Turn 5, under the Blessing of the Gods
Display Targ at the Rusty Dragon.
Draw and display random Spell (Sleep), Item (Potion of Ruggedness), Ally (Cyrdak Drokkus), and Blessing (Blessing of Abadar) on Targ
Cast (bury) Charm Person to draw a new Diplomacy ally (Sage)
Twozee, Targ, and Seoni head into the Rusty Dragon, keen to make new friends in this little town.
Free Exploration - Rusty Dragon #1: The Skinsaw Man
Discard top card of deck (Magic Eye) to evade and 'let' Seoni fight him instead.
Upon entering, Twozee immediately notices that the tavern is completely barren of people. Well... living people at least. Standing in the middle of the tavern is an undead ghoul, the "hero" of which the cult speaks. Realizing that he's currently entirely unarmed, thinking that he was coming in for a few drinks and a nice conversation, Twozee immediately grabs Targ by the arm and does a 180, ducking quickly back out the door to let the sorcerer go first.
Twozee will start at the Rusty Dragon. If they're going to mess with my allies, I might as well at least try to get as many as possible into hand... ;-)
Displayed: Deck: 10 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 1
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-Combat Check: Recharge Troubadour, Leech for +1d8
Need Healing? I've got Cure
Non-combat Bane check: Discard The Paladin to Bless AND add +1d10+4
Non-Combat Dex/Wis Check: Discard Milani to bless twice
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the most populated location
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Flame Staff (Core), Good Omen (Core), Quilted Cloth Armor, Mist Horn (Core), Aid (Core), Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Noble Brat, Magic Eye, Cat (Core), Fox (Core)
Recharged: Discard Pile: Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Seoni's Turn: Discard the Paladin
Myrtle's Turn: Reload Sling
Yoon's Turn: Discard Blessing of Milani
Turn 21, under the Blessing of Erastil
Move to Glassworks. Targ displays at Glassworks.
Free Exploration - Glassworks #3: Poison Trap
Discard Sling from top of deck for +1d8
Check to Defeat - Disable 5:1d8 + 1 + 1d8 ⇒ (7) + 1 + (7) = 15 - Defeated
Check to Close - Perception 6: Recharge Eyes of the Eagle to auto-pass.
All cards in the location are banished, aside from the Villain (Glassworks #6).
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Scythe +1/Weapon 2, Targ: Night Watch/Ally B,
Deck: 9 Discard: 6 Buried: 1
Hero Points: 1
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-Combat Check: Recharge Acolyte for +1d8
Need Healing? I've got 2x Cure
Taking Damage? Display Mist Horn to reduce it by 1d4+1 for everybody present
Need a blessing? Desna's all yours
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the most populated location
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Charm Person, Cat, Magic Eye, Troubadour, Archer, Fox, Aid, Leech
Recharged: Eyes of the Eagle,
Discard Pile: Sanctuary, Noble Brat, Good Omen, The Paladin, Blessing of Milani, Sling, Buried Pile: Quilted Cloth Armor,
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Scythe +1/Weapon 2, Targ: Night Watch/Ally B,
Deck: 12 Discard: 3 Buried: 1
Hero Points: 1
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-Combat Check: Recharge Acolyte, Leech for +1d8
Any non-Combat Check against a Bane: Discard The Paladin to Bless + 1d10+4
Any non-Combat Dex or Wis Check: Discard Milani to Bless Twice
Any Check to Acquire/Close/Guard: Recovery Good Omen for +1d6+2
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the most populated location
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Scythe +1/Weapon 2, Targ: Potion of Healing/Item B, Targ: Night Watch/Ally B, Quilted Cloth Armor,
Deck: 9 Discard: 5 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 1
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-Combat Check: Recharge Acolyte, Leech for +1d8
Any non-Combat Check against a Bane: Discard The Paladin to Bless + 1d10+4
Any non-Combat Dex or Wis Check: Discard Milani to Bless Twice
Any Check to Acquire/Close/Guard: Recovery Good Omen for +1d6+2
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the most populated location
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Turn 3, under the Blessing of Pharasma
Display Targ at the Academy. Draw 4 new boons to display on Targ. Scythe +1/Weapon 2, Lightning Touch/Spell B, Potion of Healing/Item B, Night Watch/Ally B.
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Scythe +1/Weapon 2, Targ: Lightning Touch/Spell B, Targ: Potion of Healing/Item B, Targ: Night Watch/Ally B, Quilted Cloth Armor,
Deck: 10 Discard: 1 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 1
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-Combat Check: Recharge Noble Brat, Cat for +1d8
Any non-Combat Check against a Bane: Discard The Paladin to Bless + 1d10+3
Any non-Combat Dex or Wis Check: Discard Milani to Bless Twice
Any Check to Acquire/Close/Guard: Recovery Good Omen for +1d6+2
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the most populated location
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Displayed: Deck: 10 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 1
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-Combat Check: Recharge Noble Brat, Cat for +1d8
Any non-Combat Check against a Bane: Discard The Paladin to Bless + 1d10+3
Any non-Combat Dex or Wis Check: Discard Milani to Bless Twice
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the most populated location
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Short Sword +1/1, Targ: Mirror Image/B, Targ: Wand of Force Missile/1, Targ: Sling/B,
Deck: 7 Discard: 7 Buried: 2
Hero Points: 1
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-Combat Check: Recharge Cat for +1d8
Any Local Check: Banish Sling, Mirror Image from Targ for +1d4+2
Any non-Combat Check against a Bane: Discard The Paladin to Bless + 1d10+3
Any Check: Recovery Aid for +1d4+2
Any Check to Acquire/Close/Guard: Recovery Good Omen for +1d6+2
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the most populated location
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Blessing of Milani, Mist Horn, Troubadour, Magic Eye, Staff of Minor Healing, Leech
Recharged: Soothing Word,
Discard Pile: Toad, Noble Brat, Fox, Archer, Poog of Zarongel, Speed, Acolyte, Buried Pile: Charm Person, Quilted Cloth Armor,
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
When Hayato tries to guard the Locus, I can play Aid (Freely) for +1d4+2, and Good Omen for +1d6+2, and recharge Cat for +1d8. So with his Melee of 1d10+3 and the -6 difficulty from the henchman, that's an auto-pass.
