Lord Hathaway |

Lord Hathaway |

The Arctic is a cold place, and the long night of winter ment this eve was light by the stars and a clear moonless night. The Eleanor Roosevelt pushed junks of Ice out the way as it came up to the surface. Crew secured the Boat and the observation deck opened up. Lord Hathaway stroud out with a hot cup of Coffee, wrapped up warm he took a seat and waited, soon the light show started, as the northern lights arched, bent and twisted across the heavens. Those with him came to join him and look.

Jonathan Harker. |

This apparently young man stands not quite six feet tall with a lean, athletic build. He wears his dark brown hair short with a sharp widow’s peak and a clean-shaven face. His skin is porcelain white highlighting piercing blue eyes, like an old wolf's.
Jonathan takes a seat next to his old friend, Lord Hathaway. Staring up at the stars, the vampire offers, "I am exceedingly grateful for your invitation to partake in this grand tour. I am not a frequent wanderer of the globe in these modern times, and I do truly cherish the discovery of a destination wherein I might find genuine delight. Pray, how might you elucidate this effect in a manner most simple?"

Lord Hathaway |

Lord Hathaway Standing 5'10" and a well formed body, reminiscent of a 1950 actor, turns his mask to face his friend how has joined him.
"Jonathan, done with that book you were barred in."
He turns back and looks once again at the night sky and the amazing northern lights.
"I am thinking tomorrow we can go for a walk on the ice, I can get the staff to set up the camp. What do you think my friend"
He reaches down and picks up a bottle of fine red wine.
"Antinori Tignanello Toscana 1958 Kennedy liked this one, shall we open it?"

Lord Hathaway |

Lord Hathaway and Jonathan Harker Stood on the observation deck of the Eleanor roosevelt.
IMAGER here of scene on the good ship Roosevelt
High in the arctic circle, stood there having a drive of what they liked, they waited for the others to come join them. It was evening and the Northern lights where putting on a spectacular light show on this moonless night. The crafts staff moved filling up a dining table ready for everyone to come eat and share news of what they had been doing the last few mouths.
You heard the GM while he gets a good old fight readly lets meet greet and tell each other what our PCs are like, order what food and drink you like. The Sub is well stocked.

The Mummy's Bride |

The door slides open as a woman slides in, in a burgundy dress with a long sleeved silk jacket over it, of a look that says "fashionably old-fashioned." Dark brown hair pinned up with an ornate gold hairpin, her skin looks pale, her cheekbones high and sharp. From a distance, shadows playing across her face, she appears to be an attractive, if perhaps an older woman. As she enters the light, her face is more that of a younger woman's, but gaunt and dry. She looks like--and indeed is--a preserved human rather than living flesh. Regardless, she has done her makeup--thicker eyeliner, more subtle around the cheeks and lips. Does it make her look more like a painted corpse or humanize her? Perhaps both.
She walks forward, silk-gloved hands clasped, eying the table for her name plate. "Lord Hathaway, thank you so much for hosting me. Eleanor is a fine vessel." She nods gratefully toward the phantom. "Mr. Harker, good to see you again. I'm so sorry I haven't written since the ghastly affair at the gala. Wish I could say I'd been having a grand adventure, but I've just been neck deep in finals to grade."
Helen gestures to one of the staff. "Gin and tonic, please. Extra lime." She finds her seat and takes it.

Jonathan Harker. |

To Hathaway, Harker replies, "a tour of the ice sounds unique." The vampire shrugs in reply to the question to open the bottle of wine.
When Helen Wise arrives and sits, Jonathan replies with a bit of cheek and his highest compliment, "Helen, you are looking as delicious as ever. What class are you teaching nowadays?"
After Helen orders her drink, Jonathan looks into the eyes of the crew taking orders, "my usual, my good man."

