January 2019 Starfinder Society Releases

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Illustration by Nicolas Espinoza

With the month of January a whole new year begins, but we're still making our way through the final months of Starfinder Society's first season. I'm excited that this month starts a very real countdown of sorts to our end-of-season finale interactive special. While the team isn't quite ready to start talking about our second interactive (more later, I promise) there are some major scenarios coming up this month that start us towards our season's end.

Let me start by saying, that despite its name, Starfinder Society Scenario #1-30: Survivor's Salvation is not a scenario that continues the story of Salvation's End (though we'll be going back to that place in due time). Author, Kiel Howell, presented this scenario to the organized play team as an exploration into something that we've got a lot of questions about since the events of the Scoured Stars: how Starfinders cope with the stresses of their occupation. Called by Zigvigix to investigate the disappearance of a fellow Exo-Guardian who spent the better part of a year within the Scoured Stars, the PCs get to see some topics addressed that we don't tend to see in our typical scenarios. Now, it wouldn't be a real scenario without a threat and a bit of a sci-fi twist to things, so for those more interested in pulling out laser guns and shooting at threats… well, Kiel's got you covered!

Onto our second scenario!

Continuing to explore the repercussions of the Scoured Stars, Starfinder Society Scenario #1-31: Treading History's Folly has the PCs retrace the steps of First Seeker Jadnura, returning to the site where he uncovered one of the mysterious Tear relics that would lead to the Society into the Scoured Stars. Vanessa Hoskins brings us a delightful look into Jadnura's past actions, as well as information that should delight those who've been following the Scoured Stars story over the course of our first season. There were moments when developing this scenario that I had chills from some of the information we were finally getting out into player and GM hands. Similarly, this scenario also goes on to remind people of a few other mysteries that we intend to showcase over the remaining months leading up to our finale interactive.

Illustration by Graey Erb

Illustration by Graey Erb

To further spur on our contingent of dedicated Starfinder conspiracy theorists, let me share one other lovely new piece of art. I can honestly say it's going to factor in quite a bit over the course of our coming scenarios. Whatever could it be?

Alrighty, that's it for January's release! As I write this, I'm going through development on February's scenarios and am already excited to talk about those. Though next month won't continue the Scoured Stars story as much as this month, I'm excited on some of the other storylines we get to follow-up on. Expect to hear back from me in a month with an update on the Dataphiles ongoing efforts and the appearance of a well-known Dead Suns Adventure Path character asking the PCs for help with a bit of a diplomatic endeavor.

Until next time,

Thurston Hillman
Starfinder Society Developer

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Tags: Graey Erb Nicolas Espinoza Organized Play Starfinder Society Starfinder Society Scenarios
Wayfinders 4/5

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Manifold Host 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****


Wayfinders 2/5 5/5


RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32


Also, Nicolas did a phenomenal job on that piece of art! (I mean, ALL the artists do fantastic work too!)

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****


Ooooh! So much to look forward to!

Dataphiles 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Netherlands

Is there somewhere that already shows the Second Seekers Jadnura faction emblem? Or is it just the same emblem for both First Seekers?

Because that would be a sweet sweet emblem...


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"and the appearance of a well-known Dead Suns Adventure Path character asking the PCs for help with a bit of a diplomatic endeavor."

Ambassador Nor!

Second Seekers (Jadnura) 2/5

James Hargrave wrote:

Is there somewhere that already shows the Second Seekers Jadnura faction emblem? Or is it just the same emblem for both First Seekers?

Because that would be a sweet sweet emblem...

The SFS Character Registration screen shows Jadnura using the same emblem, just in red and olive? Tan?. Hard to tell from the pixel art

5/5 5/55/55/5

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I knew the jinsul were some kind of pyramid scheme

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

I like how the elemental there is posed exactly the same way as the one in Cosmic Captive.

Confirmed that Y2 is the SFSs struggle against Hsurshsa


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Is season 2 Luwazi Elsebo and the Deathly Hallows?



I'm kind of hoping there's a more menacing villain behind this, I'm not happy with the Jinsul. They seem kind of murky as antagonists.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I just wish that there was a way to give players the info that the GMs get in the scenarios. It makes them much more.... menacing.

