PFS1e 8-07 - From the Tome of Righteous Repose (KS)

Game Master phaeton_nz

Evergreen - Levels 3-7
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Silver Crusade

Human Male | VA | Auckland, New Zealand | UTC+12 | 124312 | SFS1e 1-35 | PFS1e 8-07 | PFS1e 6-04

Unfortunately for Baldrun it's all trash - although quite a lot of it could be recycled. No magic though - very disappointing. Whoever was here must have made sure they evacuated with the good stuff.

It's locked, not trapped but seems to be magically sealed.

Just then there's a voice from the other side. Ah .. hello. Is there someone there?

Scarab Sages

NG female Gnome True Silvered Throne 4
|AC 18, T 10, FF 18 (+4 vs SA/AoO)|HP: 41*/31|F +3, R 0, W +8 (+2 vs Illusion/disease/drugs/poison*)|Init +3, Perc +6|CMB +1 CMD 10|Wagon 1/1, Mystery 1/1, Stardust 5/5, Tongues 4/4, Guiding Star 1/1, #3*, pz*

Alexis freezes at the sound; she considers what to do....

OK!!! Are you talking about where Baldrun and Kane are, or the rest of us?
Describe this voice.

Silver Crusade

#8-07 Tome of Righteous Repose | Ki 1/1 Male LN Dwarf unch. Monk 3/Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) 1 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 T 17 FF 14 | CMB +7, CMD 24 | F +6, R +6, W +6 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs) | Ini +2 | Perc +10 (darkv. 60'), SM +7 | Speed 30ft | Ki 6/6 | Lucky Number: 6

@Alexis:As there is no door in Baldrum's room I think it's the door in front of Ting Tang.

No magic, either... Again, Baldrum casts guidance on himself, then he addresses Kane: "Nothing of value here. Let's go back to the others." With that the monk turns around and starts walking.

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Slayer 7 | HP 67/67 | AC 22/T15/FF18 | F+7/R+10/W+4 | BA+6/CMB+10/CMD24 | init+4 | Perc+13/+16 (traps) | Dis. Dev. +22/+25 traps

Hearing the voice and realizing the door is magically sealed, ting turns his beak towards the others, "You's blokes' 'ear 'at? Somebody's in 'air, wroight. 'an tha floggin' door is Magicky sealed, too's"

Dark Archive

Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9)

Syllyn moves into the room and looks down corridor 6.

"Rather peaceful place now that all the traps have been spring, no? No howling banshees, no screaming damsels, no roaring dragons, quite nice," he says with a smile, half provoking the Shining Knight, but also quite serious.

Grand Lodge

Male Human lucky number 17 CG Cleric 6. HP 51/51, AC 22 T 14, FF 1 19, F +7, R +4, W +10, Initiative +1, Perception +7

Therin tries to see what enchantment is on the door.detect magic and focus for a few rounds...

Scarab Sages

Male Half-Elf Gunslinger 4: HP:40/40, AC:19, T:15, FF:15, Fort:6, Ref:7, Will:4, +2 vs Enhancement, Lowlight, Perception:8

Kane just waits patiently.

Silver Crusade

Human Male | VA | Auckland, New Zealand | UTC+12 | 124312 | SFS1e 1-35 | PFS1e 8-07 | PFS1e 6-04

Definitely magical. The door is covered in seals and other such wards, as well as a stronger warrant of Hold Portal. There's even a Protection from Evil thrown in there.

However the magical field is weaker than it should be. Seems it has been fading over time. Or has something been trying to break it down from the other side?

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