Lord Hathaway |

After the dinner buffet and bar are set up by the staff, and Jonathan greets Helen. Lord Hathaway dissed the Staff for the night, so they could have privacy. As Hellen joined them, He took her hand raised to his mask as if to kiss it but just stopped before doing so. Letting her hand go he bent back up again.
"Well I think your looking as ravishing as ever Hellen. And I will get you that drink now"
He headed behind the bar, He 1st took a flask with thick red liquid and poured Jonathan a glass of it, placing the glass on the bar for him.
Hathaway labs had long ago worked out a ways to make a drinks that would please and fit Jonathan particular palette.
Then he started on the Gin and tonic, taking London best Gin and Indian tonic from Harrods. He chilled the glass with ice from the arctic itself.
He came back round form the bar and handed it to Hellen saying.
"The others should be with us soon, I have interesting news we may have one more visitor than expected."
As he says this a helicopter can be heard coming into land on the crafts Helly Bay.
They would know that Hathaway has a kind of Presence, not very reliable, he calls then "Hunches" and "Visions" if he got one while touching you.
So this was either a hunch or the Organisation had a new mission.
Hathaway has on an elegant suit, and his ever present Mask, covering his hole head and face, also the tattile gloves matching the color of skin that hide the scarring to his hands.

Jonathan Harker. |

Noticing that Hathaway left his glass on the bar, Harker speaks up and call out to the crewman who received his drink order, "before you go, would you be so kind as to bring me my drink."
Compelled, the crewman naturally turns around, returns to the bar, and brings the red liquid drink to Harker. Accepting the glass, Harker replies, "Thank you, good man. You're dismissed."
Hathaway locks eyes with Harker and replies as a feigned victim, "what? You forced me when you only brought Helen her drink. Did you really expect me to get up?" He smiles at his joke like a Cheshire Cat which shows his larger than normal canine teeth.

![]() |

IMAGER here of scene on the good ship Roosevelt
Wow. Is that an actual real ship or is it an image of what such a ship COULD look like? Its amazingly cool either way

Sehkmet |

A woman with a quite attractive lithe body but the head of a lioness comes up. Her long mane is very carefully set into bangs decorated with jade ornaments. Around her neck she is wearing a large collar made of lapus lazuli and gold, at the front of which is a small figurine that almost seems to change shape depending on the angle you look at it. From some angles it is a cat, from other angles it is lioness.
Her clothing is not at all suitable to the arctic air. She is wearing a fairly simple body hugging linen blouson dress, well cut and obviously bespoke but most definitely NOT a high fashion designer dress. Its the kind of dress a well dressed professional middle class woman might wear to a party.
Its not apparent at a glance but a closer look reveals that the dress has a cunningly concealed slit down its side. It would not, in any way at all, impede the movement of its wearer should circumstances require her to move more quickly and abruptly than usual.
"Oh. It is very cold up here isn't it? No place for a creature of the desert like myself" she says as she suddenly shifts into a lynx and continues as if nothing had happened "Ah, thats better. Its good to see you all again. Thanks for inviting me, I needed a bit of a vacation". She glances up at the helicopter. "Ah. Maybe its not so much a vacation but rather a mission? Well, that is ok too. I've been getting a little bored and if the forces of Apep are up to something they will need to be stopped"
With that she leaps onto Lord Hathaways lap and proceeds to slowly settle herself down, obviously amused at his discomfort at being touched.
Her nostrils twitch a little as she turns to Jonathan.
"Ah, that seems a nice vintage of "wine". Not quite to my tastes though. One should really restrict oneself to drinking only the blood of slain foes" she says a bit mockingly, obviously restarting a previous discussion.

Lord Hathaway |

"Are Sehkmet welcome, yes very, If it's too cold, I can turn the heaters up. And Ill just open this wine for you."
He pops the cork and pours a little into a Glass, taking a seat at the head of the table, he spins the glass holds it up to the light to see the slick and the lifts it to his Mask the sips it.
"Perfect, a rich sent and tastes of summer fruit. with a hint a that dry churkynes its grown on."
Her pours two glasses and is a little shocked when she changes and jumps onto his lop.
"Ill will keep your here for later then."
He hated being touched as she well knew but with his winter clothing on and his gloves to stop Skin contact he could just about tolerate it. This was not the 1st time she had sort to unnerve him.
"Really I must protects."
But he did not push her off, he would get is own back so musting his courage, putting back on his thick winter gloves he stroked her head, as he looks out to see the helicopter lands on the foredeck.
"Others are here"

Jonathan Harker. |

Jonathan watches Sekhmet's arrival in his peripheral vision. He arches an eyebrow when she invades Hathaway's personal space. Despite a connection to an ancient goddess, this youth has no respect, he thinks to himself.
The vampire lazily gives a side-eye to Sekhmet when she comments on his drink and replies, "ah, yes. Well, some are predators by choice, and some are not, my dear Sekhmet."

