Fury of the Tempest |

Alright. So going through the recruitment, we have:
Big Changes to character creation. Really wish Pazio's forums would be updated to allow you to edit posts. It's ridiculous that you can't. And we have Bench Pressing with the aim being... not 20 surely? We are Gestalt, and I think that's about a +2/3 bonus, so Brench Pressing Level 22 or 23? Still <i>limited</i> compared to how, silly one could get accidentally, but a little bit of leeway at least?
Anyhow, classes from what I've seen:
Blacksmith | Occultist
L.Bard | L.Sorcerer
L.Fighter | L.Gunslinger
L.Monk | L.Paladin w/ Champion of Irori
Incanter | L.Kineticest
L.Barbarian | L.Cleric
Harbringer | Scholar
L.Investigator | Psion
Cavalier | Magus
Magus | Swashbuckler
Quite the mix honestly. Doesn't help me try to figure out what I want to play here. So many options, hard to know what I would actually enjoy playing...

eriktd |

I haven’t posted any build stuff at all yet, but I’m leaning towards a conscript | oracle (with the intrigue mystery). Work is busy but I’m going to try to sketch out a build tomorrow or Friday and start checking it against the benchmarks.
Ooo, what spheres is your conscript focusing on? I love conscripts.

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My current iteration is an elf conscript/inquisitor of Calistria.
Roles would be (aside from big damage) big crowd control, debuffs and anti-spellcaster tactics, with a lot of emphasis on combat maneuvers with a whip, something incredibly difficult to do with vanilla rules because nothing has enough feats to do it.
Thinking about trickster as mythic path and Oath against Mercy to represent the vengeance aspect of Calistria. With conscript, going for cavalier training and Order of Vengeance as well. She'll be pretty mean in combat I think and offer good social skills as well, even if MAD in terms of stats. Doing a lot of choices based on flavor.

Voice of Awesomeness |

One of these days, I'll play in a tristalt game that allows SoP, SoM, and SoG, so I can play a Incanter/Conscript/Professional, and have **all** the spheres, LOL
Anyways, to some questions!
1) I asked in the LG discord about HL files. If I don't hear anything by tomorrow, I'll ask Jason Nelson directly. We're friends on FB.
2) Option A for Oaths, yes they are still in play. Whatever Oaths you take, be prepared for them to have a negative impact on you. Don't try to flub the rules and take one that barely affects you. As Sir Longears mentioned, doing things like that means I just won't pick ya.
Are these the only two questions that need my direct input?

Giant Halfling |

Ooo, what spheres is your conscript focusing on? I love conscripts.
I’m still trying to decide. The character I have in mind is the daughter of a pirate lord who was secretly an inquisitor of Kelinahat (the Empyreal Lord of spies and espionage). Part of me wants to play up that heritage with the Pirate martial tradition and a focus on like the fencing and maybe duelist spheres. But, part of me really wants to lean into the intrigue/clandestine thing and focus on hand to hand spheres so that I always appear/am unarmed. Either way, I’ll probably pick up the scout sphere and some athletics too.

Ouachitonian |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm looking at a Taninim Fighter/Sorcerer, for those keeping track, using the racial archetypes for both classes. Pushing it size-wise, but mostly he'll be basically as close as I can get to playing a dragon. (in fact, if you ask him about his classes his response would be something like "My what? I'm a dragon.") The challenge of holding him *down* to the benchmarks, while also trying to closely (though not exactly) replicate a dragon from the Bestiary is pretty fun.
GM, does an amulet of Mighty Fists work with ABP? Might be kind of unfair for me regardless, given all the different natural attacks. (Though at the same time, applying the +4/+3 to, say, bite and claws, but leaving wings and tail nonmagical feels weird.)

