Cristo Galdana |


Anapa |

Woke up really early for work. But finally managed to squeeze in a post

Fatima Eisen |

Hey all, my apologizes but I’ll have to bow out. It’s been a rough time and I’ve been unable to maintain the focus needed for this game, and realizing that I’m holding things up has made it worse. Sorry to everybody but need to step away. Best wishes to all.

Calin Milotti |

Thanks for popping back here to let us know. Best of luck, Fatima! Keep an eye on this game. Who knows, maybe we'll need reinforcements again!

Cristo Galdana |

Yes! You will be missed!

wanderer82 |

Good evening all, I want to offer my apologies for my disappearance. About 12 hours after my last post I had to rush my 2 year old son to the hospital after he got into his grandfather's medications. After a week in treatment, I am happy to say he is now home and doing well.
I realize I delayed the progress of this game, and offer my apologies to both GM Wolf and the party as a whole. I respectfully step away and wish you the best in your adventures.
Good day.

Calin Milotti |

Glad that everything turned out okay. Scary situation!

Calin Milotti |

@GM Wolf: Making sure I understand the details before I do an in-depth look at equipment.
* 'Christmas Gift' from Drake from module 1; up to what value?
* 2,500 gp in cash from level up
* Two selections from Drake's vault
* magical item of 3,000 gp
* a lesser or least augment crystal
Is that correct?

Anapa |

After 2.5 months we are finally moving into our home.

Imrik Farstrider |

Congrats. Hopefully, its a wonderful experience for you!

Calin Milotti |

Sorry for lack of posts from me earlier in the week. Work travel meant catching up on all my games was a struggle.
@GM Wolf: hope you are feeling better after some rest as well!

Anapa |

I apologise for my absence. Been driving around a lot for work.
Over 2000km in 5 days.
Coming home at 7pm
I will post asap.

Imrik Farstrider |

I will be on vacation from Monday through Friday. I am not sure how my posting will go, so feel free to bot me as needed.

Calin Milotti |

Hope your family is doing well!

Calin Milotti |

Heads up from me: Family vacation starts Friday, back home Thursday, 3/20. I expect to be available, but might be slower than normal.

GM Wolf |

Anapa I have questions.
Why are you holding a large bastard sword.
It looks like the -2 penalty is applied to the attack.
Next: how does your attack do damage.
A medium bustard sword does 1d8 1d10 so a large one does 2d8?
I can't find my size chart. I found it, you were correct here.
Then your weapon:
(L) +1 truedeath undead-bane adamantine ghost-touch bastard sword +10 (+2/+2 vs undead) (2d8+16/19-20 plus 3d6 vs. Undead)
What is truedeath?
Undead bane: +2 on attack and 2d6 damage.
+1 bonus
Ghost touch, negates the half damage to wraiths, ghosts, and other undead incorpreal.
Your strength modifier is a +6. So you do 9 damage from your Strength and +1 from your weapon. How do you get 16?
This sword is priced at 21,000 gp.
You only had 18.5 k to spend.

GM Wolf |

Calin: questions for you;
Melee +1 Keen Longsword +10; (1d8+10/17-20) (w/ Power Attack)
You should have it without power attack too:
Melee +1 Keen Longsword +11; (1d8+6/17-20)
Then with power attack:
Melee +1 Keen Longsword +10; (1d8+8/17-20) (w/ Power Attack)
I am not sure where the other 2 points of damage is coming from.

GM Wolf |

Breath Weapon: A half-dragon retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains a breath weapon usable once per day based on the dragon variety (see below). The breath weapon deals 1d6 hit points of damage per racial HD possessed by the half-dragon (Reflex half; DC 10 + 1/2 creature’s racial HD + creature’s Con modifier).
No Racial Hit Dice :(
Silver= 30 Ft Cone of Cold.
I allow your breath weapon to run on your HD: so 3d6 and 1/day!

Anapa |

Truedeath is one of the crystal enhancements. It gives me an extra 1d6 vs undead and makes the weapon count as if it has ghost touch
The 16 is from both power attack and the +1 enhancmenet
Reason there is no penalty is due to effortless lace magic item

Cristo Galdana |


GM Wolf |

You bought a greater weapon augment crystal of true death?
I believe the offered augment crystals from Drake were least or lesser quality. I will go back. I could be wrong.
I was wrong, you have the lesser version and that was available.
Also it is not an enhancement bonus on your weapon, there should be a seperate entry below it or something, for the 'lesser weapon augment crystal of truedeath.'
So power attack... with -2 attack and +6 damage for using two hands
Or -2 attack and +4 damage with one.
Most of the time your AC will be 2 less as the shield does not give you coverage when using two hands on a weapon.
You should have a normal attack.
Then power attack.

Anapa |

we are finally starting to unpack in our new place, so weekends are rough
Again, sorry for the slowness, ill try to catch up proper asap.
Also, then will be able to have the necessary info in my sheet. Im just use to having PA on all the time, so didnt have a entry for non-PA

Calin Milotti |

Calin: questions for you;
Melee +1 Keen Longsword +10; (1d8+10/17-20) (w/ Power Attack)
You should have it without power attack too:
Melee +1 Keen Longsword +11; (1d8+6/17-20)Then with power attack:
Melee +1 Keen Longsword +10; (1d8+8/17-20) (w/ Power Attack)I am not sure where the other 2 points of damage is coming from.
I'll update Calin's profile with the non-PA attack.
I'm pretty sure +10 is correct. [url=https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/power-attack-combat/]Power Attack takes -1 to hit for +2 dmg. At level four, the penalty is -2 and +4 dmg.

Calin Milotti |

To the party: how do we want to handle loot? Split gold evenly? Have a party inventory spreadsheet? Definitely open to ideas.