Sehkmet |

"Ah, Henrietta, its so good to see you again. Please, tell us about some interesting cases you've been working on." "Its absolutely fascinating what people have learned to do with medicine without magic. Its strange that they've bothered, but they HAVE come so far"
[Aside]Its been awhile since I've been in PBP. Just checking that I'm right that italics are used for inner thoughts/monologues[/aside]

Lord Hathaway |

"Henrietta, nice of you to come, I will get you a drink"
He picks up Sehkmet and gingerly put her down where he had been sitting. Going to the bar he took of his thick gloves, and looked at Henrietta.
"We are fully stocked, there is an open bottle of wine on the table, or something hot?"
He turns a looks a complicated device, with pipes and diles.
"I have sent the staff away for privacy, but they tell me that this device makes every hot drink under the sun. But dash if I know how to use it."
He picks up and antiquated phone off the pressing a button on the base.
"Eleanor, can you work this hot drinks maker remote?"
A surprisingly good AI facsimile of Eleanor Roosevelt's voice comes back.
"Yes Milton, what would you like?"
He looks at Henrietta
"Henrietta what would you like?"
Lord Hathaway is seen acentric, and this is one of the reasons why.
His ships AI, has Eleanor Roosevelt's voice, He is very private so there are no optical security cameras anywhere on his craft, the AI uses other sensors to know what is going on. Mostly by antiquated devices like the bar phone or large old stand radios in each room, if you ever get to the control deck, there is a hologram of Eleanor Roosevelt you can talk to direcily. The AI is not super smart, just for crafts functions, like making Coffee. You may also know that you have only ever seen him consume liquid food

Henrietta Jekyll |

"Hot chocolate, please, if you have it." Henrietta replies, looking up. She gazes out at the ice fields. She turns to Sehkmet. "Oh, nothing very interesting, I'm afraid. Although... Of late, I've been heavily involved in cancer research. We've made some promising advances. Did you know that sharks have a remarkable immune system? They aren't invulnerable to cancer, but they are resistant to it. They also show faster wound recovery than the average human."

Sehkmet |

"How interesting. Have they mapped the genome of sharks yet? There could be some interesting clues there ...."
Sehkmet continues the conversation but I suspect it is probably best if the camera moves off the pair for awhile so as to not bore the audience too much :-) :-).

Lord Hathaway |

"Hot chocolate, coming up"
The thing next to him starts making sounds, as he puts down the old phone. Soon as its ready he walks to Henrietta hands her the drink.
"Sharks are remarkable, the boys in the lab talk about them a lot. We could take one of the mini-subs down and see if we can spot any wales."
He muses, Standing next to Henrietta looking at the lightshow over head.
"Of everyone I know Henrietta, I feel you understand me the best. It's nice to have such friends round for supper. And it is cold. Let me bring the windows up."
He goes back to the phone .
"Eleanor, be a dear and weather seal the observation deck"
The AI says nothing but a Glass roof expands from the main body of the craft passing over head to meet Glass screens coming up. The hole thing locks into place and you can hear heat vents start. You still have amazing views but the cold is now leaving the enclosed space.

The Mummy's Bride |

To Hathaway, Harker replies, "a tour of the ice sounds unique." The vampire shrugs in reply to the question to open the bottle of wine.
When Helen Wise arrives and sits, Jonathan replies with a bit of cheek and his highest compliment, "Helen, you are looking as delicious as ever. What class are you teaching nowadays?"
Helen chuckles good-naturedly. "I expect I'm rather too dry for your palate, Harker. As for teaching, Classical Greek Translation. One of my students had a most fascinating interpretation of the Lysistrata. And the usual Rosetta Stone course, comparative ancient languages and whatnot."
"Well I think your looking as ravishing as ever Hellen. And I will get you that drink now."
"Oh now don't you start on the flattery, too; you know better," Helen laughs. "And don't forget the lime!"
She smiles graciously when he returns with the drink. "So what's this invitation, then? One of your notions, or have we a more formal purpose for this get together?"
Then, as Sekhmet makes her entrance, "Ah, your holiness. Here to inject some much-needed energy, I see. Good thing. Some of us are apt to collect dust when we aren't careful."
She raises an eyebrow at the talking machine. "Oh really, Lord Hathaway? From First Lady of the World to drinks dispenser? I'm not sure Ellie would feel honored. Though I suppose it goes with the whole ship so..."
Her face lights again as Henrietta joins. "Ah, Dr. Jekyll! So good to see you again. And not over a spirit plague this time." She listens in fascination to the discussion of cancer research.
As the windows go up, she appears to notice no difference in the temperature.
"So are we expecting any other guests or did you say there is someone else, Hathaway?"