Grand Lodge 4/5

I usually just tell them when I can say it without spoiling what’s next. Their characters can’t act on it, but the players sure can know.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

BigNorseWolf wrote:
I knew the jinsul were some kind of pyramid scheme


*grabs tinfoil hat*

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

3 people marked this as a favorite.
thecursor wrote:

I'm kind of hoping there's a more menacing villain behind this, I'm not happy with the Jinsul. They seem kind of murky as antagonists.

Be patient. The upcoming scenarios should really start to fill in a lot of these holes. Since their first arrival on scene, the jinsuls were always intended to have a bit of a "what's up with these people" air to them. I really wanted to play with the idea of having a longer build-up villain instead of revealing a major threat in a single scenario where the PCs get a whole bunch of backstory all at once.

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

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Glen Parnell wrote:
I just wish that there was a way to give players the info that the GMs get in the scenarios. It makes them much more.... menacing.

I would STRONGLY suggest (HINT HINT) that you get your players signed up for Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Scenario #1-31: Treading History's Folly ASAP.

Just saying, that might help a lot. :)

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

Thurston Hillman wrote:
Glen Parnell wrote:
I just wish that there was a way to give players the info that the GMs get in the scenarios. It makes them much more.... menacing.

I would STRONGLY suggest (HINT HINT) that you get your players signed up for Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Scenario #1-31: Treading History's Folly ASAP.

Just saying, that might help a lot. :)

Magic 8-ball suggests that it is scheduled to be run on February 12th, here in Duluth, Georgia.


Thurston Hillman wrote:
Glen Parnell wrote:
I just wish that there was a way to give players the info that the GMs get in the scenarios. It makes them much more.... menacing.

I would STRONGLY suggest (HINT HINT) that you get your players signed up for Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Scenario #1-31: Treading History's Folly ASAP.

Just saying, that might help a lot. :)

I'm running it at Con of the North... twice!

(thank you, Theoretical Historian Exo-Guardians boon!)

Dataphiles 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Netherlands

Dracomicron wrote:
Thurston Hillman wrote:
Glen Parnell wrote:
I just wish that there was a way to give players the info that the GMs get in the scenarios. It makes them much more.... menacing.

I would STRONGLY suggest (HINT HINT) that you get your players signed up for Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Scenario #1-31: Treading History's Folly ASAP.

Just saying, that might help a lot. :)

I'm running it at Con of the North... twice!

(thank you, Theoretical Historian Exo-Guardians boon!)

Running it 14:00 Sunday? :D


James Hargrave wrote:
Dracomicron wrote:
Thurston Hillman wrote:
Glen Parnell wrote:
I just wish that there was a way to give players the info that the GMs get in the scenarios. It makes them much more.... menacing.

I would STRONGLY suggest (HINT HINT) that you get your players signed up for Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Scenario #1-31: Treading History's Folly ASAP.

Just saying, that might help a lot. :)

I'm running it at Con of the North... twice!

(thank you, Theoretical Historian Exo-Guardians boon!)

Running it 14:00 Sunday? :D

1900 Friday and 1300 Saturday.

1400 Sunday I'm going to be playing Honorbound Emissaries with Hmm.

Dataphiles 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Netherlands

Dracomicron wrote:

1900 Friday and 1300 Saturday.

1400 Sunday I'm going to be playing Honorbound Emissaries with Hmm.

Well she moved to be playing it with me Saturday morning :P check the local event forum post :) come join!


1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Hargrave wrote:
Dracomicron wrote:

1900 Friday and 1300 Saturday.

1400 Sunday I'm going to be playing Honorbound Emissaries with Hmm.

Well she moved to be playing it with me Saturday morning :P check the local event forum post :) come join!

I should have said that Hmm is RUNNING it for me Sunday 1400. Trying to get my regular crew of disaster magnets together to play that one, so she can see how the other half lives (she normally sees my characters that play nice, but I play my level 7 raw brutality soldier at another venue with a group that routinely causes diplomatic incidents). :D

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

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