[ACG] BR Dinketry and the Shield of Rannick (Pathfinder Infinite Runelords Variant)

Game Master dinketry

A Complete ACG Variant of the Rise of the Runelords Set

Grand Lodge

Kia ora koutou! (Hello, everyone!)

I'm Dinketry, a New Zealand based Pathfinder buff. I've been on these boards playing games for a long time, and back in the pre-COVID years, I was a huge Adventure Card Game fan before its decommissioning. Time moves on, but gosh this ACG is so much fun. I've been lucky enough to have an IRL Shackles game for a few years and I've recently re-discovered my PbP ACG groove thang.

And on the Discord Organised Play boards, some lovely soul (shout out to Dad of Destiny!) told me that Ron Lundeen had designed alternate-universe uses for the first three ACG play sets with fully-fledged adventure paths using the Pathfinder Infinite portal. It didn't take me long to spend a few golden coins to purchase the three Lundeen ACG APs.

This is the first one, using the Runelords base set. I've reached out to the ACG org play team (they're still around!) to see if they might look into making certain that all will work for this using the BR website (acg.orgplayonline.com) but.....

I'm ready to take submissions for recruitment. Wanna dust off your deck boxes and try out a character? Can't find your deck boxes? Don't even own deck boxes?

Here's the thing - since the ACG doesn't have official support anymore, the old rules saying that you need to own the class deck/ultimate deck to play on PbP is no longer in effect. Additionally, all character options are valid, even those in big box sets. You can use a Class Deck + 2 adventure packs, or any character + 3 adventure packs. Or a class deck + an ultimate deck. Not sure how to use pre-core cards with core rules or vice versa? Here's the conversion guide. You get to choose which version of any card you use that has both a core and pre-core version when you build your deck. Wanna use a promotional card? Guess what - you don't need to own a physical copy anymore. Of course, you'll need to be the right tier (level) to use that promo card, but things are easy peasy Ekkie squeeze nowadays.

I must shout-out to my fellow ACGeeks - TColMaster, Bigguyinblack, and Matsu Kurisu - for re-stoking my fire for this game. Let's give this a go and see if we can make it work! I'll be playing a character at this table, so I'm recruiting for the first 5 people to put their name down. Experience be damned!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You know i'm in.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm not available until mid-December but would be very interested in joining at that point!

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Abraham Z. wrote:
I'm not available until mid-December but would be very interested in joining at that point!

We might be trying out a different Lundeen-created variant AP - either Bloodlust Corsairs (Shackles) or God-Callers of Sarkoris (Righteous) - at that point, Abraham. I'll be sure to ping you when we do. This run will give me the chance to iron out any kinks in the system, should they turn up.

Thanks for your interest!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I’m interested.

Grand Lodge

We are in viable table territory!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'd join, if you're still looking for more. No idea who I'd play though, I'm open to waiting to see what others play and then filling in aftwrwatds.

Grand Lodge

Maelwys0 wrote:
I'd join, if you're still looking for more. No idea who I'd play though, I'm open to waiting to see what others play and then filling in aftwrwatds.

You’re #5 of 6! I’ve sourced another player from a site outside of the Paizo boards.

This means we have room for one more player at the table for a full 6-seater. I will leave recruitment open for another 48hrs or until we get another player snap up a seat.


Grand Lodge

Wow. That did not take long.

Recruitment is now closed.


  • TColMaster
  • EmpTyger
  • Maelwys0
  • Bigguyinblack

    Head on over to the Discussion so we can start talking shop! I'll also reveal in the Discussion by whom the other 2 seats will be filled.

    Thanks for the sincere interest, everyone!

  • Grand Lodge

    Hallo again!

    Due to unforeseen circumstances, we’ve had one player drop out of this Shield of Rannick game before they’ve taken their first turn. As such, I have the opportunity to recruit one more intrepid Card Gamer to our table!

    If you’re interested, do get in touch quickly. I will only keep this recruitment open for the next 12hrs. If we don’t get a sixth, then we will proceed with a 5-player table.


    Grand Lodge

    BR Dinketry wrote:

    Hallo again!

    Due to unforeseen circumstances, we’ve had one player drop out of this Shield of Rannick game before they’ve taken their first turn. As such, I have the opportunity to recruit one more intrepid Card Gamer to our table!

    If you’re interested, do get in touch quickly. I will only keep this recruitment open for the next 12hrs. If we don’t get a sixth, then we will proceed with a 5-player table.


    We've closed this re-recruitment at this time. Thanks!

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