Lord Hathaway |

"You know me and my hunches, I have a feeling a guest has just come who I did not invite."
He says with his drama voice.
"Once they been shown the way up we can all meet them. As for the others, they are on the ship. Just getting ready I suspect."
Is this everyone?

Benjamin Griffin |

The door to the cabin opens just as an ill-timed arctic gust happens from that direction, blowing in cold air, some accumulated sleet, and a figure completely engulfed in a long, hooded parka. Benjamin Griffin stumbles in, yanking the door shut behind him.
"Whoo! I like the cold, but this is cold!" He yanks off his heavy jacket and hangs it on the peg of a likely coat rack by the door. He does not remove his baclava or ski goggles, leaving them to complete his ensemble of hiking boots, dark jeans, gloves, and long-sleeved black turtleneck.
"And this ship is amazing! Did you see the helicopter that just landed?"
If offered a drink, Benjamin politely passes and returns to his parka to pull out a stainless steel water bottle. "No thanks. I asked Eleanor to help me out with a smoothie."
He pulls the bottom of his baclava up to expose his mouth, which of course cannot be seen, and tips the water bottle to his lips for a drink. Despite the high turtleneck he wears, the thick green sludge of his "smoothie" can be seen being condensed into a tube as it pours down into Benjamin's torso, where it will remain visible until it's digested enough to be absorbed by his body.

GM SuperTumbler |

In the distance (strange to think about parts of the yacht being distant, but maybe you are used to it), a black not quite military helicopter has landed on the helipad. A cabin door slides open, revealing a carefully appointed and practical interior. A familiar figure in a suit that is not quite black and not quite blue climbs out. He is a well built dark skinned man with close cropped hair. The buttons on his cuffs glint in precious metal, not typical round buttons but protective symbols from cultures around the world.
You know this man as Colonel Green. He no doubt has a given name, but you have never heard it, and any attempts to find it in his service records or public records have failed. You know that he was a United States Army Colonel, and that he encountered of an Egyptian mummy unearthed in Iraq in 2017. He was stabbed to death by a man in his command. After that, he was recruited into the Monstrous Regiment. You aren't quite sure what he is. He seems to be alive. His heart beats. His blood flows. His body temperature is a little higher than it should be, about 102 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition to a pleasant human smell, he smells like sandalwood and orange oil.
For the seasoned members of the Regiment, he one in a long line of managers and handlers. For the newer recruits, he is a steady and reliable presence.
He strides across the deck and into your enclosure. "Good evening everyone. Sorry to crash the party. This is probably nothing, but I was in the neighborhood, and I figure better to chase wild geese than take a chance on missing something important."
Lord Hathaway would know that Green's drink of choice is fresh squeezed orange juice.
He pulls a phone from his jacket and places it on the bar. The phone projects a series of images on a wall. "On average, 10 people drown every day in the United States. Nothing suspicious about 3 drownings in the Boston area in the last 6 months. But take a look..." An image of an attractive young blonde woman. Then another. Then a third.
"Three drowning victims with a similar physical profile. Medical Examiner determined that all three died of drowning, but this one, just 4 days ago, had some unexplained lacerations. And at the scene investigators found this..." And an image of an inch long...tooth? claw? It is difficult to tell from the crime scene photos.
"This is almost certainly not worthy of your attention and abilities, but something about it is bugging me. Do me a favor and check it out."

GM SuperTumbler |

Added a link to a Google Slides to the short campaign description that appears at the top of the page. Also here
Here you will find an image of Colonel Green and an image of the claw/tooth thing. Feel free to add your own reference images to the slides. I also put the Eleanor Roosevelt on a slide.

Jonathan Harker. |

Is it Colonel Green or Greenway? Green sounds Reservoir Dogs.
Jonathan smiles at the usual dry reply from his oldest friend. He listens to the conversation of the new recruits while sipping his drink that should sate him for awhile. When the colonel approaches, Jonathan shoots the last of his drink and gets up to join the team to meet him.
After he answers Helen's questions, the vampire asks, "Is this so urgent as to require a helicopter ride, or is the good ship Roosevelt an adequate arrival time? How many other pretty, blonde girls will die between the difference?"