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Do you need to do a legendary spiritualist? Could just pick your favorite one of choice. Given that we are trying to hit regular benchmark, it might even work out better that way.
Good point I might beable to do the Spiritualist Build I want and the Alternate may be far better for it

Cronossuss Fallen of Time |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Fallen has been wounding the great north woods for a few years now, exploring and seeing the life there. Today she was flying along with her tow compilation Psycritals, having taken the form of one hers when they heard the sound. The Barking of colbolds , a child crying of a child. Fallen chanced cause and ship, taking on the form of small female elf in winter clothing. She gestured for her competitions with Drow sign language to hid in the trees. Then she walks to the sounds.
She came to a clearing where overturned cart could be seen, a few human bodies lay on the snow red stained snow. Dead from wounds inflected by the band of kobolds now ransacking the cart. A small human female child was kneeling next to what Fallen guest must be her mother or sister.
Crying over the dead. The kobolds not bothering with her while they hunted for loot. Fallen moved to the child soundlessly. As her shadow cross the kid it looked up at Fallen and wailed.
"She want get up, mummy wont get up."
Fallen reached out her mind to the child's and read the grief and pain there past it to the ambush that afternoon. Flashes of images, of the attack. Fallen held out her hand and one of her tattoos lit up family. A large box came into being, and the girls mothers body lifted off the snow and into the box. The child's looked shocked, warrid and moved as if to follow her mother into the chest. But before it she could it was gone, Fallen held out both hands, and indicated the child should come into them as a gesture, sending images of a Temple, A priest and the spell he could cast to being her mother back to life. The child understood at once, they always did, she went to hold Fallens hands when and arrow shot bast them both. It seems the kobolds has at last noticed them. And this new intruder was not welcome. Fallon ignored them as she picked the using her telekinesis, smiling at the child and holding her tight. Then Fallen turned face the kobolds. As the jumped off the wagon and came at her. FAllen shifted that past of the mind to be the other self. Doing so, so that child could not see.
Intimidation 78+4d8 ⇒ (8, 3, 6, 6) = 23 Take best 2 = 92
And they stopped, Fallen could see the snow under them change color becoming yellow form what was running down their legs. then they ran, running into the woods to fallens competitions. Fallen waited as one by one their screams cut off sharily. Then the two competitions came to join Fallen and the child. There was a shimmer in the air, and they all of them where gone. To a temple somewhere warmer.
So thats how Fallen works, Fallen took the Oath of Silence, using sign language and non verbal telepathy to communication. Her two Cohort Psicrystals can at a push also interpret for FAllen if needs be. Fallen is also incorporeal and uses at will telekinesis to interact with the world and mimit substance with Internal armor, being a force field around her incorporeal, What role is Fallen, well none, Fallen dose not fit a roll as such, Fallen just has about everything most PCs don't concentrate on. A pc that can make a realy good cup of tea, talk to you about most everything and is good with kids. Fallen is an odd-ball PC that I just thought would be fun to make and play.

Giant Halfling |

I’m an idiot. I made some progress on the intrigue oracle/conscript today and then realized that as interesting as she is, she’s really probably not the right kind of character for the type of module this seems like. I think instead I’m going to work on a conscript (or slayer) | arcanist probably taking arcane archer levels for goodies like the phase arrow.

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I actually finished my conscript/inquisitor. Made a test run of a combat round... And found out I'd probably need 1+ hours everytime it would be my turn because of so many triggers and maneuvers and what not.
It would never work in PBP, sadly, because I'd need to keep checking with the GM if this or that ability hit, unless the GM would share all the stats of the monsters lol.
So back to the drawing board. Looking for something much simpler now.

eriktd |

I made some progress on the intrigue oracle/conscript today and then realized that as interesting as she is, she’s really probably not the right kind of character for the type of module this seems like.
What do we know about the type of module this seems like? I assume it's a successor to the various "of the Runelords" paths. Voice of Awesomeness, do you feel like giving us any hints about favored enemies or tips about character stuff? Does it take place in Varisia? Someone should know Thassilonian, that kind of thing? :)