Turn 17, under the Blessing of the Gods
Move to Heptaric Locus. Targ displays at Heptaric Locus.
Free Exploration - Locus #1: Half-Plate
Check to Acquire - Constitution 4:1d6 ⇒ 5 - Acquired
Discard Cat to explore - Locus #2: Staff of Minor Healing
Recharge Troubadour for +1d8
Check to Acquire - Divine 7:1d10 + 3 + 1d8 ⇒ (1) + 3 + (5) = 9 - Acquired
Recharge Staff of Minor Healing to recharge one random card:1d9 ⇒ 7(Magic Eye) from my discards.
Send Soothing Word to recovery to healed for 1: (Cat). Deck shuffled.
Check to Recover: Soothing Word - Divine 8:1d10 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 - Recharged
Draw 3 to reset my hand and end my turn.
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Short Sword +1/1, Targ: Mirror Image/B, Targ: Wand of Force Missile/1, Targ: Sling/B,
Deck: 7 Discard: 7 Buried: 2
Hero Points: 1
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-Combat Check: Recharge Cat for +1d8
Any Local Check: Banish Sling, Mirror Image from Targ for +1d4+2
Any non-Combat Check against a Bane: Discard The Paladin to Bless + 1d10+3
Any Check: Recovery Aid for +1d4+2
Any Check to Acquire/Close/Guard: Recovery Good Omen for +1d6+2
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the most populated location
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Staff of Minor Healing, Leech, Troubadour, Blessing of Milani, Mist Horn, Magic Eye
Recharged: Soothing Word,
Discard Pile: Toad, Noble Brat, Fox, Archer, Poog of Zarongel, Speed, Acolyte, Buried Pile: Charm Person, Quilted Cloth Armor,
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Short Sword +1/1, Targ: Mirror Image/B, Targ: Wand of Force Missile/1, Targ: Sling/B,
Deck: 5 Discard: 8 Buried: 2
Hero Points: 1
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-Combat Check: Recharge Acolyte, Cat, Troubadour for +1d8
Any Local Check: Banish Sling, Mirror Image from Targ for +1d4+2
Any non-Combat Check against a Bane: Discard The Paladin to Bless + 1d10+3
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the most populated location
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Blessing of Milani, Aid
Recharged: Good Omen, Leech, Mist Horn,
Discard Pile: Toad, Noble Brat, Fox, Archer, Poog of Zarongel, Speed, Magic Eye, Acolyte, Buried Pile: Charm Person, Quilted Cloth Armor,
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Free Exploration - Dragon #1: Grizzled Mercenary
Check to Acquire - Diplomacy 6:1d10 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 - Failed, moved to bottom of location deck.
Send Magic Eye to Recovery to examine Dragon #2: Skeleton Horde, Dragon #3: Skinsaw Cultist, Dragon #4: Longbow +1
Discard Poog of Zarongel to explore - Dragon #2: Skeleton Horde
Everybody except Yoon needs to fight an Ancient Skeleton
Ancient Skeleton:
Type: Monster
Traits: Skeleton Undead
To Defeat: Combat 8
The Skeleton is immune to the Mental and Poison traits. If your check to defeat the Skeleton has the Slashing or Piercing trait, the difficulty to defeat the Skeleton is increased by 3. If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close this location.
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Short Sword +1/1, Targ: Mirror Image/B, Targ: Wand of Force Missile/1, Targ: Sling/B, Quilted Cloth Armor,
Deck: 5 Discard: 7 Buried: 1
Hero Points: 1
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-Combat Check: Recharge Acolyte, Cat, Troubadour for +1d8
Any Local Check: Banish Sling, Mirror Image from Targ for +1d4+2
Any non-Combat Check against a Bane: Discard The Paladin to Bless + 1d10+3
Local Damage: Display Mist Horn to reduce damage to all local characters by 1d4+1
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the most populated location
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Soothing Word, Blessing of Milani, Aid
Recharged: Good Omen, Leech,
Discard Pile: Toad, Noble Brat, Fox, Archer, Poog of Zarongel, Speed, Magic Eye, Buried Pile: Charm Person,
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Start of Seoni's turn, recharge Mist Horn to draw 1 (Soothing Word) and move to the Waterfront. Targ is displayed at the Waterfront.
Off-turn: Send Good Omen to Recovery to boost Hayato's guard check.
Check to Recover: Good Omen - Divine 8:1d10 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11 - Recharged
Turn 5, under the Blessing of the Gods
Display Targ at Apothecary. Draw new Weapon (Short Sword +1/1), Spell (Mirror Image/B), Item (Wand of Force Missile/1), and Ally (Toad/1) and display them with Targ.
Bury Charm Person to draw a new Ally (Archer/B).
Move to The Rusty Dragon
Instead of Free Explore, display Sling on Targ to draw Toad from him.
Discard Toad to explore - Dragon #1: Eyes of the Eagle
Check to Acquire - Wisdom 5:1d6 ⇒ 3- Failed, banished.