Henrietta Jekyll |

Henrietta browses the photos carefully, examining each with an appraising eye. "Do we have access to the autopsy reports?" she asks, "Or perhaps the remains themselves?" Realizing that others are looking at her, she clears her throat. "Sorry to be so direct, but further examination of the bodies might reveal hidden clues."

Lord Hathaway |

When Benjamin Griffin comes he walks over and greets his friend.
"Good not to see you here Benjamin, I hope all is good. And for the love of good fashion will you not let me have the design team make a decent mask for you. This obsession with street fashion is so and looking cool... Well you would not see dead in that look. Mind you it is practical so you have me there."
An OJ is waiting for Colonel Green when he enters.
Lord Hathaway doesn't seem surprised it's him, he is surprised, over the request.
"Good Points Jonathan and Helen, Lets see what the good old internet has to say about this. There is always a conspiracy theorist that knows more than they should."
He presses a button and a panel in the wall slides open antiquated SGI reality engine computer can be seen in revealed room with a desk and lots of screens. Also a wall in the main meeting room changes to a very large screen.
"Henrietta, Benjamin your both good with the whole Technology webness, want to have a try and see what the digital etha is talking about. and have no fear the internals of this monstrosity are pentagon level. I just liked the case so I kept it.

Sehkmet |

"Has the Monstrous Regiment ever had any dealings in and around the Boston Area? Since I've become Sehkmet I've looked into things a little bit, and there have been lots of stories from New England over the years. But clearly the Regiment is going to have much better records of such things than I have been able to find.
While this cruise is wonderful, I also think that we should probably make haste over towards Boston. While I don't know Colonel Green well, I definitely trust hunches and intuition"

Jonathan Harker. |

Reacting to Sekhmet's question, Jonathan doesn't think that the Regiment has had underwater dealings around Boston, because the minders do that research for the briefings.
But, he explores his memory of cases past, just in case.
Expertise (Monstrous Regiment): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

Benjamin Griffin |

When Benjamin Griffin comes he walks over and greets his friend.
"Good not to see you here Benjamin, I hope all is good. And for the love of good fashion will you not let me have the design team make a decent mask for you. This obsession with street fashion is so and looking cool... Well you would not see dead in that look. Mind you it is practical so you have me there."
"Hey, I'd hate to lose anything fancy you made for me! The number of times I've had to stash some clothes for some reason and then didn't have a chance to come back and pick them up...
"By the way, I've stashed a couple outfits in one of the crew lockers. I'm assuming that's fine."
After Colonel Green(way) mentions the locale of the drownings, the only thing Benjamin has to add is, "Boston? At least that's warmer than out here."
Are the two tooth/claw pictures on the slide the same item?

GM SuperTumbler |

Colonel Green.
The tooth claw pictures are from the same item. It was hard to find a photo of what I needed that didn't make its origin really obvious.
Green moves toward the screen, connecting his phone and splashing photos and files onto it.
"All three cases officially ruled accidental drownings. According to the ME's report, the lacerations were perimortem but not the cause of death. I have the autopsy reports here. The first death was 6 months ago, the second 4 months ago, so those remains have been interred. The most recent one is still currently in the morgue and some conveniently missing paperwork will keep it there should the doctor wish to examine it."
Previous Boston dealings: Boston is known to have a pretty serious ghoul problem at different times in history, but nothing aquatic that you have dealt with before.

Jonathan Harker. |

"Ah. Two to four month intervals, so sailing the good ship Roosevelt to Boston should not overly endanger the population." Jonathan answers his own question.
Turning to the team feline, the vampire replies, "Sekhmet, Boston has had a pretty serious ghoul problem over the years, although none of them have been aquatic. Maybe the ghouls have moved underwater."

Sehkmet |

"Ghouls eh? Well, I'd love to get my teeth into some of them. Even if they're not responsible for these drownings, maybe we should take the opportunity to cull their numbers a bit?".
Its probably a bit disconcerting that this desire for bloodshed and mayhem is coming from a small lynx curled up on the deck happily grooming herself.