Voice of Awesomeness |

For those asking about Hero Labs files for LG games stuff, I asked Jason Nelson(owner of LG) about them. This was his reply:
We had a HeroLab version of the Forest Kingdom Campaign Compendium (Which is the book Fey-Bound Knight is in) get about 80% completed and then abandoned by the creator and nobody else could seem to finish it, so it never got done.
One of many false starts with HL, and part of why we eventually just gave up trying to work with them.
You can get the Gothic Campaign Compendium, mythic hero’s handbook, mythic monster manual, and mythic spell compendium on their site. Nothing else ever got uploaded, even the things that were completed.
Honestly kinda glad I never gave them my money...

Commander Azal-Ki-Lin |

Sooo why make one PC when you can make one you like better,
Meet Commander Azal-Ki_lin,
Her Imp servant and Mythic item, Devil bound blade.
A grumpy old war god, fighting the good fight to stop Chaos.
Commander Azal-Ki_lin, sat on the sump of felled tree, All 9'6" in her best dress uniform.
"So tell me Hector, where in the nine Hells are we again?"
The Small red imp in a Uniform that match that of Commander Azal-Ki_lin
hoved in front of his Drow Mistress, scratching its head and looking at a tiny notebook.
"I think its somewhere close to those woods before the Kodar Mountains"
She papped arm arms to herself trying to keep warm.
"This is and a I swear this!, the last time I let you plan a Planes shift."
The imp, gave a sorry look look back and started to do some calculations.
As Azal sat there she noted a shift in the air and squinted. Standing she held out a hand, and as if from nowhere a large 2 handed sword came into being, it hummed and muttered, in evil tones.
"Show yourself or this will end badly for you."
Hector looked around seeing nothing, as well Nothing Happened,
"Two can play at that."
And Commander Azal-Ki-Lin become incorporeal. She saw what looked to be an Small female elf in front of her.
Cronossuss Fallen of Time, as startled, she can come across the duo on her way back from the village, going for a closer look she now found herself facing a very large Drow with what she could see was a very naticy blade. What to do, she did not want to fight, so scare them off, yes that always did it. She sent her mind out and become a thing of nightmares
Fallen Intimidation removes immunity to fear takes 20 with Inspiration 74+20=94
Commander Azal-Ki-Lin took a step back,
Spends 1 mythic to remove fear effects,
Then took the step back.
"Not bad, not bad at all, But try this"
And she to transformed in to her Black Thorn Knight identity
Intimidations Spends Inspiration to take 20+72+20=112
Fallen was shocked, this, this thing was, Scary, her immunity to it also stripped away.
Commander Azal looked at the thing the small elf had become and said simply.
"Now *&^% OFF!"
She waited a moment as the small elf did, changing back to her true form. As Commander Azal changed back as well, becoming chaparral once more. And took her seat on the stump.
Hector the imp looked about,
"Did I just miss something"
"NArr, just some local trying to be tough, so then you Little &%(* you worked out how to get where we were meant to get? Because my ass is cold and I want a good beer and a nice bed for the night."

Commander Azal-Ki-Lin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I think, Commander Azal-Ki_lin, I really liked making her. And she feels more real, Cronossuss Fallen of Time was a go at seeing what I could do with the rules but is not as playable as Azal, Thing is if this happens most of us here are seasoned roll players. And we, well I hope we, like to not just show off our KN RPG skill, but also roll play our PCs. And of the two I think Azal will be more fun to play.

Philo Pharynx |

I think, Commander Azal-Ki_lin, I really liked making her. And she feels more real, Cronossuss Fallen of Time was a go at seeing what I could do with the rules but is not as playable as Azal, Thing is if this happens most of us here are seasoned roll players. And we, well I hope we, like to not just show off our KN RPG skill, but also roll play our PCs. And of the two I think Azal will be more fun to play.
I have fallen into this pit trap more than once.

