[ACG] BR Dinketry and the Shield of Rannick (Pathfinder Infinite Runelords Variant)

Game Master dinketry

A Complete ACG Variant of the Rise of the Runelords Set

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Seoni’s first choice is Item 1 (Binder’s Tome). If there aren’t enough to go around, I could take a Spell 1 (Locate Object or Pyrotechnic Blast).
Power feat is +1 to my sorcery attack.

deck handler

Taking the power feat +1d4 to my pseudo arcane skill.

spell 1 for Fire bolt: 1d1000 ⇒ 332

spell 0 for cure: 1d1000 ⇒ 839

Oracle: Deck Handler

Increasing hand size by 1.

Giving the traitorous Magical Child the boot and replacing her with a Social Climber.

By divine guidance, Alahazra decides to keep the Child. Instead trading her Headdress for a Ruby of Charisma.

Grand Lodge

Hayato the Sorcerer (just kidding)

Upgrade reconsideration:

Hayato will take the Ally 1. Swapping in Grizzled Mercenary for Caravan Guard

deck handler

Going with Sonic Blast instead. Our roles are far away.

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