Lord Hathaway |

Lord Hathaway picks up yet another old phone,
"Captain what would be our ETC at topspeed current position In Baffin bay to just offshore Boston new England?"
He waits a moment
"8 days if weather holds, then please make ready for immediate departure, thank you"
He put the phone down. A few moments later your hear an announcement from the Captain to the Crew, and the sounds of activity.
"We will be underway shortly"

The Mummy's Bride |

"I remember the ghouls in the catacombs beneath the Old North Church," Helen muses, "But I do not recall them being particularly discriminatory in victims. These poor women look like your typical Hitchcockian waif. Someone's got a type. Access to the investigation files, including profiles of the women would be useful. Lord Hathaway, I don't suppose Eleanor can check for these women's faces on the Internet?"

GM SuperTumbler |

Henrietta looks at Lord Hathaway. "Do you have a networked terminal I could use?"
Safe to assume that you have access to state of the art connectivity
If anyone needs help with how to do "gather information" or research style checks, let me know. Otherwise I'll assume you know what you are going. I don't want to make things too easy, but I know mysteries can be extra challenging in PbP, so I'm not opposed to helping out.

Lord Hathaway |

"Lord Hathaway, I don't suppose Eleanor can check for these women's faces on the Internet?"
"Sadly she is not that sophisticated, we will have to do it ourselves with our own net skills and a few good search engines"
And he indicated the SGI onix system,
"Fast Sat-link and state of the art hardware, so they say Henrietta"

Jonathan Harker. |

When the map gets shown to the team, Jonathan studies it and offers, "Hmm. It appears the bodies are moving from west to east, north of the river Charles."
"Do we think that they are progressively getting bolder by dumping bodies closer to their home? It would make thinks easier by focusing on the most recent body."

The Mummy's Bride |

"Good evening Colonel, good to see you in fine fettle. Ghastly business. What have the local investigators ruled out or determined as far as the possibility of the culprit being a run of the mill serial killer? Have we access to the evidence gathered thus far?"
Not having received her answer to the question yet, Helen reiterates, hoping to be more clear, "Excuse me Colonel, but I assume law enforcement has files on these cases and the evidence collected. Can we see those things?"

Sehkmet |

Transforming back into her normal form, Sehkmet decides that while the others concentrate on the present she will see if there is any historical pattern. Sometimes monsters go quiet for years or even centuries. Or perhaps the Native Americans in the area had some relevant legends and stories.
As an academic she is quite experienced at searching various databases, a skill that will perhaps surprise her new friends and allies.
"May I please have access to a terminal too?"
Seems like a history check is probably best for looking into Native American legends.
history: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18.
Not sure if the one roll would also cover going into old newspaper archives or whether that would be investigate. I'll roll investigate just in case.
investigate: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

Lord Hathaway |

He hands out some more tablets to anyone who needs one.
"There are Berths in the harber that can take us, I will book one so we have easy access. Booked under general maintenance so we should not draw that much attention. We can use the Helicopter, to get to land before the boat, We have a officers in Boston a so we have a land base. Sehkmet you happy to be in full human form while there, it will make things simpler."
Hathaway picks up a phone and makes a call.
ADVANTAGES -> Connected / Contacts / Well Informed
"Extension 185 please...Lord Hathaway, can you put the throw to the Mayor please its Milton Hathaway..Yes I can hold... Hello Richard, Its Milton, how have you been...yes..good..Jilly and the kids...really we will have to have her over for the races then...No Ascot silly ...yess.. my pleaser, it was for a good cause, how could I not...yes..soon very soon, and your up for reelection again..we will have to see how we can help you...Business I am afraid, look Richard one of our employees at the office there was sweat on some poor girl who was killed in what looks to be suspicious way, would you mind if my security team had looksee and check nothing nefarious was going in....yes...I'll send the indo.. because, you know we take these sorts of things seriously and I don't want any sort of public scandal...Yes I understand...Richard there will be no blow back to you, my teams are very discreet, in fact I will be there in person to make sure it is, if that puts your mind a rest...yes...Tell you what, Ill being the Eleanor and we can have a fundraising event while Im there..pull some strings and get some deep pockets to the party for you, campaigns are expensive nowadays, what do you say..."
Persuasion 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
"Yes by all means have a think about it, just ping me when you have decided, all the best to you and the family... talk soon.. yes..ok..soon..8 days..Ok I will... talk then Buy... buy."
He puts the phone down.
"When the Reclusive Load Hathaway shows up on the one of the worlds most expensive private Yachts, there has to be a reason, so you give those who ask one. Hiding in plain sight is always the best place to hid I have found."
He the calls his Bosten office and tells them he is on his way there.
To make an privet office available to him, that he need a barth for the Yacht and to start organising a fundraiser.