TheWaskally |

Progress Report:
My aasimar gestalt Legendary Sorcerer (Angelic)/Legendary Bard is about 50% completed. I need to reevaluate Feats because the free racial feats have been removed, and I got to wrap my head around 'bench pressing'. And I still have a mountain of gold to spend, even with the recent reduction.
I'm certain the first version will be some kind of wrong, but will update as needed.

Fairywithboots |
Traits: Are we allowed to pick Campaign traits from other Paizo APs? Since mythic is involved, if we pick WotR traits, do they get "boosted" for taking the appropriate Mythic Path?
Here is a list of the Mythic Traits, The first sentence is granted at first level. The rest is granted after a story event occurs in book three of Wrath of the Righteous. As you can see they are way more powerful than normal traits. Spoilers ahead
Child of the Crusades (Marshal): The PC gains a +2
trait bonus on Will saves. Whenever he successfully
saves against a mind-affecting effect from a demon,
as an immediate action the PC can expend one use of
mythic power to cause the demon to become staggered
for a number of rounds equal to the PC’s mythic tier.
The demon can reduce this effect to 1 round by making
a successful Will save (DC = 10 + the PCs’ mythic tier +
the PC’s Charisma modifier). The PC will learn about a
secret cache of gear and weapons his parents left behind
in the Worldwound in the third adventure.
Exposed to Awfulness (Guardian): The PC gains +3 hit points per level. When she is reduced to negative hit points
by an attack or effect from a demon, as an immediate action
the PC can expend one use of mythic power to heal damage
equal to 2d6 + twice her mythic tier. This healing occurs
after the damage is done—if the damage is enough to kill
the PC, she cannot activate this ability. The PC will discover
the reason her body grew stronger after her exposure to her
childhood’s demonic attack in the third adventure.
Riftwarden Orphan (Archmage): The PC gains a +4
trait bonus on caster level checks to penetrate a demon’s
spell resistance. Once per day, he can recharge a charged
magic item by expending one use of mythic power. Doing
so adds a number of charges equal to 1d10 + his mythic
tier to the item, up to its normal maximum number
of charges. The PC will learn what happened to his
Riftwarden parents during the third adventure.
Stolen Fury (Champion): The PC gains a +2 trait bonus on Fortitude saves. By expending one use of mythic power as a swift action, she can ignore a single demon’s damage reduction for 1 minute, and increases the critical multiplier of any weapon she wields against that demon by 1. The PC will learn the true purpose of the ritual he was exposed to as a child during the third adventure.
Touched by Divinity (Hierophant): The PC can select a
second domain granted by his affiliated deity. He can use
the 1st-level spells of both domains as spell-like abilities
a number of times per day each equal to his mythic tier.
By expending one use of mythic power, he may use any
of these two domains’ spells as a spell-like ability, but
may only use spells of a level equal to or less than his
mythic tier. The PC will discover that he is the child of
the associated deity in the third adventure.

Monkeygod |

Out of sheerest curiosity, would any potential player who has expressed interest here be willing to run a similar high level game for me? It does not need to be this crazy pants, though I would at least like it if the game was gestalt, and allowed 3pp material.
In exchange, I'll auto accept the player, and bump the total number of players for this game to 6, so nobody feels left out or that I traded away their spot just so I could play too.

eriktd |

I'd be willing to run something for you, but I don't know of any other "epic" Pathfinder adventure paths or modules. Do you? What about something like playing through the last five books of Wrath of the Righteous with an epic character? Say, level 15 gestalt mythic tier 1? Even solo, I worry that it would feel trivially easy, but it might give you something that feels like the experience you're envisioning here.