Discard Noble Brat to explore - Dragon #2: Acolyte
Check to Acquire - Diplomacy 6:1d10 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 - Acquired
Discard Fox to explore - Dragon #3: Speed
Check to Acquire - Divine 6:1d10 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13 - Acquired
Discard Archer to explore - Dragon #4: Poog of Zarongel
Check to Acquire - Diplomacy 7:1d10 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13 - Acquired
Display Quilted Cloth Armor. Draw 3 to reset my hand and end my turn.
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Short Sword +1/1, Targ: Mirror Image/B, Targ: Wand of Force Missile/1, Targ: Sling/B, Quilted Cloth Armor,
Deck: 8 Discard: 4 Buried: 1
Hero Points: 1
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-Combat Check: Recharge Acolyte, Leech, Poog for +1d8
Any Local Check: Banish Sling, Mirror Image from Targ for +1d4+2
Any Dexterity check: Recovery Speed for +3
Any Combat Check: Recharge Poog for +3+Fire
Need Local intel? Recovery Magic Eye to examine top 3 of my location
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the most populated location
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Soothing Word, Aid, Blessing of Milani, Mist Horn, The Paladin, Cat, Troubadour
Recharged: Good Omen,
Discard Pile: Toad, Noble Brat, Fox, Archer, Buried Pile: Charm Person,
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Displayed: Deck: 10 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 1
NOTES: Available Support: Any check to Acquire, Close, or Guard: Recovery Good Omen for +1d6+1
Any Local Non-Combat Check: Recharge Noble Brat, Fox for +1d8
Any Local Non-Combat Check: Reload Sling for +1d4
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the most populated location
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Leech, Troubadour, The Paladin, Blessing of Milani, Magic Eye, Soothing Word, Flame Staff, Aid, Mist Horn, Cat
Recharged: Discard Pile: Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
For my card feat, I'll take an Ally (and fill it with a Tier 0).
For my upgrade:
Blessing 1:1d1 ⇒ 1 - If there's any leftover I'll take it, but I'll defer to others first. Sands of the Hour -> The Paladin
Spell 1:1d1000 ⇒ 118 - Upgrade Soothing Word to Cure. Because even though it's a B card in most places, it's a Tier 1 card in the Bard deck. :-p
Armor 1:1d1000 ⇒ 449 - If the others are all gone by now, I might as well upgrade my armor from Quilted Cloth to Magic Leather.
Weapon 1:1d1000 ⇒ 906 - If I manage to lose every single other upgrade roll, I'll bump the Sling I never use up to a Dagger +1 that I'll never use. ;-)
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Scorching Ray/Spell 1, Targ: Snake/B, Targ: Sling,
Deck: 10 Discard: 4 Buried: 2
Hero Points: 0
NOTES: Available Support: Any check to Acquire, Close, or Guard: Recovery Good Omen for +1d6+1
Any Local Non-Combat Check: Recharge Snake for +1d8
Any Local Check: Banish Sling from Targ for +1d4+1
Any non-combat Dex or Wis check: Discard Blessing of Milani to bless twice.
Any check to defeat a monster: Discard Blessing of Lamashtu to bless twice.
Need Healing? Recovery Soothing Word
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the most populated location
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Cat
Recharged: Potion of Healing, Holy Light, Leech, Shield of Fire Resistance, Sands of the Hour, Ilsoari Gandethus, Fox, Mist Horn, Quilted Cloth Armor,
Discard Pile: Blessing of Sarenrae, Magic Eye, Troubadour, Aid, Buried Pile: Blessing of Calistria, Charm Person,
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Scorching Ray/Spell 1, Targ: Snake/B, Targ: Sling, Quilted Cloth Armor,
Deck: 12 Discard: 3 Buried: 2
Hero Points: 0
NOTES: Available Support: Any check: Recovery Aid for +1d4+1
Any Local Check: Banish Sling from Targ for +1d4+1
Any non-combat Dex or Wis check: Discard Blessing of Milani to bless twice.
Any check to defeat a monster: Discard Blessing of Lamashtu to bless twice.
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the most populated location
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Good Omen, Cat, Snake, Soothing Word
Recharged: Potion of Healing, Holy Light, Leech, Shield of Fire Resistance, Sands of the Hour, Ilsoari Gandethus, Fox, Mist Horn,
Discard Pile: Blessing of Sarenrae, Magic Eye, Troubadour, Buried Pile: Blessing of Calistria, Charm Person,
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Scorching Ray/Spell 1, Targ: Snake/B, Targ: Sling, Quilted Cloth Armor,
Deck: 10 Discard: 3 Buried: 2
Hero Points: 0
NOTES: Available Support: Any check: Recovery Aid for +1d4+1
Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Recharge Ilsoari, Fox for +1d8
Any Local Check: Banish Sling from Targ for +1d4+1
Any Local Damage: Display Mist Horn to reduce damage to all local characters by 1d4+1
Any non-combat Dex or Wis check: Discard Blessing of Milani to bless twice.
Any check to defeat a monster: Discard Blessing of Lamashtu to bless twice.
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the most populated location
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Soothing Word, Good Omen, Cat, Flame Staff, Snake
Recharged: Potion of Healing, Holy Light, Leech, Shield of Fire Resistance, Sands of the Hour,
Discard Pile: Blessing of Sarenrae, Magic Eye, Troubadour, Buried Pile: Blessing of Calistria, Charm Person,
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Turn 19, under the Blessing of Gorum
Move to Warrens. Targ is displayed at the Warrens.
Cast Charm Person (burying it) to draw new Diplomacy ally (Ilsoari Gandethus/Ally 1)
Free Exploration - Warrens #1: Goblin Warrior.
