There's nothing stopping a monk from hitting someone seven times with his left fist, just like there's nothing stopping him from hitting someone seven times with his +2 Flaming Kama.Actually, because the rules say a monk's flurry is as if he's using the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, he can't simply declare that he's using the same fist seven times. So there is something stopping him from hitting someone seven times with his left fist or a +2 flaming kama: the rules for how flurry works.
Joyd wrote:Re: "An item that gave monks the benefits of an AOMF would obsolete the AOMF."
- It would obsolete it -- for monks, and only for monks who...Because the AOMF is intended for monks and not other classes, making it obsolete for monks in effect makes it obsolete for everyone. Just as an item that made a robe of the archmagi obsolete for sorcerers and wizards in effect makes it obsolete for everyone.
I am going to FAQ this, not because I don't think Sean is correct. He makes the rules so it is hard to be wrong, but I and others have always looked at that TWF line as just a way to get the extra attacks the monk needs to stay competitive. Nobody(well I am sure there are exceptions) has made a monk actually switch weapons. I think most of us would prefer attacking with only one weapon to be written in as a rules exception.
PS:I have not read a lot of posts on this issue so that last sentence may be incorrect. I do hope others agree with me on this though.

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Back on topic (with a little monk stuff)
First the monk stuff:
To satisfy the desire for a weapon that does UAS damage, how about a ki weapon ability. This is just like ki arrow but applies to melee weapons. It comes as a ki power, 1st level spell or +1 weapon enhancement. So a +1 Ki cestus would cost 8305gp.
Monk "armor": essentially a padded gi with an armor value of +1 or +0 that can be worn by monks and can be enhanced like armor. Picture the outfit worn by the ninja iconic.
Caster's shield made of mithral so an arcane caster can use it without spell failure chance.
Armor for the part-time caster (arcane archer). I'm thinking +2 or +3 metal armor with 10% arcane failure(chain vest?). A mithral version would have no arcane failure chance. I know the armored castor feat helps but arcane archer is feat starved as it is.
Darts more like the 1e version. 1d3 damage for medium, treat as ammo, too light to use strength bonus, can be drawn as a free action if in a special container. Or with both hands free, draw as many as you can throw in one round as a swift action.
Light(footman's) lance: like normal lance but 1d6 damage (medium), Martial, still has reach, charge benefits, but can be used one handed on foot. This is usually a shield wall weapon but occasionally used by light cavalry and cavalry scouts. Picture the Praetorian's weapons in "Gladiator", a longspear with a smaller tip, lighter shaft and counter-balanced for one hand use; a pool cue tipped with an arrow head.
Rapid relaod feat for slings. The Halfling book addressed it but required two feats. The ability to make iterative attacks with ranged weapons has always required 1 feat: Martial or exotic weapon proficiency or rapid reload or quick draw.
Portable Secure Shelter: An extra demensional container the size of a footlocker or chest. Inside is a Secure Shelter as the spell. This is mostly to provide space for crafting/healing/resting on long journeys. Requires a cart or boat to carry, cannot be stored in another extra dimensional space.
Ray guns: always found with limited ammo, batteries deplete over time, no way to recharge in fantasy setting.
Nipple Ring of...: just to see who takes one.:b

WhiteFox |
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I've always enjoyed flavor items and hope you guys put some more into the game.
I've felt that bards don't really have many interesting items that don't already duplicate another specific spell.
For example, the lyre of building is a very fun item that isn't specifically duplicated by another spell and is a great item for bard RP. Not to mention other items that are for the benefit of NPCs you may come across, such as a small table that enlarges into a buffet table to provide food for the group. I would like to see more items that support users can buy for the group's benefit.
Or a bard's music box that could hold a bard's song that he puts into it for a few rounds.

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Niche: Herbalism and, Craft Alchemy mundane items.
I am really hoping that ALL the minerals, gems, and plant fauna are included with PICTURES! I would love to see like 30 or more beautiful mineral pictures, and various plant species!! Mind you, there are over 4900 mineral species in the real world, but having, say 30 or so would be most useful for immersion.
Give some love to Herbalists and Crafters. :)
I would LOVE to see material components in the mundane section. With some illustrations too? Wow. (e.g., diamonds or diamond dust) with a pic? awesome sauce.
Minerals, Gems, Plant Species, and Fungi Species in relation to Herbalism, and Craft Alchemy with properties.
Can be ground to make pastes, non magical healing salves, non magical poisons, dyes, certain mineral components to change the intensity of light sources or their damage properties.
Thank you for listening.

Ravingdork |

0gre wrote:Interesting note (to me). Way back in 1e (Masters boxed set to be exact) I made up a "vorpal mace" for one of my PC's and named it Skullcrusher. *grin*Mÿcerranin wrote:2.) a vorpal weapon equivalent for piercing and bludgeoning weaponsThe skullcrusher enhancement? :D
"Heart Piercing" for piercing weapons has a nice ring to it. :D
+2 Heart Piercing Rapier
+1 Heart Piercing Wooden Stake (does a number on vampires)

Ravingdork |
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We NEED items with SCALING DCs. There is no point to most magic items with static DCs (like the blinding shield property) since the DC never improves. It becomes a useless waste at later levels (and often isn't worth the action to activate even at mid-levels since no one will fail their saves).