Commander Azal-Ki-Lin |

I settled on Commander Azal-Ki-Lin being a Noble Drow,
Bound to her Hell blade Dark Contract, {who may or may not be incharge of the Duo}. Think of her like a cross between A old Mega city 1 judge and a expiranced Warhammer 40k Commissar. A strict law abiding, grumpy old war hound, who knows that sometimes the rules need to bend a little, but not broken. And who sees life as a endless fight to stop the world from being overrun by the destructive forces of Chaos. Fighting for years in the world wound, just keeping the tide that bay. All while trying to grab a brake and hard liquor where and when she can. Commander Azal can put the fear of the Hells up a regiment of Hell Knight if needs been, and is more than able to executed incompetent officers on the spot, while charging into battle to shear up the line.

Melkyzadyk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ok, this is Ouachitonian's submission. (Just in time for Christmas!) Melkyzadyk is a dragon, the offspring of a forbidden union between a blue and a tarnished silver (his color is intermediate, kind of a blued steel). Or, mechanically, a Taninim Fighter (Scaled Juggernaut) 20/Sorcerer (Trueblood) 20 (those are both taninim racial archetypes from the In the company of Dragons book). He also has the Draconic Hero archetype, which is how he grew to such great size. But between the Lithe Movement draconic gift and the Belt of the Weasel, I figure he can fit anywhere a medium creature can. Probably. Also he can change shape and take a humanoid form indefinitely if he wants. I took the Climbing Master mythic ability, not because it's all that powerful, but because if he's tall enough to almost reach the ceiling, then he can stand on the ceiling and almost reach the ground. Leaves more room for the rest of the party on the ground.
In building him, I tried to stick as close as possible to the benchmarks (though when you account for gestalt and mythic, he does reach a bit into the Expanded Chart someone posted the other day), but also to stick close to his origins: I used the stats, feats, skills, spell choices, etc of blue and silver dragons as a guide. He did deviate somewhat from those, I wasn't slavishly bound to them, but I definitely took some stuff I otherwise wouldn't have to fit closer to those stats. Items also were in part chosen to push the dragon feel (Eyes of the Dragon was a no-brainer), but also to cover for weaknesses and add stuff I couldn't get via class or feat (Ring of Evasion, Ring of Freedom of Movement, Minor Cloak of Displacement).
All in all, he should be a lot of fun. Why has no one heard of such a powerful dragon? Mostly he lays low and rules a town in southern Osirion from behind a series of puppets. It's the blue dragon in him, he doesn't do publicity. But he did have a hand in defeating the Sky Pharaoh!

Commander Azal-Ki-Lin |

Bit of fun backstory stuff, GM did did say would be good if our PCs know each other.
The Teleport spell fadied and Azal looks around, gone was the winter woods and snow, now golden sands and an desert oasis. Signs of elvan ativirty all around. Eaily evening and the the oasis seemed to getting ready for the night.
Hector the imp looks about, rolling up a small map he had.
"This should be the place, having never been before I can only speculate"
Azal simply said,
"It is, come on, I know an old Dragon here who always has the region's best food and drink. I want to catch up on what's been going happening in here abouts while I've been in the wound."
She started to walk into the settlement, gaining a few glances but that seemed to be the only reaction. Hector followed.
"Did you say Dragon?"
Azal, nodded,
"Yes big old &%^^$er, He's a bit of an enigma is old
Melkyzadyk, Part Blue Dragon, part Silver, I knew his Dad back in the day, He hated Chaos more than I do and that's saying a lot, then had a kid with a Blue. That's love for you"
Hecto was still stuck on dragon
"but you did just say we were going to see a Dragon!!"
Azal nodded.
"Yep, real big one too, I helped him with some pharaoh political stuff a while back and he owes me."
hector hovered beside her.
"So yo'er on good terms, and he's not going to just you know eat us on the spot"
She stopped and turned and looked sternly at the imp.
"Hector! you may not be new to this job, but I have a number of aqantacens you have not meet, and I can say this with some convestion that none of them would eat anyone on the spot."
The imp looked revealed.
"No they would cook you 1st"
Shock and fear hit his face once more. Azal bust out laughing.
"Your face"
She said still chuckling. `
"O very funny!"
Hector said realizing she had been pulling his wings as they say.
"Come on, I want to catch him before he locks up for the night"
and off they went once to visit a dragon