Discard Troubadour from top of deck to evade, and let Hayato encounter it instead.
Pausing for Hayato's fight
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Scorching Ray/Spell 1, Targ: Snake/Ally C, Targ: Sling, Quilted Cloth Armor,
Deck: 11 Discard: 2 Buried: 1
Hero Points: 0
NOTES: Available Support: Any check: Recovery Aid for +1d4+1
Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Reload Mist Horn for +1d4
Any Local Check: Banish Sling from Targ for +1d4+1
Any Local Damage: Display Mist Horn to reduce damage by 1d4+1 for all local characters
Any non-combat Dex or Wis check: Discard Blessing of Milani to bless twice.
Any check to defeat a monster: Discard Blessing of Lamashtu to bless twice.
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the most populated location
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Troubadour, Cat, Good Omen, Flame Staff, Fox, Soothing Word
Recharged: Potion of Healing, Holy Light, Leech, Shield of Fire Resistance, Sands of the Hour,
Discard Pile: Blessing of Sarenrae, Magic Eye, Buried Pile: Blessing of Calistria,
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
End of Yoon's turn, recharge Holy Light to draw 1 (Magic Eye) and move to Scarnetti Manor Turn 12, under the Blessing of the Gods
Give Blessing of Erastil to Yoon (because his deck is running really low, and I don't want him to die).
Cast Magic Eye on Scarnetti Manor, examining Manor #4: Shield of Fire Resistance, Manor #5: Ghoul Scarecrow, Manor #6: Elven Chain Shirt. Send Magic Eye to Recovery.
Free Exploration - Manor #4: Shield of Fire Resistance
Bury Blessing of Calistria to encounter (Location text).
Recharge Leech for +1d8.
Check to Acquire - Constitution 6:1d6 + 1d8 ⇒ (3) + (4) = 7 - Acquired
Check to Recover: Magic Eye - Divine 9:1d10 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 - Failed, discarded.
Recharge Shield of Fire Resistance and draw 4 to reset my hand.
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Scorching Ray/Spell 1, Targ: Snake/Ally C, Targ: Sling, Quilted Cloth Armor,
Deck: 10 Discard: 2 Buried: 1
Hero Points: 0
NOTES: Available Support: Any check: Recovery Aid for +1d4+1
Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Reload Mist Horn for +1d4
Any Local Check: Banish Sling from Targ for +1d4+1
Any Local Damage: Display Mist Horn to reduce damage by 1d4+1 for all local characters
Any non-combat Dex or Wis check: Discard Blessing of Milani to bless twice.
Any check to defeat a monster: Discard Blessing of Lamashtu to bless twice.
Any check using a skill in the current hour: Recharge Sands of the Hour to bless.
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the most populated location
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Soothing Word, Cat, Good Omen, Troubadour, Fox, Flame Staff
Recharged: Potion of Healing, Holy Light, Leech, Shield of Fire Resistance,
Discard Pile: Blessing of Sarenrae, Magic Eye, Buried Pile: Blessing of Calistria,
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Discard Blessing of Milani to explore - Temple #2: Blessing of Gozreh, Nethys, Calistria
Check to Acquire - Divine 5:1d10 + 3 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + 3 + (3) = 10 - Auto-acquired
Automatically close the location. Display Quilted Cloth Armor.
Recharge Leech to heal myself:1d4 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3 cards: (Troubadour, Blessing of Milani, Blessing of Lamashtu). Deck shuffled.
Draw 4 to reset my hand and end my turn.
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Scorching Ray/Spell 1, Targ: Snake/Ally C, Targ: Sling, Quilted Cloth Armor,
Deck: 12 Discard: 1 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 0
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Recharge Leech for +1d8
Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Reload Mist Horn, Holy Light for +1d4
Any Local Check: Discard Sling from Targ for +1d4+1
Any Local Damage: Display Mist Horn to reduce damage by 1d4+1 for all local characters
Any non-combat Dex check: Discard Blessing of Calistria to bless twice.
Any non-combat Dex or Wis check: Discard Blessing of Milani to bless twice.
Any combat Dex check: Discard Blessing of Erastil to bless twice.
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the most populated location
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Aid, Cat, Fox, Sands of the Hour, Good Omen, Magic Eye, Flame Staff, Charm Person, Soothing Word, Troubadour, Blessing of Lamashtu
Recharged: Potion of Healing,
Discard Pile: Blessing of Sarenrae, Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Start of Seoni's turn, recharge Potion of Healing to draw Blessing of Erastil and move to the Woods.
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Scorching Ray/Spell 1, Targ: Snake/Ally C, Targ: Blessing of Erastil/Blessing B,
Deck: 10 Discard: 3 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 0
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Recharge Leech for +1d8
Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Reload Sling, Potion of Healing, Quilted Cloth Armor for +1d4
Any non-combat Dex or Wis check: Discard Blessing of Milani to bless twice.
Movement: If we want to win, I'll recharge Flame Staff or Leech to move to Mill and play Blessing of Milani to attempt a guard. Otherwise I'll keep buffing any checks to acquire a Tier 1 item here.
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Aid, Sands of the Hour, Flame Staff, Charm Person, Mist Horn, Magic Eye, Cat, Fox
Recharged: Soothing Word, Good Omen,
Discard Pile: Blessing of Sarenrae, Blessing of Lamashtu, Troubadour, Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Turn 1, under the Blessing of the Gods
Display Targ at the Temple. Draw 4 new cards to display with him. (Spiked Chain/Weapon B, Scorching Ray/Spell 1, Snake/Ally C, Blessing of Erastil/Blessing B)
Free Exploration - Temple #1: Scarecrow Golem
Reveal and recharge Sling for combat (Dex + 1d4 + 1d4). Targ banishes Spiked Chain for +1d4+1. Seoni reveals Binder's Tome for +1d4.