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Mundane flaming arrows.
Normal arrows with oil soaked cloth at the tip. -1 to hit, in addition to normal damage, deals 1point of fire damage per round for 1d4 rounds or until removed or extinguished as a standard action. Requires a move action to light with an active fire source such as a torch. Ignites flammable objects. 1gp each

Foghammer |

We NEED items with SCALING DCs. There is no point to most magic items with static DCs (like the blinding shield property) since the DC never improves. It becomes a useless waste at later levels (and often isn't worth the action to activate even at mid-levels since no one will fail their saves).
I concur. It translates, in my experience, into a 5% chance (the target rolling a natural 1 on the save) that a target will fall victim to the effects of these items. I'm sorry, but 5% is not reliable enough for me to justify using something, especially in combat.
I'm not saying that I have a better idea of how to do it; I suspect it's actually possible, using item creation rules, but I am easily confused on that topic. I would like to see a chart for what it would cost to improve the DCs for things like this.

james knowles |

What's missing?
new psionic items to expand upon those in the Pathfinder Psionics Rulebook.
new Epic level items to expand upon those in the Pathfinder Epic Level Rulebook.
....oh wait, Pathfinder hasn't released those books yet. I guess i'll have to settle for Weapon/Armor crystals (like the ones in MIC), or perhaps the Canons for the core deities, or more pet/familiar items.

Stynkk |

We NEED items with SCALING DCs. There is no point to most magic items with static DCs (like the blinding shield property) since the DC never improves. It becomes a useless waste at later levels (and often isn't worth the action to activate even at mid-levels since no one will fail their saves).
This is a great point, but I don't think this will be in Ultimate Equipment.

Adam McPoe |
Non-Magic enhancements to Gear and Equipment, more Detailed Craft system for those who would like to make use of the Craft Skills, and Non +1 magical enhancements to Gear and Equipment.
I to believe that the 3/3.5 craft system was weak, but better than nothing. A book (Chain-mail bikini)while having a lot of things geared to making a babe in a chain-mail bikini work with feats and other objects it also provided a lot of modifications that a non-caster could do while making his or her armor and weapons without them being magic. (Favorite ones were fitted, and Lighten.)

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Metamagic Rods for the metamagic feats introduced in the Ultimate Magic. Golem manuals for the new golems that were introduced in later bestiaries.
In-my-wildest-dreams-request: Master list of staves that have been released so far including updating the prices of either the APG or the CRB staves (since they follow wildly different forumlas for pricing).

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Annon Mallen -
As a standard action this staff fires a bolt at a flat surface within 50ft and creates a 5 foot circular portal that does not allow travel until the staff is fired at another flat surface and creating another portal. Both of the portals are now linked and travel through one immediately goes through to the other. One portal stays in effect for one minute. If a third portal is created the first portal created from Annon Mallen is closed and the second portal is now the first and the third now the second. As a swift action the bearer of the Annon Mallen may close a portal. Any creature still within a closing portal is pushed back the way they came from unharmed out the portal. Water, even moving water, and uneven ground can be used as a flat surface, but the portals location in space does not change as long as it exists. An Annon Mallen an create 6 portals a day.
On another note
I cannot find a magic portal in any core book am I missing something or is a magic portal really not a magic item in the core books?

cibet44 |
Maybe this exists somewhere already in the game but an item that allows the user to apply poison to a wielded manufactured (only) weapon as a move (or maybe even free) action that does not provoke an AOO.
Something like a scabbard that holds two or three doses loaded into into it and just sheathing a blade applies the poison. I'd like to see NPCs get a few shots with poisoned weapons during combat instead of the current "one and done".

Zark |

A few different pre-priced adventuring "kits", removing the need to add up costs for backpack, bedroll, shovel, waterskin, tinderbox, whetstone, etc. etc.
[...] I'd also really like to see a few standardized equipment packages for GM and player reference. Stuff like "woodland travel package: 1 bedroll, 1 tent, 1 walking stick (quarterstaff), 3 waterskins..." so that we can easily generate a basic equipment set for NPCs or new players.
+1 000
This would speed up character creation so much.
But the thing I want to see the most is both more "kits" (climber's kit, artisan's tools, etc.) and a breakdown of what is in them. The Arms and Equipment guide for Star Wars d20 had a few sidebars to this effect, and they were my favorite part of that book. It's really nice to know things like whether or not you need a whetstone if you already have an artisan's tools (weaponsmithing). And in my experience, it makes the PCs much more likely to improvise and come up with creative solutions.
Here are two examples of the kind of thing I'm talking about:
** spoiler omitted **
I'd like to see some more class specific items. I am always on the look out for something that will help boost some class ability I have. Also items that also help Archetypes. A collection of cheap items for low level characters.
Yep, the archetypes need some love too. Wondrous items for archetypes.
Something like 'Silver smite bracelet', but for "the Guide"; Something like 'Gloves of Dueling,' but for abilities that replaces weapon training; Something like 'Sash of the War Champion' but for abilities replaces armor training; Something that boost abilities that replaces bravery; etc. etc.