Bolvar Gemforged |

Played a Taninim Fighter once before, though at a low level. It was a blast. I like your take on it!
So right now we have 3 characters made.
A Dwarven Smith
A Drow commander
A full-grown Dragon Sorcerer
What’s funny is that I had been going back and forth as towards which races should get hatred/defensive training. Went with Goblinoids, Giants and Undead. But both Drow and Dragons were considered. Now I’m glad with the choice I made!

Commander Azal-Ki-Lin |

Another cool image of Commander Azal-Ki-Lin
You should pop down to the Oasis Bolvar Gemforged, all heading down the Inn for a drink. Under spoiler of course
I have always found it helps to do a little test roll playing to find ones PC's voice and personality, Many is the time its helped me work things out while building them.

Kaouse |

My Magus/Swashbuckler Mia Reigh, the Phoenix Blade is almost complete.
Just wanted to make sure, but Mythic Traditions aren't in play, right?

Voice of Awesomeness |

My Magus/Swashbuckler Mia Reigh, the Phoenix Blade is almost complete.
Just wanted to make sure, but Mythic Traditions aren't in play, right?
As much as I love them, for now, Mythic Traditions are not allowed.
Also, any chance you can share a far bigger pic of Mia? Or is there a way to enlarge the pic on the sheet(I don't mess around with myth-weaver sheets)? She looks badass AF!

Voice of Awesomeness |

I’ve been so busy with the holidays (and so easily distracted by the abundance of cool/interesting options) that I haven’t made nearly as much progress as I’d hoped on actually building something. I am still working on it though.
Take your time, we're not starting till at least some time next month. I'm willing to give people all the time they need to perfect their character, and even build more than one for me to choose from.
We're in no hurry over here, promise!

Erasmo Oakkeg |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Still making some tweaks, but this will be my character: Erasmo Oakkeg, a veteran of the Ravounel revolution and his mob of mischievous squirrels.
Erasmo is a Halfling barbarian/hunter with a squirrel animal companion and four other squirrels! Quantity over quality is the idea.
So imagine an angry Halfling with five squirrels on his shoulders as he climbs his enemies and kills them in a flash of furred fury. That is the plan at least!
Not really sure if he'll be good or not, but I've built him to be funny. Lots of teamwork, dirty tricks, AOOs, squirrel bites, blood and so on.

Voice of Awesomeness |

@ Critzible, unsure if you're aware, but there is a Legendary Shifter that is *far* superior to the Paizo version. Highly recommend.

Commander Azal-Ki-Lin |

you had me at 'Angry Halfling' But "The Squirrel Mob" as well sir.
Well done Sir, well done in deed sir, Hats off to you sir I say.

Mia Reigh, the Phoenix Blade! |

Kaouse wrote:My Magus/Swashbuckler Mia Reigh, the Phoenix Blade is almost complete.
Just wanted to make sure, but Mythic Traditions aren't in play, right?
As much as I love them, for now, Mythic Traditions are not allowed.
Also, any chance you can share a far bigger pic of Mia? Or is there a way to enlarge the pic on the sheet(I don't mess around with myth-weaver sheets)? She looks badass AF!
The Myth-Weavers Sheet is pretty much complete. I aim to slowly transfer the information from the sheet into this alias over the course of the next week or so.

Commander Azal-Ki-Lin |

Mia Reigh, the Phoenix Blade!
I see that image and I think of real world Queen Anne Bonny. She lived an amazing life

Voice of Awesomeness |

doesn't allow for a Werebat build
There is absolutely zero reason why Dire/Bat can't be listed as one of the Limited Aspects ability of the Lyncanthropic Warrior archetype. Bat is one of the Shifter Aspects, and werebats are a thing in D&D/PF.
I'll allow it.