Check to Defeat - Combat 12:1d8 + 1d4 + 1d4 + 1d4 + 1 + 1d4 ⇒ (7) + (4) + (1) + (2) + 1 + (2) = 17 - Defeated, banished.
Choose not to close, there's too much good stuff here (and with all the blessings, it shouldn't take too long to run through it all)
Discard Sands of the Hour to examine - Temple #2: Blessing of Sarenrae then explore
Check to Acquire - Divine 5:1d10 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 - Acquired
Discard Blessing of Sarenrae to explore - Temple #3: Blessing of Lamashtu
Check to Acquire - Divine 5:1d10 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13 - Acquired
Discard Blessing of Lamashtu to explore - Temple #4: Potion of Healing
Reload Mist Horn for +1d4
Check to Acquire - Intelligence 5:1d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + (4) = 8 - Acquired
Discard Troubadour to explore - Temple #5: Horsechopper +1
Check to Acquire - Strength 9:1d4 ⇒ 4 - Auto-fail
Cast Soothing Word on myself, healed for 1: (Sands of the Hour). Deck shuffled.
Check to Recover: Soothing Word - Divine 8:1d10 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 - Recharged
Draw 4 to reset my hand and end my turn.
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Scorching Ray/Spell 1, Targ: Snake/Ally C, Targ: Blessing of Erastil/Blessing B,
Deck: 9 Discard: 3 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 0
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Recharge Leech for +1d8
Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Reload Sling, Potion of Healing, Quilted Cloth Armor, Good Omen for +1d4
Any Check to Acquire/Close/Guard: Recovery Good Omen for +1d6+1
Any non-combat Dex or Wis check: Discard Blessing of Milani to bless twice.
Movement: If we want to win, I'll recharge Flame Staff or Leech to move to Mill and play Blessing of Milani to attempt a guard. Otherwise I'll keep buffing any checks to acquire a Tier 1 item here.
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Flame Staff, Charm Person, Magic Eye, Aid, Fox, Mist Horn, Sands of the Hour, Cat
Recharged: Soothing Word,
Discard Pile: Blessing of Sarenrae, Blessing of Lamashtu, Troubadour, Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Displayed: Deck: 9 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 0
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Recharge Troubadour for +1d8
Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Reload Sling, Soothing Word, Mist Horn, Good Omen for +1d4
Any Check to Acquire/Close/Guard: Recovery Good Omen for +1d6+1
Any Check using a skill listed in the hour's check to acquire: Recharge Sands of the Hour to bless
Any Local Damage: Display Mist Horn to reduce damage by 1d4+1 for everybody at the location
Movement: If we want to win, I'll recharge Flame Staff or Leech to move to Mill and play Blessing of Milani to attempt a guard. Otherwise I'll keep buffing any checks to acquire a Tier 1 item here.
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Dogslicer +1/1, Targ: Elven Breastplate/1, Targ: Augury/B,
Deck: 17 Discard: 5 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 0
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Recharge Leech for +1d8
Any Local Check: (in order of preference) Banish Augury from Targ for +1d4+1
Any Local Damage: Display Mist Horn to reduce damage by 1d4+1 for everybody at the location
Movement: If we want to win, I'll recharge Flame Staff or Leech to move to Mill and play Blessing of Milani to attempt a guard. Otherwise I'll keep buffing any checks to acquire a Tier 1 item here.
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Deflect, Wand of Shield,
Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Soldier, Toad, Troubadour, Aldern Foxglove, Fox, Quilted Cloth Armor, Sands of the Hour, Mayor Kendra Deverin, Charm Person, Aid, Magic Eye, Potion of Ruggedness, Detect Evil
Recharged: Soothing Word, Flame Staff,
Discard Pile: Find Traps, Blessing of the Gods, Cat, Fire Sneeze, Blessing of Milani, Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Dogslicer +1/1, Targ: Elven Breastplate/1, Targ: Augury/B,
Deck: 17 Discard: 4 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 0
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Recharge Leech for +1d8
Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Reload Flame Staff, Blessing of Milani for +1d4
Any Local Check: (in order of preference) Banish Augury from Targ for +1d4+1
Any Non-combat Dex or Wisdom: Discard Milani to bless twice.
Movement: If we want to win, I'll recharge Flame Staff or Leech to move to Mill and play Blessing of Milani to attempt a guard. Otherwise I'll keep buffing any checks to acquire a Tier 1 item here.
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Deflect, Mist Horn, Wand of Shield,
Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Fox, Aid, Potion of Ruggedness, Sands of the Hour, Troubadour, Toad, Magic Eye, Detect Evil, Soldier, Mayor Kendra Deverin, Quilted Cloth Armor, Aldern Foxglove, Charm Person
Recharged: Soothing Word,
Discard Pile: Find Traps, Blessing of the Gods, Cat, Fire Sneeze, Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Off-turn - End of Alahazra's turn
Check to Recover: Find Traps - Divine 8:1d10 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 - Discarded
Turn 16, under the Blessing of Lamashtu
Move to Junk Beach. Targ is displayed at Junk Beach.
Free Exploration - Junk Beach #1: Blessing of the Gods
Auto Acquired.