Zark |

A rod of Augment Summoning for Clerics (and perhaps Orcales).
Augment Summoning is really a costly feat if you are a cleric (or oracle) because you have to pick spell focus conjuration since clerics (and oracles) unlike arcane casters and the druid, does have any really good conjuration spells. Also, Clerics unlike the other casters are restricted by their and their gods alignment to what creature they can summon. Rod of Augment Summoning would really help.
edit: And tie the rod to an alignment. Good, Evil, Chaotic or Lawful.

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I don't think there is a mundane quiver anywhere yet. There is a magical Efficient Quiver, but no regular quiver to carry around regular arrows or bolts.

Staffan Johansson |
I don't think there is a mundane quiver anywhere yet. There is a magical Efficient Quiver, but no regular quiver to carry around regular arrows or bolts.
"Arrows come in a leather quiver that holds 20 arrows." So it's included in the cost and weight of ammo. Bolts and sling bullets have similar language.

Xot |

I lost track of the discussion, so please forgive me if I'm late or repeating.
Configurable extra dimensional spaces, and XDS for specific things. We all love our Efficient quivers, but sometimes Players & DMs disagree about what you can fit into what kinda slot. It's obvious to me that you could build, have built, or find similar items in different configurations. It would be great if there were a chart and you could add up what you wanted to store, and how quick you'd like to get it unstored, do some basic addition and have the XDS of your dreams.
Also I'm a big fan of the infinite scroll case from the MIC.

RunebladeX |

I agree with Xot. and i think this could be expanded into a whole untouched area. scouring over the rules there is no mention on containers at ALL. For low level play storage, efficiency, and weight management can be crucial. especially since ever adventure ap seems to contain hoards of copper everywhere. something not mentioned in the rule books is belt pouches, potion belts, and bandoliers. these are stapples to every adventuring outfit. with the alchemist in play rules should be brought to light. how much do belt pouches hold,how much do bandoliers hold, how many can you put on one belt, can you put belt pouches on magic belts, what happens if you fall while wearing a potion belt, are there wand sheaths? belts and containers seem to be the biggest topic i get from new players and i really don't have any official rules to say one way or the other. and if you can buy a bag of holding or and efficiency quiver why not an efficiency belt pouch,potion strap, or bandolier. why not a pouch of holding?

Cthulhudrew |

I know this guide is supposed to be just a big book of equipment, and isn't going to have a lot of new rules stuff in it, but I'm wondering if there is any chance any Equipment Tricks will show up at all. They're not exactly new rules, and they are rules that apply to equipment much like things like status effects (broken, etc.) do; optional effects to be sure.
Anyway, it's something I'd like to see more of.

Nephelim |

Amulets, rings, or Armor that would allow Druid to add additional "form of the" spells to their wildshape repertoire, or even just to enable larger than Huge forms. Along the same lines, something to enable a Druid to WS into Para- and Pseudo- Elementals.
Objects to enhance or expand Summon Nature's Ally, Why does Summon Monster get all the love? Before the Summoner, the Druid was the only class with a summoning class-feature.
Magic enhancements for tack and barding.
Alchemical smoke bombs that only\don't block Darkvision.
A re-deux of Metamagic Wand Grips and the Wand Bracers (Quantum Bands for Rogues).
I also like the idea of items with sliding DC's. There were items in the DMG2 for 3.5 that had save DC's based on the wielder's CHA... a mechanic like that would work well. The same idea should be applicable to Alchemical items, scaling the create DC up to increase the save DC's?

truesidekick |
gloves that apply a bonus similar to an enchanted bow, for thrown weapons.the price should be in line with enchanting a bow, seeing as though the damage would be the same.
i was trying to make a ninja star tossing character until i realized that i would be S.O.L. against most enemies and would fall behind in damage.
if not gloves i guess i cold see this taking a head slot, wrist, or chest. chest i think would be the best for mechanics, seeing as it would not interfear with anything a martial caracter would want in that slot. but hands would make the most sense.
and call them gloves of awesome throwing.


This has likely already been mentioned and I apologize if it has but I was too lazy to read the massive number of posts.
I'd like to see an expansion of the firearms from what is talked about in Ultimate Combat. Some information on more cartridge based firearms as well as bit about more advanced clockwork/steampunk style modifications or variants (Gatling guns anyone?.
On that same note I'd like to see some more clockwork/steampunk items. pathfinder already has a bit of clockwork/gunpowder/steamtech type items but I think it could be expanded.
Mostly though, I'd like to see a bit more support for firearms.

Cheapy |

Alchemical items that grant
Blindsense to 5' or 10'Well really I'd like to see lots of alchemical stuff, stat boosters, temp HP elixirs, Felix felicitas, an item that gives an alchemical bonus on saves vs ability drain etc.
I don't think alchemical items are meant to be that strong.