MathGuru83's page

* Starfinder Society GM. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters.



Wow awesome! Thank you!


I'm a noob Starfinder DM here and I have a few questions that I was wonderingif people can help with.

1) I ran the mission Into the Unknown but when I went to create the event, I created 5 events for each of the different missions (since we played on roll20 on five different nights). I then realized that it messed up the reporting for the players and my own DM character. How do I go back and delete those events? I've tried clicking the edit button but it only allows me to edit the event but there is nothing to indicate or delete them.

2) My FLGS will be doing a grand opening this coming Sunday and I have been asked to run a table of SFS to try and get new players. The tricky part is the Paizo number. Is there a quick way I can assign them a number ahead of time to save time or do they really need to go online and create an account. Let's say they don't make an account right away, can i still report the event if players do not have a number?

3) Do players ALWAYS have access to the treasure on the chronicle sheet or only immediately after they complete the scenario?

Thank you guys for any help you can share!

I would be interested with my level 1 Dwarf Barbarian

I live in the Northwest Chicago region as well and have been looking for a group. So far I found one regular group at Games Plus in Mt. Prospect that plays Sundays @ noon and also a group at Woodfield Mall in Schaumburg that plays Saturdays @ 11.

I am a newbie to playing PFS both on and offline. Any suggestions? I got the field guide book and have read through it. Anything that needs to be completed before hand?