Discard Blessing of the Gods to explore - Junk Beach #2: Wand of Shield
Check to Acquire - Arcane 7:1d10 + 2 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + 2 + (4) = 7 - Acquired
Discard Cat to explore - Junk Beach #3: Werewolf
Not a full moon. Reveal Flame Staff 1d10+3+1d4. Discard Fire Sneeze for +1d8. Seoni reveals Binder's Tome for +1d4. Flame Staff invokes Magic, so Cat adds +1d4
Check to Defeat - Combat 13:1d10 + 1d12 + 1d4 + 1d4 ⇒ (10) + (3) + (3) + (1) = 17 - Defeated
Send Soothing Word to Recovery to heal 1: (Soldier). Deck shuffled.
Check to Recover: Soothing Word - Divine 8:1d10 + 3 + 1d4 ⇒ (9) + 3 + (3) = 15 - Recharged.
Draw 3 to reset my hand, and end my turn.
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Dogslicer +1/1, Targ: Elven Breastplate/1, Targ: Augury/B,
Deck: 14 Discard: 4 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 0
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Recharge Leech for +1d8
Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Reload Wand of Shield, Deflect, Mist Horn, Blessing of Milani, Flame Staff for +1d4
Any Local Check: (in order of preference) Banish Augury from Targ for +1d4+1
Local Combat Damage: Recovery Deflect to reduce it by 4
Local Any Damage: Display Mist Horn to reduce it for everybody here by 1d4+1
Any Non-combat Dex or Wisdom: Discard Milani to bless twice.
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the largest group of players
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Aldern Foxglove, Sands of the Hour, Magic Eye, Mayor Kendra Deverin, Fox, Troubadour, Aid, Charm Person, Soldier, Potion of Ruggedness, Toad, Quilted Cloth Armor, Detect Evil
Recharged: Soothing Word,
Discard Pile: Find Traps, Blessing of the Gods, Cat, Fire Sneeze, Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Seoni's Turn: Receive Find Traps
Myrtle's Turn:
Recharge Aldern Foxglove to boost a check.
Banish Sling from Targ to boost a combat check.
After Myrtle Closes the Academy:
Recharge Potion of Ruggedness to draw 1 (Soothing Word) and move to Town Square.
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Dogslicer +1/1, Targ: Elven Breastplate/1, Targ: Augury/B,
Deck: 15 Discard: 1 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 0
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Recharge Cat for +1d8
Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Reload Fire Sneeze, Soothing Word, Find Traps, Mist Horn, Flame Staff for +1d4
Any Local Check: (in oreder of preference) Banish Augury from Targ for +1d4+1
Local Any Damage: Display Mist Horn to reduce it for everybody here by 1d4+1
Any Barrier Check: Recovery Find Traps to add 2 dice
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the largest group of players
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Detect Evil, Troubadour, Leech, Charm Person, Mayor Kendra Deverin, Deflect, Toad, Blessing of Milani, Sands of the Hour, Fox, Magic Eye, Aid, Quilted Cloth Armor
Recharged: Aldern Foxglove, Potion of Ruggedness,
Discard Pile: Soldier, Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Dogslicer +1/1, Targ: Elven Breastplate/1, Targ: Augury/B, Targ: Sling/B,
Deck: 14 Discard: 1 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 0
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Recharge Aldern Foxglove, Cat for +1d8
Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Reload Potion of Ruggedness, Fire Sneeze, Mist Horn, Flame Staff for +1d4
Any Local Check: (in oreder of preference) Banish Sling, Augury from Targ for +1d4+1
Local Any Damage: Display Mist Horn to reduce it for everybody here by 1d4+1
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the largest group of players
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Leech, Mayor Kendra Deverin, Charm Person, Troubadour, Sands of the Hour, Soothing Word, Blessing of Milani, Quilted Cloth Armor, Deflect, Magic Eye, Detect Evil, Toad, Fox, Aid
Recharged: Discard Pile: Soldier, Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
End of Yoon's turn
Recharge Soothing Word to draw Sling and move to Academy.
Turn 4, under the Blessing of Pharasma
Display Targ. Draw new Weapon, Armor, Spell, Ally to display on Targ. (Dogslicer +1/1, Elven Breastplate/1, Augury/B, Toad/1)
In place of free exploration, display Sling on Targ to draw Toad.
Send Magic Eye to Recovery to examine top three cards of the location. (Augury, Find Traps, Henchman)
Check to Recover: Magic Eye - Divine 9:1d10 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 - Discarded
Draw 2 to reset my hand and end my turn.
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Dogslicer +1/1, Targ: Elven Breastplate/1, Targ: Augury/B, Targ: Sling,
Deck: 8 Discard: 1 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 0
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Recharge Toad, Cat, Leech for +1d8
Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Reload Deflect, Mist Horn, Flame Staff for +1d4
Local Combat Damage: Recovery Deflect to reduce it by 4.
Local Any Damage: Display Mist Horn to reduce it by 1d4+1
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the largest group of players
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Quilted Cloth Armor, Aid, Fox, Troubadour, Sands of the Hour, Blessing of Milani, Charm Person
Recharged: Soothing Word,
Discard Pile: Magic Eye, Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Displayed: Deck: 10 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 0
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Reload Soothing Word, Magic Eye, Flame Staff for +1d4
Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Recharge Cat, Leech for +1d8
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the largest group of players
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Sling,
Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Aid, Mist Horn, Charm Person, Troubadour, Sands of the Hour, Quilted Cloth Armor, Fox, Blessing of Milani, Deflect
Recharged: Discard Pile: Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Displayed: Deck: 9 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 0
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Reload Sling, Soothing Word, Magic Eye, Flame Staff for +1d4
Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Recharge Cat, Leech for +1d8
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the largest group of players
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Sands of the Hour, Troubadour, Quilted Cloth Armor, Blessing of Milani, Aid, Fox, Deflect, Charm Person, Mist Horn
Recharged: Discard Pile: Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck (☐ or reload a card), to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck (☑ or recharge an ally) to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Reload Sling and Deflect to boost Myrtle
Recharge Potion of Gracefulness to draw one (Deflect) and move to Vault. Targ displays at the Vault
After Myrtle explores again and encounters the villain, I attempt to guard.
Recharge Fox for +1d4. Discard from top of deck for +1d8.
Check to Guard: Divine 6:1d10 + 3 + 1d4 + 1d8 ⇒ (1) + 3 + (1) + (2) = 7 Auto-success
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Enfeeble/1, Targ: Fiery Glare/B, Targ: Fox/B, Quilted Cloth Armor,
Deck: 8 Discard: 5 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 0
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Reload Sling, Deflect, Fox, Poog of Zarongel, Potion of Gracefulness, Flame Staff for +1d4
Local Combat Damage: Recovery Deflect to reduce by 4.
Any Combat: Recharge Poog for +3+Fire
Need Healing: Bury Poog to recharge 1d4 discards
Any Check: Recovery Aid for +1d4+1
Any Local Check: Banish Fox, Fiery Glare, from Targ for +1d4+1
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the largest group of players
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Sands of the Hour, Mist Horn, Potion of Healing, Cat, Magic Eye, Token of Remembrance
Recharged: Enfeeble, Cyrdak Drokkus,
Discard Pile: Leech, Blessing of Milani, Troubadour, Blessing of Desna, Soothing Word, Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Enfeeble/1, Targ: Fiery Glare/B, Targ: Poog of Zarongel/P, Quilted Cloth Armor,
Deck: 8 Discard: 5 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 0
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Reload Cyrdak Drokkus, Deflect, Fox, Potion of Healing, Potion of Gracefulness, Flame Staff for +1d4
Local Combat Damage: Recovery Deflect to reduce by 4.
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the largest group of players
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Aid, Mist Horn, Token of Remembrance, Cat, Sands of the Hour, Magic Eye, Sling
Recharged: Enfeeble,
Discard Pile: Leech, Blessing of Milani, Troubadour, Blessing of Desna, Soothing Word, Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Hayato's Turn: Reload Potion of Gracefulness and Cyrdak Drokkus
End of Hayato's Turn (after he closes the Prison): Recharge Enfeeble to draw Cyrdak Drokkus and move to the Warrens. That way I'm in place if I need to guard.
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the largest group of players
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Potion of Gracefulness,
Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Sling, Token of Remembrance, Aid, Mist Horn, Sands of the Hour, Magic Eye, Fox, Cat
Recharged: Enfeeble,
Discard Pile: Leech, Blessing of Milani, Troubadour, Blessing of Desna, Soothing Word, Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Turn 8, under the Blessing of Lamashtu
Send Soothing Word to Recovery to heal 1: (Aid). Deck shuffled.
Dungeon: Draw 1 (Troubadour).
Move to Prison. Targ displays at Prison.
Satisfied that the Dungeons have been dealt with, Twozee and Targ head back out into the prison area to search there.
Finding a small alter that one of the prisoners had built into their cell long ago, Twozee stops to whisper a prayer to the Goddess of Freedom and Luck. Though the prisoner surely built this hoping for the former, Twozee is more inclines to pray for the latter. In a dark place like this, he could use all the luck she can muster.
And sure enough, that luck quickly pays off! Just a few moments later, in the next cell, he spots a magical potion vial. He slips it into his pocket to save for later, thinking to maybe offer it to Myrtle to see if she can identify it.
Discard Blessing of Desna to explore - Prison #3: Cyrdak Drokkus
Check to Acquire - Diplomacy 5:1d10 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 - Acquired
One more cell over, Twozee is surprised to find the cell is still occupied. And by a producer, no less! Twozee unlocks the door for him, and then puts on a brief performance in celebration. He points the producer to the correct way out, but not before eliciting a promise that he'll get a booking the next time he's in town.
Check to Recover: Soothing Word - Divine 8:1d10 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 - Discarded
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Enfeeble/1, Targ: Potion of Healing/B, Targ: Poog of Zarongel/P, Quilted Cloth Armor,
Deck: 8 Discard: 5 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 0
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Reload Potion of Gracefulness, Cyrdak Drokkus, Enfeeble, Deflect, Fiery Glare, Flame Staff for +1d4
Local Combat Damage: Recovery Deflect to reduce by 4.
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the largest group of players
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Fox, Cat, Aid, Token of Remembrance, Sands of the Hour, Sling, Mist Horn, Magic Eye
Recharged: Discard Pile: Leech, Blessing of Milani, Troubadour, Blessing of Desna, Soothing Word, Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Seoni's turn: Reload Sling and Token
Myrtle's turn: Send Aid to recovery.
End of Myrtle's turn: Check to Recover: Aid - Divine 8:1d10 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 - Discarded
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Turn 2, under the Blessing of Shelyn
Display Targ at the Thassilonian Dungeon, drawing 4 cards to display with him: (Battleaxe/Weapon B, Enfeeble/Spell 1, Potion of Healing/Item B, Poog of Zarongel/Ally P)
Display Quilted Cloth Armor
Twozee and his friend Targ head into the dungeon, with their friend Seoni following closely behind.
"Shiny!" says Targ, pointing at something sparkling on the ground. Twozee picks up the token, slipping it into his pocket in case he needs it later.
Discard Leech to explore - Dungeon #2: Ambush
Discard Blessing of Milani to bless twice. Reload Token of Remembrance for +1d4.
Check to Defeat - Dexterity 9+1=10:3d8 + 1d4 ⇒ (1, 4, 7) + (1) = 13 - Success, defeated.
Just then, his ears perk up. He hears sounds of movement ahead, possibly some creature planning an ambush. Keen to avoid it, he and Targ take a different route around the ambush spot.
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Upgrade Bracers of Protection (Item 0) to Mist Horn (Core) (Item 1)
Add in Deflect (Spell 0) to fill empty spell slot (due to it being banished last scenario)
Start at Thassilonian Dungeon
Displayed: Deck: 9 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 0
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Reload Soothing Word, Leech, Aid, Blessing of Milani, Flame Staff, Quilted Cloth Armor for +1d4
Any check: Recovery Aid for +1d4+1
Non-Combat Dex/Wis check, or if it recharges: Blessing of Milani
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the largest group of players
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Mist Horn, Sling, Fiery Glare, Sands of the Hour, Troubadour, Cat, Fox, Magic Eye, Deflect
Recharged: Discard Pile: Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Item 1:1d1000 ⇒ 469 - Either Ruby of Charisma or Mist Horn (Core), haven't decided which yet...
Spell 1:1d1000 ⇒ 866 - Probably Locate Object, maybe Good Omen or Cure (though it sounds like we have plenty of healing now)
During Seoni's Turn: Discard BotG, reload Acid Arrow
During Myrtle's Turn: Recharge Fiery Weapon to draw Acid Arrow and move back to the Fort.
Cast Aid and reload Acid Arrow for Myrtle's guard attempt.
When Myrtle's check fails, I attempt to guard myself. Reload Mirror Image +1d4, Targ banishes Deflect +1d4+1. Myrtle discards Blessing of the Elements to bless.
Check to Guard - Strength 8:2d4 + 1d4 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3, 2) + (3) + (1) + 1 = 10 - Success
Villain has nowhere to run! Victory!
Twozee follows Hayato, exploring the main building of the Fort. As he does, he runs into a couple sympathetic people, and recruits them to join his cause.
Forgo free exploration to instead display Deflect on Targ and draw Blessing of Calistria from Targ.
Recharge Blessing of Calistria to explore - Fort Rannick #1: Archer
Check to Acquire - Diplomacy 6:1d10 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 - Acquired.
Discard Archer to explore - Fort Rannick #2: Aldern Foxglove
Check to Acquire - Diplomacy 4:1d10 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 - Autoacquire.
Recharge Aldern Foxglove to draw a card (Acid Arrow) and move to Throne Room.
Finally, on hearing that the villain Nualia had been spotted again, he runs off to the Throne Room to rally the people against her, to make sure she can't hide there.
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Bastard Sword +1, Deflect,
Deck: 16 Discard: 7 Buried: 1
Hero Points: 0
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Reload Acid Arrow, Fiery Weapon, Aid, Flame Staff, Mirror Image, Blessing of the Gods for +1d4
Any Local: (in order of preference) Banish Deflect from Targ for +1d4+1
Any combat w/Weapon: Recover Fiery Weapon for +1d4+Fire
Any check: Recovery Aid for +1d4+1
Need a blessing? Take it
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the largest group of players
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Soothing Word, Eyes of the Eagle, Fox, Blessing of the Gods (2), Sling, Cat, Leech, Magic Eye, Blessing of the Gods (5)
Recharged: Inflict, Bracers of Protection, Fiery Glare, Detect Magic, Bracers of Protection (2), Blessing of Calistria, Aldern Foxglove,
Discard Pile: Blessing of the Gods, Troubadour, Blessing of Milani, Blessing of the Gods (3), Sands of the Hour, Dog, Archer, Buried Pile: Quilted Cloth Armor,
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.
Displayed:Targ, Targ: Bastard Sword +1, Targ: Blessing of Calistria,
Deck: 17 Discard: 6 Buried: 1
Hero Points: 0
NOTES: Available Support: Any Local Non-combat: (in order of preference) Reload Fiery Weapon, Deflect, Flame Staff, Mirror Image for +1d4
Any Local: (in order of preference) Banish Blessing of Calistra from Targ for +1d4+1
Any combat w/Weapon: Recover Fiery Weapon for +1d4+Fire
Local character taking Combat damage? Recover Deflect to reduce it by 4.
Movement: If my location closes, I'll recharge the next card on my reload list to move to the largest group of players
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Acid Arrow,
Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Fox, Sling, Eyes of the Eagle, Magic Eye, Soothing Word, Cat, Blessing of the Gods (4), Leech, Blessing of the Gods (5), Aid, Blessing of the Gods (2)
Recharged: Inflict, Bracers of Protection, Fiery Glare, Detect Magic, Bracers of Protection (2),
Discard Pile: Blessing of the Gods, Troubadour, Blessing of Milani, Blessing of the Gods (3), Sands of the Hour, Dog, Buried Pile: Quilted Cloth Armor,
Favored Card: Ally Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7☐ 8 Proficiencies: Arcane, Divine, Instrument POWERS:
When you encounter a monster and there is another local character, you may discard a card from the top of your deck to evade it; that character encounters it.
On a local character's non-combat check, you may reload a card to add 1d4, or discard a card from the top of your deck to add 1d8.
Once per turn you may recharge a card to draw a card, then you may move to another location.
Display at your location, and draw 4 new boons of different types and display them on this card. While displayed:
• When you move, display this card and any of its displayed boons at your new location.
• On a local character’s check, banish a displayed boon to add 1d4+ #.
• Instead of your first exploration on a turn, display a boon on this card to draw one that is displayed.
At the end of the scenario, draw any boons still displayed on this card.